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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


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Secret Executioner
Ummm...she may look thin, but don't be fooled. Before she was an actress/model...she served in the Israeli military for two years, so she has a bit of a background. Plus, she was even more skinnier before that and gained some muscle by learning various martial arts for the role. Plus, she did do all of her own stunts in the Fast and Furious films so that counts for something.

I think she may just surprise everyone with her take on WW. That's what I think anyway. As they say...I wouldn't judge the book by its cover in this case. Guess we'll wait til the movie comes out and decide then.

It's good if she has some MA background, but... Christian Bale apparently had some too and look how horrrible Batman's fighting is in TDKR.

"she did do all of her own stunts in the Fast and Furious films": yeah, cool story. And what did it involve ? She can use all the power of a Mustang or a Corvette on an expressway to outrun police cars and helicopters ? Make her Lex Luthor's driver then... (seriously, those movies may be some of the most overrated bullsh*t ever)

I just think Snyder went against what Wonder Woman actually is. She's an amazonian for fuck's sake. She's not meant to be this nubile little waif.

I know Gal Gadot has martial arts experience and may pull off the role perfectly, but I'd have liked to see someone a little less stereotypical play the role. Someone with a bulkier build. Someone who says women don't have to be skinny and a sex symbol to be the hero.


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Here's some hopeful news: http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/batman-v-superman-dawn-of-justice/33715/batman-v-superman-putting-the-big-fight-scene-together

The film's fight choreographer Guillermo Grispo has said that "In the film, "Batman's going to fight the way I've always dreamed him fight. He's a character so prepared in martial arts that you can do a lot of things with him, but filmmakers usually don't go all the way with it".

So here's hoping for a genuinely epic fight scene!

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Secret Executioner
Here's some hopeful news: http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/batman-v-superman-dawn-of-justice/33715/batman-v-superman-putting-the-big-fight-scene-together

The film's fight choreographer Guillermo Grispo has said that "In the film, "Batman's going to fight the way I've always dreamed him fight. He's a character so prepared in martial arts that you can do a lot of things with him, but filmmakers usually don't go all the way with it".

So here's hoping for a genuinely epic fight scene!

With the bad action in TDKR (even the weakened Batman from Knightfall throws a better fight against Bane, and the comic version of Bane is far superior both physically and intellectually to the movie version... The first two films have good action, but nothing stellar for a guy supposedly mastering countless fighting styles), it could hardly have gone worse. I guess we'll also get a Batman that actually has clues on how to use his enemy's weaknesses instead of pointlessly punching and kicking like a kid throwing a tantrum.

What has me worried though is that Supes is much reckless and that his weaknesses are next to unknown so far - guess we could get a Batman/Luthor team-up to take Supes down, like in the Elseworlds storyline Superman: Red Son. (insert joke about how kryptonite is so widely known as a weakness of Supes and so easy to find in some continuities)

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Secret Executioner

Wow, are they gonna have at least one character's look right ? Except for Supes and Bats (who look decent), it seems we have either a miscast or a revamp... This Aquaman looks kinda badass though, but I'm not too fond of the beardy Aquaman look - I much prefer the classic, even though it goes the useless portrayal of the character in the Super Friends series.

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Secret Executioner

Oh, and since the discussion before that was on Wonder Woman and the complete failure her representation is in this continuity: I was thinking maybe she's this weakling only at first cause she later gets ahold of some of Bane's venom and she becomes big and muscular like an Amazon is supposed to be. :tongue:

Who else do we have to see from the JLA ? Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter (I expect horrid CGI for this one) and probably Cyborg since the latest DC animated movies seem to be forcing him into the picture as an original JLA member.

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Oh, and since the discussion before that was on Wonder Woman and the complete failure her representation is in this continuity: I was thinking maybe she's this weakling only at first cause she later gets ahold of some of Bane's venom and she becomes big and muscular like an Amazon is supposed to be. :tongue:

Who else do we have to see from the JLA ? Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter (I expect horrid CGI for this one) and probably Cyborg since the latest DC animated movies seem to be forcing him into the picture as an original JLA member.

Cyborg is already confirmed to be in the film. Ray Fisher is playing the character.

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Secret Executioner
Cyborg is already confirmed to be in the film. Ray Fisher is playing the character.

Thought I had read of this but wasn't 100% sure.

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Seriously... Look what Marvel has done, source material vs cinematic:




This is how it's done. I picked 3 of their most difficult recreations, and they did all justice.

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Secret Executioner

Hate to admit it cause I'm more a DC fan, but I guess Marvel will keep ruling the cinematic universe...

And your Aquaman the Barbarian comment was hilarious. :xd:

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Aquaman looks great. People tend to forget that, at one point, Aquaman looked like this...


Snyder's using Frank Miller's work as an influence. You're not going to have your short haired, orange and green glad, clean cut boy in a darker, grimmer Batman tale.

It's funny how people are nitpicking over Batman when Chris Nolan is universally praised for his very different interpretation of The Joker.

Marvel changed their characters too. They made them more modern looking. That's why you don't see Jeremy Renner dressed like this...


Sure, they went a little too Khal Drogo/Conan with Aquaman but, hey, that's a look Momoa pulls off well. He looks like he'll be a badass Aquaman.

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Secret Executioner

Funnily I'm one of the few people nitpicking on the Nolan Joker. It's not the Joker IMO, it's Alex from Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange wearing clown make-up... I'm also not a fan of this rendition of Bane, he may seem smart and threatening at first, but he's really just a pawn in someone else's (Talia Al Ghul) plan and this really ruins the badass build up. Plus, just like Joker never met acid and doesn't have his toxin, this Bane has no venom and his mask is here because... For some reason I guess (health issues IIRC).

