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Expendables 3 (2014)


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As much as I love these guys, I doubt this movie will do well. The pg-13 already alienated the core supporters, then it leaked in perfect quality. If that wasn't bad enough, anyone who didn't know will now know because yahoo puts the leak as news on the front page. I think people will still support it, but I don't think word of mouth will be good enough to carry this film to the bank. :squigglemouth:

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This is a shocker.

Whether it's an inside job to drum up interest or a disgruntled employee, I fear Sly will be remembering this shit at Christmas.

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Drunken Monk

The film is bad. Half-arsed mediocre action, most of the original Expendables get less than twenty minutes screen time, Jet Li is in for about three minutes, Ronda Rousey is wasted...what a mess.

Wesley Snipes is actually really great in it and Antonio Banderas totally steals the show but none of that is enough to save this film as it ends up just being a really bad action film. The "A-Team" film was better than this.

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Jet is in this movie less than 10 min and has no hand to hand fights. (I repeat NO HAND TO HAND FIGHTS!!) :cry:


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Secret Executioner
The film is bad. Half-arsed mediocre action, most of the original Expendables get less than twenty minutes screen time, Jet Li is in for about three minutes, Ronda Rousey is wasted...what a mess.

Wesley Snipes is actually really great in it and Antonio Banderas totally steals the show but none of that is enough to save this film as it ends up just being a really bad action film. The "A-Team" film was better than this.

You mean Sly, Arnie and basically the best known of the bunch ? Saaaaaaaad. I have no idea who half of the people (yes, literally HALF) in this film are - saw a poster and about 7 or 8 names out of 15 rang a bell...

How are the "big names" like Mel Gibson, Sly or Arnie ? As good as Snipes ? Or as wasted as Jet Li ?

Good thing Donnie Yen or Jackie Chan weren't in this mess, they'd have opened a door or talked on the phone...

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You mean Sly, Arnie and basically the best known of the bunch ? Saaaaaaaad. I have no idea who half of the people (yes, literally HALF) in this film are - saw a poster and about 7 or 8 names out of 15 rang a bell...

How are the "big names" like Mel Gibson, Sly or Arnie ? As good as Snipes ? Or as wasted as Jet Li ?

Good thing Donnie Yen or Jackie Chan weren't in this mess, they'd have opened a door or talked on the phone...

Mel Gibson was probably the best thing about this movie. He was a great villain, probably better than Van Damme. Its sad that the final battle was also probably better and less one sided than the first, besides being about one minute long. :sad: Sly was okay but nothing special. I wasn't feeling some of his lines and none of his action scenes really stood out. Arnold had some funny lines, some shooting and not much else. As stated above Wesley Snipes was great and another high point. Jason was very missed as he had greatly reduced screen time compared to the other movies. He had a semi big fight at the end but not much cool knife scenes as I expected. Antonio was funny but border line annoying. Harrison Ford was amazing and way better than Willis. Other than that no one else is worth mentioning.

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Bruce Willis isn't worth mentioning, period. I never bought him as an action star.

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Noelle Shadow Kick
Harrison Ford was amazing and way better than Willis. Other than that no one else is worth mentioning.

Bruce Willis isn't worth mentioning, period. I never bought him as an action star.

Haha what?! Oh dear. He's the only one from the Expendables who actually has a legitimate career outside of the Expendables movies, and for good reason in my opinion.

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Really? If you were to ask me what he's been in, I wouldn't be able to name anything other than Die Hard.

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Really? If you were to ask me what he's been in, I wouldn't be able to name anything other than Die Hard.

Just look at the directors he has worked with:

Quentin Tarantino: Pulp Fiction

Wes Anderson: Moonrise Kingdom (underrated performance)

Terry Gilliam: Twelve Monkeys

Luc Besson: The Fifth Element

Robert Rodriquez: Planet Terror

etc... Even most people know him from The Sixth Sense.

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Noelle Shadow Kick
Really? If you were to ask me what he's been in, I wouldn't be able to name anything other than Die Hard.

First of all, Die Hard is arguably the greatest action film ever made.

Second, I'm just going to throw out the obvious one here which is Pulp Fiction (won an Oscar) haha. But as for others I don't even know where to start? 12 Monkeys and The Sixth Sense were Oscar nominated, there's some fun along the way with things like Fifth Element and Sin City, and then in recent years he's been doing extremely well for himself critically with Moonrise Kingdom and Looper, and also doing well in the box office with RED, RED 2, and the more recent GI Joe.

