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Chinese Zodiac: CZ12 (Formerly 'Armour of God 3') (2012)


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I will still watch but dont have high hopes i just wish him sammo and Biao would do a film again.

Last film i enjoyed was shinjuku incident,1911 was poor i thought

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I don't hate THE MAN, I hate his latest movies. I know he's getting on in years, but I also know his true potential, and I think it's sad that his cinematic legacy will fizzle out with these halfass stinkers. But hey, that's his choice and merely my opinion.

I agree Jackie Chan should have gone down the Pops route (and its still not too late) taking a small role and featuring in just one or two very good fight scenes, letting someone else star while he guides things from behind the camera. It's so sad really that a whole generation knows him for mediocrity at best.

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No, it ain't. And that review isn't really telling us fans anything we didn't already have an idea about. It simply justifies our opinions.

Thanks for the link, K.

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I don't hate THE MAN, I hate his latest movies. I know he's getting on in years, but I also know his true potential, and I think it's sad that his cinematic legacy will fizzle out with these halfass stinkers. But hey, that's his choice and merely my opinion.

Totally agree. Such a shame.

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As I said above, I actually think Jackie has lost the touch. Recently watched some of his later work, and I think the magic is gone. It saddens me.

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I would consider myself to be a massive Jackie Chan fan in that i've watched his movies from the Lo Wei period through to Drunken Master 2 dozens of times and that many of those such as Police Story, Dragons Forever and Snake in the Eagle's Shadow would appear in a list of my favourite movies but i've found that in his films of the last 10 years or so even the action scenes bore me. I can accept that he's tried to target a more mainstream audience and that the movies aren't comparable to his earlier work in that there has been less stunts and fights but it's his insistence on repeating the silly slapstick style aimed at kids that I can no longer tolerate. When he first started to experiment with humour in fight scenes it was done sparsely and 20+ years ago it was new and innovative, but after all this time watching him hold his fist after every punch as if he hurt his hand just isn't funny and the need to use as many props as possible in every fight has become predictable and stale. I doubt i'll ever watch Chinese Zodiac or anything else that Chan is involved with but instead i'll pop in Police Story and remember him at his best.

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The sad thing is, I don't think he is not trying, I think he lost it.

Any word on how this movie did in the asia market?

It topped the charts in four countries but not HK on its opening day.


It also is the third film to make over $32 million in its first week on the mainland.


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One Armed Boxer
I can accept that he's tried to target a more mainstream audience and that the movies aren't comparable to his earlier work in that there has been less stunts and fights but it's his insistence on repeating the silly slapstick style aimed at kids that I can no longer tolerate. When he first started to experiment with humour in fight scenes it was done sparsely and 20+ years ago it was new and innovative, but after all this time watching him hold his fist after every punch as if he hurt his hand just isn't funny and the need to use as many props as possible in every fight has become predictable and stale.

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, I don't think it's just a case of Chan getting too old, I think his whole outlook and attitude towards film-making has gone in the wrong direction during the last 15 years, and it has as much to do with his desire to make it big in Hollywood, and then later pleasing the Chinese mainland, as it does his age.

I think it could be best summed up by saying he used to make Hong Kong action movies that could be enjoyed by everyone, whereas now he makes Hollywood slapstick movies for kids, and Chinese flag waving movies for the Chinese government.

The long awaited third Armour of God movie would have been better off remaining in our imaginations by the sounds of all the reviews, and I personally hope the often wished for final team-up between Chan, Sammo, & Biao also remains there. While it's great to talk about, I can't help but think we'd all be having similar conversations of disappointment if it ever was made.

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The long awaited third Armour of God movie would have been better off remaining in our imaginations by the sounds of all the reviews, and I personally hope the often wished for final team-up between Chan, Sammo, & Biao also remains there. While it's great to talk about, I can't help but think we'd all be having similar conversations of disappointment if it ever was made.

True story! That is spot on, dude. If it wouldn't at least match the potential of the past, why bother? I hate it but maybe we should let well enough alone.

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Son Of A Gun

Just wondering why anyone thought it was gonna be good in the first place. I wasn't. It's pretty obvious what it was gonna be like. If his movies from the past 12 years were anything to go by. Why did ya'll think this one was gonna be any different? In fact, I was expecting it to be worse because he's even older now!

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Who's YA'LL? I don't see many on here that had high (or any) hopes for this film. And even so, hoping a film could be good, is not the same as thinking it will be.

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Drunken Monk
Just wondering why anyone thought it was gonna be good in the first place. I wasn't. It's pretty obvious what it was gonna be like. If his movies from the past 12 years were anything to go by. Why did ya'll think this one was gonna be any different? In fact, I was expecting it to be worse because he's even older now!

Say what you will but "New Police Story" is a solid film and "Little Big Soldier" was well received. Hell, I even liked Jackie in "Shaolin."

My point is that there is still hope for Jackie because he's still capable. Sure, he lets us down a lot but when he talks of an "Armour of God" sequel that's a Hong Kong production, we're bound to get our hopes up a little.

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Drunken Monk
Saw the end fight. It's bad ass, the Jackie hate is unwarranted this time. The man still has it!

Quick question: how much of the fight involved wires?

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Just watched it all the way upto the final fight and had to turn it off.. far too good a film to spoil watching it through a video camera... poor copy cant wait till the blu ray is released

maybe even a cinema release as my kids would love it

high hopes for the end fight now after being thrilled and amused with the main bulk of the film... Good to see JC back on form

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Saw the end fight. It's bad ass, the Jackie hate is unwarranted this time. The man still has it!

Just watched it all the way upto the final fight and had to turn it off.. far too good a film to spoil watching it through a video camera... poor copy cant wait till the blu ray is released

maybe even a cinema release as my kids would love it

high hopes for the end fight now after being thrilled and amused with the main bulk of the film... Good to see JC back on form

My optimism is buoyed by these 2 opinions. If that's the case, the trailers and clips are sucky 'cause I'm just not feeling it.


Can you give a comparable example of the end fight without spoiling it? As good as AOG 1 or Miracles or DM 2 or Rumble In The Bronx?:ooh:

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My optimism is buoyed by these 2 opinions. If that's the case, the trailers and clips are sucky 'cause I'm just not feeling it.


Can you give a comparable example of the end fight without spoiling it? As good as AOG 1 or Miracles or DM 2 or Rumble In The Bronx?:ooh:

I thought the trailers were poor too... nothing like the film

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Saw the end fight. It's bad ass, the Jackie hate is unwarranted this time. The man still has it!

perhaps the question will be can the end fight save the entire movie?

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