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Marvel Announce 4 TV Shows - Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist & Jessica Jones


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started of a bit slow but gets better I'm on ep 6 which is directed by rza  so far I'm not impressed by the fight scenes lots of quick cuts

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On episode 11 - Standing back from the show for a while I can see it's a very mixed bag, frankly, and it really saddens me to say that.

There's stuff to like, for sure, but I think the show gets more wrong than right.

Fingers crossed for The Defenders (which finished filming yesterday) and, who knows, maybe even a much-improved 2nd season of Iron Fist (provided it actually gets one!)

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I'm 5 eps in. (Picking up ep 6 tonight, which the RZA directed, and boy, do I dread watching this one.) I'm liking it for the most part so far, but I know when it comes to something like this, @Karlos has tastes similar to my own.

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WIsh Iron Fist would be clean shaved tho like in comic, looks like dork with that beard...It is negative when character looks too different from comic. Well, if this comes out as dvd/br after few years then know better is it any good...


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On 3/18/2017 at 5:46 AM, Karlos said:

Anyone else on here watching Iron Fist?

Am 3 episodes in, and I'm hooked.

Not sure why the critics gave it such a hammering - sure it's not perfect, like all the other Marvel Netflix shows, but it's comparable in quality overall to the others.

Hope you cats like it as much as I do.


I'm also three episodes in and it starts out slow moving, but seems to improve with what I saw so far. BTW, stuntman/actor Johnny Yang posted this photo. He appears in a flashback in the series sporting a version of the classic costume



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Drunken Monk

"Iron Fist" has been distinctly mediocre for me. I'm on episode 9 and while I certainly don't hate it, it isn't anywhere near what it could have been. The fights just don't have the pizazz they need. We've seen this stuff a million times before.
I did enjoy the inclusion of the drunken boxer and even enjoyed that fight scene as it was something different, but so many action sequences are just the same thing over and over. There are moments of flare that look great but, otherwise, they're a serious letdown.

Oh and Danny Rand gets hit way too much. The point of being the Iron Fist is that you can fight off the average Joe easily. The Iron Fist is a human weapon; the ultimate fighting machine. In this show, Rand gets his nose bloodied by second-rate henchmen.

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26 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

Oh and Danny Rand gets hit way too much. The point of being the Iron Fist is that you can fight off the average Joe easily. The Iron Fist is a human weapon; the ultimate fighting machine. In this show, Rand gets his nose bloodied by second-rate henchmen.

I have to say I'm feeling this way, too. I had the exact same thought watching one fight scene last night that was a 1-on-1 and I'm thinking, "Come, Danny, you should waste this dude in 4 moves tops." Of course, I realize they want to milk the action scenes a little bit. I'm hoping at some point for a good melee sequence as each season of DD had. I want to see IF wade through some goons giving out chops to the throat and boots to the head.

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One episode left...

The main problem seems to be, the writers have no idea how to write the main character, resulting in each episode constantly resetting him. 

The fights were a little better in the last few eps, but not by much.  It often feels like they filmed the rehearsals and just put those in! 

Too many cuts, too many camera angles that just seem off.  Mistakes that never should have been made.

I've enjoyed the show to a degree but overall a disappointment - and it breaks my heart to say that.

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I'm 7 eps in now. I'm still not feeling Finn Jones is right for the role. The fights seem good so far, but the editing is a real problem and it's because he's being doubled for a lot of stuff. Even in his workout sequences (which are obviously Tai Chi based) he simply does not have the bearing of a martial artist. So far, as with Jessica Jones, the strength of the series for me lies with the secondary characters. It's good to know the fights get somewhat better further towards the end.

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There's already talk of a 2nd season on some comic-book sites and, if it does indeed come to pass, I truly hope that all the problems of the first season are, ahem, ironed out (ho ho!)

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Read a piece of an interview with Finn Jones that someone had posted on FB in which he states that he only have 3 weeks of prep time before shooting began on the Iron Fist series and then he was having to learn the choreography on set, sometimes 15 minutes before filming. This explains a lot regarding the lack of originality and performance for some aspects of the fight sequences. I still think the casting of him is off. Regardless, given the praises that Daredevil received for the action scenes, the producers should have known that they needed to make this as good as that, or used it for a standard at least. 

