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Falcon Rising (formerly 'Favela') (2014)


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One Armed Boxer

Awesome review Bob, can't wait for this to hit DVD!

Like for instance, there's a bit where a guy rushes him. He neutralizes the guy's attack, then he throws the guy into the air and kicks him in mid-flight, sending him flying into other attackers. It may sound OTT, but it looks perfect.

I remember the first time I saw the move similar to what you're describing, it was by Hwang In-sik when he breaks free from the prisoner convoy in 'The Young Master', he kicks a guy into the air, then kicks him again mid-air. Although it's probably wire assisted, when I first saw it as a relative newbie to the genre, I thought it was amazing. You can see the move at 2:31 of this clip (& on a sidenote, at 0:46 you can see In-sik completing the ice bucket challenge :tongue:) -


Please rent or buy this film and support these little movies so that we can see more of them get made. :nerd: Friends in the industry have been telling me that it's getting damn near impossible to get martial arts movies made these days, because the majority of the demographic that they are aimed at, are the same people that have the highest rate of illegally downloading films. :ooh: We would already be watching UNDISPUTED 4 if there hadn't been so many self-righteous, falsely entitled people stealing UNDISPUTED 3 off the net. :neutral: If it's some unreleased kung fu film from 40 years ago that you can't find by any other means... well, that's one thing... But you owe it to the hard-working people that make these films for our entertainment to pay for the enjoyment of watching them. $8 to see it in HD via Video On Demand in the comfort of your own home is a very fair price. That's only half of what a theater ticket costs. The film is also playing a limited theatrical run too, so check your local listings. If you don't want to pay to watch it On Demand, then decide based on reviews and your instinct if it's worth it, and pay the $15 for the official DVD release in 5 weeks. Do the right thing people. As a Beast-Man once aptly put it- "Are we not men (of honor)?!" Sure, I paraphrased a bit, but you get what I'm saying. :wink:


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What Bob said. :tongue:

You dug it? Awesome. :bigsmile:

Also worthy of note, one of the Yakuza dudes has THE finest mullet I've EVER seen. Just breathtaking.

Word! Dalton himself would have been envious of that thing. :xd: And if any of you are asking "Who's Dalton?" then you probably are either really young or deserve a round-house kick... because... it sounds like "It's time to not be nice." :tongue:

Well, Bob says it's good. I'm gonna skip on-demand and just buy it. Michael Jai White is sooo underrated, it's almost criminal.

Awesome review Bob, can't wait for this to hit DVD!

Thanks. Me too! :nerd: I want to rewind and re-watch all those action scenes again. I think the missus, and definitely my son, would dig this too.

I remember the first time I saw the move similar to what you're describing, it was by Hwang In-sik when he breaks free from the prisoner convoy in 'The Young Master', he kicks a guy into the air, then kicks him again mid-air. Although it's probably wire assisted, when I first saw it as a relative newbie to the genre, I thought it was amazing. You can see the move at 2:31 of this clip (& on a sidenote, at 0:46 you can see In-sik completing the ice bucket challenge :tongue:) -


No need to watch the clip (though I still did) as that moment is burned in my memory forever. The first time I saw it I remember jumping up off the couch in amazement. It is wire-assisted, but still brutal!

A guy I met in the late '80s said that he was training in Sanda (aka. Xanda, Sanshou), which I had never even heard of before, and told me about that move. It seemed unbelievable, and I certainly couldn't imagine seeing him doing it. But when Whang did it, I remember thinking "And there it is! Just like that dude described to me years ago." :bigsmile:

Back on topic- FALCON RISING is a set-up for a film series, and I hope this film gets the attention it deserves so that we can see a ton of sequels.

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One hour into the movie I thought that the only good thing about this dreck was the low renting price. Yet another movie about human trafficking; another poorly scripted and poorly acted drama with little bits of sporadically sprinkled action and cheesy dialogue.

Another case of a wasted opportunity to showcase MJW's talent as a martial artist. ( I think, the only full-lenght movie that let MJW truly shine was Blood and Bone nicely directed by Ben Ramsey)

I really admire MJW's talents but I though in this movie his acting skills were sub-par. I didn't expect an Oscar-worthy performance but still I think MJW should've put more effort into his acting.

