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Adam Cheng's TV series


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I plan to post some comments on all the series and mini series I watched with Adam Cheng playing in them so far and I'll update it as soon as possible.

The legend of Yu Tang Chun TVB 1974

The story of a scholar who falls in love with a girl who is later accused of something while he was becoming an official. He only discovers what happened when he has to judge her and they finally reunite.

Good mini series.

The legend of the purple hairpin TVB 1975

A scholar falls in love with a girl and marry her. Later, he becomes an officer/official under the orders of a bad Prince, who absolutely wants him to marry his daughter. With his first officer, he builds an awful plot to let know each of the two lovers that the other one has abandoned him/her. The woman falls ill and it's only thanks to a friend of them that Adam Cheng discovers the truth. The two lovers reunite, but the Prince orders him to return with him and has he refuses, he is put to jail while his wife dies.

Superb series, with good songs. Adam Cheng and Liza Wang are excellent.

God of River Lok TVB 1975

A prince's son falls in love with a girl and wants to marry her, but his father sends him to war. While he is absent, his elder brother visits his secret fiancée and the father decides to marry them without knowing that his younger son and the girl are in love. When he returns from war, Adam wants to tell his father that he wants to marry Liza, but the father doesn't let him talk and announces him that she is marrying his elder brother and that he has chosen another woman for him. The two brothers are married the same day and Adam is devastated. Later, the two lovers reunite in secret and when the elder brother learns about that, he finds a plot to separate them. He begins by poison Adam's wife, then, after their father's death, he sends his brother to exile and as his wife (Liza) tells him that she still loves Adam and that he is her unique love, he poisons her too.

Superb mini series too, and Adam and Liza are still excellent, with superb songs.

Thre charming smiles TVB 1976

A scholar meets a beautiful girl at the temple and he immediately falls in love with her, but she ignores him. When he falls on the ground, she smiles and he thinks that if she smiles him thrice, they will be soon married. After the third smile, he has followed her to her town and he plays a servant in order to be employed in her house. They finally marry after a lot of funny situations.

Good mini series, with good songs too.

Pu Fei Yen TVB 1976

A scholar falls in love with his neighbor and he discovers that her husband is an awful man who beats her. They want to go away, but the husband beats his wife and the scholar calls the police, but it's too late for the woman.

Good mini series.

The legend of the book and the sword TVB 1976

The leader of the Red Flower society discovers that he is Emperor Qian Long's brother and that this latter is a Han.

As there are a lot of reviews of this series on the internet, I don't write a full synopsis...

Superb series, excellent theme song, excellent songs, excellent Adam Cheng in three roles (the chief of the sect, Qian Long and Qian Long's son).

The lamp lore TVB 1976

A young man rests in a temple and discovers a statue of Guan Yin (or another Goddess) who is impersonated by a real Goddess who has decided to go to Earth and he falls in love with her. They marry with the help of a God and the sister of the Goddess and they have a son, but the Heaven's soldiers put the Goddess in jail in a cave and she will have to stay there until her son is a teenager. While she is in jail, Adam has married another woman and has another son and the two brothers are very kind to each other. A rich man's son bullies them and the Goddess' son accidentally kills him. His brother pleads guilty and is put in jail while the Goddess' son leaves in order to find his real mother. They finally reunite and the second son is saved, but the Goddess has to definitely return to Heaven.

Superb mini series, very good songs. Adam and Liza are excellent and the story reminded me the synopsis of The white fox 1970.

Well, that's all for today, time to go to bed !!

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The kingdom and the beauty TVB 1977


The king (Adam ) travels incognito and meets a young girl who works in an inn. They fall in love, but the king must return to his kingdom.

When she learns about that through her spies, the Mother Queen sends assassins in order to kill the girl, but she manages to escape and later she gives birth to a boy.

When he returns to the inn, the King discovers that it is abandoned and he sends his men in order to find his lover. They finally reunite and he is happy to discover that he has a baby, but the Mother Queen still wants to get rid of the girl and finally, the girl dies (as I watched it a while ago, I don't remember why) and the King stays alone.


