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Remaking famous samurai classics?! Heresy?!


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I'd like to start a discussion on the remaking of famous samurai films such as 13 Assassins, Hara Kiri and others. While I enjoyed Miike's interpretation of 13 Assassins, I'm a little worried his take on Hara Kiri won't hold up. Kobayashi's original is a masterpiece, and remaking it is akin to remaking Citizen Kane in the west. What are peoples thoughts on this phenomenon?

Also, with all of these films getting release in the USA. Why hasn't the 2007 remake of Sanjuro gotten a R1 release?


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I loved Miike's version of 13 Assassins, his Hara Kiri was OK but I agree the original is a classic. And I also would like to see Sanjuro get a legit release. I've said this before its really a shame that Japanese distributors don't care if we here in the US see these movies or not.

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Well as much as we hate it, we live in the day of the remake. I've become so desensitized I don't even say WTF? anymore.

Miike is an interesting director for this topic though, the man has a unique style all of his own, I say he has made enough of his own movies, that he deserves to do what he wants as opposed to some shit heel American director taking orders from the suits, and making lame ass paint by the numbers movies. I'm sure Miike grew up and loved the classics.

I really liked 13 Assassins, but didn't care for his Yakuza Graveyard remake(it is something nuts though). Hara Kiri is one of my absolute favorite films, so I have major reservations to viewing the remake, but Miike has earned my respect, but still, it's a tall order to get anywhere near the emotional impact the original had.

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47 Ronin is a story familiar to all Japanese for over 300 years. Everyone who's made it, either as a film, a play, a tv series, has put their own spin on it. It's not like the directors have been remaking something based on one original production. It's a different animal, like the Shinsengumi. The historical event can be re-invented by as many directors who want to re-tell the story.

The movie I'm currently watching (Kurama Tengu) has the Shinsengumi, but it's different from other movies with the Shinsengumi. I bought a t-shirt last month that says on it "The 47 Ronin Collector". The guy who made the t-shirt can go on and on about the differences between the various versions of the 47 Ronin movies he's been collecting.

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