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I love this picture of Bruce Lee!


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As on who delved deeply into the science and philosophy of the Chinese yin-yang symbol I am so happy to see Bruce with his yin-yang symbol.

The foot work looks very interesting.


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As someone who likes clockwise spinning yin-yangs I'm glad to see that clockwise arrow around the yin-yang.

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Deleted because I got some of what I meant to say wrong.

Will refresh my ideas at another time.


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Does the arrow have any significance? Didn't Bruce use that exact moniker with the arrow for his JKD school?

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Secret Executioner
Does the arrow have any significance? Didn't Bruce use that exact moniker with the arrow for his JKD school?

From what GD Y-Y said, the yin-yang symbol doesn't always mean the same thing based on the way it's posed. My guess (and mind you, it's MY guess - not something that's been established as a fact) is that the arrow implies a movement of the yin-yang symbol - sorta illustrating the idea of fluidity that comes with JKD (the change in meaning being put into parallel with the idea of changing shape).

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Does the arrow have any significance? Didn't Bruce use that exact moniker with the arrow for his JKD school?

I have read the following a few places, but I got a source for it at the bottom:

According to Dan Lee, "Bruce added two arrows around the Tai Chi circle to further emphasize that the JKD fighting techniques must contain the harmonious interplay of Yin (pliable, yielding) and Yang (firm, assertiveness) energies." It is to emphasize the continuous, unceasing interplay between the two forces of the universe: Yin and Yang.


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Thank you guys both. Do the colors mean anything? Ying light color, yang dark? I also see ying yangs red and yellow a lot.

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Deleted because I got some of what I meant to say wrong.

Will refresh my ideas at another time.


I will rewrite my thoughts at another time.


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Yin-Yang observations.

The yin-yang symbol comes into being in a geometric formula called the 16 Phase Motion.

8 motions in one direction then 8 in the opposite direction.

The first motion is thus YANG the MALE.

The YANG motion thus MUST be in harmony with mankind so it begins the 16 Phase Motion Clockwise.

This places the Black Small Circle to the left in the white part of the yin-yang symbol.


Now after this is formed the male body sees the yin-yang as seen above.

The male is actually seeing its female counter part.

This is how the female sees its male counterpart.


As the yin-yang is about the union of the pairs of opposites, thus all considerations of yin-yang science and philosophy go accordingly.

And as the male in this way of seeing the female is naturally on top of the female as seen in normal sexuality.

Your thoughts please.


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Thank you sir, much more clearer:nerd:

Your welcome.

Now the next yin-yang observation.


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Yin-Yang Observation II.

Within the yin-yang symbol is a diamond shape consisting of over 40 lines.

When these lines are extended outside the yin-yang symbol this forms what in sacred geometry is called a 'Mystic Cross'.

It has never been seen in the known history of sacred geometry.

I call this aspect of the yin-yang symbol the:

'Radiant Aura Diagram' (RAD).

The RAD when seen in the prior post on the formation of the yin-yang symbol has the features of a human face as well as the so-called alien face.


Of course the yin-yang symbol can be shown in these two ways also.




The RAD can be considered as Phanes.


"Protogonos. (Gr.). The 'first-born'; used of all the manifested gods and of the Sun in our system.", Who Gives Light

Phánis - (Fanis or Phanes; Gr. Φάνης, ΦΑΝΗΣ. Pronounced: FAH-nees.)

Phánis is "a divinity in the Orphic System, representing the first principle of life." [1] He is called Firstborn, the Prohtogónos (Protogonus; Gr. Πρωτογόνος), and the son of Aithír (Ether; Gr. Αἰθήρ). [2] He is the primeval God of procreation in the Orphic Theogony. Phánis is an impersonal God, a great force of Aithír which both conceals and reveals all the forms that exist in the natural world. As such, Phánis is one of the most important deities of all Ællinismόs (Hellenismos; Gr. Ἑλληνισμός), the ancient Greek religion.

The Radiant Aura Diagram 'IS' the discovery of Phanes in Sacred Geometry and discovered in the Chinese yin yang symbol.

Now when we turn our yin-yang symbol with small black aspect facing below as illustrated above. It flips the RAD like a coin and gives us a different view of Phanes and the RAD.

As the upper view of the yin-yang with the small black circle on top is like seeing a human face surrounded by a halo of radiance.

The opposite view of the RAD and Phanes as stated in the texts on Phanes now posses the head of a bull or dragon or a lion depending how it appears to you.

Of course the radiant aura will be different too.





So we now see how unique was the Chinese contribution to the world by their development of the yin-yang principle as well as the symbol.

The term YIN and YANG first appeared in the I Ching as stated:

"One yin and one yang constitute what is called Tao."


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Chapter 42 I Ching.

Tao produced [sheng] the One.

The One produced the two.

The two produced the three.

And the three produced the ten thousand things.

The ten thousand things carry the yin and embrace the yang, and through the

blending of the material force (ch'i) they achieve harmony.



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To Protogonos [i.e. Phanes],

Fumigation from Myrrh.

O mighty Protogonos (First-Begotten), hear my prayer,

twofold, egg-born, and wandering through the air;

bull-roarer, glorying in thy golden wings,

from whom the race of Gods and mortal springs.

