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Man of Steel


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Saw this yesterday afternoon. Very good but it's at least 20 mins too long and there is a BIG slice of CGI overkill and boy is it noisy. I came out with a headache and my ears ringing.

Henry Cavill is a good choice for Supes and I look forward to him reprising the role oh and Amy Adams is a hot Lois Lane!

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I don't know man, Donner's Superman (Christopher Reeves) will always be the man of steel to me..

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Drunken Monk

Cavill is a fantastic Superman and this is easily the best film there's ever been centered on this character. Yes, it's definitely too long but I, for one, didn't mind the mindless CGI action sequences.

I did mind that Snyder seems to "borrow" from about a dozen other films in order to make this one, but it's not overly obnoxious.

A great film all in all.

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Noelle Shadow Kick

I agree that Henry Cavill is a great choice for Superman. He's got the look and does quite well with the role (not that it's particularly demanding). And while I agree that Amy Adams is lovely I think it was quite a miscast as Lois Lane. Her and Cavill have no chemistry, she doesn't bring anything interesting to the role, and in my opinion is noticably 10 years older than Cavill. I like Adams but her Lois Lane doesn't work for me.

Russell Crowe as Jor-El was great, Shannon as Zod was great too though I think he could have tried a little harder.

Overall the movie was good though! Not great but I really liked it. The story wasn't particularly intricate, but it was good and the action was just unbelievable in my opinion. It really showcased Superman's powers well and him and Zod just fuck shit up. Really well done.

This movie has pretty much made its money back after being out for 3 days so I'm hoping people will finally stop shitting on Superman so much. Though we're probably going to have to deal with people quoting Kill Bill Vol 2 and pretending they came up with it again :tongue:

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Noelle Shadow Kick
Cavill is a fantastic Superman and this is easily the best film there's ever been centered on this character. Yes, it's definitely too long but I, for one, didn't mind the mindless CGI action sequences.

I did mind that Snyder seems to "borrow" from about a dozen other films in order to make this one, but it's not overly obnoxious.

A great film all in all.

Hear, hear!

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... Overall the movie was good though! Not great but I really liked it. The story wasn't particularly intricate, but it was good and the action was just unbelievable in my opinion. It really showcased Superman's powers well and him and Zod just fuck shit up. Really well done.

This movie has pretty much made its money back after being out for 3 days so I'm hoping people will finally stop shitting on Superman so much. :tongue:

Four stars for me. This is Superman, being SUPERMAN. For so long he was not relative, however, after witnessing Zod threatening his adoptive parent... the response was so relative, how do you not root for him?!

He's back, in a huge way!

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Me and the Mrs. went and saw this last night.


The battles and f/x were, in a word....SUPER. There are even instances of Kryptonian MA on display. It gets a little too close up in cases and could've been slowed down a bit, but the fights were epic. This is the way Superman should be depicted on film. And it is wonderfully displayed. This was the thing I trusted director Zack Snyder to do and, boy, did he ever deliver. The damage that occurs is excessive and mind-boggling...as it should be. I thought the CGI was done very well. Was there too much? Well, what would you expect for a feature such as this? I loved it! Also, it was nice to have a Superman film not belabored with the overuse of kryptonite. That is such a tiresome plot device and you won't find it here.


Where to even begin? (And I mean to keep this spoiler free.) Honestly, I began to think the S on Kal-El's chest stood for a number of other things.

SAPPY: Moments I'm sure were meant to be tugs at the old heartstrings I found to be laughable.

SHAMEFUL: I realize that studios aren't going to remain adamantly faithful to comic book canon. However, I thought that such free license was taken with the characters that I was genuinely insulted, especially with regards to Superman. He is not a dark character such as Batman and the goal seemed to be to make him become so. The rest were characters of the Superman canon in name only.

STUPID: The relationship between Lois and Kal/Clark is completely lacking in romance or humor. The advice of his earthly father, Jonathan, I found to be bordering on cowardice and dishonor. And Superman's principle to never stoop to the level of his foe is sadly undermined in the final act.

SUIT: Why all the design tweaks? Simplicity is the best. Less is more. The only thing that would've made his suit look more tacky is if it had been 'bedazzled' with those cheap, fake, gaudy rhinestones.

