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Looper (2012)


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Might be my favorite film of the year so far.. Critics are calling it This Generation's Matrix if you can beleive that.. Seriously folks, this movie had everything/ time travel/sci fi action/western shoot-outs/child prodigy/nudity/ go see it!!!!

My favorite films of 2012 by far:

1. Looper

2. The Dark Knight Rises

3. The Raid:Redemption

4. My Way

5. Dredd 3D (Yeah I know/ it's the Raid all over again, lol)


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OK I was waiting for someone to review it, I wasn't all that thrilled with the trailer, but it did get 4 stars and I don't really count of those critics, I care what we review on here more.

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Yeah bro, I thought it was just gonna be another run of the mill time travel movie but damn, this movie has depth/layers and great characters.. You won't be disappointed daisho2004... Oh and Bruce Willis, my god Bruce Willis was great bro, vintage Bruce, remember how good Bruce Willis was??? This is 90s Bruce Willis/ freaking great stuff man!!!

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My favorite films of 2012 by far:

1. Looper

2. The Dark Knight Rises

3. The Raid:Redemption

4. My Way

5. Dredd 3D (Yeah I know/ it's the Raid all over again, lol)

What!?! Not The Avengers?????

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What!?! Not The Avengers?????

Hahhah, nah bro I love the movie though/ it was a fun ride but It just didn't quite make my list...

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What!?! Not The Avengers?????

I was thinking the same thing. And I found Dredd quite dull. It may have been made first but The Raid did the concept way better.

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Yeah bro, I thought it was just gonna be another run of the mill time travel movie but damn, this movie has depth/layers and great characters.. You won't be disappointed daisho2004... Oh and Bruce Willis, my god Bruce Willis was great bro, vintage Bruce, remember how good Bruce Willis was??? This is 90s Bruce Willis/ freaking great stuff man!!!

YES!!! It's an instant classic already! No joke either, it's already my favorite movie of the year!

Definitely will be seeing it again soon.

An original story with well developed characters and carefully planned out plot. Nothing is wasted on screen. Everything has a purpose and there are no cliched moments that make you roll your eyes.

This is what happens when a film is made outside the studio system. Characters that are real and a story that doesn't waste time with unimportant sub-plots that hinder the experience!


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Drunken Monk

"Looper" is easily in my top three of the year so far. A top three that currently consists of "Magic Mike," "The Avengers" and "Looper." Though not necessarily in that order. Everyone seems to be backing "Dredd" and I'm one of the few that found it to be painfully generic and pretty bad, all in all.

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The Amazing Psycho Per

Seriously this one puzzles me:ooh:... Not the movie but the reaction it got.

I didn't know alot about the movie except for the fact the it involved time travel and that it received raving reviews everywhere. Even read somewhere that it was to time travel movie what Indiana Jones was to adventure movies. So with that in mind, I had hope to blown away.

Man I just don't get it. I tried hard to like it and get passed the supid premise. After the movie me and my girlfriend discussed for a while to see if maybe we missed something subtle that raised the movie to another level, but couldn't found anything. Everything is as straightfoward, dumb and previsible as it looks . Some characters make no sense given their exposure time such as the failure who works for Jeff Daniels and keeps fucking up... I won't go into great lenght on what I didn't like so I don't spoil the movie for others but I just don't get it. Seriously I feel like I'm the Twilight Zone or something. The last time I was this baffled with the unanimous love a movie receives was with Let the right one in... I really don't see how it's any better then any average sci fi movie... That this movie get so much love really shows you how dry genre is cinema is today.

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Seriously this one puzzles me:ooh:... Not the movie but the reaction it got.

I didn't know alot about the movie except for the fact the it involved time travel and that it received raving reviews everywhere. Even read somewhere that it was to time travel movie what Indiana Jones was to adventure movies. So with that in mind, I had hope to blown away.

Man I just don't get it. I tried hard to like it and get passed the supid premise. After the movie me and my girlfriend discussed for a while to see if maybe we missed something subtle that raised the movie to another level, but couldn't found anything. Everything is as straightfoward, dumb and previsible as it looks . Some characters make no sense given their exposure time such as the failure who works for Jeff Daniels and keeps fucking up... I won't go into great lenght on what I didn't like so I don't spoil the movie for others but I just don't get it. Seriously I feel like I'm the Twilight Zone or something. The last time I was this baffled with the unanimous love a movie receives was with Let the right one in... I really don't see how it's any better then any average sci fi movie... That this movie get so much love really shows you how dry genre is cinema is today.

Well that is one way of putting it, then again it is refreshing to see a movie like this in cinema whereas all year long or even before that we've been getting nothing but formulaic star vehicles/remakes/ and sequels... I like how this movie combines a lot of other movies and even has a running joke about itself and the rules applied to a so called Time travel movie... What I got out of this movie is enjoyment, if it entertains me I'm fine.. I'm not one of those people who has to find some kind of loop hole/conspiracy or explanation to the story to satisfy me...

At least the movie cured your curiosity as to what all the rave reviews were all about... I like that and I like a different view on a movie I admire...

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The Amazing Psycho Per
What I got out of this movie is enjoyment, if it entertains me I'm fine.. I'm not one of those people who has to find some kind of loop hole/conspiracy or explanation to the story to satisfy me...

Hey that's fine by me. I watch kung fu movies, so I don't think everything has to have deeper meaning or conspiracy:ooh:... Heck, one the movie I enjoyed the most this year was The Avengers. I don't know, with all the raving reviews from so much different type of critics, I expected something smarter. Something that would intelligently and surprisingly play with the concept of time travel. Something that would take a second viewing to see and understand everything. Something that you discuss with people and have different interpretation on what hapenned, or the ending. I think what I expected was something along the lines of Primer with a blockbuster coating. It is not what I got. Maybe my expectations were wrong, but when something get so much buzz... It is still as you say different then most Hollywood blockbusters and I salute that fact, I just don't think it's enough to make it good, at least for me.

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