Very good mini series, good songs and, do I have to say it ? Adam is excellent, as usual.

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Luk Siu Fung part 2 : Before and after the duel TVB 1977


Adam plays Ye Gu Cheng, a famous swordsman who claims that he is a lonely man and does'nt have any friend and who wants to have a duel with Xi Men Chui Xue, another very famous swordsman in Jiang Hu. This latter is Lu Xiao Feng's friend and he is not very fond of having this duel.


There are some twists in the plot, the main one being that one discover that there is a plot to kill the King and that the assassin paid by the Eunuch and by the one who wants the throne is nobody else than Ye Gu Cheng, but instead of killing the King, he kills the ones who wanted the throne.

Then, Ye Gu Cheng go to the duel with Xi Men Chui Xue and, before the duel, he admits that Lu Xiao Feng is also his friend, and then, he is killed by Xi Men Chui Xue.



I was a little bit disappointed by the wholes series, and this part particularly : not only Adam Cheng doesn't appear very much in the episodes, but he has only about 3 mini fights in addition to the famous duel, and all the fights (in the whole series too) are filmed in slow motion, which was very annoying in my opinion. One or two fights in slow motion were enough for me and the rest should have been normally filmed.


However, Adam Cheng is still very good in his role of the lonely and apparently cold blooded swordsman and the songs are good too. And as Alexandra said in one of her posts, we could say that Adam is a synonyme of Elegance...

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Heaven sword and dragon sabre TVB 1978


I won't write a synopsis here, as there are many reviews in the internet.


Superb series, superb theme song, superb Adam Cheng and Liza Wang...

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Don't look now TVB 1980


A funny series about a family who lives in a house where there's a spirit who makes people to speak as if they were playing Huang Mei or to do things that they aren't able to do when the spirit isn't in them, such as catching robbers in a bank or using rollers...


Adam Cheng appears in only 2 or 3 episodes and he is very funny in the role of an innocent guy who has twiches and discovers the existence of the spirit.



But the series is just so-so...

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The switch TVB 1982


In this series, Adam Cheng plays two roles. As I didn't clearly hear their names, I will call them Bad Adam and Good Adam.


Good Adam leaves his house to go to another town. There, while he is in a bar, he meets Bad Adam who has a mistress in the town. They drink a lot and Bad Adam takes back Good Adam to his hotel without being seen by the hotelier.


When Good Adam wakes up, he discovers that Bad Adam had stolen his clothes, his papers and his suitcases and that he wears Bad Adam's clothes and has Bad Adam's suitcases.


Bad Adam's chauffeur arrives and though Good Adam claims that he is not the one everybody seems to believe he is, he has to quit the hotel and to go to Bad Adam's house. Of course, he doesn't recognize anybody and he begins to call " wife " his sister-in-law (who is Bad Adam's mistress), then, his elder sister and finally, the real Bad Adam's wife and he also discovers that he has a little girl called Bo Bo.



As he doesn't have any proof of his real identity, he is forced to stay in this family and the more he stays, the more he becomes attached to all the members. He discovers that the mother is addicted to morphine due to terrible pains she has, that the sister-in-law tries to seduce him, that his brother is a little bit jealous, that the little Bo Bo is very mystic due to what the elder sister teached her, that his wife is sick and he doesn't understand why his elder sister seems to hate him.


As he is now the chief of this family, he has to go to work in the family enterprise and he discovers a room where there are traces of gun bullets and blood and he finds pictures of his elder sister and a man he doesn't know.


In order to avoid to participate to a horse race, he burns his hand and his elder sister finally accepts to cure him and his brother wins the course.


Later, he goes to the town and he meets Bad Adam's mistress and he immediately falls in love with her.


After some investigations, he discovers that Bad Adam's is responsible of the death of his brother-in-law and, due to his good actions, he finally succeeds in making the mother to get rid of the morphine, to make his elder sister return to work with their brother, to make his sister-in-law realize that she really loves her husband and even to help Bo Bo to get rid of her mysticism.


