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Ninja: Shadow of a Tear (2013) - Scott Adkins and Kane Kosugi


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Yeah, though im sure the majority on here will buy a legit copy when it comes out, I still think it's a little tactless to "promote" DL and YT for a new movie, where the director has frequented the board, and the star has asked to wait for a proper release.

I don't understand this whole "give it to me now" mentality. Im not exactly a patient man, but I can easily wait for proper releases, and enjoy them in good quality.... it's not that hard.

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See, that irks me. One of the things that Adkins specifically asked of us fans was to have the decency to wait until the film was properly released rather than pirating it or taking advantage of pirated copies/opportunities. If the studios lose money on this because of these sorts of tactics (much like what apparently happened with Undisputed 3), they won't bother backing them, and we'll all moan and groan and cry and whine because we just can't understand why. ("Ow! I'm bleeding! I mean, I know I just shot myself in the foot, but I don't understand...")

For those of you who have managed to legitimately view the movie, kudos and I'm jealous. For those who haven't yet legitimately seen it, but found a means to see it anyway...good for you, but I don't want to know about it, and I hope you're proud of yourself.

I don't necessarily agree with this. I'm a hundred percent behind supporting the genre and, despite watching a DVD screener of this film, I still have my pre-order ready to go.

Hell, I'm even ready to buy "Special ID" despite not loving it when I watched a screener. Now, if I watched nothing but bootlegs and refused to buy legitimate versions I'd consider myself a bad guy but my choice to watch bootlegs af such right now is purely out of eagerness and I still have every intention of buying these films.

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Agreed. And I don't mean to sound preachy or act as though I've never been a hypocrite regarding that. I've certainly been guilty. (Ong Back 2 for example. Bought a boot and a legit release 2 months later.) But for new releases, I do think of it as an exercise in patience. And honestly, it's really the honorable thing to do especially when you have a star and director who are just as avid about the genre as the average joe in the fanbase.

I readily admit my hypocrisy comes into play when wanting to see a film that's never had a proper dvd release. Then my love for the genre often overrules my sense of honor with some sort of self-satisfying justification for my actions.

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See, that irks me. One of the things that Adkins specifically asked of us fans was to have the decency to wait until the film was properly released rather than pirating it or taking advantage of pirated copies/opportunities. If the studios lose money on this because of these sorts of tactics (much like what apparently happened with Undisputed 3), they won't bother backing them, and we'll all moan and groan and cry and whine because we just can't understand why. ("Ow! I'm bleeding! I mean, I know I just shot myself in the foot, but I don't understand...")

For those of you who have managed to legitimately view the movie, kudos and I'm jealous. For those who haven't yet legitimately seen it, but found a means to see it anyway...good for you, but I don't want to know about it, and I hope you're proud of yourself.

first off dude. i have my dvd on PRE ORDER released on dec 31st! doesnt mean i cant watch it before.. i showed my support and purchased the dvd! why cant i have my cake and eat it to? stop assuming because you come off like a jerk when i already purchased the movie.

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Yeah, though im sure the majority on here will buy a legit copy when it comes out, I still think it's a little tactless to "promote" DL and YT for a new movie, where the director has frequented the board, and the star has asked to wait for a proper release.

I don't understand this whole "give it to me now" mentality. Im not exactly a patient man, but I can easily wait for proper releases, and enjoy them in good quality.... it's not that hard.

i didnt promote! i was informing. 90% of us on this site already pre orded it. just giving people the means to catch it sooner.

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just giving people the means to catch it sooner.

Yes, but why?

Like I said, I don't get it. It will come out when it comes out. Not trying to start anything, I just don't understand why folks can't wait.

And to those who DL and watch it on YT, but still buy a legit copy. Well, you're also keeping the pirate business alive at the same time.... just sayin'.

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Im not here to argue with you dude. i purchased my copy so i feel zero guilt watching it on youtube before i receive my copy. i understand its only 15-20$ to buy but some people still cant afford that. they shouldn't be restricted from seeing an amazing movie and if they like it maybe they will purchase it at a later date. i normally dont buy a movie until after i watch it (normally on netflix) shouldn't be to quick to judge people bro! and maybe someone who was not going to buy it watches it on youtube and loves it and buys it now..

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I watch almost every movie online on streaming movie sites first. If I like it I buy. I have paid full price for Undisputed 2, 3, and this I will buy day one. Theres no guilt in me watching leaked copies because it ensures I like every movie in my collection. Besides, that early itunes release made it easy for people to illegally get this. Bad idea and terrible trend thats been going on.

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Yes, but why?

Like I said, I don't get it. It will come out when it comes out. Not trying to start anything, I just don't understand why folks can't wait.

