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Saving General Yang...Trailer

David Rees

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First film from director Ronny Yu since the great Fearless, although its another war movie it looks interesting.


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Holy shit, this looks really, REALLY good! I like that Yu knows how to give actions. "Fearless," despite having a solid story, has oodles of great fight scenes,

This film looks like it's nothing but action...but in a good way!

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this trailer is getting me all hyped and psyched up, I do like the look of it a lot

hope it lives up tp my expectations

i was under impression all yang generals were female??

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It works for me.

it must've been a glitch when I tried before. I'm not too sure this is my kind of movie I am a little intrigued.

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I am in on this.....

The trailer seemed to have a sound problem. Anyone else notice this.

My only concern from seeing the trailer is that I hope there will not be an excess of slow mo shots.

There was that film swordplay film in the late 90's that had 90% of the fights in slow mo. I hated IT!

Otherwise this film could be a refreshing change kung fu movie Viewing.


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Drunken Monk
The guys over at Twitch have posted a review of the movie, it seems pretty middling, enough for me to safely say I'll give it a miss -


I think the reviewer had a few too many gripes. The kung fu cinema genre isn't exactly well known for their Oscar worthy scripts and strong character development.

This may very well be a mid-level period battle film but I'm still holding out for it to be at least somewhat enjoyable.

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One Armed Boxer
The kung fu cinema genre isn't exactly well known for their Oscar worthy scripts and strong character development.

Agreed, but it was more this paragraph which has put me off -

With characterisation this flimsy, Saving General Yang lives or dies on its action and to his credit, Yu does produce a couple of gorgeously-staged sequences. There is an arrow fight amidst a field of tall grass towards the end that is worth the ticket price alone, but the film really needed more such moments. Had each son been given his own signature scene, or visual motif, then the film might have been excused its lack of narrative nourishment. For a film so reliant on action, the fight sequences are surprisingly bloodless, with the few overtly violent moments that do occur either staged compassionately - when Yang's wounds are tended to - or played for laughs.

Another Chinese battlefield movie in a market which reached saturation point with them several years ago has to be something pretty special in order for it to stand out, and it doesn't sound like this does.

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I don't understand why people dismiss a film just from one review?

I think it looks promising, but will make my mind up when i see it.

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One Armed Boxer
I don't understand why people dismiss a film just from one review?

Understandable statement. I'll give it a miss based on the fact that having been a Twitch reader for many years, I generally find their opinions to be quite closely aligned to my own.

There's always exceptions of course, but considering big battlefield period pieces are not really my thing anyway, the lukewarm review has made me decide to give this one a miss.

Everyone else of course is entitled to their own opinions, I for one got a kick out of 'Legendary Amazons', based more on the fact that Frankie Chan seemed to have no idea he was making a movie in 2011 more than anything else, so it's definitely a matter of personal taste.

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Just watched it...first of all it could be a an extented version of the begining of 8 diagram pole fighter..now I cant say much without spoiling too much... but I like to know more about the original story of the yang family..there are some different facts between 8 diagram pole fighter and this one.

Anyway,the movie is pretty good,nice weapon fights throughout the whole movie..It kind of creates a similar atmosphare like in 8 diagram pole fighter,only this movie doesnt stress on long pole fighting or a story on the 5th brother at all....the stories dont match between 8 diagram pole fighter and general yang..I was kinda hoping for it.. anyway I still enjoyed the movie a lot!

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Just watched it...first of all it could be a an extented version of the begining of 8 diagram pole fighter..now I cant say much without spoiling too much... but I like to know more about the original story of the yang family..there are some different facts between 8 diagram pole fighter and this one.

Anyway,the movie is pretty good,nice weapon fights throughout the whole movie..It kind of creates a similar atmosphare like in 8 diagram pole fighter,only this movie doesnt stress on long pole fighting or a story on the 5th brother at all....the stories dont match between 8 diagram pole fighter and general yang..I was kinda hoping for it.. anyway I still enjoyed the movie a lot!

It was not bad at all but it was no Red Cliff (which I love very much either). Who plays the Khaitan General ?

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Drunken Monk

This film is painfully mediocre in every way possible. In fact, it walks that thin line between average and bad very, very carefully.

It's way too high on melodrama and way too low on coherent action. Lots of close ups, bad edits and slow motion. There just isn't any kind of balance to this film at all.

There are a number of "that's cool" moments and the final fight does carry some serious weight but, all in all, it's a drab effort I wouldn't really recommend.

I may write a full review of it tomorrow.

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