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Expendables 3 (2014)


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The only way I will watch The Expendables series again is if they get Jackie Chan on board. It's really that simple. Not no cameo Jackie Chan, I'm talking top billing Sly and Jackie throughout the whole movie.

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I got to watch it at a late show Friday night and while the PG-13 rating was there, mostly from virtually no blood when people get shot, it wasn't all that mad. I have to agree, Mel was by far, a fantastic villain. Loved his mind games bit with Stallone.

Antonio Banderas was hysterical in the film IMO. It was as if he channeled his Puss in Boots character and turned it way up!

Ronda Rousey...hands down, loved her in this. Wished the final Sly and Mel was a bit longer but for what it was JJ Perry did a great job with the hand to hand combat scenes. Jet used all firepower in his cameo.

The return of Wesley Snipes was great IMO and Kelsey Grammar did a pretty job as the "recruiter". Harrison Ford was a suitable replacement for Willis. Looked like he did have fun in the role.

I would say...I'd give it a B

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Secret Executioner
The only way I will watch The Expendables series again is if they get Jackie Chan on board. It's really that simple. Not no cameo Jackie Chan, I'm talking top billing Sly and Jackie throughout the whole movie.

I won't be asking that much. I just want the franchise to get rid of the nobodies (who the fuck are Randy Couture, Terry Crews or Glen Powell ? These names sound like the made-up names you get in the credits of a Godfrey Ho movie) and focus on a handful of guys - sorta like various famous heroic/action teams.

Since it's coming out in a few days and I can see it at a nearby theater, I may give this one a chance - for Wesley Snipes and Mel Gibson, the only saving graces of the film (apparently).

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I saw it too, and it wasn't too bad. It was better than Part 2, that's for sure!...

I'll reiterate my love (or least like) for the second film so this is high praise to me.

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Secret Executioner

Next you'll tell me Robert Tai directed this. :tongue:

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I won't be asking that much. I just want the franchise to get rid of the nobodies (who the fuck are Randy Couture, Terry Crews or Glen Powell ? These names sound like the made-up names you get in the credits of a Godfrey Ho movie) and focus on a handful of guys - sorta like various famous heroic/action teams.

Well, I agree on Glen Powell...never really heard of him. Randy Couture is a mixed martial arts legend. He was an early UFC champion who has long retired and delved into acting. Terry Crews started out and does mainly comedy films and even headlined a sitcom "Are We There Yet"? While he's known more for comedy, The Expendables did give him a chance to break out of it a little.

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Phantom Dreamer

Terry Crews also played the dad on Chris Rock's semi-autobiographical sitcom Everybody Hates Chris, he's on the Fox sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine and he's the new host of the game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Even if you're a casual MMA fan, you should know who Couture is.

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Here is Terry Crews in White Chicks


And back on topic....be prepared for a blink and you'll miss it comic surprise in the finale of Expendables 3...trust me...it was a shock LOL

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To the 2nd Big Boss (aka Karlos) and to those who care...

I re-watched all of The Expendables flicks back-to-back (the only exception is I didn't re-watch the theatrical version of The Expendables, which I haven't seen since its release date). Here are my thoughts:

The Expendables: Director's Cut: The most polished of the bunch, thanks to Stallone's tight directing and slick action. However, it's not the best. I can never get over the fact that Gunner tried to kill his buddies, then at the end of the movie, he's hanging out with them at a bar (!?) Even in a popcorn action flick, this is unbelievable and just plain stupid; I don't care what kind of dope his character is on! Re-watching this, I noticed that Stallone looks a lot better in Part 2 and 3. In this one, he looks like a freak of nature. No disrespect intended, but his eyes look like they were forced open and his brows and shit are way too dark. Footnote: At first, I liked this cut better than the theatrical version (from what I can remember), but what ultimately ruined it was the new music. :( Still, both cuts were a disappointment, especially after seeing what Stallone did with Rocky Balboa (2006) and Rambo (2008) - two of the best action movies of recent times! Not only did he successfully resurrect two of his most iconic characters, he also crafted a gratifying, full circle closure to each franchise. Then he makes The Expendables?