Luckily, the finale was good. Some gun-fu with point blank head shots, some swordplay and hand-to-hand combat. Again, all of mentioned above was much better done in Blood and Bone, but it was quite entertaining nonetheless. Unfortunately, it was a little too late.

Other that final showdown there was nothing really interesting. I can mention the first brief Lateef's fight but it was way too short. Looks like Lateef put on some weight but he's still very agile. The thing is, I can't take capoeira seriously and I'm not a Lateef's fan so this fight didn't do much me.

The worst part, though, was that corny Falcon Rising title. I'm dead sure Favela was a much better title. The ending really made me laugh - I can't believe producers really want to start a franchise about MJW's character as this movie won't bring any money.

If they wanted to make some money off MJW they should've made a sequel to Blood and Bone ant let Ramsey to direct it

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One Armed Boxer

Ok, now I have a headache....:tongue:

Director Ernie Barbarash has made a name for himself in the action industry as a great director. While he has worked primarily with Jean-Claude Van Damme, this film is, like his others, combines a really good story and fast-paced action.

You want to know if it’s any good right? Well, do I have a surprised for you! It’s not good. It’s not good at all. In fact, it’s dog shit.

Hellish acting, a lazy plot, cliched, boring characters and, most surprisingly, tedious action makes for a pretty horrendous watch.

If you watch the trailer then you know the story. But I'll say this- it's a tight little flick that features a good story, and great action.

One hour into the movie I thought that the only good thing about this dreck was the low renting price. Yet another movie about human trafficking; another poorly scripted and poorly acted drama with little bits of sporadically sprinkled action and cheesy dialogue.

Another case of a wasted opportunity to showcase MJW's talent as a martial artist. ( I think, the only full-lenght movie that let MJW truly shine was Blood and Bone nicely directed by Ben Ramsey)

I really admire MJW's talents but I though in this movie his acting skills were sub-par. I didn't expect an Oscar-worthy performance but still I think MJW should've put more effort into his acting.

Kung Fu Cinema favorite Larnell Stovall took charge of the action sequences and fight scenes here. Once again, he has proven why he is one of top names in action directing today. To give fans a glimpse of what to expect from White, they introduce him in a small fight against some liquor store robbers. The rest of the action is set in Brazil and those expecting Crowder to pull off his capoeira moves will not be disappointed.

Other that final showdown there was nothing really interesting. I can mention the first brief Lateef's fight but it was way too short. Looks like Lateef put on some weight but he's still very agile. The thing is, I can't take capoeira seriously and I'm not a Lateef's fan so this fight didn't do much me.

The worst part, though, was that corny Falcon Rising title. I'm dead sure Favela was a much better title. The ending really made me laugh - I can't believe producers really want to start a franchise about MJW's character as this movie won't bring any money.

Even look for white taking on multiple opponents at once a few times and they are nicely executed thanks to Stovall’s stunning choreography. It is clear that from this and NEVER BACK DOWN 2: THE BEATDOWN (2011), White and Stovall are a winning team in action.

I don’t even know what this film was going for. It half-arses absolutely everything. Michael Jai White goes through the motions of solving the case all the while conveniently stumbling across clue after clue and randomly getting into minor scuffles. And we’ve seen it all before. If anything, we’ve seen it done infinitely better.

Lateef Crowder does his usual shtick and it’s crap. In fact, his first fight is almost laughable in how weak everything looks. We get it…Capoeira is cool but, yet again, WE’VE SEEN ALL OF THIS BEFORE!

Michael Jai White gets to stretch his acting chops more than is typical for an "action hero role", and he doesn't disappoint. He is one of my favorite martial arts actors making films today, and this film only helps cement him in that spot for me. I like that physically he is as imposing as ever, but that the filmmakers and star weren't afraid to make him a real person with vulnerabilities, of both his emotions and soul.

I don’t even know what else there is to say. Even the finale, a three-on-one brawl, is painfully lethargic. Oh look, a superman punch. A superman punch that my grandma can pull off with more oomph…and she’s dead.

Even when Jai White finally picks up some makeshift tonfa, he looks like he’s rehearsing each move in slow motion. There’s just no sense of energy here.

I will say one thing though. Some of the earlier fights really show off his power...He’s STRONG. He’s just strong in a really fucking boring way.