And to those who DL and watch it on YT, but still buy a legit copy. Well, you're also keeping the pirate business alive at the same time.... just sayin'.

My reason boils down to excitement. I want to see the film and share in the first waves of enjoyment. That's all it is.

Sure, if I download a film it'll contribute to piracy but that download is still going to be there waiting for someone else to download it. Besides, I'd it wasn't for piracy I'm willing to bet that around 85% of forum members with substantial collections wouldn't necessarily have all the films they have.

Much like Gwai Lo, I have little guilt. Probably because A.) This is a rare occasion and B.) I have only ever uploaded one film and that was "Broken Path."

As long as, at the end of the day, Florentine, Adkins et al get my money, I'm a happy chappy.

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My apologies, Gwai LO. Didn't mean to make you feel singled out. All I'm saying is that specific to the request of Adkins and Florentine, such practice has the potential to mar the film's returns, regardless of if anyone plans to purchase it anyhow, because there will be many who will watch and never pay for it. And as I admitted, I understand the justification. I've done it, too. (Another case in point: DM hooked me up with a copy of Broken Path, otherwise I'd never have seen it, and I had been dying to for years.)That's all. Still irks me though. Just venting. I'll live.

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i understand. i buy almost every movie that i like.. but i made the mistake of buying the movie "wind blast" and i HATED that movie so much and regretted it and ill never watch it again.. if i like it 100% of the time i buy it. i watched a bootleg of "the wrath of varja" loved it so much i got my pre order on the first day i seen it. watching a bootleg doesn't stop from buying.. adkins got my money and i support him! i do understand where ur coming tho and i appreciate the loyalty

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What's worse than downloading illegally is people waiting or standing in line in front of a Redbox. For those that are unfamiliar with a Redbox, Redbox is a vending machine where you pick and choose for like $1 for some of the worst mainstream pieces of shit movies ever on Dvd. It's really the dumbing down of society and the reason why Americans don't like foreign films in general because they like shit spoon fed to them in a machine. At least when you're downloading illegally, you're doing it at the confines of your own home hiding in your troll cave.

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The only movie I've ever illegally downloaded is Broken Path. Everything else I just "illegally watch," if that even counts as a crime. I don't feel like putting large movie files on my computer taking up precious room.

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Some comments from Scott Adkins:

On Kane Kosugi:

"That man is incredible and an absolute joy to work with, I honestly hope to work with him again as soon as possible. He should be a bigger star than he is and I can't understand why he's not. He's a good actor, really good looking, great physique and one of the best screen fighters I have ever worked with, probably THE BEST. I really want us to share equal screen time in a film together, something like Assassination Games but with more action, that would be immense! He's great in this film and we were very lucky to have him."

My respect for Scott continues to grow. He seems to be the opposite of guys like Segal, Van Damme, and Norris, who's arrogance knows no bounds and who continuously talk trash about their peers. Hope the Kane and Scott team-up movie happens.

On the effect that piracy has on these movies:

"I think people think that we are all millionaires and that they are somehow sticking it to the man in his Hollywood ivory tower by downloading for free... but the truth is that guy will stay in his ivory tower and continue making loads of money and the hardworking actors and crew and their families around the world will suffer and ultimately we will be left with huge summer superhero movies and there will be no independent alternative titles to choose from. It will be remakes, superheroes and horror films."

Hopefully everyone who watched it for Free and enjoyed it will buy it on DVD, Blu-ray, or on iTunes.

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I purchased this on Amazon Prime.....I couldn't wait.....thankfully I can watch it on all my TV's and my Kindle Fire!! Just wanted to get that out of the way and get back to the topic at hand the movie!!!

HOLY CRAP!!! This was amazing just what I wanted from the first Ninja and most martial arts movies. Straight forward story to drive the action, and the action!!! I loved every minute of every fight!! I will say this there aren't multiple 10 minute fights but the choreography was amazing and highlights everyone fighting, the star only looks as good as his opponents!!

Scott Adkins carries the film and is as always amazing. Kane Koshugi.......oh man he was great. I hope because of this he gets more film roles very deserving actor.

Of course it's not perfect nothing ever is if we ever got the most perfect matial arts movie then we would have to stop making them and we never want that to happen. :smile: I think those looking for a great straight up martial arts movie will be really happy!!

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This was posted on Scott Adkins' Official FaceBook page today:

"The fate of Boyka: Undisputed IV depends on the success of Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear. Make sure you support this film by renting or buying it through legitimate means. You want more Yuri Boyka then you'd better support Ninja 2. It's in your hands. FILM PIRACY is ruining this industry, don't support it! Blu Ray including making of released in USA December 31st."