Erikapaios, celebrated power,

ineffable, occult, all-shining flower.

‘Tis thine from darksome mists to pure the sight,

all-spreading splendour, pure and holy light;

hence, Phanes, called the glory of the sky,

on waving pinions through the world you fly.

Priepos, dark-eyed splendour, thee I sing,

genial, all-prudent, ever blessed king.

With joyful aspect on these rites divine

and holy consecration propitious shine.


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Chaos was generated first, and then

The wide-bosomed Earth, the ever stable seat of all

The Immortals that inhabit the snowy peaks of Olympus,

And the dark aerial Tartarus in the depths of the permeable Earth,

And Eros, the fairest of the immortal Gods,

That relaxes the strength of all, both gods and men,

And subjugates the mind and the sage will in their breasts.

From Chaos were generated Erebus and black Night,

And from Night again were generated Ether and Day,

Whom she brought forth, having conceived from the embrace of Erebus.

And Earth first produced the starry Heaven equal to herself,

That it might inclose all things around herself.

(Theog. v. 116.)

Within the Orphic mysteries, Nyx, a black-winged spirit rose from the emptiness of the Void of Khaos to lay the silver cosmic egg containing the golden winged spirit of love – Eros, also known as Phanes the Revealer, whose radiant beauty illuminated the earth. Nyx, primal Mother Night, within her dark starry realm also birthed the Fates, the Furies, the sperids, and Nemesis. To the ancients, Phanes thus represented the bearer of ‘Light’ of gnosis drawn from the dark void of ignorance. On the physical mundane realms, this was deemed visible in the light and power of the Sun. (Shani Oates copyright – ‘Tubelo’s Green Fire’)

In short, that to the power of the Sun is to be referred the control and supremacy of all things, is indicated by the theologists, who make it evident in the mysteries by the following short invocation:

“Oh, all-ruling Sun, Spirit of the world, Power of the world, Light of the world”

(Macrob. Sat. lib. i. c. 23.)

The Egyptian alchemist Zosimos of Panopolis interpreted Adam as Thouth:”the First Man who is Thouth among us” is named Adam, “with a name borrowed from the tongue of Angels,” by the Chaldeans….”Thus it is that the sensual Adam is named Thouth according to external patterning. As for the man who is inside Adam, the spiritual man, he has simultaneously a personal and a universal name…His Universal name is Phos (light).

First was Chaos and Night, and black Erebus and vast Tartarus;

And there was neither Earth, nor Air, nor Heaven: but in the boundless bosoms of Erebus.

Night, with her black wings, first produced an aerial egg,

From which, at the completed time, sprang forth the lovely Eros,

Glittering with golden wings upon his back, like the swift whirlwinds.

But embracing the dark-winged Chaos in the vast Tartarus.

He begot our race (the birds),2 and first brought us to light.

The race of the Immortals was not, till Eros mingled all things together;

But when the elements were mixed one with another, Heaven was produced, and Ocean,

And Earth, and the imperishable race of all the blessed Gods.

First (I have sung) the vast necessity of ancient Chaos,

And Cronus, who in the boundless tracts brought forth

The Ether, and the sp lendid and glorious Eros of a two-fold nature,

The illustrious father of night, existing from eternity.

Whom men call Phanes, for he first appeared.

I have sung the birth of powerful Brimo (Hecate), and the unhallowed deeds

Of the earth-born (giants), who showered down from heaven

Their blood, the lamentable seed of generation, from when sprung

The race of mortals, who inhabit the boundless earth for ever.

First I sung the obscurity of ancient Chaos,

How the Elements were ordered, and the Heaven reduced to bound;

And the generation of the wide-bosomed Earth, and the depth of the Sea,

And Eros (Love) the most ancient, self-perfecting, and of manifold design;

How he generated all things, and parted them from one another.

And I have sung of Cronus so miserably undone, and how the kingdom

Of the blessed Immortals descended to the thunder-loving Zeus.

(Arg. 419.)

The theologist places around him the heads of a ram, a bull, a lion, and a dragon, and assigns him first both the male and female sex. To him also the wings are first given. Orpheus has the following theological speculation in allusion to Phanes. Therefore the first God bears with himself the heads of animals, many and single, of a bull, of a serpent, and of a fierce lion, and they sprung from the primeval egg in which the animal is seminally contained.

The theologist places around him the heads of a ram, a bull, a lion, and a dragon, and assigns him first both the male and female sex. To him also the wings are first given. Orpheus has the following theological speculation in allusion to Phanes. Therefore the first God bears with himself the heads of animals, many and single, of a bull, of a serpent, and of a fierce lion, and they sprung from the primeval egg in which the animal is seminally contained.

(Proc. in Tim.)

The theologist places around him the heads of a ram, a bull, a lion, and a dragon, and assigns him first both the male and female sex. To him also the wings are first given. Orpheus has the following theological speculation in allusion to Phanes. Therefore the first God bears with himself the heads of animals, many and single, of a bull, of a serpent, and of a fierce lion, and they sprung from the primeval egg in which the animal is seminally contained.

(Proc. in Tim.)


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