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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


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Secret Executioner

D'oooooooooooooooooooh !!! DC could have made the greatest comic book movie ever and instead we end with Micheal Bay stuff: explosions (barely 30 seconds in and a building collapses - sounds like the Ninja Turtles trailer) and dust everywhere, women who get here more based on beauty canons than on what they should be (talkin' about you, Wonder Barbie doll) and epilleptic cinematography. I thought I didn't get what was going on in Transformers 3 because I have next to no knowledge of the Transformers, but even characters like Superman, Batman or WW (they should be iconic and easily recognizable to anyone) can barely be made out in this fucking mess... :tinysmile_angry2_t: :tinysmile_angry2_t: :tinysmile_angry2_t:

F**k it, I'm giving up on the idea that the Justice League movie series could do anything better than what the MCU has done so far. Hell, I now think the people who announced they would rather go Captain America: Civil War were right. :squigglemouth:

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I don't mind Synder behind the lens on this one. If it's action packed and the villains are servicable I'm cool with it. What I'm really looking forward to is Affleck's directorial debut of his standalone batman movie, You know that's going to be a good one, probably better than Synder's attempt.

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Secret Executioner
What I'm really looking forward to is Affleck's directorial debut of his standalone batman movie, You know that's going to be a good one, probably better than Synder's attempt.

That could be interesting to see indeed, Affleck seems to be a competent director. I'm curious about this movie though, seeing Dawn Of Justice seems confused on its Batman and where it stands (elements suggest it's an older Batman coming out of retirement ala Frank Miller's Dark Knight, but there seem to be a lot of origin elements).

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Drunken Monk
...explosions (barely 30 seconds in and a building collapses - sounds like the Ninja Turtles trailer) and dust everywhere:

I think the building collapsing is a massively important part of the trailer. It shows Bruce Wayne's reaction to the destruction in "Man of Steel".

It's not just there for the sake of it. It gives us an idea of the emotional weight Superman's first battle has put on others. It's a solid nod to what the fans complained about when it came to "Man of Steel".

I think this trailer is excellent. I'm really excited for the film as, from what I've gathered, it's not just going to be a big CGI action-fest. It genuinely looks like it has some heart to it.

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I think the building collapsing is a massively important part of the trailer. It shows Bruce Wayne's reaction to the destruction in "Man of Steel".

It's not just there for the sake of it. It gives us an idea of the emotional weight Superman's first battle has put on others. It's a solid nod to what the fans complained about when it came to "Man of Steel".

I think this trailer is excellent. I'm really excited for the film as, from what I've gathered, it's not just going to be a big CGI action-fest. It genuinely looks like it has some heart to it.

My favorite part from the trailer is when Superman lands on the batmmobile and meets Batman face to face, awesome!

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Noelle Shadow Kick

Here were my reactions to the trailer:

Pros: Love the batsuit and batmobile! Ben Affleck really looks like an older Bruce Wayne, Batman looks spot on.

The action was the highlight of Man of Steel in my opinion, and it looks like that should be good in this as well.

We only see Jeremy Irons for a moment, but I hope he's a badass in this!

Cons: First of all, that terrible cheesy music is not helping this trailer at all.

Second, I think Lex Luthor looks and sounds terrible. This was the most disappointing part of the trailer for me, his line reading was cringe worthy. I really prefer the cold, calculating Lex Luthor as opposed to one who sounds campy and is silly. So this was a major bummer for me, it doesn't look salvageable.

They're making Superman look kinda bad. He just stands around mostly, while Batman is seen doing heroic things. For a movie that co-opted Man of Steel 2, this really should be Supes-centric.

Stray observations: What is this movie even about? Is it really going to be Batman fighting Superman? Because don't do that. Just don't. I feel like the only way to make it work would be that they're against each other for a VERY short time in the beginning, not the majority of the movie.

