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Ultimate Fight (2004) - Tony Leung Siu-Hung


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Has anyone seen this? I found a Youtube clip of some fight scenes. It's not too bad. The kid in the dragon outfit is Cyrus Wong Ka-Ming, best known for his role as "Baldy Jr." in the ACES GO PLACES series


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this film is pretty bad the fights are forgettable, good to see tony leung siu hung got back on track doing action as im not to sure what was going on in this movie

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Here's my review, if it helps any.

ULTIMATE FIGHT (2004) Running time: 89 mins.

Stars: Cyrus Wong, Horace Lee, Lau Kar Wing, Yoyo Yin, Tong Chun Ip, Kam Loi Kwan, Alice Pang, Fan Man Kit

Dir.: Tony Leung

MA Director: Tony Leung

Asst. MA Directors: Ng Wing Sum, Kam Loi Kwan

Kit (CW), a lounge singer, fancies himself a self-taught MA. But when he's bested in a fight, his new girlfriend, Jojo (YY), takes him to her dad (LKW), an instructor in Gracie Jiujitsu. Kit becomes his student but crosses Lung (HL), his master's former student, who is the Ultimate Fight champ. Eventually another Ultimate Fight tournament is held and Kit determines to seek revenge for his master against Lung.

Fight #1 --- Kit vs 3 punks

While buying a Bruce Lee figurine (that's right), 3 punks harass Jojo, the shop's female clerk, for a refund. Kit chases them down and beats them up to get her money back. This is awful! It's not just heavily under-cranked, it's on fast forward! Plus, it's more of a "basher" style fight with a MA move here and there.

Fight #2 --- Kit vs Sid

On a date, Kit sings one of the cheesiest love songs ever for Jojo. (This is just goofy. The bartender even shakes his mixer along to the music as if he's part of the band. Never stops to pour the drink. Some poor schmuck is probably trying to drink to forget.....this awful song he's being subjected to.) Anyhow, the 3 punks show up with Sid to teach Kit a lesson. It's a 1-on-1 alley fight. The choreography looks good but again, it's in fast forward which makes it look just awful. It is more MA-based, though.

Fight #3 --- Sid vs Feng

This is a fight for patrons at a bar. It's pretty good. Very brutal hits. Some good elbows and kicks, especially a jump-spinning roundhouse by Sid.

Fight #4 --- Lung vs new fighter

This is spectacularly short! But.....it's pretty sweet. A flying leg-lock to his opponent's shoulders; double palm strike to the top of his head; a back-flip leg toss which dumps the dude on his head. Lung is pretty bad.

Fight #5 --- Kit vs Sid and 2 goons

Sid and his pards have just tossed a Molotov cocktail into Jojo and her dad's apartment. Kit runs into them outside. The filming goes all goofy again as if it's fast forwarded and hyper-edited. Still, there's a couple of good kicks thrown.

Tournament fights:

Fight #6 --- Chinese Wrestler vs Judo stylist

Unbelievably, the wrestler wins. The judo guy doesn't do squat. I find that hard to believe.

Fight #7 --- Japanese Aikido stylist vs Kim, female Korean MA

He doesn't want to fight a girl. So, she literally beats the snot out of him with elbows to the nose and finishes him off with an axe kick.

Fight #8 --- Zhang Chi vs Boxer

Zhang Chi is a mystery man seen throughout the film training by using electrical stimulus similar to what Sonny Chiba did in one of his films. This fight is bogus. Zhang Chi simply bearhugs the guy and downs him.

Fight #9 --- Kit vs Jeet Kune Do stylist (with purple hair, no less)

Best bout so far! Kit gets pummeled with kicks. Finally he performs a leg takedown, locks his foe's legs with his own, and puts him in a submission choke.

Fight #10 --- Lung vs Sumo wrestler

Short with a beautiful flying kick.

Fight #11 --- Chinese Wrestler vs Muay Thai fighter

Brutal with a piledriver finish.

Fight #12 --- Zhang Chi vs Kim

He stares her down, psyches her out, and she refuses to fight him. Bogus.

Fight #13 --- Kit vs Tiger kung fu stylist

Good match! Some good leg work with sweeps and takedowns. Kit manages another choke submission hold using the dude's own arms.

Fight #14 --- Lung vs Chinese Wrestler

This is a bizarre fight, man. Twice, when Lung gets in a difficult position, he strikes the wrestler in the......sphincter. (Hey, whatever works, right?) But he ultimately wins with a headbutt.

Fight #15 --- Kit vs Zhang Chi

It's not bad. There's some good exchanges here: a leg sweep and a scissor leg takedown to the head. Lots of power hits. I thought it could've been better but it works. (At least there was no sphincter-punching.)

Fight #16 --- Kit vs Lung

Best fight! It's full of good stuff but turns into a beating for Kit until he rallies at the end. The only bad thing is that it's comically sped up in places and there's evidence of hyper-editing again. There's some jiujitsu used but mainly it's too much of a stand-up fight to be classified as that kind of match. Still, it's a good hard-hitting fight.

The movie isn't bad. It's not great. But I don't know that I'd really classify it as good, either. My feelings are kind of ambivalent about it. I've had this for a couple of years and this is the 2nd time I've watched it and with a more critical eye this time around. I just don't think it delivers like it could have. The choreography is hit and miss with nothing really special (except for the sphincter-punching) or any "rewind" moments (again, except for the sphincter-punching.....if you're into that.....and I'm not).

A couple of things that really drove me nuts: All the pop song interludes. Was I watching a MA movie or a music video? The songs were so hammy! And the comedic moments mainly consisted of corny bits ending with CW mugging and breaking the 4th wall (when a performer looks into the camera as though making eye contact with the viewing audience).

I don't know what to tell you regarding this one. It has its moments but I really view it as a failure. It's your call. Maybe if you're interested in it, you can find it on the cheap. I think that.....ultimately I will fight the temptation to ever watch this again and put it in the trade pile. And if I don't........I'll sphincter-punch myself.

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