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Another Koch Media Shaw German dvd set

Killer Meteor

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Killer Meteor



King Boxer

Marco Polo

Sentimental Swordsman

Kung Fu Instructor

8 Diagram Pole Fighter

Now, three of these are new to genuine video format (as opposed to PAL-NTSC) and if they can get the Cantonese track for 8 Diagram (as they did for The Master), this will be of definte interest.

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except MARCO POLO all of them are available in PAL Format in France. 8 DIAGRAM should have Cantonese Audio. They were properly instructed what Audio to use.

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BluRay is dead for Martial Arts Movies, Koch did state it quite clearly that would be a money grave releasing anything of that kind on Blu.

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Sweet. I'll get it if only for Marco Polo, and Kung Fu Instructor. Plus I have 3 versions of 8 Diagram Pole Fighter, and one more couldn't hurt. :bigsmile:

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btw, they're trying to get the 2 missing censored Scenes for MARCO POLO which Celestial cut out for some Reasons from other sources to make the longest Version possible.

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Guest Markgway

Is it in their contract not to include English Subs?

Couldn't they sneak them on there and just not advertise them.

I won't tell.


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Is it in their contract not to include English Subs?

Couldn't they sneak them on there and just not advertise them.

I won't tell.


Its fairly easy to add fan-subtitles to these.

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Guest Markgway

Yeah, but it's preferable to own an original than a fan sub, no?

Besides these distributors don't make any money out of fan sub eds.

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actually Celestial would allow English subs from what i heard. but only if there are no other Subtitles in German on the same Disc. as it will have German Subs... there won't be English ones. It's that easy. and no matter what forums believe: Foreign sales are close to zero for such objects.

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Yeah, but it's preferable to own an original than a fan sub, no?

Besides these distributors don't make any money out of fan sub eds.

I would own the original AND have a fan subbed version!!! So yes, they would have made money AND I would have my subs!

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Guest Markgway
I would own the original AND have a fan subbed version!!! So yes, they would have made money AND I would have my subs!

Why bother buying the original if you can't watch it? Seems like a waste of money to me.

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maybe to support the releasing Company by buying it? and not just ilegally download everything? just a thought on my side though. (That's what i do)

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Why bother buying the original if you can't watch it? Seems like a waste of money to me.

If watching is the only reason to buy original, then why buy originals ever? You can watch for free via other methods.

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Guest Markgway
maybe to support the releasing Company by buying it? and not just ilegally download everything? just a thought on my side though. (That's what i do)

I don't see why I should support a company who doesn't cater for me. If there aren't English subs on board then clearly they don't want my money. German subs are more important; that's fine, I understand. But surely you wouldn't expect me to still buy it? It's download or nothing as far as I'm concerned.

If watching is the only reason to buy original, then why buy originals ever? You can watch for free via other methods.

I don't share your logic.

Of course I prefer to own an original, pressed disc, with (hopefully) nice cover art, but to pay money for a disc I will never watch is plain daft.

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Surely they wouldn't expect you to steal it either?

Or is that what today's way is like: please me or I will have the right to steal it? Maybe I'm just too old fashioned, buying official releases, and even bothering to spend nearly 4 minutes to retime and add fansubs to view official discs with new subs...

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Killer Meteor

Personally, I'll take no subs for kung fu if it means better picture and sound. The subs are kinda lousy anyway.

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Markgway, if you don't wanna support them, you have no right to download customs of their work either, as you'd be a petty thief :) yes, it's all so easily klicked, but it's still nothing you should do. so go on and buy the inferior, but English-friendly product. after all it's not Koch Media's fault you didnt't learn German, right?

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Killer Meteor
Markgway, if you don't wanna support them, you have no right to download customs of their work either, as you'd be a petty thief :) yes, it's all so easily klicked, but it's still nothing you should do. so go on and buy the inferior, but English-friendly product. after all it's not Koch Media's fault you didnt't learn German, right?

Well I know the Mandarin word for revenge so that's 90% of the plots sussed right away! :)

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Originally Posted by spannick

maybe to support the releasing Company by buying it? and not just ilegally download everything? just a thought on my side though. (That's what i do)

Originally Posted by Markgway

I don't see why I should support a company who doesn't cater for me. If there aren't English subs on board then clearly they don't want my money. German subs are more important; that's fine, I understand. But surely you wouldn't expect me to still buy it? It's download or nothing as far as I'm concerned.

You’re both right. I also believe that its a matter of ethics to support a company that makes niche products like these available and apparently spends a lot of money and energy on making these releases truly shine. To declare oneself a fan of this genre and then to entertain the idea of downloading shit for free or trying to clinch a DVD-R from somebody is just low.

On the other hand it doesn’t make sense to throw money on something you cannot watch. Of course you’re looking to get a fan-subbed DVD-R then, I would too.

Originally Posted by spannick

no matter what forums believe: Foreign sales are close to zero for such objects.

Probably true. My theory would be that its because a) most German sellers do not bother to ship abroad, one reason being the Country’s idiotic “FSK 18” dictates. A lot of films are sold online via places like Filmundo or OfdB etc. where you have to be a member and where your age (in case you want to buy so-called “FSK 18” titles) can be verified. The ridiculous and totally outmoded understanding of the BPjM (the Federal Department for Media Harmful for Young Persons) and their FSK watchdogs is to insure via high legal hurdles that films with a FSK 18 tag do not get into the hands of minors. Even a good number of Ebay sellers shy away of putting “FSK 18” titles on auction. And if they do they stipulate (in German of course) that they need a customers proof of age and will only ship registered (meaning you’ll have to identify yourself with your ID to the postman!) Mostly sellers of this ilk don't ship abroad. The few online retailers who do ship abroad like (Austrian mail order service) DTM have pretty steep prices, I can understand why people are not excited to use them. It is a hell of a lot easier for a German to order DVD’s in the US, the UK, HK or Australia than for the rest of the world to obtain stuff from Germany.

And B) a lotta excited, hyped-up prattle on forums is, sad to say, just that: prattle. Meaning only a small fraction of geeks really backs up their interest-feigning discussion contributions and hits the “buy” button on German Amazon or wherever else.

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Guest Markgway
Surely they wouldn't expect you to steal it either?

Their expectations aren't my primary concern.

I'm not running a charity... lol

If they can't give me what I need... what can I say?

Or is that what today's way is like: please me or I will have the right to steal it? Maybe I'm just too old fashioned, buying official releases, and even bothering to spend nearly 4 minutes to retime and add fansubs to view official discs with new subs...

'fraid so.........

Markgway, if you don't wanna support them, you have no right to download customs of their work either, as you'd be a petty thief :) yes, it's all so easily klicked, but it's still nothing you should do. so go on and buy the inferior, but English-friendly product. after all it's not Koch Media's fault you didnt't learn German, right?

No one has the 'right' to download customs they haven't bought originals for... I'm not disagreeing. But let's be realistic. The number of fanatics who would buy an original they can't watch just to download subs and burn a DVD-R is a tiny minority. That may be the 'moral' way... but honestly how many here other than Takura does it? You can call me a 'thief' if you like... but I'm in good company on this board I'm sure. For years I indeed bought inferior English-friendly product, but no more. If a superior custom is available I'm going to save my money. I'm not wealthy and can't really afford such lofty principles. I'm only being practical.

I do have a few German DVDs in my collection that tick my boxes. Believe me I'd rather buy an original... but I won't play ball.

As for learning German just to watch kung fu movies........ lol

Well I know the Mandarin word for revenge so that's 90% of the plots sussed right away! :)

I really need the subs as I'm one of those pesky types who cares about the dialogue, banal though it sometimes may be.

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