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Chinese Zodiac: CZ12 (Formerly 'Armour of God 3') (2012)


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Ill just wait 3-4 months for the HK blu ray :-)

I am sure this will come out fast in the US to though... but they will likely cut 1 minute, add rap music, and dub it just t piss me off :-P

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nothing wrong with a touch of ghetto is there Chunky, in the ol' days it was a privilege to see HK action, no matter the qual!!!

Happy New Year and all that crap to you too

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Damn, I have to get a better version of this movie :)

If it appears at least half as good as AoG 2, then it's worth the wait and my hopes will at least pass the mark of "mediocre" :) I guess I'm still under the influence of the atrocity called 1911, thus my low expectations towards this new screen exploit from Jackie.

I am his fan for years and it just getting me angry when he simply wastes his talent in some awful pictures, no matter how family oriented they are... Patience is a virtue...


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film should be like radio...

you hear the whole track ... you like it? yes... then you buy the single

you dont have to pay to hear it based on the actors in it

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sifu iron perm
Just got done watching it and really enjoyed this. The copy I got is widescreen with English subs, great quality and not taken from a cam.

:wink: torrent??

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yeah the version I watched had nice clear subs on it too, and will tide me over until it get's a proper Blu Ray release in the UK, the only thing I hated was that like all Chan's movies now it has to be in Mandies, hate listening to it on HK comedies on drama it's okay, WHERE'S the Canto gone???

Iron Perm send me a PM and I will tell you where i saw it...

As for one of the above posters cussing 1911, spot on that film is a TURD!!! How can Chan make a movie (and be proud of it!!??) that tries to tie Sun Yat Sen's dream of a real Chinese Republic with the reality of the PROC as it is now??? Commie Flag Waving trash!!!

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No Idea, there's a big sing song over a large section of the middle of the movie, that's SO BAD i had to watch it with the sound off (thank F##k for subtitles!!), so i turned the sound off when the flik ended.

Stranger still, i had to turn off the outtakes themselves, when i saw jackie look like he'd seriously hurt himself jumping through an empty painting frame, something he does on a wire!!! and i realised seeing an almost OAP in pain like that wasnt funny!!

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Oh dear. :squigglemouth: Things have really gotten bad then. 'lol

I understand u turning off the sound during that sing song section, but why during the end credits? Some of Jackie's films I only watch for the end credits songs. :xd: Those being "Mr Nice Guy" "Rumble in the Bronx", First Strike. The chinese songs of course. not the american instrumental keyboard crap.

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To be honest I dont really like Chan as a singer in any way shape or form, and i really dont like listening to Mandarin singing anyway, as in this movie.

His older Cantonese songs like the original Police Story, Project A 2 etc, and of course the cool English tune from the original AoG were ACE, hell when i was a schoolkid i used to sing along in my homemade canto-voice in the 80's when i first saw them

...but not any more...

give me some Thin Lizzy on the stereo cheers!!

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Well that's what I'm trying to find out. If he did a cool song for the end credits, like the classics you mentioned. If you turned the sound off, how will you know? 'lol

I thought maybe a remix of "flight of the dragon" from AOG, or something cool like that. :bigsmile:

by the sounds of it though, this isn't the case. :P

Anyone know?

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sifu iron perm

I managed to get and watched the same version as popsjnr. The end grand finale fights were worth the bullshit before it..i had to forward many parts (mainly due to the copy etc) then i was silent and enjoying the nice concentrated jackie chan mayhem..the femme fatal fight got me hooked, two beauties with so much ferocity!The premise of the fight scenes reminded me of dragon's forever then spotted the few AOG references..

Totally enjoyed that shit!

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I just finished watching this movie and thought it was ok. Worth watching mainly for the endfight which had some wirework but otherwise it was pretty good.

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I urge everyone to go to the Twitch review here http://twitchfilm.com/2012/12/review-chinese-zodiac-cz12-jackie-chan.html and post your thoughts. Here are some quotes from the review that, honestly, I can't comprehend. First, reviewer expects a battle to the death from a PG-13 film:

He hops across rooftops and clambers up and down walls, but nothing we haven't seen before. It is only when JC finally comes face to face with rival treasure hunter Vulture (Moroccan-born Taekwondo champ turned stuntman Alaa Safi) in the final act that Jackie actually fights someone, and even then it's essentially good-natured sparring rather than a battle to the death.

And this!

At the centre of all this is Jackie Chan, a man whose popularity has been steadily in decline over the past decade or so, despite his desperate efforts to be taken seriously. The most obvious observation here is that he shouldn't have taken on so many roles. The cinematography is ugly, and regularly misses moments of action due to bad framing

Not sure what to make of all that, but I'll be posting a hefty reply myself.

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Yeah I didn't get that part either. If there's one thing you can say about Jackie's directing its that he frames his shots really nicely.

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yeah it's a lovely print too definitely NOT a cam-job (HD or otherwise) proper letterbox and subbed to boot

Grandmasters is there by the same poster too (though raw) I tried to watch it but it's too arty farty for me, I expect it will be pulled pretty sharpish like Wu Xia was (it was posted by the same guy) about a year ago

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I checked it out briefly, but I am in no way an authority on the matter. Though if it is a cam job, they have certainly come a long way.

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