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Shaw Brother BD's from T.V.P.

Betty Pei Ti

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Betty Pei Ti

@andi, I heard about the good quality TVP's stuff are in and I would certainly buy every media book they release but sad as it is, I must consider the price as well. So it will only be the four movies with Fu Sheng - Five Shaolin Masters, Disciples of Shaolin, Seven Man Army and of course Shaolin Avengers which will hopefully reach me tomorrow.

Yes, The Savage Five will be next. They couldn't tell a release date yet, because they have changed their packaging company due to unreliability of the last one.

@Ronin, as far as I know, they do!

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Betty Pei Ti

The order of release will be the following one: The Savage Five/Die Wilden 5, Five Shaolin Masters/Die gnadenlosen 5, /Disciples of Shaolin/Karato, Crippled Avengers/Vier gnadenlose Rächer, Seven Man Army/Die unschlagbaren 7

All in course of this year!

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Great titles, shame they are so expensive...

Yes, the prices for these discs are steep. But sadly it looks like this is the only way to go these days. To produce these titles in larger numbers, sell them for competitive prices via all the run-of-the-mill online channels, target supermarkets and malls and (at least some) mainstream buyers, all this didn’t prove to be a viable business strategy. Because, let’s face it, after all is said and done the fan base for these films is a comparatively tiny one. So you solely go for the specialist market, try to make the product “exclusive” and, er... “collectable” and hope that your fancy "media books" are lapped up by your target audience. I assume they’re selling maybe half of what they otherwise could sell (if you’re factoring in casually interested punters who would just bag a few of these discs if they’re placed in high visibility spots for low prices in their local “media markets”). But since these titles are almost four times more expensive than regular Blu Rays TVP might still avoid loosing money. Well, at least there’s hope that they don’t and continue with their line of Shaw classics.

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True Sheng, the problem is i already have these titles on DVD, which look very good upscaled on my Blu ray player, so to be honest as much as i love these films, i would rather buy 2 or 3 Blu rays of movies i have not got than pay a lot more for one of these, as tempting as they are!

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True Sheng, the problem is i already have these titles on DVD, which look very good upscaled on my Blu ray player, so to be honest as much as i love these films, i would rather buy 2 or 3 Blu rays of movies i have not got than pay a lot more for one of these, as tempting as they are!

I know what you mean, DR, my Oppo is also good with upscaling... Still, even though I have all those films that TVP plans to issue on BD on DVD already, its still worth it for me since the difference in PQ is really more apparent on a huge screen. And honestly, I can't wait to replace my shitty looking Image DVD of DISCIPLES OF SHAOLIN with a pristine looking HD print... :nerd:

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Betty Pei Ti

Hi, I think my update on this matter is rather quick, but if you want to read the source yourself, this is the link to their board http://www.kinofilm-online-datenbank.de/Forum/viewforum.php?f=32&sid=648568c463bcb92aeb8a6196921a1861

..and their homepage http://www.kinofilm-online-datenbank.de/T.V.P.%20-%20The%20Vengeance%20Pack/index.html :smile:

Yes, it's so true, that those products are expensive, and yes, I, too, have already all those movies on DVD, but nothing compares to this wonderful clear picture of those BDs. When I watched Shaolin Avengers on BD I've almost got the impression, that Fu Sheng would stand next to me. Wow..!

Sorry for my being a fangirl..um..some sort of! :bigsmile::wink:


Concerning the price: For all those who are only looking for the BDs or rather don't want to buy a mediabook. They will be released as a single as well close to the release dates of the mediabooks!

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Hi, I think my update on this matter is rather quick, but if you want to read the source yourself, this is the link to their board http://www.kinofilm-online-datenbank.de/Forum/viewforum.php?f=32&sid=648568c463bcb92aeb8a6196921a1861

..and their homepage http://www.kinofilm-online-datenbank.de/T.V.P.%20-%20The%20Vengeance%20Pack/index.html :smile:

Yes, it's so true, that those products are expensive, and yes, I, too, have already all those movies on DVD, but nothing compares to this wonderful clear picture of those BDs. When I watched Shaolin Avengers on BD I've almost got the impression, that Fu Sheng would stand next to me. Wow..!