And that's at this moment that Bad Adam calls him on the phone and asks him to leave. Of course, Good Adam is furious against him but he leaves and becomes the target of an assassin paid by Bad Adam. He hides in Bad Adam's mistress' house and he finally confess that he is not the one she loved, and she tells him that she already knows that because of the difference of behavior between the two Adams. They try to go away and the killer shoots them and Good Adam is hurt in the other arm.

He finally manages to escape and even to kill his assassin and he return in the family, where he meets Bad Adam, who terrorizes his family, tries to rape his sister-in-law, scares Bo Bo, isn't even sad after his wife's death (I forgot to mention that she dies under mysterious conditions and the investigation finally leads to find that she comitted suicide), wants his mother to take morphine again...They fight and the whole family finally discovers that there are two Adams.


Of course, the two of them claim to be the real one and finally, Bad Adam is killed by his own family. When he realizes that he is responsible of this drama, Good Adam leaves though the little Bo Bo begs him to stay and he goes to Bad Adam's mistress' house in order to tell her that Bad Adam is dead.


When she realizes that she loves him, it's too late and he has already left and he takes the train in order to return home.




A superb series, with a very sad ending for both Adams (but I think that the bad one deserves it, even if it's not a very good thought ! ).


In my country, we say that a great actor is the one who is able to play dramas as well as comic roles and to provoke love or hate from the public according to the roles he plays.


It's exactly what Adam Cheng is able to do : the more I watch his movies/series and the more I think that he is really a great actor, who is able to show emotions, hate, laugh...and he is as an accomplished actor as were the American actors of the Great Era, who were able to play in musicals as well as in westerns or dramas or comedies or thriller and so on. He deserves to be more recognized by the public in my opinion...

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The new legend of Chu Liu Xiang 1985


There is a short synopsis for all four parts of this series in the page Chu Liu Xiang of the English wikipedia, so, I won't write one here.


All the four parts are interesting and I was surprised to discovered that Ching Li (yes, the Shaw Brothers' actress) played in one of them.



The series is very good, the song (not sung by Adam Cheng, from what is mentioned in the above mentioned page) is very good too and Adam Cheng is excellent in portraying Chu Liu Xiang.

Eddy Ko Hung plays Hu Tieh Hua in two parts of the series.

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Legend of Wong Tai Sin TVB 1986


Adam Cheng plays the god of rain. As he is kind hearted, he stops punishing the people on earth (as he was ordered to) by making the rain to provoke floods and he is punished by the God of gods and sent on Earth, where he is born to a rich family, but he is only the " bastard" son of the rich guy as his mother is a poor one and he is raised together with the own son of the rich guy.

He becomes a shepard and one day, he saves the life of a rich man played by Tse Yin, who is a Prince. They become friends and Tse Yin takes him with him, so, he becomes rich and he falls in love with a girl who is promised to Tse Yin. They fight and the girl dies and Adam is left as he was dead because he doesn't know how to fight.


He is saved by four deities who pity him and they give him some powers. He then becomes a famous doctor with good fighting skills and he saves a rich girl.


He also becomes friend with another rich girl who plays the poor ones and he reunites with his half-brother and together, they try to stop Tse Yin who is plotting in order to become the king.


Adam finally succeed in stopping Tse Yin and he returns to Heaven, but almost immediately, he returns on Earth in order to help the poor people.



Very good series, good fights and Tse Yin is hatable in the role of the bad guy ! (As an information which have nothing to do with Adam Cheng's series, Tse Yin is even more hatable in the superb series The fallen family !!!).

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Behind silk curtains TVB 1988


Adam plays a banker who doesn't want to lend money to Peter Yang Kwan whose enterprise is almost in bankrupcy unless he has shares in the enterprise, but Yang Kwan refuses.


Yang Kwan's daughter (Liza Wang) tries to persuade him to accept Adam's offer and to let her be the head of the enterprise, but he finds that she is too ambitious and he prefers to choose his elder son (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) to be the head of his enterprise. Unfortunately, Tony Leung dies in a car accident when he was driving fast with his brother. Yang kwan is devastated and he helds his second son responsible of this elder son's death and he almost has a heart attack.