The action scenes, I am thrilled to say, are shot so that you can clearly see and appreciate what is going on. What a concept! :smile: Sending out a big thank you to director Ernie Barbarash and fight choreographer/stunt coordinator Larnell StovallI for doing it right. I've probably said this before, but I love that when MJW fights (in this, and some of his other flicks) that they really have him utilize his incredible strength in conjunction with his martial arts skills. He's doing things that he could do, that the typical guy can't. Like for instance, there's a bit where a guy rushes him. He neutralizes the guy's attack, then he throws the guy into the air and kicks him in mid-flight, sending him flying into other attackers. It may sound OTT, but it looks perfect!

And even the gunfights are a nightmare. Every one of them looks like a glorified version of a paintball with the good guys pulling off every single shot and the bad guys looking like they’re firing off shots while looking directly at the sun.

The start of a potential franchise, FALCON RISING is an exciting film from director Ernie Barbarash. Michael Jai White busts not only in action, but gives a driven performance as the tortured John Chapman. Definitely a great action film to check out

"Falcon Rising" is awful. Fucking awful. A dreary, second rate actioner that makes me think films like "Ninja 2" and "Undisputed 3" should get even more praise than they already do.

Avoid at all costs. It will NOT make your falcon rise.

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Yeah, I don't begrudge anyone enjoying the film. It just wasn't my cup of tea at all. I was surprised to discover that Larnell Stovall was on choreography duty as I think it's easily his worst work yet.

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One hour into the movie I thought that the only good thing about this dreck was the low renting price.

I just sat through this nightmare of a film.

Oooooh. Lots of mixed reactions on this one. Not what I expected on this one.

Now that's what I call MIXED!

But everyone who has seen it either like or hate it...and that's okay :)

What I'm about to say may come across as if I'm being condescending, but I definitely don't mean it to be.

When I watch and rate a movie, I judge it within it's niche genre. Otherwise, if someone says "How good was CRIPPLED AVENGERS?", I might be judging it compared to all cinema. If I give RAGING BULL a 10, comparatively, in every aspect of film-making (acting, script, cinematography, etc.), CRIPPLED AVENGERS would get maybe a 2 or 3. But if I judge it based on films of the same ilk, it's a winner.

Therefore, my review and ratings are based on it being a low-budget American-made martial arts/action film. In that category I rate it a 7.5.

I'm very curious- seriously not trying to be a smart-ass or pick a fight- what would you consider an A+ movie within this "low-budget American-made martial arts/action film" genre Drunken Monk and D1 Ma? Please tell me what you think the best and worst examples are for you guys.

Just for the record, I have no affiliation with this film or it's filmmakers :tongue:, and was only truthfully voicing my opinion on the film. I wouldn't want to steer any of my forum family in the wrong direction. To me, the movie delivered everything that the trailer promised. I discussed this with Karlos and we agreed that it was a good, fun "meat and potatoes" film. But if you went in expecting "a Sirloin steak", then you might be disappointed.

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What I'm about to say may come across as if I'm being condescending, but I definitely don't mean it to be.

When I watch and rate a movie, I judge it within it's niche genre. Otherwise, if someone says "How good was CRIPPLED AVENGERS?", I might be judging it compared to all cinema. If I give RAGING BULL a 10, comparatively, in every aspect of film-making (acting, script, cinematography, etc.), CRIPPLED AVENGERS would get maybe a 2 or 3. But if I judge it based on films of the same ilk, it's a winner.

Therefore, my review and ratings are based on it being a low-budget American-made martial arts/action film. In that category I rate it a 7.5.

I'm very curious- seriously not trying to be a smart-ass or pick a fight- what would you consider an A+ movie within this "low-budget American-made martial arts/action film" genre Drunken Monk and D1 Ma? Please tell me what you think the best and worst examples are for you guys.

Just for the record, I have no affiliation with this film or it's filmmakers :tongue:, and was only truthfully voicing my opinion on the film. I wouldn't want to steer any of my forum family in the wrong direction. To me, the movie delivered everything that the trailer promised. I discussed this with Karlos and we agreed that it was a good, fun "meat and potatoes" film. But if you went in expecting "a Sirloin steak", then you might be disappointed.

