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Chinese Zodiac: CZ12 (Formerly 'Armour of God 3') (2012)


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I like how the western media reporting the story calls the movie just 'Chinese Zodiac', dropping the 'Armour Of God III' part of the film title. What are they worried about? People getting confused when they can't find Armour of God I and II in their local DVD stores?


Probably. Most people aren't going to watch a part 3 if they haven't seen or can't get there hands on the movies before. How are they suppose to know wether or not it has anything to do with the movies before. It is smart business.

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The Amazing Psycho Per
Anyway, the "flying" fit in The Myth because it was a fantasy film.

I don't remember any wires in Police Story though.

The problem with the usage of wires in recent JC movies, is that it is not limited to enhance the fantasy element. He's older now, and wires are used to enhance movements that used to be done by him without any assist in the old days... The most obvious example is in the Myth, there is a fight in a cave of some sort and the use of wires is very obvious, and it has nothing to do with fantastic powers or something... I'm pretty sure the same was done in New Police Story... I don't know, for me with Jackie the magic is gone, I repeat myself but he should just gracefully step aside, or at least limit his presence onscreen, and the choreography to movements he can actually perform.

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I think Jackie did great in both Forbidden Kindom and Rob B Hood...and also Rush Hour 3...he's still quick when he's on the ground....and entertaining....

lets just be grateful we still getta see him on screen!

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I've been saying it for years! Even with age, Jackie still can make a great action film!The LKL vs sammo fight in Pedicab Driver is a great example of exciting choreo for an older guy. He doesn't need to perform high or aerial kicks, just good handwork, some throws and weapons/ Plus, a great bunch of stuntmen to perform all the falls.

I mean, look at Liam Neeson, for God's sake! The guy is no martial artist, but his last actioner wasn't bad at all! So, All that talk about Jacki getting old - I just don't buy it

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The Running Man
The problem with the usage of wires in recent JC movies, is that it is not limited to enhance the fantasy element. He's older now, and wires are used to enhance movements that used to be done by him without any assist in the old days...I don't know, for me with Jackie the magic is gone,

If that is the case, then you do not like the last fight in Drunken Master 2. Yet, the tons of wire usage in that doesn't stop many from calling it his best fight. The thing is, many who say that saw that film probably before they started listening to negative Nancies complain non-stop without really making much sense. Because I can guarantee you that if he did Drunken Master 2 now and it was exactly the same, people would complain endlessly about it.

Some fans of Jackie Chan are fans for the wrong reasons. I enjoy Jackie because he is a genius action choreographer and film maker. Wires or no wires, doubles or no doubles, it takes incredible artistry to come up with choreography as inventive and intricate as the ones in his movies and a real knowledge of film to be able to film them. THAT's the magic of Jackie Chan. Watch him in action scenes like Battlecreek Brawl and the American version of The Protector and look how lame he looks. He was young there but he still looked lame. That's because he didn't have control of the action scenes.

In The Myth there's the scene with the guards and with the lances that was pure Jackie. Later in the movie there's that whole scene with the glue and him avoiding the guards. That's classic Jackie. How anyone can overlook that is beyond me.

Seems to me some have gotten into a routine of just hating Jackie's movies just cause they are used to hating. It seems to have happened ever since the first Rush Hour. Yes the movie was lame but it doesn't mean everything he did afterward was lame.

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Seems to me some have gotten into a routine of just hating Jackie's movies just cause they are used to hating. It seems to have happened ever since the first Rush Hour. Yes the movie was lame but it doesn't mean everything he did afterward was lame.

Excellent point. I mean it is easy to based his most recent output by his American films. Aside from Rush Hour 3 which I think doesn't have any redeemable qualites, I have found something to like in most of his recent movies that captures what made Jackie Chan so speical in the first place.

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make believe

It's not just hating. The fact of the matter is he is older so he simply can't do what he used to do. I sort of gave up on him around the time Rush Hour came out. I don't think Rush Hour was terrible but it's not something I'd watch again either. I think the only other movie I saw past that in terms of his american films is The Tuxedo and I don't think I need to tell anyone how awful that was (even though I just did).

