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Expendables 3 (2014)


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If this will get him away from wire-fu and into some grounded fight work for his action sequences, then I'm down. I'd love to see him pitted against someone worthy for a decent end fight in the finale. (Wait do you hear that? Is that Lennon's ghost suddenly singing, "They say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one....")

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Well The Expendable flicks suck, and so does Jackie now, so a great match!

Well said. I'm sure as far as Jackie is concerned it's like all the rest of his movies he's made in recent years, it's just another juicy paycheque.

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I semi-enjoyed both "Expendables" films for the silly, pandering cheese-fests they were and, in all honesty, I'm happy to see Jackie join the cast. I'm just not sure why.

However, I feel as though they have missed the boat a little. He won't fight Jet Li as they're both good guys (will Jet even be in the third film?) and Scott Adkin's was offed in the second. So who will Jackie's big fight be with? Let's pray to God it isn't Nicholas Cage.

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I'm predicting a brief shining moment from Jackie akin to Jet's moment in the beginning of part 2. I will just wait for that one to pop up in youtube.

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Since I liked the second Expendables film (more than the first) I am looking forward to this, especially his fight with Don "The Dragon" Wilson after he dispatches Nicholas Cage (or vice versa).

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Chinatown Kid

Maybe Jack could take on Seagal, don't know if Jackie's style of fighting would work with the quick cut style Aikido of Seagal though. Hell put Van Damme's opponent Bolo in there too, I wish they could get Tony Jaa in the movie....

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Maybe Jack could take on Seagal, don't know if Jackie's style of fighting would work with the quick cut style Aikido of Seagal though. Hell put Van Damme's opponent Bolo in there too, I wish they could get Tony Jaa in the movie....

God Nooooooooooooo keep Jaa away from Hollywood.

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Well, with Keanu Reeves already bringing him into a Hollywood co-production, Iko Uwais might be a more likely candidate.

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...put...Bolo in there too,....

This idea is kung fu cinematic gold!!!! Jackie Chan vs Bolo? Of course, I know this won't happen. Still, I must now go change shirts as mine is drenched in drool.

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Wait...wait! I've got it...

So the "The Expendables" is meant to be grand fanfare for the action heroes of yesteryear, no? It's meant to be nostalgia squared and squared again, right?

So, in part three Jackie finds himself alone while the rest of the team go in search of whatever it is they're seeking.

Jackie wanders into a seemingly empty warehouse. Scaffolding, old planes, jeeps etc. litter the place. It's silent.

All of a sudden Jackie spots two figures approaching. Two henchmen it would seem. The figure get closer and the camera finally reveals their faces...

Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao.

The three then give us a showdown the true fans of kung fu cinema will never forget. An memorable ode to the days of "Dragons Forever" and "Wheels on Meals," complete with comic flare.

That's too much to ask for isn't it?

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Okay, where my idea made me salivate like one of Pavlov's dogs, Drunken Monk's has caused me to have a seizure.

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I enjoyed the first two movies (the first part was Director's cut though) and I do think that Chan would be valuable addition to the franchise, if Jet couldn't reprise his role for third time (which I too hope).

However it is a bit late for Jackie (as well as much of the stars in it) to show-off against someone else - he did that in the late 80's. But look what happened to Stallone and Arnold - they seemed to revive their carrers at old age...

Besides if Corey Yuen is again choreographer of the fight scenes I will not be impressed...

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I enjoyed the first 2 films, particularly the second one. I don't know where Jackie will fit in but I look forward to seeing him in the next one.

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Hey, why the hell not? This series is mostly about famous '80s action stars now well past their prime, doing some retro action. Jackie fits right in.

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As far as I know, Jet Li is done ( no Arnie or Bruce returning either, apparently) with the franchise and Stallone has said that he's looking to shake up the cast for part 3. Chan is as good a fit as any.

I'd like to see him playing it straight(ish) and, as others have said, showing some grounded, real moves once more with no wire-fu crap.

And yeah, Chan Vs Bolo? Yes, please! :tongue:

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This is some really good news. Hes probably replacing Jet Li. While these films aren't the greatest action films ever they are really entertaining and fan pleasing.

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