I rate a film like this on entertainment value. I take the plot, acting, action scenes etc. and contextually apply an opinion. For example, I know "Falcon Rising" won't have a Daniel Day Lewis style performance, but the acting should definitely be judged. It just shouldn't necessarily be compared.

But take a film like "Ninja 2." Similar budget (I imagine), similar style of action, similar talent etc. Well, "Ninja 2" is an absolute masterpiece compared to this film. In my opinion, "Falcon Rising" does everything wrong. It feeds the audience shoddy performances and poor plot but doesn't counter those things with great action. It delivers half-hearted action which makes everything else seem even worse.

"Ninja 2" has a silly plot and sub par acting but, good god, it makes up for it on the action front.

And that's what action films need to do. You can't put out an average product. You have to give something worthy of seeing. "Falcon Rising" has none of that. The entire film feels lazy and poorly put together. Michael Jai White rarely feels like he's phoning it in but, even in the action scenes, he was yawn worthy.

I understand contextualizing opinions but I don't think that should allow for non-entertaining films to get a pass. For me, "Falcon Rising" just had very few redeeming factors, whether contextualized or not.

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I'm planning on purchasing Falcon Rising this weekend. Everything I've read and seen has me hook line and sinker.

Being a huge fan of Michael Jai White there's not way I wasn't supporting this movie with a purchase. Also as KF Bob mentioned while ontop of his soap box :tongue: these films need our support.

If you didn't like the film I'd love to hear why as I value our forum's opinions. Also those of you that enjoyed it please talk about the film as well.

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I rate a film like this on entertainment value. I take the plot, acting, action scenes etc. and contextually apply an opinion...

Thanks for the in-depth reply brother. I totally understand where you are coming from. It's clear now that we just have vastly different opinions about this particular film. I didn't feel that MJW was phoning it in nor did I think he gave a poor performance, and I really enjoyed the action.

As for NINJA 2, I agree for the most part about your comments on it (I thought the acting was decent), and for me (especially in regards to the action) it's definitely at the top of the pack for this genre. Though... some people were disappointed in this film as well. :ooh:

I'm planning on purchasing Falcon Rising this weekend. Everything I've read and seen has me hook line and sinker.

DVD is released on October 27th (unless you meant VoD). :bigsmile:

Being a huge fan of Michael Jai White there's not way I wasn't supporting this movie with a purchase. Also as KF Bob mentioned while ontop of his soap box :tongue: these films need our support.

Gorhama is the man that introduced me to Michael Jai White (I asked "The guy that played SPAWN?") and Scott Adkins when I had no idea that they were rising up and kicking serious ass. He lent me SPECIAL FORCES (2003), and insisted I see UNDISPUTED 2 and 3. So grateful for that! :nerd:

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The Amazing Psycho Per

Unfotunately, I'll have to stand with D1Ma and Drunken Monk with this one. For me, something didn't quite make it. I know, I know, I'm jaded and I never like anything, but I really tried enjoying this one. I even almost pre-ordered the DVD blindly.

I'll skip the criticism about the cinamtic merits of the film. To me, all the commonplaces, clichés and poor TV like direction would've been forgoten and forgiven had the fights delivered. But as far as I'm concerned, they didn't on many points.

With Larnell Stovall on board, I expected greatness. I mean, Undisputed 3 is, for me, one of the best martial arts movie in many, many years. As sacriligious as it may sound, I think I like it more then The Raid 1 and 2. But in Falcon Rising, the fights don't shine. Sure, there are a couple moments and flashes of greatness here and there, the fight with the briefcase being the highlight. But most of the time, the action fell and felt flat. I mean, you've got to applaud the framing and editing that, for once, let you see what the fuck is going on. But there's no rythm, it's sometime slow and there's often a lack of sense of impact.MJW is stiff, but not in a good sense. As the movie was progressing, I was expecting things to pick up, but they never quite did.

I don't think we have to compare it to Raging Bull, but I don't see why american martial arts movies should have a distinct apreciation grid, at least not for me they don't. I like The Raid not because it's good for an Indonesian movie, but because it's good period.

With that being said, I didn't hate it like Drunken Monk, but it was a major disapointment. It's watchable, there are a couple good flashes here and there (the jumping kick and the gun shot for instance), but just don't expect greatness. If you're a Michael Jai White fan you'll probably watch it anyway, but needless to say It definately recommend renting before buying.

