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Expendables 3 (2014)


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Oh, and I second (triple, or whatever) the love for THE LAST BOYSCOUT. That movie kicks all kinds of ass and is hilarious! I don't know Bruce Willis personally, but as a star, way more of his films entertained me than not, many of them over and over again for decades. "Yipee Ki Aye..." :wink:

The Last Boyscout is great fun, Bruce Willis was such a badass, I mean he killed a guy with a single kick! As for The Expendbles 3, I will not download it or watch it or stream it or whatever the hell people do these days. I will see it in the cinema where there is a proper sound system and a huge screen. the one good thing about the leak is that we know it is just over two hours, which should be great. And I really don't care that much about the PG-13/12A thing. Look at The Winter Soldier, the fight scenes in that were great and if Ex 3 can get anywhere near that then it will be awesome. Just having Kelsey Grammar and Stallone share the screen should be worth it, not to mention seeing the Sly/Mel fight.

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The Last Boyscout is great fun, Bruce Willis was such a badass, I mean he killed a guy with a single kick! As for The Expendbles 3, I will not download it or watch it or stream it or whatever the hell people do these days. I will see it in the cinema where there is a proper sound system and a huge screen. the one good thing about the leak is that we know it is just over two hours, which should be great. And I really don't care that much about the PG-13/12A thing. Look at The Winter Soldier, the fight scenes in that were great and if Ex 3 can get anywhere near that then it will be awesome. Just having Kelsey Grammar and Stallone share the screen should be worth it, not to mention seeing the Sly/Mel fight.

My sentiments exactly. It's like comparing Aerosmith to Led Zepplin, which entertainment do you prefer? Or like comparing White Stripes to The Carpenters, I can go on and on.

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Absolutely. People seem to forget that Ex 2 was PG 13 until they CGI'd in the blood (having said that, the opening is awesome). But other than that, when it comes to the hand to hand stuff I imagine most of it will be as violent as before.

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Drunken Monk
The Last Boyscout is great fun, Bruce Willis was such a badass, I mean he killed a guy with a single kick! As for The Expendbles 3, I will not download it or watch it or stream it or whatever the hell people do these days. I will see it in the cinema where there is a proper sound system and a huge screen. the one good thing about the leak is that we know it is just over two hours, which should be great. And I really don't care that much about the PG-13/12A thing. Look at The Winter Soldier, the fight scenes in that were great and if Ex 3 can get anywhere near that then it will be awesome. Just having Kelsey Grammar and Stallone share the screen should be worth it, not to mention seeing the Sly/Mel fight.

Kelsey Grammar and Stallone spend about five minutes together and that's it. Same with the Mel/Sly fight. It's brief and not very good at all.

Side note: I'm surprised to read so many people complaining about Banderas. He absolutely steals the show!

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That's a shame. Oh well. Lets face it, with a cast this big they would need at three hours to give all the characters enough screentime. Still, I'm leaving my mind open until I see it. As long as Patrick Hughes has a good sense of where to put the camera during the action then it should be good.

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Ex 3 is an action movie. There will be plenty of fights, guns, explosions, killing, humor. That's all I need in an action movie.

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Drunken Monk
Ex 3 is an action movie. There will be plenty of fights, guns, explosions, killing, humor. That's all I need in an action movie.

That's a bold statement. So as long as a film has those components, you'll like it? You must be Michael Bay's biggest fan

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Secret Executioner
That's a bold statement. So as long as a film has those components, you'll like it? You must be Michael Bay's biggest fan

Haha, couldn't put it better myself - though I'd also question your statement as I don't recall Michael Bay's movies being very funny.

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Drunken Monk
Haha, couldn't put it better myself - though I'd also question your statement as I don't recall Michael Bay's movies being very funny.

They might not be funny but you can't argue that he does go for humour. He gave a Transformer giant wrecking ball testicles after all.

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Haha, couldn't put it better myself - though I'd also question your statement as I don't recall Michael Bay's movies being very funny.

I thought Pain and Gain had its moments of hilarity. D Johnson was a high point for me in that film. Though it is somewhat atypical of his work.

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Noelle Shadow Kick
Despite what I've been hearing, I'll still be going to see this on opening day with my son.

I'm visiting my family that weekend and going to see it with my dad! We have too much fun with these movies.

the numerous shots at Bruce WIllis via his character (Church) were great...but unless you were somewhat in on it, these & various other one liners would be missed

Wait, do they mock Bruce Willis in the movie? I will not respond positively to that at all haha

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The Last Boyscout is great fun, Bruce Willis was such a badass, I mean he killed a guy with a single kick! As for The Expendbles 3, I will not download it or watch it or stream it or whatever the hell people do these days. I will see it in the cinema where there is a proper sound system and a huge screen. the one good thing about the leak is that we know it is just over two hours, which should be great. And I really don't care that much about the PG-13/12A thing. Look at The Winter Soldier, the fight scenes in that were great and if Ex 3 can get anywhere near that then it will be awesome. Just having Kelsey Grammar and Stallone share the screen should be worth it, not to mention seeing the Sly/Mel fight.

