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Chinese Zodiac: CZ12 (Formerly 'Armour of God 3') (2012)


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What? They are making AOG 3?!

Yes!!! AOG3 (or as it is known now, CHINESE ZODIAC) is currently in production and Jackie is playing Asian Hawk again as he must collect the 12 heads of the Chinese Zodiac statues from an arch nemesis. Production began in mid-June in Paris, France.

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From SuperChan's Blog, here's the latest on-set photo of Jackie and Kwon Sang-Woo in CHINESE ZODIAC. Production had resumed last month (b/c Jackie has been involved in various events and readying for promotion of 1911)


Also, according to the blog, as mentioned on Weibo, Chan was bitten by a dog on the set and had to get an injection.

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From SuperChan's Blog, here's the latest on-set photo of Jackie and Kwon Sang-Woo in CHINESE ZODIAC. Production had resumed last month (b/c Jackie has been involved in various events and readying for promotion of 1911)


Also, according to the blog, as mentioned on Weibo, Chan was bitten by a dog on the set and had to get an injection.

I'm glad he's doing alright so far but being bitten by Dog what he didn't get enough doggy treats..

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a new armour of god film sounds interesting

i dont know how jackie chan can keep making films like this without stopping to think of the risks involved

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Jackie is the man no doubt i don't care what people say. I know in my heart of hearts this is going to be worth the wait seeing him kicking alot of ass.

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a new armour of god film sounds interesting

i dont know how jackie chan can keep making films like this without stopping to think of the risks involved

Well, this is going to be Chan's "final big action" film as he knows he is not getting any younger and knows it will be time to lessen on the action and concentrate on his acting career, doing more drama and perhaps comedy than his trademark action.

He's always been looking out for some "new blood" and this could help launch Kwon Sang-Woo to HK action status. Kwon is a great actor from Korea. He's done Volcano High and even auditioned for the role of Kato in Seth Rogen's Green Hornet.

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Well, this is going to be Chan's "final big action" film as he knows he is not getting any younger and knows it will be time to lessen on the action and concentrate on his acting career, doing more drama and perhaps comedy than his trademark action.

He's always been looking out for some "new blood" and this could help launch Kwon Sang-Woo to HK action status. Kwon is a great actor from Korea. He's done Volcano High and even auditioned for the role of Kato in Seth Rogen's Green Hornet.

Alot of fans are selfish for demanding Jackie to move like a 25 year old. Truth to be told i agree i believe he can spend time looking for new blood to launch in Martial Arts flims, we do need some young bloods so guys like Jackie, Jet, and even Donnie can rest.

I can see Jackie doing more drama like he's done in his recent flims and some comedy like in Little Big Soldier, but do i see Jackie making Rush Hour 4 hell no, do i see him going to make Drunken Master 3 hmm maybe not unless he would play the master and train someone Drunken Boxing if it does happen the actor needs to be a real Martial Artist that can act decently and perform movements infront of the camura.

Overall Jackie has payed his dues and has nothing to prove to anything or anyone. I'm looking foward to seeing this flim and believe all the talk about this flim will pay off.

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Co-star Kwon Sang-Woo had an interview a while back and CHINESE ZODIAC came up:

I have to recover soon in order to work on my movie with Jackie Chan, since that also is an action film. I haven’t used a stunt double thus far and I’m not planning to yet. Doesn’t it give me some merit as a casting partner (grin)?”

Q. “You seem very excited.”

“I grew up watching his movies. I’ve seen probably 30 of them. Being able to work with him is different from just working with another actor. It’s just so amazing to be with him, you really can’t describe it in words. We filmed for a bit in Paris and will be heading to Beijing for additional shooting next month. The production process is taking a bit long but it’s a very meaningful movie to me.”

Q. “What did Jackie Chan say?”

“While filming on scene, we had to switch up some of the moves. I caught on quickly and learned them on the spot, and Jackie Chan said that he was proud because I reminded him of his younger years. I felt great since it felt like he was praising me for being a good cast. This time, I want to impress him with my acting.”

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Guest Yi-Long
Alot of fans are selfish for demanding Jackie to move like a 25 year old. Truth to be told i agree i believe he can spend time looking for new blood to launch in Martial Arts flims, we do need some young bloods so guys like Jackie, Jet, and even Donnie can rest.