I just can't bring myself to watch movies like Shanghai Noon, The Medallion, Around the World in 80 Days, The Forbidden Kingdom etc. It's sad really.

I wasn't really aware of his outside films like The Myth or Rob B Good. I knew about New Police Story but haven't seen it yet. I suppose I could give those a shot though I am skeptical.

What film outside of the hollywood ones do you think marks the beginning of his decline? I would say Rumble in the Bronx was his last great film. The others that followed like Who am I and Mr Nice Guy were pretty good too but you could tell the end was near.

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Killer Meteor

My view on wires is that there's nothing wrong with their use, its when their use is not subtle, then there is a problem

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I think the only other movie I saw past that in terms of his american films is The Tuxedo and I don't think I need to tell anyone how awful that was (even though I just did).

I just can't bring myself to watch movies like Shanghai Noon, The Medallion, Around the World in 80 Days, The Forbidden Kingdom etc. It's sad really.

Of all his american films you could have seen you picked "The Tuxedo"?! That's the problem right there, you picked his worst one. Shanghai Noon & Knights are way better, Jackie got to call the shots more in those. Forbidden Kingdom i liked, but everyone dismisses it. You should check these out before you give up on Jackie.

Rent New Police Story too. It has some haters, but i was entertained and enjoyed the fights in it.

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I just can't bring myself to watch movies like Shanghai Noon, The Medallion, Around the World in 80 Days, The Forbidden Kingdom etc. It's sad really.

Then you're missing out friend.You should watch Forbidden Kingdom just for the fight between Jackie and Jet alone.Titan against Titan!

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. I watched the Project A films over the last two nights and boy what a difference then to now.

I couldn't agree more having watched project A, Dragons forever and the police story trilogy over recent months. Compared to them his modern films well politely put are not good.

I don't honestly think we going to see one last great Jackie Chan movie. I just think he will keep on going releasing more and more inferior films. I would be surprised if his body could actually take the pounding needed to make an excellent martial-arts/action movie, let alone pull off the moves of his youth. I reckon he only has family-friendly movies in him (from an action point of view) and let's face it he is always going to look second rate compared to Tony Jaa ( especiallywith his body nearing pentioner age!)and that's where the action bar has been raised to.

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The Amazing Psycho Per
If that is the case, then you do not like the last fight in Drunken Master 2. Yet, the tons of wire usage in that doesn't stop many from calling it his best fight. The thing is, many who say that saw that film probably before they started listening to negative Nancies complain non-stop without really making much sense. Because I can guarantee you that if he did Drunken Master 2 now and it was exactly the same, people would complain endlessly about it.

I just love how you think your above the melee and know better then anyone... As a matter of fact I loved the end fight in DM 2, and the use of wires didn't detract me from enjoying it. I find that they incorporated them more seemlessly then in more recent efforts.

Some fans of Jackie Chan are fans for the wrong reasons. I enjoy Jackie because he is a genius action choreographer and film maker. Wires or no wires, doubles or no doubles, it takes incredible artistry to come up with choreography as inventive and intricate as the ones in his movies and a real knowledge of film to be able to film them. THAT's the magic of Jackie Chan. Watch him in action scenes like Battlecreek Brawl and the American version of The Protector and look how lame he looks. He was young there but he still looked lame. That's because he didn't have control of the action scenes.

Again, who aare you to say we enjoy him for the wrong reasons? What makes you believe that you possess the true unique way of liking someones work... We only pointed out what we didn't like in the movies and wether or not it's a valable opinion is not for you to judge. You may have a different view, but it's no better or superior, just different.

Seems to me some have gotten into a routine of just hating Jackie's movies just cause they are used to hating. It seems to have happened ever since the first Rush Hour. Yes the movie was lame but it doesn't mean everything he did afterward was lame.