Sorry for my being a fangirl..um..some sort of! :bigsmile::wink:


Concerning the price: For all those who are only looking for the BDs or rather don't want to buy a mediabook. They will be released as a single as well close to the release dates of the mediabooks!

Ah! So a cheaper BD release after the mediabook release! I think I will wait for that for Shaolin Avengers. Thanks for the info!

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"Concerning the price: For all those who are only looking for the BDs or rather don't want to buy a mediabook. They will be released as a single as well close to the release dates of the mediabooks! "

Great news. Will definitely buy Shaolin Avengers and any others they release if this is true for all the releases

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Concerning the price: For all those who are only looking for the BDs or rather don't want to buy a mediabook. They will be released as a single as well close to the release dates of the mediabooks!

I knew it didn't make financial sense only releasing high-priced collectors items. TVP are just exploiting those with more money than sense, so they can have flash packaging.

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I knew it didn't make financial sense only releasing high-priced collectors items. TVP are just exploiting those with more money than sense, so they can have flash packaging.

So those with more money are dumber than those who do not have money or will to purchase expensive item?

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So those with more money are dumber than those who do not have money or will to purchase expensive item?

Nah not dumber just some people will always be willing to pay more for fancy packaging. TVP are exploiting those then everybody who can't or won't pay stupid money will buy the regular release.

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Betty Pei Ti
Any more news on the single release (non mediabook) of Shaolin Avengers?

Sorry, but not yet, David Rees! TVP stated again and again, that they will release all the movies they have announced this year.

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Thanks for the info Betty. I don't mind waiting as long as they definitely do get released.:bigsmile:

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blue_skies said:
I knew it didn't make financial sense only releasing high-priced collectors items. TVP are just exploiting those with more money than sense, so they can have flash packaging.

I definitely don't have more money than sense. But as a really big fan of NEW ONE-ARMED SWORDSMAN, I decided I had to have it.

Everybody has different tastes. Some people collect classic art, some beer bottles. To each his own. For me, this release more than justified it's considerable cost. :nerd:

blue_skies said:
Nah not dumber just some people will always be willing to pay more for fancy packaging. TVP are exploiting those then everybody who can't or won't pay stupid money will buy the regular release.

I don't feel exploited either. I have the best looking (stunningly good picture quality!), most complete version (including footage missing from the IVL release) of the film (including Chinese, German, and English dub audio, and English subs), wrapped up in awesome packaging with tons of color photos and lobby and poster reproductions. Every classic Shaw Brothers film should have received this treatment.

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I don't feel exploited either. I have the best looking (stunningly good picture quality!), most complete version (including footage missing from the IVL release) of the film (including Chinese, German, and English dub audio, and English subs), wrapped up in awesome packaging with tons of color photos and lobby and poster reproductions. Every classic Shaw Brothers film should have received this treatment.

I get what you're saying Bob and it sounds a lovely package overall. I'm just saying many people don't want/can't afford to pay a premium for that and just want the movie in the best version possible with no fancy frills.

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Betty Pei Ti

Ok, here we go again! Some good news for us! :bigsmile: The single BD-edition of Das Schwert des gelben Tigers (New One-Armed Swordsman) has been delivered to the traders and will be released in the following week. Sorry to say that, David Rees, there isn't a release date for the same kind of Shaolin Avengers, yet. (..and naturally "You're welcome" as an answer to your comment above. :smile:)

But, the media books of Five Shaolin Masters (Die gnadenlosen Fuenf) and The Savage Five (Die Wilden Fuenf) are expected to be released at the end of August. Sheng will be happy to hear that! :smile:

As I understand there will be some further news soon, e.g. images of the covers

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Betty Pei Ti

They plan to release the media books of Crippled Avengers and Disciples of Shaolin in September.

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But, the media books of Five Shaolin Masters (Die gnadenlosen Fuenf) and The Savage Five (Die Wilden Fuenf) are expected to be released at the end of August. Sheng will be happy to hear that! :smile:

Indeed! Great news, BPT, keep the infos coming, sis!

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Betty Pei Ti

@David Rees, I asked about the single BD-edtions, if they all will be released in 2013. They hopefully will, but it could also be, that some of them will released next year.