Things become worse when Liza marries Adam, after having paid Adam's mistress in order that she won't see him again.


Later, Liza discovers that Adam still sees his former lover and she is furious.

The daughter of the chief of the bank appears and Liza's brother falls in love with her and marries her.


Adam fears that the young couple might try to recover Yang Kwan's enterprise (Yang Kwan has passed away after a dispute with his daughter) and, together with his son (Stephen Chow), they think of something in order to stop them.


Stephen Chow is an evil son, here : he has the idea to make the young bride that her husband is still with his former lover and he pays this latter in order to help him for his plot.


Later, a guy who works with Adam and his son has a dispute with both of them on a boat and he falls in the water. Adam tries to save him, but his evil son tells him that it's better for them to let him die and he even beats him. Liza (who was on the boat too and was resting during the murder) discovers that they have murdered the guy and she begins to be afraid of her husband.


Then, Liza seeks the help of a lawyer who was in love with her and together they find proofs of the evil deeds of Adam and his son.


Adam has also a nephew who loves him as he was his father and even calls him father. When the nephew discovers the plane tickets (Adam and his son have planned to leave the town when they suspect that they might be arrested), he hides them and believes that he will leave with Adam too.


And that's here that we discover Adam's real face : while he seemd to be a good understanding guy, he becomes furious and he doesn't hesitate to beat the nephew and the young bride who is at home, together with his son. The evil son even wants to kill both of them and they enclosed them in the kitchen and open the gas, but then Adam discovers some pictures the nephew had kept and on which they are together and he realises how much the nephew loves him and he decides to not kill them and he stops the gas.


Adam and Stephen try to leave the house, but Liza's brother arrives with his two friends in order to rescue his wife and they fight. In order to get rid of them, Stephen takes the bride as hostage and they finally can leave the house.


When they arrive at the airport, Liza and the lawyer are awaiting for them and when they realize that the police is here to arrest them, they try to escape and then, Adam discovers his son's real face, as Stephen is so willing to escape that he beats his father in order to get rid of him and takes the lift, but a policeman kills him and Adam has only his tears to cry while he is arrested and Liza stays with her lawyer...



Superb series, superb Adam Cheng who proves once again that he is able to play all kind of roles without any problem.

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Episodic drama IX TVB 1988


There are two independent movies in this boxset.





Here, Adam plays the role of a general who has been jailed by the king for some reason and who befriends his guardian, played by James Yi Lui.



As I don't understand Cantonese, I didn't really understand why Adam was jailed, why he refused to escape when his guardian told him to do so, but I find that it was a good drama.


Usually, I don't like Yi Lui (though he had funny roles in some of the Shaw Brothers' Malay movies I had the luck to watch), but I must admit that I was really impressed by his performance in this movie : at the beginning, he is a impitoyable guardian, but the more he stays with the prisoner, the more he becomes to understand him, to pity him and to respect him. Very good and unusual role for him.





In the modern days. Adam is married and has a son. One day, his wife and son have a car accident and the wife is in the coma.

He has now to raise his son and try to compensate his wife's absence. One day, when they are at the park, they meet a woman who is a photographer and wants to do a reportage on Adam, who is a well known head of an entreprise.


They meet again and again, as the boy is very attached to her, and what had to happen happens and Adam falls for the girl.


However, he has remorses and he doesn't want to see her again, but she comes to his home and he falls again for her, but the hospital calls him. I don't know if they call him in orer to let his wife die, or for something else, but the fact is that when he talks to his wife, he sees that she is crying (even if she is not awake) and the photographer leaves him when she realizes that he still loves his wife.



Once again, a very good role for Adam...

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Kuet Gin Wong Shing aka The sword and the sabre TVB 1989


As there is a very good review in the forum specnet, I won't rewrite one here.


All what I can say is that it's a superb series, with very good and inventive fights, a very good plot about Yue Fei and that Beardy and Adam Cheng are great.

