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Police Story 2013 (aka Police Story: Lockdown) (2013)

Drunken Monk

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I'm sure it'll be good. The director's other movie with Chan (Little Big Soldier) was awesome.

I think Shinjuku incident and Little Big Soldier are Jackie's best movies in the last 13 years. I know that's not saying much, but definitely his best work (overall) since Who Am I?

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I'm sure it'll be good. The director's other movie with Chan (Little Big Soldier) was awesome.

I think Shinjuku incident and Little Big Man are Jackie's best movies in the last 13 years. I know that's not saying much, but definitely his best work (overall) since Who Am I?

Your not a fan of New Police Story?

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Your not a fan of New Police Story?

Yes I am. Definitely his 3rd best.

Basically, it goes like this:

To me, Jackie Chan movies lost magic after Who Am I? (the last "real" Jackie Chan flick in my opinion). After that, that magic that made me love Jackie's films in the first place never really returned.

However, it did come back in Shinjuku Incident, Little Big Soldier and New Police Story. So, these three movies are his best of the last 10 years.

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Have similar feelings on this. Who Am I? is really the last "true" Jackie Chan movie in the classical sense. Accidental Spy had some of the old magic, but was too uneven and slightly dull overall. New Police Story showed us new sides to Jackie, and I really like that movie, but ever since then, I stopped caring.

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"Who Am I" was definitely the last great effort from Jackie Chan, at least in terms of the fights scenes. The story line was crap.

Chan, unlike Donnie Yen, hasn't aged as well and his body has also broken up on him after years of paralyzing stunt work. When you need wires to do jumping front kicks and jumping spinning kicks there's a problem.

I wish he jacked it (no play on words intended) years ago and focused on directing. He's like a great old prize fighter who hung on too long because of his ego. I remember him saying he was going to retire in 1991 for God Sake.

I know my analysis may be harsh but through it all I love the guy. He is responsible for some of the finest projects HK cinema has ever seen.


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Jackie is one of the best fight choreographers and innovative action directors. He could've been still making "Jackie Chan films" with young actors and I think people would still go to see these movies just for his choreo and stunts. I mean, that was one of the reasons that made his movies great. With his intricate choreography and original, never-before-seen action pieces any decent screen fighter would do...

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Jackie's reason for living is making movies, that is pretty clear. And he has every right to make the movies he wants to make, he has earned that. I may not like them, but that's my problem, not his.

On a personal level, I would also rather see him take more of a Sammo approach, the man behind the magic, not always smack dab in the middle of it. But I think that Jackie is a showman by nature, he loves being on, and loves to do it himself. He's a perfectionist, even though much of his stuff is far from perfect, and I think he's gonna do it as long as his body lets him. There is also some ego involved, sure, but I think the other factors mentioned are really what keeps him going.

I hope he has the sense to stop before it becomes embarrassing. Many action actors don't.

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Have similar feelings on this. Who Am I? is really the last "true" Jackie Chan movie in the classical sense. Accidental Spy had some of the old magic, but was too uneven and slightly dull overall. New Police Story showed us new sides to Jackie, and I really like that movie, but ever since then, I stopped caring.

You didn't like Little Big Soldier? And what did you think of S.I.?

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Little Big Soldier was certainly one of the better of his newer films, but it just didn't do it for me. Thought it was rather dull, actually. Shinjuku Incident was not really my bag either, and I don't consider it a "Jackie Chan" movie as such.

Other films such as The Myth and Robin-B-Hood had a few things going for them and glimmers here and there of the old JC magic, but ultimately failed as a whole. I actually have a weakness for Forbidden Kingdom, but again, I don't really consider it a JC movie in the classical sense. Same with Karate Kid. Liked JC's performance, but hated everything else.

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Little Big Soldier was certainly one of the better of his newer films, but it just didn't do it for me. Thought it was rather dull, actually. Shinjuku Incident was not really my bag either, and I don't consider it a "Jackie Chan" movie as such.

Other films such as The Myth and Robin-B-Hood had a few things going for them and glimmers here and there of the old JC magic, but ultimately failed as a whole. I actually have a weakness for Forbidden Kingdom, but again, I don't really consider it a JC movie in the classical sense. Same with Karate Kid. Liked JC's performance, but hated everything else.

I actually have to see Robin-B-Hood and Forbidden Kingdom. Saw bits and pieces of the latter, and it seemed pretty decent.

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Guest Markgway

The last Jackie movie I gave a good rating to was WHO AM I?

I still own THE ACCIDENTAL SPY, which has its moments, simply because it's Jackie's last Golden Harvest film, and the end of his classic era. If he'd retired after that, I would have few complaints.

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I actually have to see Robin-B-Hood and Forbidden Kingdom. Saw bits and pieces of the latter, and it seemed pretty decent.

How did u not see Forbidden Kingdom? Jackie and Jet in the same movie, come on!!