I don't like Jackie's new stuff not because it's a routine of hating it, but because it doesn't do it for me... He's done crap in the past too, and what he's done recently isn't necessarly worst then all he has done. I'm exigeant, I like or I don't. For exemple, to me Project A 2 is certainly more of a chore to watch then any movie he's done since Rush Hour. But in general, in his recent effort, I feel we can only catch a glimpse of the genious choreographer he once was.

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Dragon Ma

Any excitement I had for this project has been killed stone dead by the mere mention of the name Stanley Tong.

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Why all the hate for Stanley Tong ? I for one think his films are generally quite good, much better than average anyway. I agree that Jackie and Sammo direct Jackie best, but Stanley does a good job too.

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Why all the hate for Stanley Tong ? I for one think his films are generally quite good, much better than average anyway. I agree that Jackie and Sammo direct Jackie best, but Stanley does a good job too.

Same here. Stanley Tong has made some really enjoyable films- RUMBLE IN THE BRONX, FIRST STRIKE, PROJECT S, POLICE STORY 3, and the extremely entertaining B-movie adventure STONE AGE WARRIORS. He's made a few recently that didn't thrill me, but which HK star/director hasn't?

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I'm ok with Stanley Tong directing. It's what Jackie said about the plot that worries me. A family-friendly treasure hunting film with fantasy elements yadda yadda yadda. So...... The Chinese version of National Treasure with a little kung fu mixed in. Blah!

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I try to think about this movie like it's goiing to be his tribute to the fans worldwide - well the Forbidden Kingdom could be in that place too. however the AOG series are more Jackie... I too got disappointed with some of his recent films (Rob-B-Hood, Rush Hour 3, and the rest of the crap he made in Hollywood), that's why I'm still waiting for something really interesting. I hope that this movie brings out the best in him and all actors around him :) I don't care about the wires or any other techical issues, if the combination is worth it then I'll be happy person :) I'm fan of Jackie's movies since 1991 and I must admit that his earlier films were better than those in last decade. Fingers crossed to see something which is not a cliche :)

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Guest Markgway
Same here. Stanley Tong has made some really enjoyable films- RUMBLE IN THE BRONX, FIRST STRIKE, PROJECT S, POLICE STORY 3, and the extremely entertaining B-movie adventure STONE AGE WARRIORS. He's made a few recently that didn't thrill me, but which HK star/director hasn't?

Rumble in the Bronx is - action-aside - a terrible film.

Police Story 3 and First Strike are much better but not classic Jackie (and rely heavily on cracking stuntwork).

Project S is average

Stone Age Warriors I thought was rubbish.

Not a line-up that fills me with great expectation.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned, but didn't the first season of his cartoon series involve the Chinese Zodiac? Maybe he's going to use some elements from the animated series? Who knows...besides...you know they are probably gonna release the film here as either CHINESE ZODIAC or OPERATION CONDOR 3: THE CHINESE ZODIAC.

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Omni Dragon

Well i was disappoint with 2 after see the 1st one maybe it part was because it was only the English dub on the dvd. & the way films are now less & less action i still think my favourite will be the 1st one.

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Jackie was only fun to watch when he could physically put it on the line. I've tried and mostly suffered watching his stuff over the past few years (the Shanghai films were fun at the theater with friends but I never revisited them), and I realize I now have zero interest in him otherwise.

Its weird because I'd say he's an okay comic actor (in his native films, not the English ones) but even those chops just aren't strong enough to carry a movie when you are so used to enjoying him risking life and limb. Its like when Connery tried to do Never Say Never Again or Entrapment, or Eastwood the Rookie, and you just couldn't get over how old they were, still capable actors but no matter how good or bad the material, simply, shadows of their former selves.

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Drunken Monk

The hype and, thus, my excitement lead me to enjoy "Forbidden Kingdom" in the cinema. I tried to watch it a few days ago and just couldn't make it through.

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its not that bad...the fights were entertaining especially Jackie and Jet's....the story was enough to get it from A to B

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