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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


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Noelle Shadow Kick
Let's not forget that proposed Aquaman series that never came to be, which was to have starred the Arrow from Smallville, Justin Hartley, as Aquaman...what was it..Mercy Reef or something? Yeah, I'm enjoying that show right now :tongue:

I have to agree...I knew when Jason got cast as Aquaman what to expect and he looks like a beast here...and it's cool for today's DC flicks.

Haha YES! That failed pilot is so so ridiculous.

And yeah, Momoa is going to be a total beast and I'm looking forward to it. I'm far more concerned about what the script will look like as opposed to what Aquaman looks like, honestly haha

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Secret Executioner
Haha YES! That failed pilot is so so ridiculous.

And yeah, Momoa is going to be a total beast and I'm looking forward to it. I'm far more concerned about what the script will look like as opposed to what Aquaman looks like, honestly haha

What has me worried on the script is that they have plenty of new characters for this continuity. How can you introduce all these characters in one single movie ? Batman is complex (I assume his story is widely known thanks to the previous movies, but it's a new Batman we're dealing with here), there's a huge Wonder Woman mythology (though I guess they'll keep it to the basics) and even though I'm not a fan of the character, Cyborg's origin story is very deep and could be a really solid movie of its own (why is it I'd see Spike Lee directing this ?!).

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What has me worried on the script is that they have plenty of new characters for this continuity. How can you introduce all these characters in one single movie ? Batman is complex (I assume his story is widely known thanks to the previous movies, but it's a new Batman we're dealing with here), there's a huge Wonder Woman mythology (though I guess they'll keep it to the basics) and even though I'm not a fan of the character, Cyborg's origin story is very deep and could be a really solid movie of its own (why is it I'd see Spike Lee directing this ?!).

Well, let's not forget, this Batman, being played by Affleck, is already an aging Caped Crusader, in his early-to-mid forties (in BTS pics,Affleck has some silver streaks in his hair to show the age). It will be interesting to see how Snyder pulls this off, but one that picks my interest.

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Jason Momoa gave his thoughts on playing Aquaman

First, the poster:

"He sent it over and we're in the middle of the editing suite for the thing I'm doing right now, and we all freaked out, man. It was so amazing to see it come out."

The mythology of Aquaman

"The whole mythology of Aquaman is pretty amazing. There’s so many things to tell, and there’s a whole backstory that’s just amazing. There’s a lot of surprises coming. I think, yeah, he’s been cast aside. But, um [laughs] times are going to change now, buddy.

What’s great about this is Zack, man. We don’t want to just reinvent it, but he’s a got a whole idea of what Aquaman should be and I’m really honored to be playing it. I’m excited for the world to see it... There’s definitely a plan in this whole universe that he’s designing, and it’s amazing to be a part of it. I think everything that you see that is building, there’s a purpose behind the whole plan."

As to whether Aquaman will see any action in the film...might not look that way..

"It's Batman and Superman, it’s not my movie. It’s the first time in history to have them both on the screen together, and I’m just excited to see those two up there."

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Secret Executioner

Isn't there an Aquaman movie scheduled ? I heard of a release date in 2018. Count me already in for this one. :nerd:

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Yes Aquaman will get his own film in 2018...well, here he is...Jesse Eisenberg as...Lex Luthor!!!


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So what I got from this trailer is... this is gonna be a dark movie right? Dark both thematically and practically, cause that's what Superman is now unfortunately. I'll sayone thing though, at least it doesn't give away anything as so many trailers do these days.

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Secret Executioner

Meh... Batman's voice seems even worse than in the Nolan trilogy and honestly, showcasing the Batmobile blowing up shit, an older and bulky Batman, Superman being a controversial figure and Batman confronting Superman (presumably for a fight cause I doubt he'd have that big ass armor if he wanted to have him for dinner or to peacefully invite him to form the Justice League...) can't help but remind me of Frank Miller's Dark Knight - except the one that poses problems seems to be Supes and not Bats.

Not sure how Wonder Woman, Aquaman or Cyborg would fit there though...

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I haven't read any of the GN but in Snyder's movie and based on that trailer. It seems like Superman is painted as the Villain whereas Batman is the Hero??? I'd much prefer Batman to be the villain where he has to prove himself that he can protect earth while Superman plays the goodie boy and takes advantage of Batman's persona and turn it against him.