Right on. Great attitude. :bigsmile:

My sentiments exactly. It's like comparing Aerosmith to Led Zepplin, which entertainment do you prefer? Or like comparing White Stripes to The Carpenters, I can go on and on.

I like all four of those bands. :wink:

Ex 3 is an action movie. There will be plenty of fights, guns, explosions, killing, humor. That's all I need in an action movie.

And a scotch! :tongue:

I thought Pain and Gain had its moments of hilarity. D Johnson was a high point for me in that film. Though it is somewhat atypical of his work.

That film was very entertaining! :nerd:

I'm visiting my family that weekend and going to see it with my dad! We have too much fun with these movies.

Cool. After my Dad took me to see all the Stallone films when I was a kid, I got to take him to see the last RAMBO in the theater, and it was a great time.

Wait, do they mock Bruce Willis in the movie? I will not respond positively to that at all haha

Most men act like boys. And boys will be boys. :smile:

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Drunken Monk

Wait, do they mock Bruce Willis in the movie? I will not respond positively to that at all haha

They take a blatant shot at him, regarding the fact he's no longer in the franchise. It's actually quite funny.

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Noelle Shadow Kick
They take a blatant shot at him, regarding the fact he's no longer in the franchise. It's actually quite funny.

Haha, I might still riot about it. We'll have to see.

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Willis was basically dropped over money, though Stallone says they are still friends he did take a shot at him on twitter...and also via the movie it now appears

there are winks to a few of the other stars personal history in this one also so you could say the jabs a Willis were in a somewhat friendly manner, but knowing there were difficulties leading to his being dropped coupled with Harrison Ford (his replacement) delivering at least one of the quips about his character I found them all the more amusing

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I do have to ask, for those that have seen it, is the hand to hand stuff good? I don't want to know all the details but as long as there are a few fisticuffs mixed in with all the big bangs then it will be great!

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Drunken Monk
I do have to ask, for those that have seen it, is the hand to hand stuff good? I don't want to know all the details but as long as there are a few fisticuffs mixed in with all the big bangs then it will be great!

Nope. Snipes gets in a few nice hits but it's 99% gun fire and the fisticuffs between Mel and Sly at the end are pretty drab.

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Surely Ronda Rousey gets a few fights? Statham?

The hand to hand combat is passable but only here and there compared to the first 2 movies. Rousey gets some decent fights in the middle and end of the movie, Statham barely had anytime to shine but got an okay fight scene with a top henchmen at the end, the final battle had some cool fist cuffs and was more even than the last movie but it was over before it began.

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I saw this today and was pleasantly surprised. It's nowhere near as bad as people are saying. The new characters are OK and the final action sequence is really good. Some of the early fight scenes suffer from being shot too close in on the action but the Rousey fight and Statham fight at the end are good. The Sly/Mel fight is awesome if short. However, the best thing about the film by far is Antonio Banderas, his character steals every scene he is in and I laughed out loud at some of his dialogue and reaction shots. Overall, I reccomend seeing it on the biggest screen possible, sit back, relax and enjoy it for what it is.

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I saw it too, and it wasn't too bad. It was better than Part 2, that's for sure!

The action isn't as sharp as the first two (and that may have something to do with the last minute call on the PG-13, which ruined the editing?).

Highlights? Mel Gibson. Anthonio Banderas. And Wesley Snipes. =D Mel added some depth to the film.

I plan to watch the first one (the uncut version) in the next few days. I've always disliked this franchise, but I'm giving them all a second chance. Thanks to Karlos (aka The 2nd Big Boss), who assures me the uncut version is a winner.

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I didn't think the first one was cut anyway?

Saw the third, good and bad points. Antonio Banderas was great and funny in his role and Wesley Snipes looked as cool as ever. A lot of the cast were given very little to do, don't know why Jet Li turned up to be honest.

It suffers from the PG13 rating, you can tell it cuts away from the carnage too quickly and you see no blood at all, hopefully the uncut DVD / Blu ray release will be better in that respect.

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I liked it. Sure, it had it’s problems (too many bland new cast members, the PG-13ness of the action being the main culprits), but it was way better than pt 2, for me.

(I’m sure, as David says, the PG13 problem will no doubt be solved by the inevitable “Extreme extendable uncut version” we’ll get at Xmas.)

The pluses were: seeing Mad Mel in full on rage mode, less meta gags, a consistent tone, some fun turns (Ford and Banderas, especially), very little shaky cam and, last but not least, the return of the one and only Mr Wesley Snipes Esquire.

Sadly, it’s looking likely that Exp3’s real legacy might be as the film illegal downloading helped kill – and not just this film but the whole franchise.

Here’s hoping it does well overseas, and such an ignomonious fate is avoided.

I was looking forward to pt 4 and the involvement of a certain Mr J Chan (until he pulls out at the last minute, no doubt).

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What happen to all that talk on Twitter about it being on the same level as The Raid. Yeah right sly, The Raid my ass.

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