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Shaw Brother BD's from T.V.P.

Betty Pei Ti

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Guest Markgway

Depends on whether you 'need' any film.

I like TNOAS a lot, but it's not unique. It's one film among hundreds of similar titles.

Do I 'need' to own it? Of course not.

And I think paying €74 for TLP speaks for itself.

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And I think paying €74 for TLP speaks for itself.

Right. Almost impossible to get as original, I don`t want to f*ck around with dvd-rs.

Only other time I have seen it available was in ebay with highest bid sth like 100$.

"It's one film among hundreds of similar titles. " Oh right, almost all kung-fu films are factorybelt products with tiny differences at most :angel:

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Oily Maniac

I was lucky and got a copy of it for 20 euros. But this is one of the rarest Shaw DVDs if not the rarest. It showed up in few copies and went OOP very fast. Considering that, there might only be a few hundred copies in the hands of european and american collectors. As the film won't show up anywhere else on disc, 74 euros is not that bad.

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€74 for an original or 30p for a DVD-R of the exact same thing (minus case)?

Hmm... tough one!

Yes it was tough one but picking expensive movies have been lot easier after 1st step. But I prefer collect originals and can afford to pay for movies. Might go for that NOAS even as have IVL already. I do not get any enjoyment of dvd-r`s from collectors view.

Everything is free from torrent sites/dvd-r trading circles, and when older hk movies do not get released anymore take a look at your dvd-r pile and wonder why....

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True collectors goes for originals,anyone can use torrents, buy bootlegs, and have a pile of dvd-rs as high as their house. And if that sounds elitist and dickish to some.. fine, go ahead and be offended.

There is certainly nothing wrong with dvd-rs as such, but I only get dvd-rs if I have zero chance of obtaining a legit original. And I don't count them as part of my overall collection. The hunt for rare originals, limited edition titles and oop items is a big part of being a collector for me. I don't exactly enjoy paying ridiculous amounts of money for dvds, but hey... it comes with the territory.

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The hunt for rare originals, limited edition titles and oop items is a big part of being a collector for me. I don't exactly enjoy paying ridiculous amounts of money for dvds, but hey... it comes with the territory.

Well, I have dvd-r`s too of course. Massacre Survivor, Shaolin vs lama and dozen or two others. Stuff where original is not possible to get(ok, there is crap fullscreen dubbed releases of shaolin vs lama around.As is case with rebellious reign). And custom mades I am not that stupid not to let great movie go because "need" original.

Yes, the hunt when succesfull is extremely rewarding. Best is of course one finds rare item at cheap price from 2nd hand shop. But I am not :cry: either if win bidding battle in ebay or some other site.

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True, as I said... nothing wrong with dvd-rs if you can't get an original. Sometimes custom fan projects are better than any original version available, and I will of course go for that.

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I do not have much customs but least snake in the monkeys shadow, DM2 and iron monkey are far better than in available original dvds:nerd:

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Guest Markgway

Who doesn't prefer an original DVD with box art? But at any cost? Not for me. I'll pay a fair price but I won't jump thru hoops to get something just so it can sit on a shelf when the money can be better spent elsewhere.

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No, not ANY cost... of course not. When I was looking for the HKL She Shoots Straight, it was averaging in price between 80 and 120 euros, and there was no way I was gonna pay that for a single dvd, let alone a used one. I still ended up paying a high price, but not THAT high. We all have our limits.

My point is just that in my book, a guy with 2000 torrent downloads on his computer is not a film collector. A guy collecting lobby cards with a bunch of hi-res scans is not a lobby card collector, and a guy with a bunch of Van Gogh replicas is not a fine arts collector. That's how I see it.

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I suppose I'm more a fan than a collector?

There is good things in being fan "only". Not only it saves your money but also your nerves.

When it comes to rare items often I think am chasing ghost. Feels at times certain titles are hopeless to get.

Also you do not get disappointment you have located item you have been after long time but then someone else gets it.

I have never said serious collecting is reasonable thing to do but I like it anyway:tongue:

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@killer meteor

I don't know your story. But anyway, it's just my opinion. And there's nothing wrong with being a fan, one is no better than the other. It's merely my definition. Im sure plenty of people see it differently.

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But anyway, it's just my opinion. And there's nothing wrong with being a fan, one is no better than the other. It's merely my definition. Im sure plenty of people see it differently.

I think your assessment sounds reasonable. I collected comic books for years so yeah I can relate to what you said as far as spending money for an original vs having a reprint or a scan on the puter. As for films, I personally never felt I was a collector but just a fan who has a large collection and I'm okay with that.

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Guest Markgway
We all have our limits.


My point is just that in my book, a guy with 2000 torrent downloads on his computer is not a film collector. A guy collecting lobby cards with a bunch of hi-res scans is not a lobby card collector, and a guy with a bunch of Van Gogh replicas is not a fine arts collector. That's how I see it.

I understand that viewpoint, in fact, largely agree with it. I only collect DVD-Rs if they offer either a better presentation than any existing DVD (mostly custom jobs) or if said existing DVD is beyond my price threshold/no longer available.

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My point is just that in my book, a guy with 2000 torrent downloads on his computer is not a film collector. A guy collecting lobby cards with a bunch of hi-res scans is not a lobby card collector, and a guy with a bunch of Van Gogh replicas is not a fine arts collector. That's how I see it.