Wonder Woman seems to just be tacked on. A lot of people are reacting to the trailer saying "this movie looks terrible but Wonder Woman looks great!" She's barely in the trailer to even form an opinion on her, I think it's just suddenly become "cool" to say they like her. After the initial backlash of people saying she's too skinny, people are now trying to act like she's the only saving grace of the movie because they want to seem like they were ahead of the curve or something. It's frustrating.

As a female fan of these things--and as a huge Wonder Woman fan (obviously)--I still am frustrated that they cast someone even skinnier than most actresses as Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is one of the few superheroines with a realistic body shape for a warrior and who is tough as nails, so it's disappointing to see her depicted as she appears in this trailer. Women can be beautiful in all body shapes, so it's sad that I won't be seeing her as this (art by Cliff Chiang):


And I have to tell you, I would care A LOT less about this if I knew that Gal Gadot was a good actress. I've seen her in the Fast and Furious films, and while I really like her in those, she certainly doesn't show an acting range and is definitely not articulate. A Wonder Woman who isn't articulate isn't really Wonder Woman. On DC's site, they describe Wonder Woman as "the full package of beauty, brains, and brawn", but it sort of seems like we're mostly getting "beauty".

If Gal Gadot ends up being FANTASTIC as Wonder Woman then I'll be the happiest girl alive--I want nothing more than to see an amazing Wonder Woman movie--I'm just sort of losing hope over here.

BUT like I said, we don't see her enough in the trailer, I'm just confused as to why people are suddenly on board with her.

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Sadly Hollywood finds it hard to cast a woman with a curvy figure in a major lead role. By this I don't just mean a lady with a large chest but someone who's really well built all round. Casting a leaner lady in the role of Wonder Woman is a bit odd. Kinda like casting Robert Downey Jr as Conan. Look how they cast Angelina Jolie in the Lara Croft role then padded parts of her outfit so she fit the computer game version of Lara's body. Sofia Vergara has shape more suited to the comic book look of Woman Woman. Ronda Rousey has a good strong body type that also suits the character. Just my opinion as I'm no comic book expert.

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Ugh, people holding picket signs that say "Aliens are un-American" and "God hates aliens"

Gee, subtle Snyder. :rolleyes: That shot feels more like it's for a parody rather than a serious movie.

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Here were my reactions to the trailer:

Pros: Love the batsuit and batmobile! Ben Affleck really looks like an older Bruce Wayne, Batman looks spot on.

The action was the highlight of Man of Steel in my opinion, and it looks like that should be good in this as well.

We only see Jeremy Irons for a moment, but I hope he's a badass in this!

Cons: First of all, that terrible cheesy music is not helping this trailer at all.

Second, I think Lex Luthor looks and sounds terrible. This was the most disappointing part of the trailer for me, his line reading was cringe worthy. I really prefer the cold, calculating Lex Luthor as opposed to one who sounds campy and is silly. So this was a major bummer for me, it doesn't look salvageable.

They're making Superman look kinda bad. He just stands around mostly, while Batman is seen doing heroic things. For a movie that co-opted Man of Steel 2, this really should be Supes-centric.

Stray observations: What is this movie even about? Is it really going to be Batman fighting Superman? Because don't do that. Just don't. I feel like the only way to make it work would be that they're against each other for a VERY short time in the beginning, not the majority of the movie.

Wonder Woman seems to just be tacked on. A lot of people are reacting to the trailer saying "this movie looks terrible but Wonder Woman looks great!" She's barely in the trailer to even form an opinion on her, I think it's just suddenly become "cool" to say they like her. After the initial backlash of people saying she's too skinny, people are now trying to act like she's the only saving grace of the movie because they want to seem like they were ahead of the curve or something. It's frustrating.