The Expendables 2: This is a borderline parody of Part 1, due to all excessive "breaking the 4th wall" jokes. I didn't think it was possible, but this one managed to be both the worst, yet the most entertaining, of the three (masterofoneinchpunch, I take back what I said about liking Part 3 better!) The addition of Van Damme and Norris (not to mention Adkins) just gave it that fun, B-movie feel. Some of the cinematic shine from Part 1 was lost, due to the poor man's Michael Bay (Simon West) taking over directing duties.

The Expendables 3: I like the subplot (spoilers ahead) of Stallone firing his old crew and working with a new group of Expendables. I also like the addition of Snipes, Banderas and ESPECIALLY Gibson (I don't care what anyone says, I love this guy!). But as a whole, this movie is a BIG mess, and it has everything to do with the action action scenes being cut down to a PG-13. You can just smell the choppy editing, which paved the way for uninteresting violence throughout. I think it easily could have been the best of the three if it were an R flick. I'll definitely give it another watch when the Blu-ray/DVD hits (I'm sure it'll be unrated). I'm glad this tanked at the box office. Too bad they'll try to blame it on the "leak," heck, they might even blame it on Gibson! I definitely don't blame the director for the outcome of Part 3. After all, producers threw a PG-13 at him during post production. Here's hoping his Raid remake will show his true talent. Has anyone seen Red Hill? Is it any good? Or is Patrick Hughes the Ringo Starr of action film directors?

THE BOTTOM LINE: The problem with ALL The Expendables films is that there are too many cooks in the kitchen. I can settle for a few actions stars, but all these icons and their fist-bumping and giggling at each others' jokes (complete with "let's cut to each action star so we can show them laughing") is a novelty I just can't appreciate. It's too much. And seriously, how about killing some of them off? There's no sense of danger in any of them. They're basically a GI Joe cartoon. Yes, they're entertaining for what they are, but i can take 'em or leave 'em. There are good popcorn flicks (i.e. Commando, Rambo) and there are bad ones (i.e. Water Hill's Bullet to the Head, A Good Day To Die Hard)... The Expendables Trilogy is somewhere in between...

Now Rambo V... that's an expendable I wanna see! I hope Stallone directs!

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Excellent write-ups, bro. I'm giving it a fist bump.

It's looking likely that the BD/DVD of pt 3 will indeed be R-Rated (according to Hughes), and may even contain a ton of deleted stuff, too.

Hoping pt 4 still gets made as I'll miss the franchise.

Discussing who should be in the next one, who should direct it, thinking Jackie Chan will be in it until he pulls out at the last minute etc. has become almost a tradition on this forum.

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Secret Executioner

Ultimately went to see this one in the theater - though with low expectations. Not disappointed at all, it's a pretty fun flick and I'm quite surprised I enjoyed it that much.

Wesley Snipes really shines in this - that guy is the freakin' badass of the bunch.

Mel Gibson makes for one great (though very clichee) villain here. And his little fight with Sly in the end, pretty nice moves guys.

Too bad Jet Li was so useless in this, but I guess it's for the best because I felt the action wasn't always well-filmed/didn't always have good cinematography (lots of shaky cam, the focus isn't really great - the club fight where the chick gets to show off her skills for instance is awful) - but still, he could have been great to see on the field (though I guess we'd have had a stereotypical Asian guy...).

Banderas - some good light humor and the guy has some nice action too. Not much to say, he was the main reason people laughed during the film.

Arnie was rather funny. He was tons of fun and I don't care whether the character's gay or not (wait... If he IS, does the end of the film suggests who his "partner" is ?!).