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Once upon a time in Shanghai TVB 1996


Years ago, Adam was in love with a young girl and they had planned to go away together, but Adam never succeeded in reuniting with his lover because this latter's father had paid guys in order to beat him to death. A gambling master saved him, took care of him and teached him all what he knew.


Later, the gambling master is killed by a godfather (Poon Chi Man) and Adam promises him to avenge him and to take care of his son as if he was his own son. He defies Poon Chi Man in a game and he wins and Poon decides to take revenge.


Later, they meet again and Adam sees that his former lover is now among Poon's relatives. He tries to explain her why he never reunited with her, but she doesn't want to listen to him and she takes side with Poon.


Adam meets Carol Cheng, whose brother is a gambler who plays in Adam's gambling house and they become friends.


The gambling master's son falls in love with a young dancer of the club, who is married to a teenage, and he kills the young boy with Carol Cheng's brother as witness. So, later, he kills him and Carol believes that it's Adam who killed him but he succeeds in convincing her that he is not responsible.


Later, when she saves his life he finally realizes that he loves her and he gives his blood in order to save her.


He has also befriended a young man (Sunny Chan) who falls in love with Poon's daughter and begins to work for Poon with his friend. When he learns that Poon plans to kill Adam, he manages to save him several times with his friend's help, but he has to leave Shanghai because Poon wants to kill him and he goes to Hong Kong, where he meets the dancer who was in love with him (the same who was married to the young boy) and they finally marry and she is pregnant. Chan has also a friend who is a policeman and this one pities Poon's daughter who is very sad because Chan has gone away, and he leads her to Hong Kong, but Chan hides and she only sees that he is now married and soon a father, so, she finally marry Chan's friend (the gangster one).


Later, Adam's " adopted " son tricks him and beats him to death and he now suffers from amnesia. He meets Carol Cheng by a stroke of luck and he falls in love again without recognizing her though he has some flashbacks. It's only when they are attacked by a Japanese's man (played by Lo Meng) who is his ennemy and when she saves his life again that he recovers all his memory. The Japanese men kidnap Carol Cheng and ask him to give them something (I didn't understand what it is) and in order to avoid that he gives them what they want, Carol poisons herself.


Adam asks a doctor to give her an antidote, but the doctor hesitates as he is not sure that the antidote will work and then Adam tries it to him and falls in the coma, but Carol is saved.


Sunny Chan returns to Shanghai in order to revenge for his wife and her family who have been slaughtered by Poon's men, as well as his policeman friend, and with the help of Adam and his gangster friend, they succeed in killing Poon, but he looses his lover (Poon's daughter).


FInally, Adam awakes and he leaves Shanghai with Carol.



Of course, I didn't wrote all the details of the plot, which is very interesting and full of twists...



I'm not really fond of gangsters/guns/triads/godfathers movies and I bought this series only because Adam played in it and I must admit that I was so interested in this series that it took me only a week to watch all the episodes. What a superb series !!


I read somewhere that it's a remake of The bund (TVB) with Chow Yun Fat. Well, I' dont really like Chow Yun Fat and I wonder if the original is as good as the remake...


Of course, there's no need to say that Adam is excellent in this series, as well as Sunny Chan and Carol Cheng. And the theme song is very good too.

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Legend of Yung Ching 1997


Cheng Hung Lieh plays Emperor Kangxi, who loves his 4th son Ying Zhen (Adam Cheng) but also uses him as a spy in order to know which one of all his sons he should choose to be his successor.


Ying Zhen befriends the Lu family (he travels incognito) and he falls in love wiht the daughter Lu Siniang.


14th son wants to be the next emperor and he plots in order to succeed, even using black magic in order to frighten his father.


Kangxi finally dies and it's revealed that it's Ying Zhen who will be the emperor, under the name of Yung Ching.


There are a lot of plots and twists and at the end, it seems that Lu Siniang kills Yung Ching, but the last images let believe that actually he lives in the mountain with her and their son, while his own son Hong Li has become emperor under the name of Qian Long.

