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Born Invincible Widescreen Print


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I think falkor was trying to drum up support to finance a w/s print of this a few years back. Apparently, if memory serves right, a collector had it on reels and they were going to press a disc. Don't know what became of it all though.

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Killer Meteor

It's weird how this is one of the few Joseph Kuos not avaliable in widescreen. I wonder if Mei Ah didn't get round to it, or is there a problem with the film masters Hong Hwa have?

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The reels version Falkor had was cut, was going to need inserts from the fullscreen version to make it complete. For whatever reason (lack of finance?) it never happened.

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The reels version Falkor had was cut, was going to need inserts from the fullscreen version to make it complete. For whatever reason (lack of finance?) it never happened.

Thanks for the info brother. Shame that never happened.

Ah well, add this film to the list of kung fu movies I wish I had letterboxed, right next to FISTFUL OF TALONS. :sad:

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The Silver Fox

I don't think the film suffers that much in full screen mode. I have the MIA UK and Pan Media versions,which are the same. The full screen print is actually decent and since the action is kept in the center of the frame you don't really miss much.

Yes,I'd like to have the OAS version but looking at those samples from YouTube that print is in really bad shape.

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The reels version Falkor had was cut, was going to need inserts from the fullscreen version to make it complete. For whatever reason (lack of finance?) it never happened.

Any idea how much was cut? If it were just a minute here and there, it wouldn't be a great loss - considering that (by watching full frame) as much as 40-50% of the original picture is lost anyway. He could have thrown the missing parts in as an extra.

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The reels version Falkor had was cut, was going to need inserts from the fullscreen version to make it complete. For whatever reason (lack of finance?) it never happened.

Also his partner Adonis told me that the reels were in bad condition.

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So this movie exist as a anamorphic widescreen print instead of the awful fullscreen version.

Where can I buy this ? or download ?

EDIT: Ok I found out that rarekungfumovies is supposed to be selling it.

here's some screenshots


rarekungfumovies doesn't sell DVDs for at least 5 years now. It's just a data site.

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Any idea how much was cut? If it were just a minute here and there, it wouldn't be a great loss - considering that (by watching full frame) as much as 40-50% of the original picture is lost anyway. He could have thrown the missing parts in as an extra.

I'm afraid I don't know for sure how much was cut, but I remember him discussing it over on FLK a few years back. I fully agree, cut WS version with FS inserts would still be much better than what we have now. I'm guessing that the reels originated with Toby Russel, so it could still happen at some stage.

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20 mins footage in fullscreen due to damaged reels

I (hazily) remember him talking about the damaged/cut reels, and it was quite a lot of footage that needed to be replaced/repaired. Unfortunately I believe it was in various places throughout, rather than just in a couple of large chunks. So it was a large and time consuming project that possibly never got completed.

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I don't think the film suffers that much in full screen mode. I have the MIA UK and Pan Media versions,which are the same. The full screen print is actually decent and since the action is kept in the center of the frame you don't really miss much.

Yes, fortunately it doesn't seem to have been filmed in a way that really puts the widescreen format to good use. Which means that the cropping is less offensive while watching BORN INVINCIBLE than it would be on say...a Sammo film.

Yes,I'd like to have the OAS version but looking at those samples from YouTube that print is in really bad shape.

I just looked too. Yikes! Looks like that print was stored on the floor of the Grind-house it played in.

Any idea how much was cut? If it were just a minute here and there, it wouldn't be a great loss - considering that (by watching full frame) as much as 40-50% of the original picture is lost anyway. He could have thrown the missing parts in as an extra.

Yeah- anybody know what the longest running time reported for this film was?

As for all that missing picture with cropped films... anybody ever see DREADNAUGHT full-screen? That's how I first saw it. Oh my... :ooh: a travesty to the action choreography and performances. Not to mention the cinematography. Just... horrible! :sad:

There is a French version in WS in Fair+ quality.

I uploaded it on ADC a while back:


Oh ho ho... :nerd: Thanks for sharing!

I'm going to play both this French Widecreen version, and my full-screen versions at the same time on two different players, and I'll just switch inputs for either the action or dialogue scenes. Far from Ideal, but better than all full-screen. :bigsmile:

I'm afraid I don't know for sure how much was cut, but I remember him discussing it over on FLK a few years back. I fully agree, cut WS version with FS inserts would still be much better than what we have now. I'm guessing that the reels originated with Toby Russel, so it could still happen at some stage.

You know I'm always happy with a mixed aspect ratio if I get to see the whole film that way.

I (hazily) remember him talking about the damaged/cut reels, and it was quite a lot of footage that needed to be replaced/repaired. Unfortunately I believe it was in various places throughout, rather than just in a couple of large chunks. So it was a large and time consuming project that possibly never got completed.

Oh. You hardly ever post anymore Wiggy, but when you do, it's to deliver bad news? :ooh: LOL Kidding. :smile: It's definitely best to know the massive headache ahead if anyone was thinking of attempting a custom edition.

For now my low-tech solution will have to do. :wink:

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Yikes! Looks like that print was stored on the floor of the Grind-house it played in.
It's funny you say that, because a local theater does play a cache of 35mm kung-fu prints, most of which were indeed found at the bottom of a Grindhouse theater. And, in general, they look pretty damn good.
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It's funny you say that, because a local theater does play a cache of 35mm kung-fu prints, most of which were indeed found at the bottom of a Grindhouse theater. And, in general, they look pretty damn good.

Oh, you go to see the kung fu classic, rescued 35mm films that Dan found? You lucky genre fan! I'm so envious. :smile: Did you happen to purchase one of his KUNG FU THEATER T-shirts?


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RE: Kung Fu Theater.

I haven't had a chance to buy a tee... They only take cash, and I never carry and always forget to go to an ATM.

I unfortunately don't get to see enough screenings as I should. I always seemed to get stuck doing something, work or social, during those nights. I do get out there whenever I can. It's where I finally got to see Mystery of Chess-boxing and thank god! since the only circulating copies are absolutely terrible.

He's doing a nice double feature of The Victim/Enter the Fat Dragon next month.

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There is a French version in WS in Fair+ quality.

I uploaded it on ADC a while back:


I'm sorry but this is fake widescreen.... it's just the fullscreen version that has been cropped to look like it's widescreen.

So this french version is actually even worse than the fullscreen DVD.


Cold Bishop: your local theater has a copy of The Victim and Mystery of Chess Boxing in 35mm format? wow that's gold !

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I'm sorry but this is fake widescreen.... it's just the fullscreen version that has been cropped to look like it's widescreen.

So this french version is actually even worse than the fullscreen DVD.

I have both versions and disagree 100% with your statement. Just my opinion.

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I think the French print looks much better than the fullscreen version, especially as the 35MM print is not available, nor does it seem likely to become available anytime soon. This would make a nice custom project.

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I think the French print looks much better than the fullscreen version, especially as the 35MM print is not available, nor does it seem likely to become available anytime soon. This would make a nice custom project.

Hi mate! Although I'd never buy anything from them, FLK advertises an English dubbed print using the French letterbox version and allegedly color corrected. So that custom project appears to have been done.

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FLK strike again, lol. Now we need about £25 quid and wait six months for it to arrive:tongue:.

And pray that the DVD will work.......

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