As a female fan of these things--and as a huge Wonder Woman fan (obviously)--I still am frustrated that they cast someone even skinnier than most actresses as Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is one of the few superheroines with a realistic body shape for a warrior and who is tough as nails, so it's disappointing to see her depicted as she appears in this trailer. Women can be beautiful in all body shapes, so it's sad that I won't be seeing her as this (art by Cliff Chiang):


And I have to tell you, I would care A LOT less about this if I knew that Gal Gadot was a good actress. I've seen her in the Fast and Furious films, and while I really like her in those, she certainly doesn't show an acting range and is definitely not articulate. A Wonder Woman who isn't articulate isn't really Wonder Woman. On DC's site, they describe Wonder Woman as "the full package of beauty, brains, and brawn", but it sort of seems like we're mostly getting "beauty".

If Gal Gadot ends up being FANTASTIC as Wonder Woman then I'll be the happiest girl alive--I want nothing more than to see an amazing Wonder Woman movie--I'm just sort of losing hope over here.

BUT like I said, we don't see her enough in the trailer, I'm just confused as to why people are suddenly on board with her.

Were you able to go to ComicCon this year?

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Lady Jin Szu-Yi

Um...since I don't have anything nice to say about that trailer...



I'll take Captain America: Civil War instead. 

Edited by Lady Jin Szu-Yi
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Amen Lady Jin, Amen. Not only was the Lex Luthor what laughable??? The CG was not that impressive. If there's nothing else to see in theaters that week, I guess I'll go see this but expectations are on hold at the moment.

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Oh boy... Things keep getting worse with this one.


 I know, right? maybe it's because we're used to seeing Marvel movies being so good and in that style that when we see a comic book movie that doesn't look like a Marvel, we tend to be too harsh. I don't know but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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Lady Jin Szu-Yi

I don't think it's the look  for me, so much as the tone feels wrong. DC is doing everything gritty because of the success of Nolan's Batman. Not every DC character is gritty and while I like some grit, some characters feel wrong to me going there. 


 I'll just hang tight for the Aquaman movie.  

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Secret Executioner

I don't think it's the look  for me, so much as the tone feels wrong. DC is doing everything gritty because of the success of Nolan's Batman. Not every DC character is gritty and while I like some grit, some characters feel wrong to me going there. 


 I'll just hang tight for the Aquaman movie.  

Some of the Marvel films got a gritty feel alright, but this looks like 300 or well pretty much any flick by Zach Snyder.

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Some of the Marvel films got a gritty feel alright, but this looks like 300 or well pretty much any flick by Zach Snyder.

 Took the words out of my mouth. Zach Synder is not the guy I'd want to make this kind of movie. 

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Gonna reserve any judgement on this one until I've watched it. I didn't rate the Christian Bale films apart from the very first one. Not to say they didn't have any positives. We are spoiled for choice when it comes to Marvel/D.C films/T.V productions at the moment. D.C do appear to be going for a slightly darker look but I guess it's to try and separate themselves from the Marvel productions?. Both are going for the PG-13 market so D.C cant make the films too edgy despite the visual look.

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Secret Executioner

Gonna reserve any judgement on this one until I've watched it. I didn't rate the Christian Bale films apart from the very first one. Not to say they didn't have any positives. We are spoiled for choice when it comes to Marvel/D.C films/T.V productions at the moment. D.C do appear to be going for a slightly darker look but I guess it's to try and separate themselves from the Marvel productions?. Both are going for the PG-13 market so D.C cant make the films too edgy despite the visual look.


Hurray, I'm not the only one who liked Batman Begins the best out of Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.  :bigsmile: 

Edited by Secret Executioner
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Hurray, I'm not the only one who liked Batman Begins the best out of Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.  :bigsmile: 

I really loved the first film but the other two felt like standard actions films that just happen to feature the Batman character. Heath Ledger was great as the joker but I felt his performance belonged in a better film.

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Lady Jin Szu-Yi

As I'm not a Batman fan, I'll keep quiet there. :monk_coolagent:


Marvel has some grit. Cinematically anyway, but they still keep it very comic book and hyper real.  I would love to see some fun comic book stuff at DC, not that I am complaining Aquaman may very well borrow from Peter David's excellent 1990s run, but I'd like to have some fun in there too. 


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