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Versus 2


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Apparently Kitamura is going for it! Says if he does it, he thinks he can get Tak to participate regardless of the fact he says he's retired from film.


This cool considering the recent discussion about the 1st one. And the fact that today someone blessed me with a copy of THE ULTIMATE VERSUS in the mail!!!!:tongue:

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Not a fan of the original, but if this means he can get his career out of Hollywood purgatory than I'm all for it.

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as much as I enjoyed the original I haven't enjoyed much of the directors other movies. At this point I would say I'm not really bothered if a sequel was made, although hopefully if/when trailers become available I will become more excited.

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One Armed Boxer

It'd be a worthy finale for Tak if he really is retiring....finish his career with the sequel to the movie that started it.

But his retirement seems debatable at best, the new Sono Sion movie is out soon, and he's long talked about making the "ultimate swordplay movie", but weather it'll ever happen is another question.

The Japanese action movie market is too full of low budget shot on digital crap these days, I hope 'Bushido Man' gives it the kick up its behind that it definitely needs.

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It'd be a worthy finale for Tak if he really is retiring....finish his career with the sequel to the movie that started it.

But his retirement seems debatable at best, the new Sono Sion movie is out soon, and he's long talked about making the "ultimate swordplay movie", but weather it'll ever happen is another question.

I don't really see what's there to be debated. He annouced his retirement to the press, apologized not finishing some of his projects, and a farewell event was held in Tokyo. I suppose the ultimate swordplay movie would have been either Kyomusashi (which apparently wasn't 100% finished but was nevertheless screened to the public) or Kenkichi (which I believe finished filming last year). The upcoming Sono film also finished filming long time ago.

edit: oh, and Snake of Violence, too.

The Japanese action movie market is too full of low budget shot on digital crap these days, I hope 'Bushido Man' gives it the kick up its behind that it definitely needs.

Bushido Man certainly doesn't kick the budget up, but it does kick a whole lot of ass. To be honest, if Sakaguchi does do a comeback he needs to give his best, as Mitsuki Koga was pretty damn impressive in Bushido Man.

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To be honest, if Sakaguchi does do a comeback he needs to give his best, as Mitsuki Koga was pretty damn impressive in Bushido Man.

If Tak won't step up, maybe Koga will.

I wonder if Kitamura thinks that by saying publicly he'll get Tak to do V2 that he'll feel put on the spot and oblige. Of course, if he just quit and didn't even bother finishing current projects he was a part of, then I reckon he'll call Kitamura's bluff.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think there has to be a 2nd VERSUS film but it would be cool.

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Am I the only person longing for Versus 2: Electric Boogaloo; a story of downtrodden youths imprisoned for their passion of dance, only to escape with the aid of yakuza into a nightclub which is one of the 666 portals to hell?

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Am I the only person longing for Versus 2: Electric Boogaloo; a story of downtrodden youths imprisoned for their passion of dance, only to escape with the aid of yakuza into a nightclub which is one of the 666 portals to hell?

You sound like Big Mike Leeder :P I know Kitamura has been planning this sequel for years and years...I agree...I think Tak should make this his FINAL film. It would come full circle.

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One Armed Boxer

Twitch recently posted an interview with Kitamura, in which he clearly states that 'Versus 2' will be going ahead with Sakaguchi on board, because "The only time he can retire is when I tell him to."....I've copied the portion of the interview discussing the movie below -

LMD: I had the pleasure of speaking to some protégés of yours back in 2011, Mr. Tak Sakaguchi and Mr. Yudai Yamaguchi. They hinted at a Versus sequel in the works and you've just recently confirmed it. However, I wonder how you'll be able to make that movie when your main star is in retirement?

RK: {Laughs} That retirement thing is fucking bullshit! I was kind of pissed that I was the only one who was very vocal about that. [*cough*] On the opening night of No One Lives, because of course, Sakaguchi was there, right?

They think that it's a retirement, but it's all about the fucking politics. Those powerful agencies - those parasites and sharks - and poor Tak Sakaguchi, he's trapped in the middle and he was kind of like forced to retire. Which he never had to do, anyway. But it's a small world, anyway, and of course that's why he retired, but I was like, "What on earth made you? You are the stubborn person. Just fuck them all." But you know, Taku has his reasons.

He is like my son. I don't call him my brother; he is like my son. He calls me Daddy. Because before Versus, he was just a street fighter, he was nobody. Taku, he's a super loyal soldier to me. He never betrayed me, he never ran away from me, and I've know that guy for like 14, 15 years. I met him last week and every single time I meet him, he'd come top speed running with a big smile {Laughs}. He is like a crazy guy who loves me too much.

LMD: Well, it doesn't sound like his retirement is going to stick.

RK: No, I'm going to bring him back. That's the thing. The only time he can retire is when I tell him to.

LMD: So Versus is going to stay true to what we saw before?

RK: Yes, of course, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. I made that movie 13 years ago and everybody all over the world - I really appreciate the fans - they're telling me "Versus 2, Versus 2, Versus 2," but I never wanted to do it just for money. I know that if I did Versus 2, I'm gonna get money. That's not my motivation, so I always was thinking; I'll do it when I come up with the right story.

Then when I was doing the preproduction of No One Lives, one day lightning strikes and all the pieces of the puzzles came together inside my brain. So, I actually wrote the script when I was in Louisiana. So now I have the script and now I feel like, okay, now I see what I wanna do. Ultimately, it's the same script, but it's not gonna be the same. It's on a completely new, much, much bigger scale. But the movie opens up from the exact moment the original Versus ended. We'll do a story showing how that KSC2-303 character - Tak Sakaguchi's character - how he's fallen into the dark side. {Laughs} How he got a Darth Vader story.

LMD: Will any of the other actors from the first film make an appearance?

RK: I don't think so. Taku will be there. Taku is the only spirit of Versus.

It's a sad thing, but people change, right? Also, half of the actors, they disappeared. They retired from the movies. I made the movie with an all-nobody cast. But, of course, 70% of the actors, I have no idea where they are or what they're doing. Obviously, they're not in the scene. Then a few survived, then they changed; they forget about what made them and some of them betrayed me. But I'm the director of Versus; if you pick a fucking fight with me, I will fight you back. That's exactly what the movie No One Lives is about right? You picked the wrong guy. I will kill you all! That's exactly me; if I don't find myself in this project, I can't do it. I can do it technically, but I'm not interested in doing it. The Driver character, when I read the script, I was like, 'Oh, this is like me. I'm a nice guy, but if you pick a fight I will fucking fight you back.' That's what I am. I will do anything to protect somebody I love. Tak's somebody I love, and it's all connected in my work.

LMD: We've been talking about Versus 2, but is there anything coming up for you before that?

RK: Actually, right now I'm about to start the preproduction of my big comeback movie in Japan. That's why I'm here. I cannot tell you what it is. {Laughs} It's a completely different role than what I've done before. It's also not a bloody movie, not a horror movie. It's a big action movie.

Full interview here - http://twitchfilm.com/2013/05/kitamura-ryuhei-talks-no-one-lives-versus-2-and-sakaguchis-bullshit-retirement.html

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