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May be a little early to commet but what does everyone think about this? I don't mind Stallone and from the trailers the fight scenes look quite good, although I have to say that between a new film with Stallone and the new Schwarzenegger film I would go with Arnie.

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Horrid movie. Good action scenes, but as a whole... wow. A mess. Skip.

Can't believe this is the same guy who made 48 Hours.

Really? :ooh: Shit. :neutral: I thought it looked like a fun flick. :squigglemouth:

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I saw the movie based on:

1) Walter Hill

2) Stallone

3) Trailers

4) Two clips (which were awesome)

Movie as a whole.... it just doesn't work. At all.

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Horrid movie. Good action scenes, but as a whole... wow. A mess. Skip.

Can't believe this is the same guy who made 48 Hours.

Thank you for saving me 2hrs of regrets! Holy sh!t I know it's only been 1 month already but the movies that have been out has been torturous... How long do I have to wait till some good movies come out to theaters that's not oscar bait?

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Most directors lose the touch as they get older, in my opinion... some don't, but most do, which is only natural I guess.

If I wanna watch a kickass Hill flick, i'll watch The Warriors or Extreme Prejudice.

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Thank you for saving me 2hrs of regrets! Holy sh!t I know it's only been 1 month already but the movies that have been out has been torturous... How long do I have to wait till some good movies come out to theaters that's not oscar bait?

Well, I don't want you to take my word for it (even though I say "skip it"). Some people out there may like it.

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Well, I don't want you to take my word for it (even though I say "skip it"). Some people out there may like it.

I'll wait till redbox or dvd...

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Why people can even get moderately excited about Sly and Arnie flicks anymore is beyond me. But hey, to each their own. Same with Van Damme and certainly Seagal. The problem is that there really are no younger action stars to replace them, so people are more or less forced to hang on to these relics from yore. Seriously, I can't think of a single actor of this generation that I would label an action star akin to what the aforementioned guys were in the prime. Maybe because Hollywood action films as a genre barely exists anymore.

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Why people can even get moderately excited about Sly and Arnie flicks anymore is beyond me. But hey, to each their own. Same with Van Damme and certainly Seagal. The problem is that there really are no younger action stars to replace them, so people are more or less forced to hang on to these relics from yore. Seriously, I can't think of a single actor of this generation that I would label an action star akin to what the aforementioned guys were in the prime. Maybe because Hollywood action films as a genre barely exists anymore.

Agreed. Its not looking too good for R rated action movies. If A Good Day To Die Hard bombs I think its safe to say we should be worried.

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The conventional wisdom in HLWD is that PG13 movies make more money than R-rated, and thus you cut the balls off John McClane by robbing him of his iconic catchphrase and other crimes of that ilk..... the pussification of the american action film continues.

Holy cocksmoking fucknuggets do I miss the old days of hard ass, macho action flicks where people swore like drunken sailors, and stabbed motherfuckers in the eye, followed by a one liner.....

Think im gonna crank up the time machine and watch Extreme Prejudice or Out For Justice or The Last Boyscout...... those were the days..... tear....

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Why people can even get moderately excited about Sly and Arnie flicks anymore is beyond me. But hey, to each their own. Same with Van Damme and certainly Seagal. The problem is that there really are no younger action stars to replace them, so people are more or less forced to hang on to these relics from yore. Seriously, I can't think of a single actor of this generation that I would label an action star akin to what the aforementioned guys were in the prime. Maybe because Hollywood action films as a genre barely exists anymore.

Hey my man don't forget Jason Statham the only all rounder 40 + action hero ? but the big question is how long can he hang on?

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Why people can even get moderately excited about Sly and Arnie flicks anymore is beyond me. But hey, to each their own. Same with Van Damme and certainly Seagal. .


The problem is that there really are no younger action stars to replace them, so people are more or less forced to hang on to these relics from yore. Seriously, I can't think of a single actor of this generation that I would label an action star akin to what the aforementioned guys were in the prime. Maybe because Hollywood action films as a genre barely exists anymore

I think there are new action stars in the making but they just aren't given the chance. The same problem exists in Hong Kong where the old guard are in their 50s and 60s, churning out movies while they trade on their names of former glory.

The conventional wisdom in HLWD is that PG13 movies make more money than R-rated, and thus you cut the balls off John McClane by robbing him of his iconic catchphrase and other crimes of that ilk..... the pussification of the american action film continues.

Holy cocksmoking fucknuggets do I miss the old days of hard ass, macho action flicks where people swore like drunken sailors, and stabbed motherfuckers in the eye, followed by a one liner....


I like to think this decline happened somewhere around the point of Pearl Harbor and comic books super heroes becoming the in thing. But I think Hollywood gradually watered-down the adult action movie realising they could make more money as the hard R rated movie/18 UK slowly became a soft rated R and a 15 certificate in the UK to be completely unsatisfying PG-13/12 certificate that passes as an action movie these days.

Still even with a sort of renaissance in the adult action movie it seems filmmakers have lost the talent to actually produce, film and edit great action in Hollywood. CGI can't replace the thrill of watching real explosions and death-defying stunts

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Some good points, blue skies and I'd also like to add, not enough good talent??? What I do have faith in and might be a savior in the action genre in Hollywood would be the people behind Stunt People? I'm sure ShaOWlindude can tell you all about it!:tongue:

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Hollywood has not made a good action movie that I can remember since Fast Five anyone?

