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Bruce Lee:The Legacy Collection from Shout!


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Crap! I was hoping that the problem was that some guy didn`t select the correct setting on his player or something or was mistaken about which track he was hearing. But, looks like we changed one set of problems for another.

Well, my set is on the way. At least I got it for an discounted price so I can`t complain too much. At least I will have the ultimate BL dvd box set. :tongue:

Can anyone verify if this issue is only FOF blu? Are there any other problems with the set that anyone can find? How is the mandarin mono on the dvd? And, speaking of the dvd`s on the set, should they not be color corrected with the same features as the blu`s? I wouldn`t have expected anything to change from the original pressing. Maybe Shout can release FOF blu individually at some point in the future with this issue resolved.

And, thanks again, OldPangYau!

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Guest Markgway

What an almighty fuck-up this set has been from beginning to end.

I'm shocked it took this long for anyone to notice the missing Mandarin mono (on Fist) amid the misplaced 'hooray, it's fixed' praise.

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The main problem i have is my cheap ass tevion multi region player cant handle the features menu on all four blu`s, it keeps locking up.

I only watched fist with the english dub, so i missed the mandarin mono problem.

Hope they fix it but i won`t hold my breath.

OldPangYau Great work on the audio espescially the Big Boss rejected dub. I really prefer the dialogue in that.(not the voice actors so much)

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Oh Mr Shout Factory, don't con me!

Thank fuck I didn't buy this crap. I have all four Kam and Ronson Blu Ray's on my WDTV media hub and that will do me, along with the HKL DVD's.

The extras, for the most part, have been seen before, so nothing to get excited about.

I watched the rejected dub of The Big Boss once, when I got the bootleg a couple of years ago, so no rush on it and, overall, this set has done more harm than good.

"Nooo thanks!"

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Wait, so it is still messed up? It's missing the mandarin track???

Yes, Fist of Fury is missing the Mandarin track! all the rest are OK though!

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As we speak I am creating my own Ultimate Bruce Lee Blu-ray's, starting with

Fist of Fury (no extras other than the Mike Leeder commentary)

Video (HD) source: Japanese Blu-ray released buy Paramount.

Audio (everything, includes Mandarin track) source: Recalled Shout Factory set.

It will a cost me a 50gb disc but it has to be done!

If they can't do it properly I will!

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I feel bad for you as you contributed a lot towards making this set, and I thank you for that!

It is just a shame that Shout Factory didn't do their part in making sure it was all put together correctly!

I echo these sentiments.


It is flawed because they intend on milking Bruce Lee for the rest of eternity.



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Here is a funny rant from a tool. Even quotes HAZ's post...

I'm pretty sure I know who that is- one of our forum family. Hey, I have no problem with the guy sounding off about his frustration with the situation. I only watched about a minute of it though.

I do feel bad for OldPangYau that he worked so hard, only to see his efforts left off of the Blu-ray. It is a real shame that this isn't perfect. However, I'm very happy that they corrected the "upscales" problem, and that I can at least watch thae Mandarin track on the DVD version in the set. Our brother's work is still available for us to see, just not on the Blu-ray (where, yes, it should also have been).

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Did anyone confirm yet that the Mandarin track really is missing from the disc entirely? Or is it that it just doesn't play when you choose it from the menu?

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Here is a funny rant from a tool.

I don't see why he's a tool. Just speaking his mind like everyone else...

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Did anyone confirm yet that the Mandarin track really is missing from the disc entirely? Or is it that it just doesn't play when you choose it from the menu?

It is missing, they have duplicated the Cantonese track!

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I don't see why he's a tool. Just speaking his mind like everyone else...

There is more about this guy I will not bother you with...

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I'm not a big Bruce nut, but I am disappointed. These mistakes should have been caught by editors and whatnot. What a waste of effort and money.

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Did anyone confirm yet that the Mandarin track really is missing from the disc entirely? Or is it that it just doesn't play when you choose it from the menu?

It's really missing... there are literally two *identical* Cantonese mono tracks on the Blu-ray, one of which plays when you select Mandarin mono. Yet the Mandarin 7.1 is actually Mandarin... but of course, it's Fortune Star 7.1, which goes without saying.

However, as usual, I can't say too much at the moment, but there may be still a sliver of hope for Fist of Fury...

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You should see the quality of the subtitles for SHOUTfactories Ultra Q set. Timed by someone blind, translated by someone deaf, not to mention the video encoding quality.

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They're going to sell the same product with different packaging in the near future with one or two problems fixed, but they will leave out some features from the previous installments.

And on, and on, and on we go...

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Here is a funny rant from a tool. Even quotes HAZ's post...

He said Penis 3, LOL.... This guy sounds familiar and is probably a member of this forum, who is it??? Ah hah!!! I do know it's none other than MPM74!!!!!

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He said Penis 3, LOL.... This guy sounds familiar and is probably a member of this forum, who is it??? Ah hah!!! I do know it's none other than MPM74!!!!!

lol! Nice try. I, for one, would never advertise something; then secretly put it on youtube and talk bad about it. It's funny, these youtube videos... I mean, that guy has some valid points, but his execution ruins it.

I wouldn't say "Don't ever trust Shout! products." I understand the frustration though. But I'm not exactly disappointed with Shout! either. They fixed a big mistake, and this current error (the mandarin) is certainly an honest one (after all, they probably had to work fast, knowing they had to get the HD's out there and make the current owners happy) so, who knows, I'm sure they'll fix that as well. They're human, ya know?

I've got my decent english dubs of all the Bruce Lee flicks in the best way they've looked so far. So, I'm happy.

My real only complaint is the inclusion of the DVDs. I could have done without them for a cheaper price. Not a big fan of the book-style packaging either, but at least I can put it side-by-side with my BOND 50 collection. =D Oh, not a fan of how tight they're in there either. First person to get the discs out without getting finger prints on them wins a million bucks (and you can't wear gloves either!).

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They could have taken all this production money and released Rare Bruce Lee footage official. All those photos in the packaging, most were taken from actual footage, fyi.

Millions of dollars wasted for nothing new and shit that doesn't work.

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