@Sheng, I surely will, bro! :bigsmile:

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I'm considering changing my forum name to "Flash Elitist". :xd:

Everything you said is likely spot on Sheng... but I do associate a strong focus on packaging with the "wrong" type of collector who values comparison of themselves to others more than the film itself. It has very little to do with financial status... something much more primal than that. This is a known trend in the VHS scene today. "Flash elitists" is an awesome term I'd like to appropriate for future use. .

Hmmm... I don't think I'm "the "wrong" type of collector" or that I "values comparison of themselves to others more than the film itself". :squigglemouth: I didn't want these editions so I could say (in The Simpson's Nelson's voice) "Ha ha! My version's better than yours!" :smile: Simply put, I enjoy the packaging, photos, etc. I felt no need to "one-up" anyone that owns the IVL DVD. I heard about this edition and wanted it... to enjoy. That simple. And I do enjoy it, and think it blows away the IVL DVD that I own.

The same can be said for the people that I personally know that bought the TVP blus of THE NEW ONE-ARMED SWORDSMAN and SHAOLIN AVENGERS- a nicer group of fellow fans you'll never meet. None has "elitist" personalities. In fact, one of them sent me photos after receiving his copy of TNOAS saying "I think you'd love this! Here's where you can still get it..." as opposed to "Look what I have. :smile: Don't you wish you were me?"

That doesn't mean a distributor who goes all out on design is catering to this group; they have a tiny niche market and want to justify the price to the average fan. Maybe printing accoutrements was an affordable way to add supposed value.

I think this genre could appeal to a wide audience with the right advertising (in the right places) and the right presentation. A scene is only "dead" until someone makes it cool again. A thread brainstorming on how we might do that would be a good idea. People move in herds when it comes to genre popularity.

I'm certain this is the case. Once the IVL Shaw Brothers DVDs were released, the R1 and R2 DVDs should have followed closely. They didn't, and bootleggers flooded the market with copies- often including the added value (for many fans) of the old school English dubs- many years before legitimate copies became available. The vast majority of people that bought the boots will NEVER replace them. Why would they? They wanted to own the movie- now they do. :tinysmile_angry2_t: This really devastated the market for these films. I was looking through the martial arts section at F.Y.E. next to another guy and we talked Fu a bit. He pulled out a Red Sun copy of HEROES TWO and said "I've always wanted this one." I said "Yeah, but that one's a bootleg. (I pulled out the Media Blasters DVD from behind it and handed it to him) Here's a legitimate release of it, and it has some nice special features too. Plus, if you buy the legit releases, the company will make their money back and hopefully release more. They're even due to put out CHINATOWN KID!" He frowned and said "But I like the cover better on this one." holding up the boot. :ooh: Then he happily and cluelessly said "CHINATOWN KID is already out." and pulled the Red Sun DVD from the shelf to show me. :crossedlips: So this TVP packaging IS for hardcore fans, and meant to give you something not every bootleg comes with.

I wasn't specifically trying to slag off anyone here. It just saddens me that film collecting is more about the 'collecting' now and less about the film, it seems.

Though I was definitely excited to see all the photos in the media book, the main selling point for me was getting the best available version of the film. And even though it's only seconds, I wanted to see the footage that had been missing from the IVL release of TNOAS.

As someone who doesn't care for deluxe editions and just wants a good edition of the film, who's catering to my needs? Why does it have to be all or nothing? I've always say that I'm thrilled that Criterion very rarely release the kind of movies that interest me.

Mark, since you seem fueled by being constantly pissed off, it seems everyone is catering to your needs brother! :xd: LOL Seriously though, I hear you. I want a lot of the Criterion releases, but I rarely buy them because they're very expensive. When I do, I've never been disappointed. But when you're on a budget you have to pick and choose. I'd like to own the Blu-Ray release of ON THE WATERFRONT, but I decided to spend my money elsewhere. However, that doesn't mean that Criterion are a bunch of twats just because I can't afford to get all of their releases that I want. :smile:

I checked the TVP specs and the only real extras are a couple of interviews. Doesn't look as though any effort was put it. Forget about me... don't you guys expect more for your money? I don't think my expectations are unreasonable, really. £15 for one film is more than enough. If TVP announced a further 100 titles tomorrow would you buy them all? As a collector wouldn't you be compelled to?

