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One man versus a hundred...

Drunken Monk

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Drunken Monk


This is Judd Reid, a man who plans to have consecutive rounds of a minute and a half with a hundred karate black belts. That's one hundred men in a row.


Forgive my pessimism but surely this is impossible. It only takes the right strike and you can seriously injured, knocked out etc. To take a strike like that still have, say, seventy people left to fight? It just seems beyond the realms of comprehension.


I see he's training and training hard but boxers train for months to fight one opponent. This man faces a hundred times that and these guys are black belts, not just random sluggers.


You can read more of his story at www.100manfight.com and here's the teaser for the documentary following his fight aspirations...



So, what do you think? Is this possible? Can he beat a hundred men? Can he beat ten?

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i agree...... this has to be either staged or some catch..

its not physically possible... even bruce lee would get tired eventually... even if he never got hit... just pure exhaustion

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You think there's some sort of catch or scam going on?

If this is physically possible, he should open a school and I would be his disciple...

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Drunken Monk

I'm wondering, if it is true, what his tactics are. He says he basically doesn't get hurt anymore but there's only so many punches he can take.

I'm assuming he's looking to go in strong and end his opponents before they even have a chance to do him any damage,

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There will probably be rules to each match that happen to reduce exertion as much as possible. 100 MMA scuffles would be different!

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Hmmm.....but he and all the guys he's fighting are all Karate guys, right? I remember many moons ago when I took Karate, and for some of the higher belt tests we had to spar 5 guys in a row, and this was the very last part of the test, as I recall---when you were already exhausted. They weren't exactly taking it easy on you, but their goal was to deliver enough punishment to you to push you to your limit---they would certainly hit and kick hard, but they weren't exactly trying to take you out, either. I wonder if this is something along those lines?

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In my view it's totally unrealistic. During my tournament years (over 30 years ago) I was part of my Tae-Kwon-Do school's black belt tournament team and part of our training was to fight 10 X 2 minutes round against 10 different fighters (all black belts) with 30 second break between rounds. By the time you reached the 6th or 7th round it was harder and harder to just keep your defense up against an all rested fighter. 100 different skilled fighters? No way.

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Judging by how big and bulky he is I would say he is definitely not going for stamina... he is just going to try and beat each person into the ground as fast as possible.

Moving that huge body around is going to tire him out really fast.

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Having only glanced at the previous posts and not read the full article I thought this was something that he was going to attempt in the future but it seems that it took place back in 2011, I just did a quick search and found this information that suggests he was successful. Personally I think that it's an impressive feat and something that would be difficult to accomplish even if his opponents were not exactly going all out to beat him, as others have mentioned he clearly trained hard and used this to demonstrate the "never give up" warrior spirit that years of martial arts training has helped him to develop. Well done Judd, it's this type of thing that should inspire us all to try and push ourselves further than we think is possible.

Judd Reid Completes 100 Man Kumite

Pattaya based fighter and current World Kumite Organization (WKO) Karate Champion, Judd Reid went to Japan to attempt a 100 Man Kumite on the 22nd of October, 2011.

Judd had to fight 100 Black belts, all of Japan’s best karate champions. Judd's reward, should he complete this amazing feat, would be to be awarded his 5th Dan, thus becoming a Shihan, better known as a Master.

Within a space of three and a half hours, Judd completed the 100 man Kumite and was awarded his 5thDan by Kancho Masayasu Sugihara, President of WKO Japan. During the fights, Judd was smart and picked his shots to last the 100 fights. After 75 fights he admitted that his legs and muscles started to cramp up but because of Judd’s determined attitude to complete the 100 Kumite, he still walked back on to the mat for his next fight and one after the other he stood his ground not only as a great fighter but as someone who is to become a master. Upon completion of all 100 fights, everyone stood up and applauded him with the honor and respect he truly deserved, as very few people ever dare to even attempt such feat. There have only been 21 people who have ever completed the 100 man Kumite.

Judd is the last student of Kyokushin Karate founder Sosai Oyama’s to finish the 100 man kumite. All the hard work and training Judd put into this attempt truly paid off and is most likely one of the biggest honor’s to his Master Sosai Oyama.

Since 2006 Judd has been training and teaching under Sifu Robert McInnes, Founder of WKO, in Thailand at the International School of Martial Arts and will continue to teach and train the younger students to become great fighters just like himself.

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Wow, that is impressive. He pulled it off. Hope he never reads my previous remark.

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Drunken Monk

I had no idea he had actually done it! I wonder what constituted him winning the rounds. Could he use submissions or even pins?

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So is there a video? If this happened in 2011 they have had plenty of time to finish the documentary they were teasing in those first clips.

Recommended videos on Youtube answered my question for me:


EDIT AGAIN: Nevermind that isn't Judd Reid it is another guy who tried it. Still crazy though.

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WOW! that is the baddest MF on the planet .. hahah holy crap. I really did not think it was humanly possible

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There have only been 21 people who have ever completed the 100 man Kumite.

Guess you can say they "Chiba'd up."

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The Kyokushinkai have been doing 100 Man Kumite for Donkey's years also 50 man Kumite. It's not a new thing, Kancho Oyama started it in the 1950's I think.

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