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Switch (2013) - Andy Lau stars as the Chinese 007


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It's getting brutalized! One dude on FB said "I wasted my puke by throwing up over how bad it is." :ooh: Yikes!

The trailer made it look intriguing, and visually (cinematography-wise and locations used) it is simply stunning. :smile:

Check out this article on it: http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/06/20/awfully-successful-is-this-chinas-worst-blockbuster-ever/

I have to admit, hearing how bad it is, is actually making me more curious. :angel:

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I have to admit, hearing how bad it is, is actually making me more curious. :angel:

Yeah, that happens to me too. Like everything I've heard about the ending of 2009's Murderer makes me want to see it just for a laugh...

From the article: "Later on, Ms. Lin’s character dies in a shower of blood only to appear a short while later fighting on the side of the Chinese hero, her miraculous resurrection left unexplained."

You've got to be kidding me! Plot holes are a dime a dozen in big action movies, but usually stuff this bad gets noticed by the director...or the producer...or the editor...

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Morgoth Bauglir

Damn OAB that was a good read. I'm gonna have to see this. I have a feeling that with another 100 million in the budget this could have been a good movie.

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One Armed Boxer
Damn OAB that was a good read. I'm gonna have to see this. I have a feeling that with another 100 million in the budget this could have been a good movie.

Hey Morgoth...trust me, the movies budget was not its problem! Money can't buy talent, & there was definitely none of that on display here!

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Great review, OAB.

I not one to want to see how bad a movie is for myself. I may still watch a movie everyone says is horrible just because I still want to see it for myself in the hopes that I will find some redeeming quality in it. But to watch a film because of a desire to see just how bad it is? Sorry, but I can find more enjoyable wastes of time (says the man who seems to watch a lot of awful fu films). Therefore, I will not bother with this in anyway whatsoever...though I do want to see the rollergirl assassins' choreographed explosion pose...dadgummit.

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One Armed Boxer
Great review, OAB.

I not one to want to see how bad a movie is for myself. I may still watch a movie everyone says is horrible just because I still want to see it for myself in the hopes that I will find some redeeming quality in it. But to watch a film because of a desire to see just how bad it is? Sorry, but I can find more enjoyable wastes of time (says the man who seems to watch a lot of awful fu films). Therefore, I will not bother with this in anyway whatsoever...though I do want to see the rollergirl assassins' choreographed explosion pose...dadgummit.

You mean you have better things to do with your time than to watch a movie which you know is going to be bad? Sorry, but I just don't get that.:tongue:

On a serious note though, I don't usually watch movies which I know are going to suck either. But sometimes a movie comes along that gets so repeatedly slammed for being so bad it beggars belief, I find my curiosity gets piqued and I'm drawn to see what the fuss is about.

The last time it happened was with the 2009 movie 'Murderer', which was simply amazing, 'Switch' stands proudly next to that flick as being a fantastic moment of WTF cinema.

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