For certain films, the ones that I enjoy the most and know I'll watch again and again, the price is totally worth it. I would buy a TVP BD of HEROES OF THE EAST in a heartbeat. But I wouldn't even think of picking up THE BRAVE ARCHER.

Personally, I'm (with few exceptions) not the type of collector who has to own all of something just because it's "part of a collection". I own a few of the KILL BILL figures, but not all of them. Though Gogo is a great character, I thought the figure's face looked horrible, so I never got that one. I couldn't afford all of the ones I wanted, so I picked my favorites. So my KILL BILL action figure collection is incomplete. Do I enjoy the other figures less now? :smile: No. They look very cool on my shelf. :nerd:

Laserdiscs were a joke, and although no collector would ever admit it, they got fleeced by prestige.

Geez man, you are so "black and white" and judgmental in your opinions. I never bought a laser-disc because of "prestige"! That's ridiculous! I bought them because at the time it was absolutely the only way to see widescreen versions of films!

I used to be more like you guys, but I changed, and began to realise when you've got bills to pay you need to prioritise your spending. I'd love to be in a position to click the order button for all those TVP titles, but as it stands that would be irresponsible of me.

Dude, my bills are getting paid. I do prioritize. But my priorities are apparently different than yours. I have a budget, and when I look at what I have to spend I make choices. I may pick up an expensive Blu-Ray instead of going out to the movies, or buying a book I'd like, or ordering take-out.

I can't afford a Big Mac, so why can't they at least offer me a Cheeseburger?

Because life isn't designed to please individuals. I'd like an Oppo Blu-Ray player. But I can't afford one. Perhaps I'll cry. :cry:Or... I'll decide it's worth saving for. :neutral:

I think the Shaw stuff came too late in the US, but Celestial messed things up by initially offering only the LOT. You couldn't take King Boxer and Five Venoms without also taking all the musicals, all the dramas, etc. Even when it was sorted, you have to take packages. That's why everyone and their dog seems to have released garbage like Lion Vs Lion over and over again, in order to get the goodies. Dragon Dynasty picked up a ton of Shaws, many of which are not likely to see R1 releases.

Had US companies released the main Shaws in 2004, on the back of Kill Bill, I suspect they would have turned a profit. Animego seemed to benefit from this.

I wouldn't be surprised if the HK companies charged a fortune for them. This is why I'm annoyed the inital IVL releases didn't go for proper NTSC or proper PAL, or include the mono tracks. GET IT RIGHT FIRST TIME!

All great points.

I was lucky and got a copy of it for 20 euros. But this is one of the rarest Shaw DVDs if not the rarest. It showed up in few copies and went OOP very fast. Considering that, there might only be a few hundred copies in the hands of european and american collectors. As the film won't show up anywhere else on disc, 74 euros is not that bad.

Wow! I didn't knowthe IVL DVD of THE LADY PROFESSIONAL was so rare. I bought mine when it was first released, as a blind buy, for $18.00 or whatever they were back then.

Hi, I think my update on this matter is rather quick...

It is! Thanks for always providing us with great info Betty. :bigsmile:

Yes, it's so true, that those products are expensive, and yes, I, too, have already all those movies on DVD, but nothing compares to this wonderful clear picture of those BDs.

Same here- I have the IVL DVDs of these. But the BDs picture quality is amazing!

When I watched Shaolin Avengers on BD I've almost got the impression, that Fu Sheng would stand next to me. Wow..!

Sorry for my being a fangirl..um..some sort of! :bigsmile::wink:

I thought the very same thing. It was as though Fu Sheng was in my living-room! I'm sure our reactions to this illusion were quite different though...

Betty Pei Ti- (swooning) "Welcome!" :kiss:

Kung Fu Bob- (defensive) "Don't even think about eating that last slice of pizza!" :neutral:

Oh, and no need to apologize for being a "fangirl". That's why we're all here- to be "fanboys" and "fangirls" together about kung fu cinema. :wink:

Without multi-quoting this post to infinity... I agree with everything Sheng has said in this thread, except that I was more impressed with the media-books themselves.

So... in conclusion, if you are into media-books and want the very best PQ available for these titles, then they are well worth the price. If you are on a low budget and can't afford them, I'm sympathetic (not laughing from a high mountain and declaring you a "slob of a peasant"). If you are Markgway... er... perhaps you need a hug my friend. :wink:

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