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Chinese Zodiac: CZ12 (Formerly 'Armour of God 3') (2012)


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What are the differences between the 2D and the 2D+3D set? Is the 3D set on 2 discs or is there 2 versions of the film + extras on one disc?

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Doctor Schnabel von Rom

was not so bad i expected. specally at the end there are a few good fight scenes! not great, not a highlight and of coure not so good like the old movies, but better than his other new movies (as example police story 2013).

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What are the differences between the 2D and the 2D+3D set? Is the 3D set on 2 discs or is there 2 versions of the film + extras on one disc?

I only have the HK 3D Blu-ray version. It's one disc, and it has both the 2D and the 3D version on it. I also picked up the US R1 release as it includes a long, very nice "making of" special feature.

was not so bad i expected. specally at the end there are a few good fight scenes! not great, not a highlight and of coure not so good like the old movies, but better than his other new movies (as example police story 2013).

Yeah, other than the terrible, waste-of-time "pirate scene" I enjoyed this film a lot.

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One Armed Boxer

I'm not sure how many people here have seen the 2008 Jim Carrey movie 'Yes Man' (I'm not one of them), but I happened to catch some of it over the weekend while flicking through TV channels. Interestingly, the part I caught was one involving the exact same rollersuite that Chan wears in the opening scene of 'CZ12'! For some reason I was under the presumption that Chan was the first person to use them in a movie, but it seems they were around at least 4 years before. Has anyone seen any other movies which include the rollersuite?

The clip of 'Yes Man' is below -


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The International Version (109min) is on Netflix now. Just watched it. I really liked the opening action sequence and the ending fight/parachute action scene. Some of the other parts were pretty good. But, I felt that the movie jumped the shark when they introduced the pirates. That was extremely embarrassing and rather stupid when they were stung by the bees. I have read that the international version is different than the HK cut and I want to see that one as an comparison. I honestly felt that the movie lost its focus and way. There were too many characters that I just did not give a crap about. Why introduce back story when it does not really add anything? This could have been a decent film had it had a decent re-write. It was obvious that Jackie was following the same formula that he implemented in Operation Condor. AOG and OC are certainly far superior. I just felt that there was very little or perhaps no chemistry between the actors at all. I wish that this would have been a better film but it is worth a watch.

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Thanks KFB!! How's the A/V quality?

Geez man, I'm sorry- I just saw your question today! The A/V quality is really good! I also picked the US release as it includes an hour long making of that was terrific.

I'm not sure how many people here have seen the 2008 Jim Carrey movie 'Yes Man' (I'm not one of them), but I happened to catch some of it over the weekend while flicking through TV channels. Interestingly, the part I caught was one involving the exact same rollersuite that Chan wears in the opening scene of 'CZ12'! For some reason I was under the presumption that Chan was the first person to use them in a movie, but it seems they were around at least 4 years before. Has anyone seen any other movies which include the rollersuite?

I did see YES MAN back when it first came out. It was surprising to see Chan using the same suit in this film. I remember him saying in an old interview that when he sees interesting things/new technology that he jots down notes, and tries to work them into his films. I suppose that since his output has slowed so much over the years that he can't stay as cutting-edge with introducing these types of ideas to the world via his films anymore. Still, it was an enjoyable sequence for me anyway.

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I'm amazed going back through this thread at the lack of hype at the end fight. Rewatching it, I honestly believe it is Jackie's last truly great fight scene, it's as though he took every aspect from his previous fights and shoved it in here, it's fantastic.

And I know it's wire assisted, but the bit where he does a full 360 using his legs to flip the guy is an awesome move. To think he was doing this at 60 puts every other action star in the world to shame.

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Chinese Zodiac's fight scenes are the best he's done in a film since New Police Story. The action sequences are also very well done and very inventive, I love the roller-blading stuff and the Paris parkour. Shame the film around these sequences is pretty terrible. The English dubbing is simply atrocious, and half the time I don't really know what's going on, things just happen.

I haven't seen the film in years so maybe I need to give it another go, but outside of the fight sequences I wasn't that impressed to be honest.

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it's a terrible movie. he insists on doing the things he did years ago: it doesn't matter if he can do them again or not, it counts that time has passed and they are old stunts of a kind of film that gave his all in those years. it should seriously evolve, but as long as the usual jackie remains who makes bad movies with beautiful women and young guys who can't act, clueless directors who use cgi all over the place, I think it will be difficult. in any case I think it is not a problem for him, and because the average audience of him is not demanding and does not understand much about cinema. they are still content with jackie imitating himself in a ridiculous way. I've always been a jackie fan, I want to point it out.

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6 hours ago, JackieRome said:

it's a terrible movie. he insists on doing the things he did years ago: it doesn't matter if he can do them again or not, it counts that time has passed and they are old stunts of a kind of film that gave his all in those years. it should seriously evolve, but as long as the usual jackie remains who makes bad movies with beautiful women and young guys who can't act, clueless directors who use cgi all over the place, I think it will be difficult. in any case I think it is not a problem for him, and because the average audience of him is not demanding and does not understand much about cinema. they are still content with jackie imitating himself in a ridiculous way. I've always been a jackie fan, I want to point it out.

Hasnt he directed a non-action film called the Diary, which should be coming out sometime this decade? 

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15 hours ago, Josh Baker said:

Hasnt he directed a non-action film called the Diary, which should be coming out sometime this decade? 

I didn't even know it existed. thank you. I inquired, but it doesn't seem to me to be "the" type of product that could meet my interest. When Jackie is not doing action, he knows how to be too sweet (a typical thing that the Chinese public like, and probably not only them). He has a host of female fans over 50 who would see any bullshit with him in front of or behind the camera. the protagonist is the typical teenage film face that is so fashionable. I saw that there is also the son in the film in a minor role, if it had not been for the father who knows what that boy could have done in life. He should put these tales aside and bring out the courage to make a noir or a detective

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