If you buy the taiseng version of this series, don't pay attention to the synopsis written on the box, it's full of mistakes !


Superb series, with very good and impressive fights. Adam, Jade Leung, the other girl, Goo Goon Chung and all the actors are excellent.

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Lord of Imprisonment 1999


As I received some defective discs in this series, I couldn't watch it properly, but from what I saw, I can say that it's also a very good series, with good fights and good plots for each of the four parts.


Adam Cheng plays a righteous constable, helped by the chief constable of the town played by Cheng Hung Lieh, by the doctor's daughter who is in love with him, and by the ruler of the inn, played by Cheng Pei Pei, who has good fights too, though they aren't enough for me.


Goo Goon Chung plays in the first part and he has also good fights. He should have been more popular when he played in the Shaw Brothers' movies, he is a good actor too.

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Meteor Butterfly Sword 2002


The gambling house of the town is ruled by a woman called Kao Lao Ta. When she was young, she took care of 4 boys who are now assassins under her orders. At the beginning of the series, there are only three of them with her : the elder, called Meng (if I'm not mistaken), the second one and the younger one.


Someone asks Kao Lao Ta to kill Adam Cheng, who is a very popular guy in the town and Meng is sent to do the job, but he becomes friend with him. He falls in love with Adam's daughter who has been chased from the house because she was pregnant and she didn't want to tell her father who was the father, but he does'nt know that she is his daughter. He also becomes friend with Norman Tsui's daughter, and he provokes a quarrel between Norman and Adam in order to accomplish his mission.



Later, he finally discovers that the woman he loves is Adam's daughter and they try to escape, but he suffers from amnesia and disappears.



Everybody wants to kill Adam for some reason and he has to suspect eveybody, including his faithful lieutenant.


After a lots of twists and plots, it's finally discovered that it was the Adam and Norman's lieutenants who had plot to get rid of both of them and with the help of Meng, the third assassin, his daughter and Norman's daughter, Adam finally succeed in getting rid of all who wanted to kill him.



Of course, my review isn't complete and the fact that there are no subtitles does'nt help, but I think that it's a really very good series, with a lots of good and inventive fights, a superb plot and Adam is excellent in it, though he doesn't have enough scenes and fights in my opinion. The actors who play Meng and the third assassin are very good too. The two girls aren't good enough in my opinion...

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The prince's shadow TVB 2005


As the title says, Adam plays the king's shadow in this series : it's him that the king sends in order to accomplish secret missions.


In this series, Adam has only three short fights, but what fights !! This series shows how he uses his brain in order to save the woman he loves from becoming the king's concubine, then from being framed for murder. She is sold to a brothel (where all the girls are virgins thanks to the ruler of the brothel, played by Sheren Teng) and then he has to uses his brain to save all the girls and Sheren from becoming the king's concubines.


He also uses his brain in order to hide that the king is a Han (so, I suppose that the mentioned king in the series must be Qian Long) and also to protect a secret regarding the Queen and her youth.


When the king finally finds that Adam knows too much, he tries to kill him and discovers that he knows martial arts.


With the Queen's help, Adam and all the girls escape from the palace, but the king still tries to kill them with his canon and they escape in a miracle.


Later, we see that each girl is well married and that Adam lives happy in another town with the two girls he loves : the first one mentioned above and Sheren Teng.




Even if he doesn't fight very much in this series, Adam is still excellent in portraying this guy who is so clever that he succeeds in cheating the king in all the enigmas he had to solve.

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As it's said in the cartoons : " That's all folks " ! You'll have to wait a little while that I finish to watch the series I'm currently watching....


Thanks for reading.

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Blade Heart TVB 2004


There are good reviews for this one in spcnet forum, so, I won't give a synopsis because of my poor English...


Superb series, superb plot, superb fights, superb songs (though they are all cut, even in the dvd version, what a shame ! ).


Adam Cheng and Liza Wang are excellent in it, but what a sad fate Adam Cheng's character has in this series !


