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Only God Forgives (Nicolas Winding Refn) (2013)


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The only thing that interested me about this movie was the thai fight so I skipped to it and was hugely disappointed. I felt no impact, no standout skills, and I thought the camera was way too far for a one on one fight.

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Gonna take forever till I get to see this, though. JP release set for 2014 facepalm.gif.html

that is why the internet is so great

I don't see how I can download a movie theater from the internet :tongue:

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"Goslings character suffers a mental illness...thats about all I can gather from the ending"

See, that sounds like a reach. It seems you're telling yourself that. Based on what? When? Nothing even led to an ending like that. The audience is being led to a point and the director goes, f it, this 'il get 'em, or something. Yeah something.

Honestly, I get the policeman character. What it is that he can do let's say. That's rather supported in scenes in the picture. I don't get why he did what he did early in the picture when it seemed an opportunity to right itself seemed righted. Too much that didn't make sense.

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Just got thru watching it and yeah...it's a lovely looking, pretentious mess, really.

It did have some interesting things to say - about the futility of violence and revenge, what is moral and immoral, the consequences of a disturbed childhood - but it's done in such an inert way, it kills it stone dead.

So yeah, great imagery, outstanding cinematography but little else there.

I'll give it another try down the line but as it stands I think this a real letdown.

And if anyone here is wanting to see this because they think there's action in it - please don't bother, there is none, save for one very brief fight.

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Loved Drive but this was Art over substance pretentious garble! If you got any garbles.. yes a head nod to Clockwork indeed

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Alright, enough is enough you guys had your share of critiquing this film and it's my turn to praise it. I think it's a masterpiece and it's one of the best films of the year so take that to the table!!!!

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Uh oh... if my bro Karlos didn't like it, that's a bad sign. :squigglemouth: Of course, being the glutton for punishment that I am... I'll still be watching it the first chance I get. :angel:

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The only thing that interested me about this movie was the thai fight so I skipped to it and was hugely disappointed. I felt no impact, no standout skills, and I thought the camera was way too far for a one on one fight.

Just got thru watching it and yeah...it's a lovely looking, pretentious mess, really.

It did have some interesting things to say - about the futility of violence and revenge, what is moral and immoral, the consequences of a disturbed childhood - but it's done in such an inert way, it kills it stone dead.

So yeah, great imagery, outstanding cinematography but little else there.

I'll give it another try down the line but as it stands I think this a real letdown.

And if anyone here is wanting to see this because they think there's action in it - please don't bother, there is none, save for one very brief fight.

This is not an action or a fight film. Are you guys familiar with Nicolas Winding Refn's work at all? It's the story about the abuse of power/ the act of submission a clash between east and west. Someone back me up please!!! Don't leave me hanging dammit!!!

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Haven't seen this, but being danish, i've been familiar with Refn's work since the the mid 90's, and if people think he is an action filmmaker, then you are way off!

I also don't get why anyone would expect some Ong Bak style thai fighting just because it's filmed in Thailand.

There was a doc on danish tv with Refn location scouting and doing prep in Thailand, and he went to a muay thai school, talking to the people and stuff. The guy that worked there said that Ong Bak was the best thai fighting on film, Refn said he didn't want that style..... as he said "im not doing a Van Damme film here".

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Just to clarify, I've seen most of Refn's films and I do not consider him an action film director nor was I expecting OGF to be an action film.

I was merely pointing that some people were expecting it to be one, and that they might want to steer clear if that's the case.

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Drunken Monk

I actually enjoyed it, though not enough to say it's a classic. It's simply a GOOD film with lots of content to explore. Heavy on themes, metaphor and imagery.

I was a little disappointed with how it ended as it seemed anti-climatic, but every else was solid. It's certainly a bleak, torturous look at action and reaction.

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Guest Markgway
Refn said he didn't want that style..... as he said "im not doing a Van Damme film here".

Am I the only person who would rather see "a Van Damme film"?

I'd pick Kickboxer over Drive any day of the week.

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It came off that way, but he's no movie snob, that's for sure. His favorite movies include some real schlock.

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Alright, enough is enough you guys had your share of critiquing this film and it's my turn to praise it. I think it's a masterpiece and it's one of the best films of the year so take that to the table!!!!

You're not alone, there's a lot of people calling it a masterpiece. Especially in Finnish media there has been plenty of five star reviews.

+ saw this awesome comment on twitter:

Erik Childress

The greatest thing about ONLY GOD FORGIVES is you can feel Rex Reed walking out of it in every scene.

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Shaolin Patriot

I saw it over the weekend on a limited release here in Los Angeles. I enjoyed it: dark, intense and graphic (both in terms of violence and scenery). Not fantastic, but thought provoking. Brief scenes of Muay Thai boxing. Anxious to see more of Refn, particularly Bronson and Drive.

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I liked it a lot. Not as much as DRIVE.

It's good to see a top Hollywood star do movies like this, while maintaining a usual Hollywood career.

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Finally the positive train has arrive. What took you guys so long, been waiting at the station for days?

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Drunken Monk

I'd say it's much closer to "Bronson" than "Drive." I loved both films but "Only God Forgives" has that raw sense of violence about it, a lot like "Bronson." Both films are unforgiving examples of brutality that basically feature shitty people doing shitty things to other shitty people but "Drive" had for more heart behind it.

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I'd say it's much closer to "Bronson" than "Drive." I loved both films but "Only God Forgives" has that raw sense of violence about it, a lot like "Bronson." Both films are unforgiving examples of brutality that basically feature shitty people doing shitty things to other shitty people but "Drive" had for more heart behind it.

Yep, I love Bronson and damn if Tom Hardy is not godamn brilliant in that film, he sort of elevated the heck out of that film with just that performance.

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sifu iron perm

Just got back from watching it, brilliantly shot and the sound design was constructed on point. Lovef it.

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I just watched it last weekend...I am putting a review on the site not just for the story, but Vithaya Pansringarm's performance was great as the sadistic Chang and the fact he uses a sword in some sequences and I mentioned the two fight sequences (the opening Muay Thai fight and Julian vs. Chang) and how should Refn ever do a martial arts film, how he will make it work with what he did here (camera angles and editing...he did quite a job IMO).

I loved the visuals especially when Gosling looks like he is in confession at times and the red filters for the redlight district scenes.

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Yep, I love Bronson and damn if Tom Hardy is not godamn brilliant in that film, he sort of elevated the heck out of that film with just that performance.

His performance was great, though I thought some of Refn's direction was intriguing and helped the film out (though some who I lent this to did not like the artistic sensibilities like "breaking the fourth wall" and interlude digressions) and I liked the soundtrack as well.

I'm still feel trepidation to the titular thread film, but with some of your encouraging posts I'll get to this sooner or later. I would have loved to see it in the theater, but they did not play it in Modesto. They did with Drive (which I'm still thankful I saw it in the theater.)

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Only had to wait for 8 months for this to open in Japan.

Terrific film. Many have claimed it’s nothing like Drive, but actually it shares a lot with it, just from a bit different perspective. In Drive Gosling was living a daydream, here a nightmare.

Visually stunning, great score, good fight, a bit clumsy with its overt artistry one or two times, though. Gosling has 20 lines in the entire movie.

Pondering of justice works quite nicely throughout, with some kind of God-like creature (Vithaya Pansringarm) serving as judge between heaven and earth – or perhaps heaven and hell.

God was also present in the movie theatre, where the bathroom walls were covered with “God can see you in toilet” posters. Once again brilliant marketing in Japan.


(literally: God is watching your toilet manners)

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