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I went into this one with lowered expectations, but ended up enjoying it quite a bit. The slower bits in between the action sequences didn't bother me a bit and the action was entertaining, even though there were more quick cuts than usual in order to tone down the violence. I could've done without the new recruits, although Ronda Rousey's fight scene helped make up for the fact that Jet Li really doesn't give a fig about the quality of his film appearances anymore. The film would've been better had it focused on the old team trying to get used to Wesley Snipes and Antonio Banderas's characters, who stole the show.

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Secret Executioner
I could've done without the new recruits, although Ronda Rousey's fight scene helped make up for the fact that Jet Li really doesn't give a fig about the quality of his film appearances anymore. The film would've been better had it focused on the old team trying to get used to Wesley Snipes and Antonio Banderas's characters, who stole the show.

Agreed on the first part - the new recruits didn't sound that necessary. While they got some action that was rather decent, it's a pity that Jet Li is merely standing there.

On the second part now: it seemed at first that Snipes' character would have been one that would have to be tamed so that he could fit in - would have been interesting to see how Sly would have had him go along with the others (as he seems to be the only one who kinda has control on him). But no, he's perfectly integrated in the next scene - I forgive that, because Snipes really shines in this film.

As for Banderas... His character was a riot and you kinda have the "old team trying to get used to him" - though it's rather brief and done in a comical way. And ultimately, I guess he is made part of the team - I'm thinking of what Sly tells him at some point here, but it would be hard to develop without giving things away.

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Secret Executioner

As usual, great review with some very valid points - and a great ending gag. I find Jesse pretty harsh on this one, though he has some good points. Stuff I agree with you on:

- too many people in the film and not enough development

- focus should have been on the 80s action stars, not the newbies (wasn't it the point of the franchise ?)

- Wesley Snipes was completely wasted (after a very cool introduction the movie kinda gave up on him - a whole movie could have had him and the others get along)

I enjoyed Harrison Ford though, and the scene where Mel Gibson and Sly are talking is indeed great - though I felt Mel sounded like a very clichee 1980s bad guy in this scene (just make him a communist or something and the picture is complete).

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Real life responsibilities REALLY delayed this review... but here it is anyway :tongue:


Nice! dude, your love for what you do should be your "real life responsibilities."

Just watched it. Good stuff, man.

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I am starting to loathe these distribution companies. I don't own a Blu Ray player for the simple reason that I have far too many DVDs and so to buy everything on Blu Ray would be a waste of money. We're still paying for the product whether on DVD or Blu Ray so why should some get a second rate product (and I know some people will say that they'll get that whichever format they buy). It's like with The Raid 2, they only put the special features like creating the choreography on the Blu Ray.

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Secret Executioner
I am starting to loathe these distribution companies. I don't own a Blu Ray player for the simple reason that I have far too many DVDs and so to buy everything on Blu Ray would be a waste of money. We're still paying for the product whether on DVD or Blu Ray so why should some get a second rate product (and I know some people will say that they'll get that whichever format they buy). It's like with The Raid 2, they only put the special features like creating the choreography on the Blu Ray.

While you have a good point about the bogus idea of making the BD different (and better) than the DVD, your complaint about having already too many DVDs and having to re-buy all on BD isn't really solid - it's not like when we went from VHS to DVD where you actually HAD to buy it all again.A Blu Ray player DOES play DVDs. I have a BD player and I haven't thrown away the DVDs to get the BDs instead.

Actually, I got a BD player because some titles seemed easier to obtain on BD than on DVD - and so it gives me more choice and I can pick anything I like knowing I can watch it, though I'm still more of a DVD guy (I have only very few BD).

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Only putting the uncut version out on BD and not DVD is a dick move, for sure. Shame on them.

I'm super tempted to get the German BD because...well, because it is a man's job, y'all :tongue:


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Yup...the Bluu-Ray disc and VOD release of the film will be unrated!...the DVD version will be the PG-13 version....so make sure you have a Blu-Ray player or plan to see this VOD.

Which will just encourage more piracy of course...They really haven't got a clue :squigglemouth:

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