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Confession of Murder (2012)

One Armed Boxer

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One Armed Boxer

Well Go USA are finally giving Jeong Byeong-gil's feature length debut a Region 1 DVD & Blu-ray release on 15th April, & to celebrate the occasion I wrote up a review which has been published on fellow forum member mpm74's website cityonfire. You can check it out here -


As a huge fan of Asian action cinema, I found the 2008 documentary Action Boys, which followed the lives of a group of stuntmen in the Seoul Action School, to be hugely enjoyable. Such was my enjoyment that I visited the school in the same year, to witness first hand the rigors of the training that they went through. Of course a huge part of that enjoyment came from the way first time director, and student of the school himself, Jeong Byeong-gil, structured the story. So I felt pretty excited when four years later, it was announced his first full movie was set for release, Confession of Murder.

I’ll be the first to admit though that upon reading the story line, I had no idea what to expect. It’s fifteen years since the last murder took place by a serial killer who targeted women, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake, and with the case still unsolved, the statute of limitations is about to expire. Once it does, a mysterious character played by K-drama actor Park Si-hoo, making his movie debut, comes out of the woodwork with an autobiography, graphically detailing how he committed all of the murders. The detective who was on the case, played by Jeong Jae-yeong (Moss/Castaway on the Moon), has his doubts if he really is the killer. But first he has to contend with the families of the victims, one of which has clearly been styled after the bow and arrow wielding Bae Doona of The Host, who have formed a club to kill Jae-yeong at the earliest opportunity.

You can see it’s supposed to be a crime drama, but something about the details somehow made me smile. Was this movie really going to attempt to get away with being serious, with such details as a best selling serial killer, and a club of blood thirsty family members!? Byeong-gil also wrote the screenplay, so I hoped that whatever he had in mind, he could pull it off without it becoming too laughable. What I didn’t expect though, was for the action to be thrown onto the screen in such abundance. Sure he’s a graduate from the Seoul Action School, but the synopsis simply didn’t seem to lend itself to many action movie scenarios.

Imagine my surprise then when it opens to a blistering seven minutes of Jae-yeong viciously throwing down with a masked assailant in a makkoli bar, sending glass and cutlery smashing everywhere, which segues into a ferocious chase on foot featuring several extended one take shots, with the camera following them through dark alley ways and even under cars. It’s an exhilarating and frantic sequence to watch, and one which ends on a particularly wince inducing moment. Similarly, later there’s an insane car chase, with Si-hoo grappling with members of the victim’s families on top of cars, a stretcher, and in an ambulance.

It’s worth noting that the action sequences are all choreographed by another Action School Graduate, Kwon Kwi-deok, who at the end of Action Boys is the only one still working in stunts. In the four years since that documentary was made, Kwi-deok has become a respected stuntman and action director in Korea, having worked with the likes of Kim Ji-woon, Ryoo Seung-wan, and Na Hong-jin. He even makes a cameo as a live fish chauffeur.

Between these thrilling moments, it becomes clear Byeong-gil never meant to make this as a dark thriller, so while the plot sounds dark, it’s never particularly portrayed that way on screen. There are plenty of comical moments, such as when the victims family arrange for one of them to dress as a pool cleaner, and drop a bunch of snakes into the pool in which Si-hoo is swimming. There are also a lot of subtle swipes at the way the media is willing to make a celebrity out of anyone, such as when it comes into doubt that Si-hoo may not be the real killer, hordes of young girls’ crowd around screaming their adoration for him and waving banners which read “Si-hoo is the Real Killer!”

This tone takes up over an hour of the movie, however at some point Byeong-gil realizes he has to bring everything to a close somehow, and the final third moves away from both the action and the comedy in order to deliver it’s conclusion, which as with so many things Korean, features a somewhat tragic late in the day revelation. This is perhaps the only time when it becomes clear that this is a debut movie from a new director and screen writer, and there is so much quality on show that for me it was forgivable. Byeong-gil perhaps didn’t think about the fact that if you have an hours worth of great action and black comedy, people are going to expect things to progress in the same way, maybe heading for a big action finale, rather than a complete change of tone to wrap things up.

Still with a second viewing and the correct expectations, I’ve no doubt Confession of Murder will still be a rewarding viewing experience, if not more so than the first. Byeong-gil has proven that he has talent to spare, and that his time at the Seoul Action School hasn’t gone to waste, with some of the most exciting action to come out of Korea in far too long contained within its run time. With a slightly tighter script to work with, Korea might have potentially found its next Ryoo Seung-wan.