My wife and I only watched 1 ep last night (still 5 to go), and even she was stating that both he and the character don't seem very Iron Fist-y, and this from a woman who isn't a big MA fan.

I'm holding out hope that The Defenders will show a lot of improvement with the character, and with it only being 8 eps long, they should really have to trim the story fat and focus on the action.

Edited by ShaOW!linDude
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I have to say, regardless of the show itself, Jessica Henwick (Colleen Wing) is a serious find - give this woman a Daughters of the Dragon spin-off!

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2 hours ago, Karlos said:

I have to say, regardless of the show itself, Jessica Henwick (Colleen Wing) is a serious find - give this woman a Daughters of the Dragon spin-off!

Yes!!! That girl sells her fights and with little doubling from what I can tell.

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1 hour ago, ShaOW!linDude said:

Yes!!! That girl sells her fights and with little doubling from what I can tell.

Jessica began training in martial arts for a 2009 series she starred in called Spirit Warriors. I got this from her interview from that series:

"I trained for a month with Jude Poyer (:smile), an amazing martial arts expert and choreographer," says Jess. "We had one-on-one training – I've never exercised like I did for that month, it was hardcore. It was a wonderful experience though and I learnt so much." She studied wushu for the series. My guess is, she decided to continue training after the series.

Edited by AlbertV
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Finished watching IF last night. I found the finale underwhelming. The action did pick up and get a little better in eps 10-12, but then it's like they were dialing it in for ep 13. Story wise, I found the series to be pretty good. As I think I've stated before, it's the secondary characters that I really like. Maybe Jones will grow on me as Danny Rand. I don't know. Jessica Henwick owns every scene she's in, as does David Thewlis and Rosario Dawson. 

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On 3/26/2017 at 8:21 AM, ShaOW!linDude said:

Finished watching IF last night. I found the finale underwhelming. The action did pick up and get a little better in eps 10-12, but then it's like they were dialing it in for ep 13. Story wise, I found the series to be pretty good. As I think I've stated before, it's the secondary characters that I really like. Maybe Jones will grow on me as Danny Rand. I don't know. Jessica Henwick owns every scene she's in, as does David Thewlis and Rosario Dawson. 

I totally agree here. I finished it on Tuesday while I was sick and I had a hunch there would be a cliffhanger. Finn Jones wasn't all that bad, but he definitely needs to up his training to really convince me that he can really be worthy of being the Iron Fist. Jessica Henwick for me is the series' real breakout star and I wanted to hate Ward so bad at first, but I could tell he had a chip on his shoulder and I think it was that pressure that eventually made him see the light. Davos is quite a mysterious figure. Perhaps Season 2 (which looks highly likely because according to sources, it is the 2nd highest rated Netflix/Marvel series behind Luke Cage) will show him as the Steel Serpent. David Wenham and Rosario Dawson made the most out of their roles as well...Dawson being the connection to the Defenders side of the MCU.

If there will be a season 2, let's hope it gets some major improvement.

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1 hour ago, AlbertV said:

...Season 2 (which looks highly likely because according to sources, it is the 2nd highest rated Netflix/Marvel series behind Luke Cage) ...

If there will be a season 2, let's hope it gets some major improvement.

Is that the ratings?  Interesting.

For all it's many faults, I really hope Iron Fist gets a second season and, yes, they get the time to work on it and get things right.

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Drunken Monk

I've also finished the show and can't help but feel it was totally mediocre. From the acting to the story to the fight scenes, nothing stood out. Granted, Jessica Henwick was pretty good but did she have to carry that sword around and never use it? IT got frustrating eventually. Why give her a deadly weapon and then have her not use it. Another example of the show's silliness.
I hope they can learn from their mistakes and really make season 2 what it deserves to be. What the audience deserves.

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DEFENDERS first teaser trailer with all our heroes (special guest star: a towel):

(The footage clock apparently is a clue to the transmission date of Friday 18th August)


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