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Chinatown Kid

I know seagal and van damme is known for being arrogant and bragging but I thought Norris was known for being one of the humblest people in the martial arts?

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I have to say that I feel film piracy is no different than in years gone by, and to say that it's affecting sales is probably untrue. There were always people willing to purchase pirate copies that the filmmakers never saw a penny of, because they couldn't wait. There were always people who would never buy a legitimate copy and waited to see them on TV/rented on DVD etc. Let's be honest even with the addition of the Internet that dynamic probably hasn't changed. There were always people who were never willing to make a purchase however much they enjoyed the film.

Don't misunderstand me I've always preferred a legitimate copy but that's my personal preference. You could also say arguably because of my preference and my limited resources, a title has to look amazing for me to pre-order/pay full price. As a fan of kung fu movies or any genre you have to put up with a lot of crap to find the gems. Luckily with the help of this forum I'm sure I have found more gems than crap. But when you don't necessarily know the good from the bad before you buy, those "bad buys" add up in money wasted. Even the most dedicated fans who want to support the genre can get put off by mediocrity at best.

I think we should perhaps forget the propaganda we are fed, let's be honest over the years we have seen how pirate movies are funding various crimes, terrorism etc depending on the era . Yet nobody questions the big movie studios and their "accounting" practices, which let's face it is practically criminal. They make out a movie that makes $1 billion is still not making money. They literally rob people from earning any kind of residuals by adding other movie costs to that movie.

Piracy is not the destroyer, it opens up new markets opening up people to new movies/music. How does a company lose money from somebody who never would have made a purchase? at the very least piracy creates word-of-mouth and other potential new sales.

has anyone ever been given a copy of a movie or music that entice them into a new genre? and then not only bought from a particular artist/performer but others related? Of course I'm sure most of us have at the very least.

Without so-called "Pirates" or people "sharing" honestly how many legitimate sales were made because of it? Thanks to the generosity of a certain member on this forum, has led to a lot of sales. Whether someone gives you a DVD or you obtain it from the net, the principle is the same, how do you lose a sale that you never had?

Also maybe Hollywood should look at the quality of the movies they are putting out and maybe that is why sales are down. When you don't make a quality product who wants to pay for something they don't really care about? A film like Blade Runner bombed at the theatres, but over the decades has been a huge success. In 20, 30 years time how many movies are people going to care about enough to keep purchasing them? Enough said .

Sorry for the rant and happy Christmas LOL

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Ninja - Shadow of tear will be released here at the end of March, when talk about piracy film companies should think about their releasing policy too. If keep potential customer waiting 3 more months because live in other area of world no wonder if potential buyer goes to filesharing/torrent.

I don`t do it but if would and film is great no f*cking way I would get item on it`s release day at full price. Wait instead to get in from bargain bin for few €s-

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I have to say that I feel film piracy is no different than in years gone by, and to say that it's affecting sales is probably untrue. There were always people willing to purchase pirate copies that the filmmakers never saw a penny of, because they couldn't wait. There were always people who would never buy a legitimate copy and waited to see them on TV/rented on DVD etc. Let's be honest even with the addition of the Internet that dynamic probably hasn't changed. There were always people who were never willing to make a purchase however much they enjoyed the film.

Don't misunderstand me I've always preferred a legitimate copy but that's my personal preference. You could also say arguably because of my preference and my limited resources, a title has to look amazing for me to pre-order/pay full price. As a fan of kung fu movies or any genre you have to put up with a lot of crap to find the gems. Luckily with the help of this forum I'm sure I have found more gems than crap. But when you don't necessarily know the good from the bad before you buy, those "bad buys" add up in money wasted. Even the most dedicated fans who want to support the genre can get put off by mediocrity at best.

I think we should perhaps forget the propaganda we are fed, let's be honest over the years we have seen how pirate movies are funding various crimes, terrorism etc depending on the era . Yet nobody questions the big movie studios and their "accounting" practices, which let's face it is practically criminal. They make out a movie that makes $1 billion is still not making money. They literally rob people from earning any kind of residuals by adding other movie costs to that movie.

Piracy is not the destroyer, it opens up new markets opening up people to new movies/music. How does a company lose money from somebody who never would have made a purchase? at the very least piracy creates word-of-mouth and other potential new sales.

has anyone ever been given a copy of a movie or music that entice them into a new genre? and then not only bought from a particular artist/performer but others related? Of course I'm sure most of us have at the very least.

Without so-called "Pirates" or people "sharing" honestly how many legitimate sales were made because of it? Thanks to the generosity of a certain member on this forum, has led to a lot of sales. Whether someone gives you a DVD or you obtain it from the net, the principle is the same, how do you lose a sale that you never had?