It seems that the TVB writers are fond of sad endings for their series (I'm thinking of The fallen family, which is also a very sad superb series), it would be great if they could also give happy endings for some of them !!!

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The final verdict TVB 1988


1971 : Adam Cheng plays Xie Wen Wu, a kind hearted stuntman who is always ready to help the others. He is married to Cindy and has two children, a little boy (An) and a little gir (Kai Sin) and they live with his mother-in-law, who is always bullying him because she thinks that he is not worth his daughter.


Wen Wu often goes to the Fa's family restaurant, and one day, he helps them to pay the people smuggler who leads the Fa mother's nephew Kenneth Tsang (playing Lung) and his son Jiang Ming who is 8 years old.


Mrs Fa is always bullying her nephew (just as Adam Cheng's mother-in-law)and one day, he is so upset by her that he kills her, with Adam's mother-in-law as witness, so, he also kills the witness. But the other members of the Fa family have heard the fight and he kills them one by one, even his son's little cousin, who has offered a picture to Jiang Ming for his birthday.


A while ago, Cindy has met a former lover of hers who is a policeman, Sam Bo and he dates her with her mother's help and she becomes his mistress, but as she has remorses, she decides to avoid him. Lung owes money to members of a gambling house and they kidnap his son and here again, it's Wen Wu who helps him by giving them the money they want.


When she learns that her husband doesn't have the money he had promised her anymore, Cindy leaves him and decides to go to Taiwan. As he doesn't know that she dates Sam Bo, Adam decides do surpirse her and he takes tickets planes for him and the children in order to go to Taiwan too, but when they arrive at the ariport, they discover that she is leaving with Sam Bo and Adam is devastated.


Later, when he returns home, he discovers that his wife has taken the children with her and he goes to Sam Bo house and he fights with him and succeeds in taking back his son, and CIndy asks for divorce.



As he is surprised to discovers that the Fa's restaurant is closed and that his friend Lung seems to be alone in their house, Adam suspects that something has happened and he manages to go into the house and the restaurant and he discovers that Lung has killed everybody and that he is stealing their money. He tries to convince him to go to the police, but Lung beats him and escapes.



When Sam Bo discovers that Adam is a witness and after Lung has offered money to him in order that he let him go, he manages to accuse Adam of the murders and, as all the witnesses who could accuse Lung are so scared by this latter, he is sent to jail.


His poor mother takes care of his son, doing all kind of poor jobs, and in 1984, she meets Wu Fung, who is a lawyer. When she explains her son's case to him, he decides to help them to proove that Adam is innocent. Meanwhile, Jiang Ming has become a doctor and he cures Adam's mother for free in order to calm his conscience. Wu Fung and his assistant finally succeed in prooving that Adam wasn't on the crime scene at the hour of the murders and he is released.


In jail, he has become friend with Piao, whose sister Ying falls in love with Adam. They work together but their woman boss has also a crush on Adam and she tries to gain him.


Adam discovers that his daughter Kai Sing is a real pest when she returns from England and she humiliates him, she drinks, she smokes, she has many boyfriends and he is devastated to discover that.

Later, Kai Sing finally realizes that she really loves Jiang Ming (after having humiliated him in front of her friends) and, despite Lung's anger, they marry each other. I forgot to tell that Lung has become a powerful millionaire thanks to the Fa's propetries that he has stolen.



As Adam wants the truth about the murders to be discovered, Lung manages to kill his friend Piao, to order some of his men to rape Ying and he even sends men to kill him but he is saved by his woman boss, who is loved by Wu Fung. Wu Fung's assistant is in love with Ying, but she does'nt want him.



Finally, some of the witnesses of the murders begin to speak and there is a new trial. As he quarrels with Kai SIng because of his dad, Jiang Ming wants this latter to go to the police, but Lung doesn't want too, and Jiang Ming commits suicide in front of his father, who accuses Adam to be responsible of that.


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Sorry, a wrong manipulation made me post the reveiw without finishing it !!