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I like the representation of the heroes. Dark, honor-based, the epic battle for the crown of heroism. Being a casual comic book follower, it delivers the excitement I want to see. I can totally see where this separates us 'casuals' with the 'hardcores'. But I'm perfectly fine with it.

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Secret Executioner

Looks like the Bat-suit has been through some battle. I didn't expect the yellow sign (though they could have used it and made a reference to the explanation for such a bullseye from Frank Miller's Dark Knight), but I'd have preferred a Bat-symbol that stands out a bit more. :squigglemouth:

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Noelle Shadow Kick

Well, I don't work at DC Comics anymore so I can just kind of come out and say that I doubt this movie will be that good. I do think there are aspects to look forward to, though.

Batman's mech-suit looks AWESOME in that trailer. I also kind of dig his death metal voice haha.

Also, for anyone shitting on DC because it's "dark" and praising Marvel for being "light"...have you seen Daredevil? Because holy shit. That's dark. Superman may have snapped a guy's neck, but he didn't decapitate him via car door. (Sorry, some of the DC loyalty has seeped in!)

Regardless, this movie will make a boatload of money. It's fucking Batman versus Superman. The other heroes are not going to be in the movie beyond a cameo, really (Aquaman especially I hear won't be in it much). So I'm hoping it's not as packed as it seems.

Zach Snyder can eat a dick, but I'm still hoping there's something worthwhile in this movie.

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Secret Executioner
Also, for anyone shitting on DC because it's "dark" and praising Marvel for being "light"...have you seen Daredevil? Because holy shit. That's dark. Superman may have snapped a guy's neck, but he didn't decapitate him via car door. (Sorry, some of the DC loyalty has seeped in!)

Funny nobody mentionned that people tend to shit on "light" DC movies - Joel Shcumacher's Batman films, Green Lantern... But I guess my lack of sense of humor prevents me from seeing the genius of Iron Man eating doughnuts on a restaurant sign, cause it's about as corny as Batman having a Bat-credit card or Arnie's Mr. Freeze making ice-based puns in almost every sentence he utters... :rolleyes: (sorry, but I LOVE Batman & Robin - it just came out 30 years too late)

Concerning "dark" Marvel: I find Amazing Spider-Man 2 to be among their darkest - someone from a local theater told me people had walked out during the opening sequence because it was too much for their kids, and I found Electro's origin scene pretty graphic. Actually, I would say it's one of the darkest comic book movies I've seen (with Batman Returns I guess).

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Cold Bishop

The issue isn't that a superhero can't be dark. It's that such a tone is completely at odds with Superman's inherent optimism. And it's not isolated to this: DC films is clearly overestimating how far "gritty" can go as a house-style.

But therein lies the rub: this is clearly more Batman 4 than it is Superman 2, and that's where it's taking its cue. And, ironically enough, with Nolan out of the picture, Snyder can give full reign to his green-screen douchebag nihilism.

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Secret Executioner
The issue isn't that a superhero can't be dark. It's that such a tone is completely at odds with Superman's inherent optimism.

I get your point and I have to agree. In a realistic/dark world, Supes either looks like a moron (he is nearly a God, but never uses his powers or only when facing opponents like Darkseid or Mongul - see the Justice League cartoon) or abuses his powers and it results in him acting out of character (Man Of Steel).

I find a bright innocent world (Super Friends, the 1980s movies) is what works best for this character.

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... green-screen douchebag nihilism.

Favorite quote I've read in a while. I'll have to use this sometime and manipulate it so it can't be traced to Bishop.

I liked Superman's optimism in the past (movies, tv, older comics). I understand the need/want to try to make everything darker though it is a little at odds with myself and viewing Superman (though I don't expect people to have my opinion, I am a Batman Returns fan :D while hating the Schumaker Batman films.)

Now I'm not sure how I'm going to react with Ben Affleck as Batman. I'm going to do my best to give him the benefit of the doubt, I just have this nagging feeling that I'm going to be biased.

I'm actually really looking forward to an Aquaman movie.

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Secret Executioner
But therein lies the rub: this is clearly more Batman 4 than it is Superman 2, and that's where it's taking its cue. And, ironically enough, with Nolan out of the picture, Snyder can give full reign to his green-screen douchebag nihilism.

Batman gets top-billing and a dark universe fits him MUCH better than it does Supes. Personally, I'm interested in this essentially for Batman.

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