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Enemies Closer (Van Damme) Trailer


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I should just stop talking in this thread shouldn't I....:crossedlips:

Wow bro! You usually have to come to my rescue when I make mistakes. What happened? :smile: LOL

Yeah, the real bitch of getting UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: DAY OF RECKONING for me was that after seeing the fully uncut version at it's only US theatrical screening, that was definitely the way I wanted to own it. However, my country (USA) opted to release this film in an R-Rated version only! :tinysmile_angry2_t: The real bitch of it is that the R1 release has a feature-length (1:20), fantastic "making of" feature and a wonderful audio commentary by the director and Dolph Lundgren. BTW- for those that only know Dolph from his films, and have never seen him in interviews nor have knowledge of his impressive academic background, this commentary is a great way to get to know another side of him. So... I wound up double-dipping on this title, and getting the R1 for the special features, and the the UK release for the uncut film. I did write to the distributors to tell them how disappointed we fans are, and that we'd all be buying imports, but- no surprise- received no reply.

Back on topic... Somehow I missed this thread and any inkling that this film exists until five minutes ago. :tongue: Sadly the trailer is no longer available via the link. But after what I've just read here, I'd watch it without seeing that anyway. Hopefully it will get an R1 release soon.

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I forgot u were downundaa OAB!!

had a few random workmates buy this film and come up to me all excited about a good new JCVD flick :)

heres the trailer KFB


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One Armed Boxer

I picked this up a few days ago and got through watching it last night, so thought I'd weigh in with my thoughts. First off I should point out that the main reason behind my choice of purchasing 'Enemies Closer' was based on the enjoyment I got out of both of the latest Universal Soldier movies, 'Regeneration' & 'Day of Reckoning'. So to hear a movie was coming out which saw Van Damme once again teaming up with John Hyams, this time in the editors chair, under the direction of Hyams father Peter (who was also responsible for the Van Damme movies 'Time Cop' & 'Sudden Death') sounded like a solid combination.

It just wasn't as solid as I wanted it to be.

For a start despite Hyams Sr having some fairly successful mainstream Hollywood blockbusters behind him, here he seems to be working with a smaller budget than both of his sons UniSol pictures. The beginning and end credits of the movie play lifelessly on the screen with a black background and standard white text that even the most humble student project would put to shame. A minor gripe, but it hardly got me in the mood or set any atmosphere for what was to come, they should have started it the way they bill it in the trailer above. I hope those who have seen it can relate to what I mean.

Tony Everett Scott also makes for a rather dull main character. After spending the opening of the movie being unbelievably nice and saccharine, it's hard to buy into the story that he's actually a tortured marine with a tragic past. Even the arrival of Orlando Jones, who harbors a grudge against Scott believing him to be responsible for the death of his brother, doesn't really put much of a dent in Scott's cheery guy next door demeanor.

Thankfully (& whoever thought there'd be a day when we'd be saying this) Van Damme soon arrives on the scene to inject some life into proceedings. It seems the script writers main purpose was to make Van Damme's eccentric vegan villain the center of the show, as certainly everyone else's dialogue appears to have been written as an afterthought. While 'Enemies Closer' does deliver a modest amount of action, at the same time there's also quite a lot of plodding exposition, which can be quite torturous to get through.

Van Damme gets a lot of cool lines, and it has to be said his final line of the movie is a genuine laugh out loud moment of comedy gold, but even he sometimes becomes bogged down in lazy scripting. So, what we're left with of course is the action! As I mentioned there's a modest amount, all of which by now you'll have figured out takes place in the dark. However it wasn't this that bothered me so much as the rapid fire editing and lack of any distinguishable standout moves. With Hyams Jr as editor I was hoping for at least one sequence of one-take awesomeness, like Van Damme's siege on the enemy base at the end of 'Regeneration', or Adkins rampage through the underground base at the end of 'Day of Reckoning', but my hopes weren't rewarded.

Perhaps it was a case of going in with the wrong expectations, but for me I'd ultimately describe 'Enemies Closer' as a one-watch time filler, and for those who haven't seen it yet but want to, there's certainly no rush.

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Nice review, OAB. Once again you spare me from disappointing mediocrity. I'll not even be fooling with this one.