SPIRITUALITY: The supposed Messianic connotations? Spare me. I'm a Christian. He's a superhero. Let's leave it at that, shall we? Please?

All in all, would I suffer through it again when it gets a dvd release? I reckon....if only to ff to the action.....'cause it's SUPER!

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Nice review--and I agree with most of that. Yours too, ShaOW!linDude.

Pretty good as a comic book movie--some great, epic scenes and action. LOVED the added Kryptonian sci-fi stuff. But, not a very good Superman movie. I thought that a bunch of recent superhero movies really did a good job of capturing the general tone of the character: Nolan's Batman movies, Thor, Captain America, etc. I read those comics as a kid (as I did Superman), and I felt the filmmakers captured the essence of those characters. This movie didn't quite do that for Superman. I love the first two Superman movies, and even though it wasn't perfect, I thought Superman Returns hit most of the right notes. This new one had some cool parts, but the degree of the destruction, and the lack of much humor or warmth, kind of made the whole thing a bit gloomy and dour, for me. That tone can work with lots of characters, but not Superman. I didn't hate the movie, but it was just a little off, I thought.

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Some random comments and possible small spoilers:

I loved the special effects. Krypton never looked better.

I do wonder if Superman would have been smarter and took the action away from the big city. The amount of unintended deaths was huge (also mentioned by massa_yoda though one may argue that the death toll is even larger, much larger). Yes, it looked cool, but seemed to get away from the "humanity" of Superman (that includes the finale mentioned by ShaOW!linDude, that shocked me and made me think about when some fanboys got upset with the off-screen death of a hooligan in Batman Returns). I also did not particularly like the death of his Dad in the film, nor his attitude on saving the bus load of children.

The Messianic connotations do not bother me as long as they can keep it under metaphor. Smallville was doing that quite a bit.

Henry Cavill looks the role, but sometimes his acting seemed a bit sub-par. Christopher Reeve is still my favorite in this role. I also agree that his scenes with Lois Lane seemed forced. Was it a mistake to have Lois know of Superman much earlier than in any series or movie? I don't expect a Lois and Clark (a romantic comedy more than an action series) extending of this fact (though some had argued that when the Dean Cain character finally told Lois, and she would remember it :), that the series had lost its steam.

I liked Michael Shannon's Zod, who I thought had done another good antagonist in Premium Rush (just noticed the joke on Starbase, yes I saw it in the theater). He has a way of making a semi-understandable villain here.

Overall I liked this more than Superman III, IV, Supergirl, but nowhere near either version of Superman II or Superman I. I need to rewatch Superman Returns with fresh eyes. I did not particularly like it when I first saw it.

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Watched it with my younger bro. The special effects and action scenes were great. Superman vs Zod was cool and the speed during the action was amazing. During the fights maybe they overdone the crashing into buildings but it looked cool. I do feel like there was too much destruction with all the buildings getting destroyed and not enough of Superman saving anyone or preventing any damage. I thought the casting was fine and everyone played their roles well.

I would have to say Zod's Sub-Commander Faora was the highlight of the movie with her fight scene with Superman and the US military.

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Liked it. Plays, big. Big picture. Nit picking, I felt that they just blew through the Krypton section in a few minutes. In and done. I bit more time to connect, care, helps. Crowe seems to have lost the ability to emote not that Brando blew the roof off with his version of the character.

I do not like that Boardwalk Empire guy. He has the face of a hard living Irishman. Zod? F No. BE? Whatever. Stamp had a charisma, flare to him. Obviously this was played nothing like that but that guy is an eyesore and just doesn't do it, so it really felt like miscasting.

That action was good stuff. That 2-1 fight in the town was just damn good. Cgi was well done of course. Loved the flying. It was so fast and powerful looking.

The ever mentioned destruction at the end was overdone in my opinion. Snyder went all Roland Emmerich and Renny Harlin, with the "what can I come up with to destroy in cgi and what can I blow up and how much?". Some stuff in there looked like Matrix Revolutions. Started off fine but overkill.

Hans Zimmer brought some very good music. He's like the modern day Morricone.

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