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It ran a bit long but it goes by pretty quickly once the story gets going. I enjoyed it.

I wonder if this was release in the Korean theaters as a 3D movie. There are definately a few scenes in the begining where the story is set up that looks like it was meant to be.

Pre-ordered the US version. Amazon has it for $10 on blu-ray.

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One Armed Boxer
I wonder if this was release in the Korean theaters as a 3D movie. There are definately a few scenes in the begining where the story is set up that looks like it was meant to be.

It wasn't.

An updated version of my review can also be found here -


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A hit and miss for me unfortunately a more of a miss especially that car chase scene that looked like it was shot on a green screen? Why?

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One Armed Boxer
A hit and miss for me unfortunately a more of a miss especially that car chase scene that looked like it was shot on a green screen? Why?

It was done for real, although there's clearly some CGI aided shots thrown in there as well. Definitely not green screen though. I can understand people wouldn't be that into it if purely watching from an action movie perspective, but I'm a fan of the director and Jeong Jae-yeong, so for me it ticked the required boxes for an enjoyable experience.

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It was done for real, although there's clearly some CGI aided shots thrown in there as well. Definitely not green screen though. I can understand people wouldn't be that into it if purely watching from an action movie perspective, but I'm a fan of the director and Jeong Jae-yeong, so for me it ticked the required boxes for an enjoyable experience.

Yeah, I thought the script was okay. The acting was good too.

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I watched this one a few months ago with my wife and it was very entertaining. I definitely felt the strange tonal shift, but the story and characters were interesting enough to keep us enthralled.

I'll definitely pick this up from Well Go USA on Blu-ray.

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I picked this up today on Blu-ray at Best Buy after a trip to the Post Office. It was marked at $14.99, but it rang up at $9.99. I told the clerk I think it might be the wrong price but she said it was correct. That's the second time in a couple of months that this has happened. Last time I got FRANKENSTEIN'S ARMY for $4.99 even though it was marked as $12.99. :nerd:

Anyway, 10 bucks is a great price for this film on Blu-ray. Thought I'd let you guys know.

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Good Deal, Bob! But the only time I correct the clerk is if the movie is more than its advertised for! :bigsmile:

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Good Deal, Bob! But the only time I correct the clerk is if the movie is more than its advertised for! :bigsmile:

LOL Yeah it's tempting, but in life you often get what you give. So best to play fair.

The toughest was one time at the bank, after the snotty clerk gave me the stink-eye and a rude attitude, I counted my money to discover an extra hundred in the envelope! I said "You gave me too much" and she dismissively told me that I "must've counted it wrong". :smile: I definitely had a second of thinking FU I'm outta here. But now the other clerks and customers were paying attention, and it was very satisfying to hand her back the money so she could see her error. Suddenly her attitude changed and she was praising my honesty and giving respect. That's when I ripped that money back out of her hand and said "Finder's keepers lady!" and ran out the door. I'm no longer welcome at that bank. :xd: LOL Kidding. She is always extra nice to me now when I go in.

Anyway... did you watch the movie?

Did anyone else pick up this Blu-ray? What did you guys think?

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Saw this at last years NYAFF and LOVED IT!


I'm surprised I'm not seeing any more posts about it. I thought that once it had it's R1 release there would be a flurry of comments. It really is worth a look people.

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I'm surprised I'm not seeing any more posts about it. I thought that once it had it's R1 release there would be a flurry of comments. It really is worth a look people.

Agreed. One of the most fun films I've seen. On top of that very smart film. This is an excellent movie.

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Currently trying to catch up on some of those "murder" movies from Korea. This one starts out really strong with an awesome chase and fight in the rain. Setting the mood right (or at least that's what I thought).

Unfortunately, things take a almost comical turn once the victims families are introduced. At least that's my impression and to be honest it really turned me off; it just didn't work. Also the whole thing how the try to take revenge and abduct the serial killer is at times just too silly. I wished they just would've kept the dark tone from the first 10-20 minutes.

I will say the story itself is clever and keeps you guessing til' the end. There's a fair bit of action (car chases, fights etc.) too, but it sometimes suffers from poor special effects. The story alone makes this an above average movie but nothing I would watch again to be honest.

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