I second that emotion! Also, as a collector of music (vinyl, CD’s) and films I have come to realize over the years that people will never be able to build the same relationship to downloaded movies or sound files then they once had with physical product. Which can probably be explained with the inherent disposability and valuelessness of downloaded product, as well as its easy reproducibility and the random access to it. To me a download, be it an Mp3 (even a 320 kbps one) or a DVD-R could never replace the original article, which of course is a non-issue to casual consumers (and also a lotta “fans”) of music or movies.

Still, as collectors we shouldn't get too caught up in our own haughty world with its arcane standards, codes and cyphers. Sometimes “real” collectors overlook (or flatly deny) that copycats are usually also driven by a genuine love & appreciation for their subject matter, be they torrent leeches, his-res lobbycard scanners or nutters pasting Van Gogh replicas in every corner of their flat.

There is certainly nothing wrong with dvd-rs as such, but I only get dvd-rs if I have zero chance of obtaining a legit original. And I don't count them as part of my overall collection. The hunt for rare originals, limited edition titles and oop items is a big part of being a collector for me. I don't exactly enjoy paying ridiculous amounts of money for dvds, but hey... it comes with the territory.

Again, same here!

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Yes, €27,99 is obvious better, but £24.47 (again without postage) is still ridiculously high for a single movie.

Mark, how long you have been interested of/collecting movies?€28 might sound lot because 99% of movies are considerably cheaper. New hollywood blockbuster can be bought for~15€ and if you wait few months it´s 30-50% less.

Some may think that 15€ is lot too ( by todays standards ) but in history it´s not. Dvd`s are quite OK price tags in them compared to days format arrived.

On vhs era when was about 10 years old and all money I got was small weekly money from parents. And earned coins from collecting empty bottles and returned them to shop it took me 6 weeks to save up to get british tape of NOAS. It back then costed about same as that german dvd now. That was truckload of money for me then.

But cheap compared to dutch tape of "13 sons of yellow dragon" aka "heroic ones" which was back then ~50€ in todays currency and took me 5 months to get it:wink:

Do I regret for being without candy and arcade games those long months saving up for movies?No, I learned lot about patience then and great deal of joy when reached goal.

But it has been extremely rare case I felt paid overprice for movie. Few times happened tho but it was mostly cases the quality was so bad I felt like being cheated nothing wrong in flick itself:angel:

And that €74 for lady professional has been one of the best buys but I learned it later. Lady Assassin, Naval Commandos and Black Tavern among other rarer stuff have been still quite easy to nail.

Well, I tend sometimes to forget not everyone wants/can pay same cash I do. But I do not buy everything in full price, I look for bargains too and newly released stuff on 2nd hand shops money is meant to spent well not burnt.

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Betty Pei Ti

@Sorry to say that, David Rees, but that's all I know:

No fixed release dates yet. In April they plan to release a media book of Shaolin - Die Rache mit der Todeshand.

But I'll keep you/everybody informed!

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Guest Markgway
Mark, how long you have been interested of/collecting movies?

I started with Bruce Lee tapes in 1990.

€28 might sound lot because 99% of movies are considerably cheaper.

Doesn't that make it a lot then? :tongue:

Some may think that 15€ is lot too ( by todays standards ) but in history it´s not.

But we're not talking about €15, we're talking about €35-40 plus postage. If these Shaws had been €15 I wouldn't have said anything.

And earned coins from collecting empty bottles and returned them to shop it took me 6 weeks to save up to get british tape of NOAS. It back then costed about same as that german dvd now.

I used to save up my lunch money by not eating!

And I think you were done with that NOAS VHS. The RRP was a tenner and the re-release could be had for about a fiver (I know, I bought it back in the day).

And that €74 for lady professional has been one of the best buys but I learned it later. Lady Assassin, Naval Commandos and Black Tavern among other rarer stuff have been still quite easy to nail.

I'm just gutted I sold mine for A LOT LESS. I could've done with all those €€€. :xd:

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Not ridiculously high if you need it.I met dilemma when had chance to purchase lady professional. 74€ for one movie:cry:. I consulted my friend who has huge addiction for collecting movies, coins and comics. He said roughly like this" you either collect those movies or not. There is no point getting items only easily available/cheap but leave out more rare/expensive ones".

So I forked out money...

Bloodclaat, 74 € for LADY PROFESSIONAL is insane. I got the sealed Taiwanese Deltamac off Ebay maybe half a year ago for 9.99. US dollars that is! A few years ago it occasionally fetched close to 50. Sometimes you just gotta be a lil' patient, check regularly and wait 'til a wanted title comes your way...

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I can't believe you just called Tex a tampon! :crossedlips:


Didn't call anyone a "tampon", nah Sir. In patois "bloodclaat" is simply another word for "damn'" or "fuck", capiche?

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If you don't have a Chinatown in your city, the IVL's can seem rare. In towns with significant Chinese populations, the R3 DVD's can be had for 2 or 3 dollars. I think I'll be going to Vancouver this spring and I will post my findings. The last time I went I bought nearly 40 Shaws, all good titles, for less than 100 bucks. These were originals, not copies. I wanted to pay cash so as to avoid tax, but they said no. lol

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