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The World's End (2013)


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Edgar Wright is the British version of Stephen Chow. They both have a way of balancing both comedy and action very well in modern filmmaking today. The World's End was a blast, my favorite movie of the summer and definitely on my top films list of 2013.


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I agree, I love Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, and this was a fantastic conclusion to the trilogy, especially as they used Brad Allen to do the choreography for the fights, Edgar Wright even said that they were paying homage to Drunken Master: http://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/entertainment/articles/2013-07/17/edgar-wright-interview-the-worlds-end

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I agree, I love Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, and this was a fantastic conclusion to the trilogy, especially as they used Brad Allen to do the choreography for the fights, Edgar Wright even said that they were paying homage to Drunken Master: http://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/entertainment/articles/2013-07/17/edgar-wright-interview-the-worlds-end

How's this part of a trilogy?

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How's this part of a trilogy?

Edgar and the boys have always said that this was the end of a trilogy. It's the Cornetto trilogy.

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I am so wanting to see this. The work of these 3 guys together is just great cinematic chemistry. They give me belly cramps I laugh so hard.

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...Edgar Wright even said that they were paying homage to Drunken Master...

There are two shots off the top of my head that felt taken right out of Drunken Master II. One is when Nick Frost's character picks up a "blank" (their slang term used for the robots), and holds him on his shoulders and slowly turns to the camera before dropping him down. The close up shot was VERY reminiscent of the one when Jackie Chan was about to drop Ken Lo at the end of the final fight in DMII.

Meanwhile, in a later fight, Simon Pegg uses an identical "double lean back and kick" technique that Chan used in the first drunken battle in DMII.

I was most likely the only one in the theater who caught these :tongue:

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There are two shots off the top of my head that felt taken right out of Drunken Master II. One is when Nick Frost's character picks up a "blank" (their slang term used for the robots), and holds him on his shoulders and slowly turns to the camera before dropping him down. The close up shot was VERY reminiscent of the one when Jackie Chan was about to drop Ken Lo at the end of the final fight in DMII.

Meanwhile, in a later fight, Simon Pegg uses an identical "double lean back and kick" technique that Chan used in the first drunken battle in DMII.

I was most likely the only one in the theater who caught these :tongue:

...Goddamn, I need to see this movie.

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Not only will you enjoy the action set pieces in the film, overall it's a good story. Dialogue is great too, it's a poignant look at middle age life and also helps that I'm in my 30s and I can relate to it. Oh and it also has some Sci-Fi elements in it too to boot!!!

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Drunken Monk

I turned to my girlfriend halfway through this film and excitedly whispered, "That's from Drunken Master 2!" It was great to see a little homage to a famous kung fu film thrown in there.

There are a few nice homages in this one, though it's the weakest of their three films.

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My son and I saw this yesterday. We were both really excited about it, but turns out it wasn't everything we had hoped for. Still enjoyed it, just not as much as we thought we would.

Yes, it's funny, but mostly "chuckle funny", not big laughs for the most part. There are some well done, deeper, more thoughtful bits that elevated the story beyond being just a silly sci-fi-action-comedy.

The action was impressive! There were a lot of really long takes involving multiple actors fighting a shit-load of people. They all performed their action fantastically too! I too was thrilled to see the DRUNKEN MASTER 2 homages. Not only were they done well, but they fit perfectly into the story- a second attempt at a legendary 10 pub crawl by a group of middle-aged former friends- as all of the leads were quite sloshed by this point in the film.

Overall it was a good time. Though we both preferred the similarly themed, but truly hilarious, laugh-out-loud film THIS IS THE END. I'll give THE WORLD'S END a 7/10.

Major SPOILER ALERT for the rest of my post below...

I did dig the sci-fi element- aliens are trying to get Earth's residents to "fall in line" with their idea of a peaceful race. Even if it includes replacing those humans that are incapable of cooperating- about 99% of us! :ooh: These cloned "replacements" are sort of like blue fluid-filled organic robots. There are some creepy INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS type moments with crowds of "blanks" ominously watching our heroes. But the danger/excitement factor was ruined for me by the fact that these "blanks" seemed fairly fragile and easy to smash to messy pieces. So the threat element kind of fell flat for me.

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My girlfriend and I saw this with a few friends on Sunday night and we loved it. The friends had no idea it was a Sci Fi comedy and thought we were just seeing a drinking film :P needless to say they were surprised part way into the movie.

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My girlfriend and I saw this with a few friends on Sunday night and we loved it. The friends had no idea it was a Sci Fi comedy and thought we were just seeing a drinking film :P needless to say they were surprised part way into the movie.

It reminded me of the abrupt change of genres in From Dusk till Dawn. I kind of wish both trailers for that and The World's End did not even hint at the other elements. Then audiences would have really been surprised :D.

I had a lot of fun with this film. So far one of my favorites of the year.

After watching it, I listened to Sisters of Mercy for several days (especially "This Corrosion"). Bloody good soundtrack. What is funny is that many songs (including the Soup Dragons hit) I listened to in college.

Without stating any spoilers: I'm not sure I'm happy with the ending though.

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