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I got to watch it over the weekend and had they casted someone as Xander, the French-Canadian vegan drug cartel leader, it would have been utter blech!!! Van Damme truly brought some wit into the role and even had a little comic relief with a few one-liners.

I agree with OAB that Tom Everett Scott just doesn't have the charisma for an action hero role. Despite pulling off some nice moves against Orlando Jones' character, it would have been better to see Jones in the lead role IMO.

On a decent side, Kris Van Damme (yes his son, who used his father's stage name as a credit to this film) does get one decent action scene against Jones, where they grapple. I hope someday Kris can do a full-blooded martial arts film. I've seen some clips on Youtube, and he definitely has the skills to potentially be an action hero...if only he can stop playing bad guys in his father's films.

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It’s been nearly 20 years since Jean-Claude Van Damme and director Peter Hyams (2010: The Year We Make Contact) made a film together. Hyams first directed Van Damme during the action star’s career-peak in 1994’s Timecop, then again in 1995’s Sudden Death. The duo’s collaboration gave Van Damme’s resume a much-needed cinematic boost, making him a prime contender in the “action star” race, nearly equaling the magnitude of an Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone blockbuster.

Now, 20 years later, after a life filled with ups, downs – as well as a subtle career comeback with films like JCVD and The Expendables 2 – Van Damme teams up with Hyams once again for Enemies Closer.

Despite being a Hyams film, it should be no surprise that Enemies Closer isn’t a big budget film like Timecop or Sudden Death. After all, it is a straight-to-DVD film with a lead who hasn’t had his own theatrical release since 1999′s Universal Soldier: The Return. Even if you’re expecting 1/8th the scope of any of the movies just mentioned, expect to be let down. Enemies Closer may have the stroke of a veteran director making the most out of a low budget, but from the gitgo, it’s apparent it’s a small film. Even Van Damme’s 6 Bullets and Assassinations Games felt more like a “movie” than this.

Enemies Closer is definitely one of the most bizarre titles in Van Damme’s filmography, mainly for the cast itself: Starring alongside Van Damme are Tom Everett Scott (That Thing You Do!) and Orlando Jones (MADtv), two actors who are mostly known for playing light-hearted or comedic characters. Here, they play a couple of Ex-Navy SEAL badasses who take on an evil Van Damme and his gang of criminals. The two pull it off for the most part, but it’s still a solid case of miscasting, no matter how you look at it.

The action pieces and fight choreography are decent. They would have been better if I could see what the heck was going on. Most of the action takes place at night, which is cool and all, but the way they’re filmed leaves little regard for the audience. We’ve all seen enough movies that take place at night and most filmmakers – despite a dark setting – are able to capture a fight scene that’s perfectly visible to the audience. Come to think of it, maybe this is why I thought the action was decent?

If there’s one thing that’s great about Enemies Closer, it’s Van Damme. This is not the first time he has played a bad guy, but it is the first time he plays an impressive one. He’s no Alan Rickman from Die Hard, but his portrayal is natural, humorous and full of character. Minor spoiler: The last thing Van Damme’s character says before we say goodbye to him is one of the best moments in the movie (by the way, look for the nod to Die Hard 2).

There are basically three types of people who should make it a point to watch Enemies Closer: 1) Die hard Jean-Claude Van Damme fanatics; 2) Those who have wet dreams about Tom Everett Scott being an action hero; and 3) Those who have wet dreams about Orlando Jones being an action hero.

Overall, Enemies Closer is a disappointment. Maybe I’m guilty of high expectations knowing that the Timecop duo were back. Regardless, I stand behind my opinion. At the same time, if Hyams and Van Damme make another film together, I’m there.


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Great review mpm74, very much echoes my own thoughts on the movie

(post #28 here - http://kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20331&page=3).

Definitely a one-watch only effort, but I was certainly expecting much more.

lol just read what you wrote and we're totally on the same page.

Man, that girl's physical acting was horrendous. See the way she was firing those guns towards the end?

Sometimes it's depressing watching these movies, especially when they involve post-peak stars. It makes me feel old knowing that during a past time, Hyams/Van Damme were at the top of their Hollywood game. :( I remember seeing the Timecop in the theaters (with big ass advertisements and all)...

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