Also maybe Hollywood should look at the quality of the movies they are putting out and maybe that is why sales are down. When you don't make a quality product who wants to pay for something they don't really care about? A film like Blade Runner bombed at the theatres, but over the decades has been a huge success. In 20, 30 years time how many movies are people going to care about enough to keep purchasing them? Enough said .

Sorry for the rant and happy Christmas LOL

Well, all I can say is that the amount of hopeless naivety and childish ignorance expressed in this post is simply mind-blowing…

“Film piracy is no different than in the years gone by…”? Well, what is different nowadays is that pretty much everyone has access to high-speed internet which makes downloading easier than ever before. The “pirate copies that the filmmakers never saw a penny of” never harmed the industry? Read any history of modern HK cinema and inform yourself about the rampant VCD piracy in the late 90’s, one of several major factors that made the movie industry almost collapse at the time. But of course, all these boots never had the effect on the industry that downloading / torrent sites have today.

Just last week I had a discussion about the subject with the sales staff at Hong Kong Records, the main music / DVD outlet in Tsim Sha Tsui. Why the sales are poorer than they ever were and why a lotta publishers think twice if they even issue some of the new films on DVD (or BD) these days? Because of internet piracy! FOR NO OTHER REASON !!

And I truly don’t know what “propaganda” you was fed when you’re still thoughtlessly rambling on about piracy “opening new markets”? Fact is, piracy destroys markets, niche markets in particular like your very own, oh-so-cherished one for Kung Fu films. And what your altruistic “sharing honestly” imperative translates to is simply getting films for free. But unfortunately this industry receives its revenue from movie buyers. And if the size of the buying population is not big enough, then there is no way to recoup. Meaning brands go out of business, one by one, and specialized brands that cater for smaller markets like ours go first. That’s what we see happening all around us, left, right & center!

So Scott Adkins has hit on a very valid topic, probably the most important topic we can discuss these days. Niche genres like MA that are oftentimes DTV genres can only survive if people pay for the product. Not if they “share” it… er… “honestly”.

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Wow, that really surprised me as well. Then didn't. Piracy in the internet age is a death sentence to making money with a project. In the era of vhs tapes and audio tape bootlegging, in was a drop in the bucket for most. Home computers, software and the internet has opened the door to connect us as people but kill industries. Music industry is dead and the film industry, especially the small to mid size picture, regardless of the country is smashed by piracy.

Bootlegging has been a tool for the survival and existence of some forms of entertainment. There is so much rare that was never seen by so many, that some of us get to see because someone hit record one day and happened across some discussion board on some site.

Putting up people's albums on youtube the day it's released and NSoaT being up before people even know it's out on dvd, is killing industry that NEEDS financial return in order to survive. Put 20 in, get 70 out. Put 13 in, get 24 out. It's bootlegging for the sake of and ease because people can. This isn't back in the day of vhs, trying to get a hold of the international version of The Professional: Leon, that some guy some where had, that you had to contact and set something up. This bootlegging for the sake of not WANTING to wait and buy or rent a dvd. Period.

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1. Meh, bootlegging is no different than it was back then. The addition now is the internet and THOUSANDS more movies being made each year. I passed by the bootlegger van back in the VHS / DVD days and I will do so on the internet.

It depends on the consumer.

2. It was on iTunes on the 17th for the cost of a DVD. It's simple math really. Consumers thought it was too much so they waited for someone it put it on youtube.

If companies, actors, etc want to stop bootlegging they only have a few options:

1. Make the films universally available AT THE SAME TIME. None of this Japan today, US in 12 months!

2. iTunes / online legally is a great idea. But not for $20! It's got to be cheaper.

3. Put the money up on the production end to not have so many hands holding the final cut.

You can't use the same production model from the 1980s today and expect the same results.

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I think that the thread has deviated a bit, however here is my 20 euro cents on the topic. Where I live there is not a single dustributing company for martial arts movies or anime (or any type of asian movies that is), so I have to find the gems and crap in online retail sites like yesAsia, Amazon & Zavvi.

You can stone me to death by my next words, but I first download a movie to see if it's worth bying it for my collection and if it gets my positive opinion I order it, I can't afford to jump into conclusions back-and-forth and purchase a movie for me blindly.

It happened couple of times before and I do not wish to happen again - I'm still trying to get rid of "Hero of Swallow","The Avenging Fist" and few more... I bought them from YesAsia some time ago and I only watch them once.

As for second Ninja movie - I'll buy it once I have enough spare cash (I have to prioritize), so if that makes me a pirate, go ahead and crucify me.

I'll buy any movie worth buying based on my personal taste, but I would like to see it up front and for that purpose I use the torrents.

Greetings and many happy returns :bigsmile:

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