I do enjoy the heavily altered rendition of The Scarecrow in Batman Begins though, but Cillian Murphy (who IMO nails the part) gets a point when he says that a guy disguised like the scarecrow from The Wizard Of Oz wouldn't be that threatening-looking.

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I just support interpretation, I guess. It allows for creativity. Just as I loved Ledger's joker, I'm intrigued with how Leto's going to portray him.

I don't necessarily need directors to adhere to the comics. There's just so much possibility out there. Some of them work, others don't. I'm looking forward to see whether Momoa plays it well but, right now, I'm perfectly content with his look.

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Secret Executioner
I just support interpretation, I guess. It allows for creativity. Just as I loved Ledger's joker, I'm intrigued with how Leto's going to portray him.

Wait, they'll have Joker in this as well ?! How many characters are they going to have in this ?! Sounds like it will be a 5-hour movie or they could make it an anthology comic book film (a Batman story, a bit with WW, another with Aquaman...), which could be fun. I mean, originally you had several different heroes in a same publication (like Hawkman and Flash being published in Flash Comics in the 1940s - or Iron Man and Captain America in Tales Of Suspense in the 1960s).

I don't necessarily need directors to adhere to the comics. There's just so much possibility out there. Some of them work, others don't. I'm looking forward to see whether Momoa plays it well but, right now, I'm perfectly content with his look.

I'm not a big fan of the look here, but see what I said about Murphy's portrayal of The Scarecrow. Maybe this Aquaman could be interesting - and if it could stop the jokes about him being useless, I'm all for it.

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Aquaman looks great. People tend to forget that, at one point, Aquaman looked like this...


Snyder's using Frank Miller's work as an influence. You're not going to have your short haired, orange and green glad, clean cut boy in a darker, grimmer Batman tale.

It's funny how people are nitpicking over Batman when Chris Nolan is universally praised for his very different interpretation of The Joker.

Marvel changed their characters too. They made them more modern looking. That's why you don't see Jeremy Renner dressed like this...


Sure, they went a little too Khal Drogo/Conan with Aquaman but, hey, that's a look Momoa pulls off well. He looks like he'll be a badass Aquaman.

If they gave this version of Aquaman BLONDE hair and beard, I'd say cool. But, somehow, someway, I get the strongest feeling Momoa said he didn't want to dye his hair... He was so particular when Marvel courted him for Drax, and I bet the egomaniac pulled the same crap here. You think Hemsworth wants to be blonde? No, but it really gives him the appearance of Thor. And, you don't mind the helmet not being there, but yearn for it a bit more.

I never said Marvel didn't change their characters, however, the characters used are still closer to source not completely reimaged:


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Secret Executioner
The Joker won't be in this. He'll be in the "Suicide Squad" movie they're making.

Okay. I think I had heard of the Suicide Squad film, but I had forgotten - there's just so many of these comic books movies that I lose track of which film(s) characters are to be in. :smile:

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I see what you're saying, but it seems Snyder's vision is going to be a lot darker. Even "Man of Steel" had a very muted colour scheme compared to the vibrant blues and reds of previous Superman films.

Marvel like to cater to audiences by tying things, for the most part, to the comics. They like to have that familiarity.

Nolan opened the door for DC to go a different route. Darker, grittier. I don't think a bright blonde, orange and green Aquaman would work with Snyder's aesthetic.

Granted, I don't have a soft spot for Aquaman so I might be biased. Now, if the new Fantastic 4 film fucks THOSE characters up, I'll have something to say.

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Noelle Shadow Kick

I think it's pretty silly for people for people to start rioting about the Aquaman photo. We all knew what Jason Momoa looks like, of course this is what he looks like as Aquaman!

I think that Momoa looks like a total badass, and there are certainly iterations of the character where Aquaman looks like this. I personally think that Momoa would look absolutely terrible as a blonde, so I don't mind that they only have the hint of blonde in his hair. (Also, I want him to get a hook hand haha. Go big or go home!)

Also, there is nothing about Aquaman that makes being blonde essential to the character AT ALL (Thor, for example, is a Norse god so it makes more sense) so I don't see it as a big deal. It's similar to the argument about having the next Spider-Man not be white. Why the hell not? Peter Parker is a guy from Queens. He doesn't have to be white, and Aquaman certainly doesn't have to be blonde.

Also, since when is everyone on the internet an Aquaman fan? I know very well how Aquaman's books sell, guys. So I know you guys aren't buying them haha.

If the price of getting Khal Drogo in the Justice League is that Aquaman isn't blonde, I'd say that's a pretty fair deal.

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Secret Executioner

I never claimed to be the biggest Aquaman fan ever or that I was a fond reader of the series (I prefer collected editions over issues as far as comics go). I know the character's story in terms of publication and his evolution (beard, hook hand...). The bearded Aquaman appeared in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon and to be fair, I didn't like this take - neither the look (beard and I think he gets the hook also) nor the persona (he was pretty dark and agressive) felt right to me.

I guess my vision of Aquaman is rather the Silver Age superhero from the 1960s and 1970s cartoons (and from the cartoon Batman: The Brave And The Bold - seriously, Aquaman is my absolute fav' character from this show) wandering in a green and orange outfit with a golden belt that has a giant A on the front, not the darker revamped Post-Crisis vision.

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Also, since when is everyone on the internet an Aquaman fan? I know very well how Aquaman's books sell, guys. So I know you guys aren't buying them haha.

Let's not forget that proposed Aquaman series that never came to be, which was to have starred the Arrow from Smallville, Justin Hartley, as Aquaman...what was it..Mercy Reef or something? Yeah, I'm enjoying that show right now :tongue:

I have to agree...I knew when Jason got cast as Aquaman what to expect and he looks like a beast here...and it's cool for today's DC flicks.

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