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47 Ronin director fired?! Train wreck!


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" Reshoots took place in London so that Keanu Reeves' character, Kai, could feature more prominently in the climactic battle - which didn't originally feature him at all. These new scenes apparently pit Kai against a supernatural creature. The studio also added additional lines and a love scene to boost Reeves' presence in the film. Damage control on the production has also included shrinking the post-production staff and only doing visual effects for what the studio knows will make the cut."

Sounds excellent...... eeeh....

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Wow, I'm getting a strange Heaven's Gate vibe. Minus the firing of the director that is. I'm certain that the final product will suffer from this studio interference. Watch this film do virually nothing on it's release. Not that I was really looking forward to another remake.

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Apparently after the awesomeness that was Miike's remake of 13 Assassin's, Hollywood learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about how to make good Chanbara cinema.

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This doesn't really suprise me. Most films made about asia in the US are normally crap. (See: Dragon Ball Z, The Last Samurai, The Forbidden Kingdom, and ect ,ect.)

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This doesn't really suprise me. Most films made about asia in the US are normally crap. (See: Dragon Ball Z, The Last Samurai, The Forbidden Kingdom, and ect ,ect.)

There are exceptions, many of them are from the 80's and 90's though. The Hunted (1995), Year of the Dragon, and The Last Emperor are good examples. Funny enough, there should be more, but I cannot think of any at the moment.

Anyway, I think this will turn out to be another John Carter. I doubt it will see anywhere close to a return on the investment, it already over budget alone at $225 million. They might be further ahead just to shelf the whole thing and forget about it. Pushing back the release date by over a year so they can reshoot will just end up costing the studio more money.

They got an inexperienced director to make a feature films, throwing him into a project (ie Fincher for Alien 3) and basically to the wolves when he does what they do not wish him to do. Obviously they would of never gave him final cut, but there has to be some very serious problems with the movie for such a long delay.

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See I just gotta say I did enjoy The Last Samurai, I thought it was a very good movie, and I know a lot of people bashed the shit out of it. :cry:

But yeah I think this movie is going to be a total train wreck but hey you never know?

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See I just gotta say I did enjoy The Last Samurai, I thought it was a very good movie, and I know a lot of people bashed the shit out of it.


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Thirded. It is one of my favorite movies actually :neutral: I didn't really expect it to be a traditional samurai film or anything.

On topic. I hope this movie doesn't end up sucking, but I didn't have high hopes for it to begin with. Why are they forcing a love story just to increase Keanu's part???

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What is Keanu Reeves doing in a 47 Ronin film?

Filling the western guy role that hollywood thinks every movie set in asia has to have.

Thirded. It is one of my favorite movies actually :neutral: I didn't really expect it to be a traditional samurai film or anything.

On topic. I hope this movie doesn't end up sucking, but I didn't have high hopes for it to begin with. Why are they forcing a love story just to increase Keanu's part???

I just don't like Tom Cruise.

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See I just gotta say I did enjoy The Last Samurai, I thought it was a very good movie, and I know a lot of people bashed the shit out of it. :cry:

I third that. I have to admit I like a lot of Cruise's action films. He sells his fights on film and he's a good actor. I got nothing for his personal life or beliefs however. But those are his. He's a character.:tongue:

I'm not opposed to a new take on 47 Ronin. I'll certainly be interested to see it when I have the chance. Hope the sword choreography is awesome. Keanu sells his action sequences as well.

This isn't the only major film having production issues and going over budget. Brad Pitt's World War Z is doing the same thing and got its release date shoved back something like 6 months. I hope both of these get properly salvaged.

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Does anyone actually LIKE Tom Cruise??

I like Cruise as an actor when it comes to certain roles...like I did like The Last Samurai, Top Gun, Days of Thunder, and M:I 2.

As a person off-screen, he still irks me, especially when he rants on with the whole Scientology thing, but that's just me and my opinion.

Back on topic, IDK how 47 RONIN will look now that the new head of Universal is taking over the editing. It definitely has a solid cast....just now have to see how it will come out.

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The thing with the 47 Ronin story is that it's pretty much inaccessible to the typical Westerner. Think about it. The main themes are self sacrifice, patience and loyalty to ones superiors....pretty much EVERYTHING that we disregard in todays American society.

I just don't see how they could have thought it was a good idea to make an American version of this uniquely Japanese story. 12 year old me would have been excited. But 32 year old me just see's it as a foolish idea to throw 200 million at a story that doesn't translate across cultures that well. And to put an caucasian star as the lead to boot!

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See I just gotta say I did enjoy The Last Samurai, I thought it was a very good movie, and I know a lot of people bashed the shit out of it. :cry:

But yeah I think this movie is going to be a total train wreck but hey you never know?

hey ! you are a BOLD one ain't yee ? lol :tongue:

i too felt that movie was very good ,.. the white man in an area he was not familiar with then morphing into a japanese man "in spirt" right before our eyes was unique and still gave the samurai spirit respect!

i'm never a fan,..of a film where the racsist hollywood puts a white man as the main hero eventhough it's obvious a white face do not belong as if there are no good actors or actresses in other walks of life around the globe. how the hell they did not employ a japanese director to do this film in the 1st place insults ME as a fan of the genre.

AMERICAN NINJA all over again, i hate films where they try to force a white face in a role not made for him, STOP IT HOLLYWOOD !!! times have changed you lazy bastards!

you no longer can get away with CHARLIE CHAN type casting with white faces playing the role (ie: i still love charlie chan films ,.. :neutral:). anyway seriously they need to stop.

ps: i love white faces ,. especially the ones with "tight bodies" ,.. i'm speaking of women btw. :)

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Whoa..... you can trash Last Samurai all you want, but i'll be damned if im just gonna sit here and let you besmerch a classic masterpiece like American Ninja!!!!!

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Whoa..... you can trash Last Samurai all you want, but i'll be damned if im just gonna sit here and let you besmerch a classic masterpiece like American Ninja!!!!!

in ANY country or language ,....

THAT WAS FUNNY !!! LOL :tongue::tongue::wink::tongue::tongue:

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Even though though that was mostly meant as a joke, American Ninja is actually one of my all time favorite movies, and im not ashamed of that. Im a Cannon fan..... what can I say......

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On 9/28/2012 at 7:15 PM, DarthKato said:

This doesn't really suprise me. Most films made about asia in the US are normally crap. (See: Dragon Ball Z, The Last Samurai, The Forbidden Kingdom, and ect ,ect.)

Another example: Keanu Reeves was in one such film called Little Buddha. It was kind of a poor man's version of The Last Emperor despite being made by the same director on a bigger budget.

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