I can see Jackie doing more drama like he's done in his recent flims and some comedy like in Little Big Soldier, but do i see Jackie making Rush Hour 4 hell no, do i see him going to make Drunken Master 3 hmm maybe not unless he would play the master and train someone Drunken Boxing if it does happen the actor needs to be a real Martial Artist that can act decently and perform movements infront of the camura.

Overall Jackie has payed his dues and has nothing to prove to anything or anyone. I'm looking foward to seeing this flim and believe all the talk about this flim will pay off.

I disagree. No-one is expecting jackie to move like a 25 year old, but he's mainly been doing shite movies for over 15 years now while he could have done great movies without any flips or jumps or whatever. You don't have to be a jumping acrobat to do some action-scenes or to do a decent crime-thriller or whatever. He can use wing-chun choreography, or whatever.

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I disagree. No-one is expecting jackie to move like a 25 year old, but he's mainly been doing shite movies for over 15 years now while he could have done great movies without any flips or jumps or whatever. You don't have to be a jumping acrobat to do some action-scenes or to do a decent crime-thriller or whatever. He can use wing-chun choreography, or whatever.

or he could play roles appropriate for his age bringing through fresh talent who could do the crazy shit he used to do, letting Jackie just work on one really good action sequence for himself within his own capabilities. I would much rather see that than some mediocrity with Jackie starring and up to 2 hours of disappointment.

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Jackie's Official Website states that he is currently filming scenes in China after completing the France leg of the shoot and will also have shooting in New Zealand, Dubai, Taiwan, and then back to China.

He refers to the film as 12 CHINESE ZODIACS, so this may be the official name, it may not be.

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Jackie could've just quited at 50 and become more active behind the camera.

I would much rather see Jackie take the Lau Kar Leung approach directing and choreographing the next generation , then just taking on small roles in each film giving himself that one terrific fight scene.:smile:

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courtesy of Vincent Sze, who must have a role in the film, here is the first teaser trailer. No actual movie footage, but lots of behind-the-scenes stuff. looking good!

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That trailer doesn't show much but, good lord, I'm sold.

What small patches of choreography (and sets) that are on display are definitely reminiscent of "Operation Condor."

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Okay, after seeing that...........I have hope for this. This has the potential to have some "old school" Jackie Chan choreography. I'm sure there will be some wire-assisted stunt work and I'll just have to deal with that. But still............I hope this redeems his legacy somewhat after the last few films he's done.

More than that, I hope it lights a fire in him to direct more and finally showcase some new talent. Like this guy. His clip popped up after that behind-the-scenes look. If none of you caught it, here it is. His name's Andy Long and somebody needs to be putting this kid to work!


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Okay, after seeing that...........I have hope for this. This has the potential to have some "old school" Jackie Chan choreography. I'm sure there will be some wire-assisted stunt work and I'll just have to deal with that. But still............I hope this redeems his legacy somewhat after the last few films he's done.

More than that, I hope it lights a fire in him to direct more and finally showcase some new talent. Like this guy. His clip popped up after that behind-the-scenes look. If none of you caught it, here it is. His name's Andy Long and somebody needs to be putting this kid to work!


Holy mother f***ing s***! "Talented" doesn't even begin to describe that guy.

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I'm not buying into the behind-the-scenes teaser. It is shamelessly trying to build anticipation based on films that made Jackie Chan's career. I hope Jackie proves me wrong but I can't see how he's going to change more than a decade of mediocre films at best and dreadful at worst, yet suddenly pull off the film we all want Jackie to be making.

As of right now I haven't seen that Andy Long action reel but how often do we comment on talented individuals that just never get the real breaks? Look at Wu Jing how is that guy not a martial arts superstar? :eek:

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Have to agree with Blue Skies

That teaser looks like Who Am I part 2--WOW Jackie is fighting with an umbrella....OOOH he is sliding down a banister rail....YAWN he is doing loads of backfists like always.

I've learned my lesson with Chan NEVER to buy into the hype...I remember all the bullshit that surrounded the,then still forthcoming, AOG 2, and look how mediocre that turned out to be....OOOH Jackie is pretending to be Superman...OKAAAY!!

