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Shaw Bros in Cheetos Commercial


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I just noticed this a few days ago. If you look in the first 2 seconds of this Cheetos commercial, you'll see that these two are watching Lu Feng and Lo Mang from Invincible Shaolin aka Unbeatable Dragon on their TV. Strange, eh?


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Yeah, I saw that.

I thought this was a pretty funny commercial too. I love how the "cheese dust" flies off the fingers like "power powder" from the strike's impacts. :tongue:

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Nothing wrong with being "that guy" im also "that guy" cuz cultural ignorance irks me to no end.

Example... I once had a friendship turn sour over this very issue. I hung out with this guy, really cool, generally open minded, but he just could not fathom that Asia was not one big homogenized lump of yellow people speaking the same language. I tried in vain to teach him the basic differences between the various countries, cultures etc. But he either did not want to learn, or was too dense to get it, which is weird, cuz he was fairly intelligent.

Every time he mentioned something refering to Asia he got the culture wrong, Chinese when it was Japanese and vice versa. The fact that there was places such as Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam etc. was completely lost on him. And I corrected him EVERY time. I know that can be annoying to some people, but I can't just let that shit slide. It annoys me soooo much, when people refuse to learn. And when I corrected him, he was always dismissive like "aaah, it's all the same". NO IT'S NOT THE FUCKING SAME! People who pride themselves on their ignorance, aggravates me to the point where I want to hurt them.

I don't expect someone who has little to no interest in asian culture to know specific differences, but a little basic knowledge is not gonna fucking kill you. Especially when I already explained the lay of the land to you a thousand times over. In the end, I guess he got tired of me correcting his dumb ass, and I got tired of his ignorance, so we stopped hanging out. He was a cool guy in many other aspects, but it was like he had these blind spots in his intelligence, where certain things just would not sink in.

But anyway, yeah.... im "that guy" too, and if that pisses some people off, that's just too bad.

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Why would you really expect them to. So many cultures and arts and you expect people to identify with no experience? When we came up, everything was called a karate movie. Everything. You know, Black Belt Theater and all that played mostly Shaws and the the like.

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I hear you fellas. It used to get me all worked up too, but as I aged I started to mellow out a bit. I found that it's best not to sweat the little things, or you'll die young of stress related problems.

Tons of people are ignorant. In most cases I try to share any helpful info I may have. But when people aren't open to it, I just shrug and move on. When I see it in mainstream marketing and such, I do still occasionally shake my head in bewilderment. However, I'm trying to let go of whatever I feel that's negative (what you hold onto helps no one, changes nothing, and only affects YOU), and embrace the positive.

Is this commercial ignorant? Yes. Did it still amuse me? Yes. Hmmm... just like most things you see on TV. :tongue:

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I hear you fellas. It used to get me all worked up too, but as I aged I started to mellow out a bit. I found that it's best not to sweat the little things, or you'll die young of stress related problems.

Tons of people are ignorant. In most cases I try to share any helpful info I may have. But when people aren't open to it, I just shrug and move on. When I see it in mainstream marketing and such, I do still occasionally shake my head in bewilderment. However, I'm trying to let go of whatever I feel that's negative (what you hold onto helps no one, changes nothing, and only affects YOU), and embrace the positive.

Is this commercial ignorant? Yes. Did it still amuse me? Yes. Hmmm... just like most things you see on TV. :tongue:

true words!

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Guys... I'm shocked!!! :nerd: the SHAW footage has been removed from this commercial, which still plays, however, without a view of the TV screen, and thereby omitting the Venoms' footage.

The Kung Fu Gods, and Mona Fong, have spoken!


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Treacherous Mastermind
Guys... I'm shocked!!! :nerd: the SHAW footage has been removed from this commercial, which still plays, however, without a view of the TV screen, and thereby omitting the Venoms' footage.

The Kung Fu Gods, and Mona Fong, have spoken!


That really does suck because that's the only reason I liked the commercial. They probably got a complaint from Celestial or the commercial was too long.

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On 12/28/2013 at 3:09 AM, TibetanWhiteCrane said:

Every time he mentioned something referring to Asia he got the culture wrong, Chinese when it was Japanese and vice versa.

It reminds me of people who confuse the Scottish accent for the Irish one, and vice-versa. I've found it to be quite the common occurrence that an American will confuse a Yorkshire accent for a Scottish one.

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