DVD is released on October 27th (unless you meant VoD)

You can buy it now digitally on amazon.


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I really hope I disagree with the people who don't like this film. I've been a fan since Universal Soldier The Return and the trailer for Falcon Rising really impressed me. It really is a crime that Blood and Bone is the only movie that White was allowed to lead and fully let loose. Anyone know if this movie is available on Vudu?

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One Armed Boxer
I really hope I disagree with the people who don't like this film.

Likewise, I was going to blind-buy this, but the mixed reactions now have me hesitating.

So far we have AlbertV, KUNG FU BOB, & Karlos versus D1 Ma, Drunken Monk, & The Amazing Psycho Per! It's 3 for 3!:tongue:

We need Gwai LO to weigh in with his thoughts....

What does concern me though is that I was using movies like 'Ninja 2' & 'Blood & Bone' as a measuring stick for this, so Drunken Monk's claims that he loves these movies but hates 'Falcon Rising' is a major deal breaker for me.

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Thanks for the in-depth reply brother. I totally understand where you are coming from. It's clear now that we just have vastly different opinions about this particular film. I didn't feel that MJW was phoning it in nor did I think he gave a poor performance, and I really enjoyed the action.

As for NINJA 2, I agree for the most part about your comments on it (I thought the acting was decent), and for me (especially in regards to the action) it's definitely at the top of the pack for this genre. Though... some people were disappointed in this film as well. :ooh:

DVD is released on October 27th (unless you meant VoD). :bigsmile:

Gorhama is the man that introduced me to Michael Jai White (I asked "The guy that played SPAWN?") and Scott Adkins when I had no idea that they were rising up and kicking serious ass. He lent me SPECIAL FORCES (2003), and insisted I see UNDISPUTED 2 and 3. So grateful for that! :nerd:

Why yes my friend I planned on getting it through Amazon and watching it on my Fire TV!!!!! Gotta support these movies if we want more DTV martial arts action. I want my UNDISPUTED 4 dammit!!!!!!!

Of course Bob is the man that introduced me to soooooo many classics I wouldn't have had a chance to see so I'm glad I could return the favor in some small way!!! Wow this love fest is getting out of control. :tongue:

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Why yes my friend I planned on getting it through Amazon and watching it on my Fire TV!!!!! Gotta support these movies if we want more DTV martial arts action............................
While browsing I saw it on Amazon Instant Video & I do plan on getting it - maybe this weeking.

BTW, how do you like the Fire TV?

I have the Fire TV & Roku 3 (love them both) and haven't watch "cable TV" in a while - infact I don't even miss Cable. :tongue:

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While browsing I saw it on Amazon Instant Video & I do plan on getting it - maybe this weeking.

BTW, how do you like the Fire TV?

I have the Fire TV & Roku 3 (love them both) and haven't watch "cable TV" in a while - infact I don't even miss Cable. :tongue:

I love the Fire TV the set up is plan and simple but I can watch Prime videos, Hulu, and Netflix...I don't miss cable at all.

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I got around to watching this yesterday, I thought it was ok, in terms of plot, production value, acting etc its pretty average in comparison to most other straight to DVD action flicks coming out of America, maybe even above average. However, the actual action itself is pretty underwhelming and Michael Jai White barely even gets to show his stuff which was a shame because if he got to show even half of what he shows in some of his better films this would of been a pretty good flick. Overall I'd probably give it a 5 or 6/10.

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It's solid b-action, nothing too spectacular, but well made with some good acting from Michael, beautiful cinematography with vibrant colours and unfortunately fewer action scenes than I'd expected. At least I was satisfied with the quality of the action, fights and shoot-outs alike, if not with the quantity. As a film I liked it better than the rather cheap- and bland-looking NINJA 2, but that movie delivers what really counts, action, and tons of it. So I'd go with NINJA 2, nonetheless.


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I enjoyed this one. It wasn't non stop action but the fight scenes and shootouts were pretty well done. I really liked the whole finale in the docks. The acting was passable but good enough for a movie like this. Like Scott Adkins, Michael Jai White will always get my support when they deliver the goods. 7.5-8 out of 10.

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