Sly is putting out stuff like Bullet to the Head and Arnold is putting out Sabotage. I'm a big fan of both these guys, but Willis has more than proved himself as one of the greatest action stars.

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Drunken Monk

Don't forget one of the greatest scripted films of all time, "The Last Boy Scout."

Despite the rumours that Willis is a giant cock and an absolute nightmare to work with, he's undoubtedly one of the greats.

He's had his fair share of duds but I'd definitely say he's an iconic action star, as well as just an iconic actor. "Die Hard with a Vengeance" is one of the greatest action sequels ever made.

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Noelle Shadow Kick
Don't forget one of the greatest scripted films of all time, "The Last Boy Scout."

Despite the rumours that Willis is a giant cock and an absolute nightmare to work with, he's undoubtedly one of the greats.

He's had his fair share of duds but I'd definitely say he's an iconic action star, as well as just an iconic actor. "Die Hard with a Vengeance" is one of the greatest action sequels ever made.

Hahahaha LAST BOY SCOUT 4 LYFE!!!!!!!

But yeah, after Copout, Kevin Smith made a huge stink about working with Willis. People seem to forget that Smith is also a total nightmare to work with haha. It seemed like two guys who both have a very strong idea about their own branding who REALLY didn't mesh. That said, I met Willis once at a "Die Hard Fan Event" that was hosted in NYC for the most recent Die Hard and he was extremely nice to me and everyone there. He made sure everyone got everything they had signed and chatted with people.

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If I were to write the expendables, I'd have jet li as the bad guy just like in lethal weapon 4. Its sad that Mel Gibson/jet Li reuniting since 1998 was not fulfilled to it potential due to retardation. I also blame you guys for paying money to see this shit. I'm in no room to talk I paid to see parts 1 and 2 in the theater knowing it would suck ass. Stop paying for shit and you won't get shit. I guess I won't be seeing this in theaters, more like a rental.

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Drunken Monk
If I were to write the expendables, I'd have jet li as the bad guy just like in lethal weapon 4. Its sad that Mel Gibson/jet Li reuniting since 1998 was not fulfilled to it potential due to retardation. I also blame you guys for paying money to see this shit. I'm in no room to talk I paid to see parts 1 and 2 in the theater knowing it would suck ass. Stop paying for shit and you won't get shit. I guess I won't be seeing this in theaters, more like a rental.

I didn't pay for it and neither did anyone else. It's not out yet. I imagine we all illegally downloaded/streamed it.

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Drunken Monk
You thieves, all of you!!!!!!!

I stole their film and they stole 90 minutes of my time and a tiny portion of my soul. I think that's a pretty even deal.

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I actually bought the 1st one on Blu-ray. Good mindless fun.

2 was bad, nothing worked in that movie. And I can't stand Liam Helmsworth.

3 Was better than #2. Nothing great, but some crazy ass set pieces and moves along from one action scene to another. Yes, too many characters but what do you expect with so many people.

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Drunken Monk

The second one is big ol' goofy fun. I think it gets a really bad rap because so many viewers took it too seriously. I enjoy it a lot.

The third one is an absolute nightmare that makes the second one that much better.

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The second one is big ol' goofy fun. I think it gets a really bad rap because so many viewers took it too seriously. I enjoy it a lot.

The third one is an absolute nightmare that makes the second one that much better.

I will probably see in the theater (most likely), but the PG-13 rating seems like a bad sign to me (harbinger of doom.) And no I do not illegally download films :D.

Back to the second: the cinematography is so much better to me compared to the first one where the shaky-cam was overused to Paul Greengrass levels. The first seemed to take itself overly serious (and I thought there should have been more 80s aesthetics with the plot, camerawork etc...)

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Despite what I've been hearing, I'll still be going to see this on opening day with my son.

Oh, and I second (triple, or whatever) the love for THE LAST BOYSCOUT. That movie kicks all kinds of ass and is hilarious! I don't know Bruce Willis personally, but as a star, way more of his films entertained me than not, many of them over and over again for decades. "Yipee Ki Aye..." :wink:

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Wait a minute dilph luntits is not in this movie? That's it, I'm done we with this franchise, kiss it goodbye.

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the numerous shots at Bruce WIllis via his character (Church) were great...but unless you were somewhat in on it, these & various other one liners would be missed

I quite enjoyed this one, although I would say they have declined in quality from the first

The complaint of Banderas character being annoying is one Ive heard a lot, but that WAS the character, no one wanted to hire him (in the expendables world) due to his personality

shame there wasnt more Dolph, Crews, Statham, or Li screen time

I felt the adding of a younger team was a little tacked on, but still...it could have gone much worse

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