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I have to step up to the confession booth as well and confess my liking of Rob B Hood. Had that 80's vibe to it. Shame it wasn't with Sammo and Yuen Biao in the three main starring roles even though I enjoyed Yuen's cameo. I really thought Little Big Soldier was great too, definitely his best post Who Am I? Judging by the look of that new Police Story trailer and their past collaboration I have high hopes for it.

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Rob-B-Hood was sooo bad it was good. I liked seeing Yuen Biao in there, but the premise/plot was ridiculous and the scene at the end with the battery was effing insane. Made me laugh though.

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Killer Meteor

Shanghai Noon made me a Jackie fan so it's fitting it was his last great film. I haven't bothered with much of his subsequent stuff. Looks like tacky kiddie faire in the US, and bland nationalistic nonsense in China.

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How did u not see Forbidden Kingdom? Jackie and Jet in the same movie, come on!!

I’d rather take either one of them in their OWN good movie. Don’t get me wrong, I do wanna watch it.

Besides, I may get hell for this, but I’ve never been a huge Jet Li fan.

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I’d rather take either one of them in their OWN good movie. Don’t get me wrong, I do wanna watch it.

Besides, I may get hell for this, but I’ve never been a huge Jet Li fan.

Me neither. Loved Once Upon A Time In China 1 & 2 but, other than that, I can take him or leave him.

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I guess I might as well chime in. I'll echo the comments on Who Am I? That was the last of the "real" Jackie movies. Great stunts and one of his best fights, actually. I've liked a few of his later movies, though.

Liked the first two Rush Hours - not so much as Jackie films, but their fun Hollywood buddy cop flicks. And I have to confess, his 90's fare and his two American buddy franchises are what really introduced me to him in the first place. I don't think I could hate them if I tried. I happen to think Shanghai Knights is really good Jackie-lite. The market chase/fight is top 2-3 of his most fun scenes of the last 15 years, easy. Accidental Spy had a glimmer of the magic, but only a glimmer. New Police Story was good, if a little on the long side. Andy On needs a breakout role NOW. I was just glad Forbidden Kingdom wasn't a disaster. It was fun enough, and their fight delivered considering age and circumstances. Rob-B-Hood was too long, but it feels more like a Jackie movie than anything he's done in a while. The stuff at the end with the two young cats was pretty good stuff. And Little Big Soldier's probably the best thing he's done in the past...I dunno, 10, 15 years. Crazy, considering Jackie never opens his signature can of whoop-ass. So the fact that Ding Sheng is back in the picture is a good thing.

Trailer looks really fucking solid. Very light on martial arts and you can tell he's playing a different kind of Supercop here - less of the body and more of will and the mind. Probably got a heart of gold too. But it looks like it could be an awesome action-thriller.

I think TWC and I are on the same page as far as Jackie being entitled to do whatever he wants. We've got years and years of classic shit. Not good shit. Not great shit. Classic shit. He's earned a period of mediocrity. But I'd, like a lot of you would, love to see the guy step back and help launch a few more stars. He'd be great at it. He'll always have a mind for making entertaining movies. It's in his blood, he's brilliant. Take a step behind the camera, directing and choreographing, and maybe bring back some of that magic that got us into this stuff in the first place. It's just a dream, but dreams never hurt anybody.

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Me neither. Loved Once Upon A Time In China 1 & 2 but, other than that, I can take him or leave him.

I didn't even like those. And I could give a rat's ass about Fist of Legend (aka Family version of Fists of Fury). The only movies I can say I really enjoyed were Danny the Dog and Kiss of the Dragon.

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Just got around to watching the trailer for PS2013 and Jackie looks as old as Wu Ma in Prodigal Son!

"Kill, Kill, Kill"

Garbage and I won't be going anywhere near it! Final straw was Chinese Zodiac. My wife almost divorced me after 20 minutes of that crap!

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I didn't even like those. And I could give a rat's ass about Fist of Legend (aka Family version of Fists of Fury). The only movies I can say I really enjoyed were Danny the Dog and Kiss of the Dragon.

How dare you bad mouth one of the best if not the best jet li movie ever, Fist Of Legend. No but seriously what really bothered you about Fist Of Legend, did you see the Miramax version??

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I've seen the original HK version. It's still weak. I feel like i'm watching Three Stooges with the ridiculously sped up fight sequences. I tried to like it.

No fury at all.

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I've seen the original HK version. It's still weak. I feel like i'm watching Three Stooges with the ridiculously sped up fight sequences. I tried to like it.

No fury at all.

Yeah, I can see how some of that stuff can be a little irritating for some. I actually didn't might the sped up stuff, as long as the main star is kicking a bunch of ass with a supporting cast that could hold their own I'm cool with it. The story kept my interest throughout. The fight with the Japanese guy in the open field when both were blind folded did nothing for you? I thought that fight scene was exhilarating.

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