I hope he proves me wrong and it is the film we have all been waiting for from him since Drunken 2 (a decent one??) not another crushing disapointment or, worse another Medallion...

As for Andy Long...he'd be better off trying to work with Donnie Yen than Chan, at least Donnie gives great talent (that Long certainly has) a chance to shine, unlike Chan who doesnt really let ANYONE take the spotlight from him..

As for Blue Skies query about Wu Jing....

It's not just about talent it's wether the HK/Asian audience takes to you....look at how quickly Yuen Biao's career went tits up, and in my opinion, Biao is the GREATEST TALENT EVER in HK cinema!!! HK audiences stopped watching his movies and suddenly (AND VERY QUICKLY) he went from Golden Harvest excellence to Fillipino CRAP!!! but you watch Biao in the recent Wing Chun TV series and he's still an awesome talent. Wu Jing, who I think very highly of-loved Fatal Contact-just hasnt found the vehicle to blow away the HK audience yet.....

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One Armed Boxer
I'm not buying into the behind-the-scenes teaser. It is shamelessly trying to build anticipation based on films that made Jackie Chan's career. I hope Jackie proves me wrong but I can't see how he's going to change more than a decade of mediocre films at best and dreadful at worst, yet suddenly pull off the film we all want Jackie to be making.

I have to admit the trailer got a laugh out of me when it was showing the movie highlights of Chan`s career, then abruptly jumps from 2001 to 2012!:tongue:

That teaser looks like Who Am I part 2--WOW Jackie is fighting with an umbrella....OOOH he is sliding down a banister rail....YAWN he is doing loads of backfists like always.

`Who Am I` part 2 would be fine with me! Yes Jackie Chan is doing exactly what he`s famous for doing in the clip, which is what everyone`s been wanting him to do for who knows how long. I think it would be a real shame if once this actually gets released, people just say it`s Jackie Chan doing what he`s always done...when that`s what we`ve been wanting him to do! Sometimes it seems like he`s damned if he does and damned if he doesn`t.

Wu Jing, who I think very highly of-loved Fatal Contact-just hasnt found the vehicle to blow away the HK audience yet.....

& he won`t, Wu Jing announced around a year ago that he was quitting the HK movie industry to focus on Chinese TV serials, due to the pressure that comes with being a celebrity there. It`s a shame, he had the skills, but could never find the right movie to seal him as star.

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I'm not buying into the behind-the-scenes teaser. It is shamelessly trying to build anticipation based on films that made Jackie Chan's career. I hope Jackie proves me wrong but I can't see how he's going to change more than a decade of mediocre films at best and dreadful at worst, yet suddenly pull off the film we all want Jackie to be making.

As of right now I haven't seen that Andy Long action reel but how often do we comment on talented individuals that just never get the real breaks? Look at Wu Jing how is that guy not a martial arts superstar?

Well for one thing, the hype is surrounding the fact that Jackie is starring, producing, writing, and directing a new film which may have a huge affection on how this film is going to be like. That's unlike the films he did between 1998 (the last time he was directing a film) to present in which other people worked on Jackie's films with their own ideas and work ethics. I'm not expecting too much myself yet and Jackie may be older and past his prime now but him having at least the chance of having control of a new film shows potential that he could be making a film close to the ideal film we all expect and want to see from him. To make a film with other people trying to meet your own expectations by realizing their own ideas, and to make a film yourself trying to meet your own expectations by having control and utilizing your distinct creativity to realize stuff overall makes a huge difference.

As for talented martial artists to get breaks, talent alone is not enough nowadays. To be a star, you gotta grow your confidence and determination in improving your acting skills or (like Jackie, Jet and Donnie) try to find an original role/character that you can associate with.

I've learned my lesson with Chan NEVER to buy into the hype...I remember all the bullshit that surrounded the,then still forthcoming, AOG 2, and look how mediocre that turned out to be....OOOH Jackie is pretending to be Superman...OKAAAY!!

It's one of the best Chan films imo. Maybe you just expected something else or similar to his older films or from his collabos with Sammo. Because the style here is a little bit different from those films.

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