Kai Sing discovers the picture made by her husband's cousin when they were 8 years old and on which there is the bloody finger print of Lung and she decides to give it to Wu Fung in order that Lung goes to prison. I forgot to mention that, as Sam Bo denounces him, Lung pay killers and that Sam Bo is killed.

Wu Fung's assistant destroys the picture and Wu Fung has to plead without any proof against Lung. And then Lung's lawyer, who was Wu Fung's shifu, turns against him in court because he has realized that if Jiang Ming has committed suicide, it was because he didn't want to accuse his father and Lung is jailed.

Finally, Lung dies from cancer in jail, after still bullying Adam on his bed death, and Ying returns with Adam (she had left him after the rape), Cindy is alone and Kai Sing has become a nun.

What a superb sad series, with fortunately a happy ending. Adam Cheng is excellent in the role of the kind hearted man who becomes the scapegoat of Kenneth Tsang's murders.

Kenneth Tsang is so good in his role that I had ideas of murders against him when I saw how arrogant and evil he was in each episodes !!

Even if most of the members here are mainly fond of martial arts movies, I think that this series is worth watching, it's excellent !

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Chor Lau Heung TVB 1979


As there are so many characters, plots and subplots in this series and as either the sound wasn't very good, either the Mandarin dubbers didn't speak clearly enough for me, I couldn't understand enough sentence in order to describe the plot properly, sorry.



However, it's a very good series, full of mysteries, twists and with very good fights. Adam Cheng is excellent, as usual.


It's clear that he IS Chu Liu Xiang, he has known how to show the essence of Gu Long's character and I don't think that anyone else is able to replace him in this role.

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One sword TVB 1978


As the sound wasn't good enough to allow me to clearly hear the dialogues, I didn't really understand the plot...

It begins with Cheng Hung Lieh playing a Japanese warrior who challenges a lot of heads of schools (or at least leads of famous families in martial arts world) and kills them.


He challenges Adam Cheng and Adam wins, and they decide to fight again 7 years later, but Adam dies a few days later from internal injuries.


Then, the story continues with Fung Bo Bo playing the male role of Nan Gong Yi, who is in love with his cousin but is also loved by Adam's daughter and Cecilia Wong. FBB is Stanley Fung's daughter, who has been wounded by Chen Hung Lieh and appears only in 3 or 4 scenes in the series, and she is the student of her uncle, played by Kwan Hoi San. Kwan Hoi San decides to accept as student the son of the Ling's family, played by Wong Wan Choi, who wants to improve his martial arts in order to get revenge for his family.


Then, there are a lot of plots and twists among the clans in order to win several contests in martial arts, with Shih Kien playing an evil guy (but he disappears from the episodes and we don't know why and what he becomes...) and with an even more evil guy who is invincible, but is finally killed by FBB and Cecilia Wong.


Then, Chen Hung Lieh reappears in the last episode, just to fight with Adam's daughter, kill her, and then, fight with FBB and be killed by her.



The fights are good, the songs are superb, but I think that it's the shortest role I've ever seen Adam Cheng in, among all the series I watched until now ! He has only one fight (superb one) and then, he dies in the first episode !!


There are surely cut scenes, because Kwan Hoi San becomes mad after his daughter's death and we don't know what he becomes, as well as Wong Wan Choi who suddenly turns against his master and his family and begins to kill everybody, and then, when he sees that he can't beat FBB, he disappears and we don't see him again until the end...


So, this series is good, but a little bit obscure for me who don't understand Chinese...

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Morgoth Bauglir

I didn't want to interrupt the thread but I just wanted to say I'm loving this!!

Keep up the good work!

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Do you know who are the main actors of the series In love and war tvb 1981. I recognized Adam Cheng and Angie Chiu, of course, and also Yang Pan Pan, Stanley Fung and Kwan Hoi San, but I can't name the other hero (the rebel student) and the other heroine (the Chinese student who becomes Adam Cheng's wife) and also the actor who plays Angie Chiu's father (it seems to me that it's Lisa Chiao Chiao's husband, but I'm not sure and I don't remember his name)...

Thanks for any answer.

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