You're pretty dead-on with this assumption. I actually liked "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol" and "The Avengers" was great but some would argue that they aren't straight up action films. "Skyfall" too.

I know a lot of people liked "Safe." I didn't, personally. Same goes for "Dredd."

But then I loved the "Total Recall" remake and "The Expendables" films, while pretty dreadful, are kind of fun in the action department.

All in all though, Hollywood is really failing when it comes to action. They seem to want to give us huge CGI assisted set pieces instead of quality fights and such.

I'll have to see how "A Good Die to Die Hard" is because it looks like it's pretty much one long action scene and, hey, I love a bit of John McClane.

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You're pretty dead-on with this assumption. I actually liked "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol" and "The Avengers" was great but some would argue that they aren't straight up action films. "Skyfall" too.

I know a lot of people liked "Safe." I didn't, personally. Same goes for "Dredd."

But then I loved the "Total Recall" remake and "The Expendables" films, while pretty dreadful, are kind of fun in the action department.

All in all though, Hollywood is really failing when it comes to action. They seem to want to give us huge CGI assisted set pieces instead of quality fights and such.

I'll have to see how "A Good Die to Die Hard" is because it looks like it's pretty much one long action scene and, hey, I love a bit of John McClane.

Mission Impossible GP and Skyfall and total recall remake and Safe, I still need to see.:tinysmile_angry2_t:

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This is coming from someone who's hatred for Tom Cruiser burns with the fire of a thousand suns.... However, I thought MI:GP was great! It felt like old school action filmmaking in some way. Yeah, it got a little gadget heavy towards the end, almost bordering on sci fi, but I have to say, the whole Dubai sequence is probably some of the best action i've seen from HLWD in many years. The hotel exchange, the dizzying climb, the fight, the sandstorm chase... all in one sequence. I was pretty impressed.... and that's pretty fucking rare.

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This is coming from someone who's hatred for Tom Cruiser burns with the fire of a thousand suns.... However, I thought MI:GP was great! It felt like old school action filmmaking in some way. Yeah, it got a little gadget heavy towards the end, almost bordering on sci fi, but I have to say, the whole Dubai sequence is probably some of the best action i've seen from HLWD in many years. The hotel exchange, the dizzying climb, the fight, the sandstorm chase... all in one sequence. I was pretty impressed.... and that's pretty fucking rare.

Agreed one hundred percent. I think it's interesting to note that the director, Brad Bird, had only ever done animated films before "MI:GP" and yet managed to take the amazing action spectacle of "The Incredibles" and transfer it into a live-action film.

He obviously has a great eye for action and I hope he goes on to make great films."Tomorrowland" sounds pretty intriguing thus far.

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also, did you notice the actual look of the film? It could easily have been a mid 90's film, and I don't mean that as in it looked out of date or stale or whatever, but the picture was clear and bright. 90% of todays action films uses grimey effects, color filters (dark filter mostly) over saturated colors, blue tint, brown tint etc. THEY LOOK FUCKING AWFUL! All this is done in post cuz some some douche in the editing room thinks it looks edgy and cool... NO, it just looks like someone took a steaming dump on the film. Look at a movie like Safe House, which I hated for many other reasons, but it had all the misguided features I just mentioned.... I can't stand it.

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Actually, I have noticed that my problems with new action movies is maybe more technical than creative. Yes, most new action movies are boring or unoriginal to me, but things like good solid cinematography, editing, lighting etc. has really gone the way of the dodo as far as im concerned. It all comes down to style, I guess, and that is apparantly the new style... I just can't stand looking at it.

I guess it's me who's outdated... but when I watch a movie like Clear And Present Danger or Demolition Man or take your pick from the 80's and 90's, I wonder why movies aren't really allowed to look like that anymore.

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Actually, I have noticed that my problems with new action movies is maybe more technical than creative. Yes, most new action movies are boring or unoriginal to me, but things like good solid cinematography, editing, lighting etc. has really gone the way of the dodo as far as im concerned. It all comes down to style, I guess, and that is apparantly the new style... I just can't stand looking at it.

I guess it's me who's outdated... but when I watch a movie like Clear And Present Danger or Demolition Man or take your pick from the 80's and 90's, I wonder why movies aren't really allowed to look like that anymore.

Not at all. Back in the heyday of action cinema, we had tension. Action sequences were filmed to thrill. These days a "thrill" is someone pulling a trigger and then a CGI truck exploding.

I just don't think it has the personal touch anymore. It's big for the sake of being big. There's no intimacy in modern action. No tension. The gritty filters, slow motion and computer aided effects only add to that.

Look at Michael Bay. The man is a master of the shootout. Both "Bad Boys" and "The Rock" have phenomenal gunfights and yet when he went bigger and bigger people began to hate him. The "Transformers" beg its audience to buy into a giant CGI robot blowing up another CGI robot. Where's the heart? It's just not there anymore because people have replaced it with gimmicks.

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You're right... no heart, no soul.

Never finished a Transformers movie, the CGI was so disorienting I couldn't see what was going in the robot scenes, plus LeDouche and Botox face... actually wanted them to die. And Bay's humour is just cringeworthy.

So... this thread is officially derailed... sorry OP.

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