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Young & Dangerous: Reloaded (2013)


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Aaah yes, triad glamourization for a new generation. Hopefully they will be better than their truly awful 90's originals. Seriously, the fashion choices of those flicks still haunt me.

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Aaah yes, triad glamourization for a new generation. Hopefully they will be better than their truly awful 90's originals. Seriously, the fashion choices of those flicks still haunt me.

Not into your leather pants then?

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Leather pants was the least of it! I know triads are often flamboyant, but the Y&D flicks had THE worst costume design i've ever seen, even for the time it was atrocious.

My retina is still burning from some of Ekin Cheng's shirts......

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Wow, TibetanWhiteCrane, if you had a problem with the wardrobe choices of the original I daren't think what you make of this. That is seriously gay.

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It is a tad light in the loafers.....

Let's just say that I wouldn't exactly be cowering in fear if this boyband of a triad gang came walking at me.

Though it's good to see Philip Ng getting some roles. Hope he gets to show his skills.

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You also have to think...there is a reason for the atrocious costumes...the Y&D series was based off an adults-only comic book series called TEDDY BOY. I have a few issues of the series and yes, the costumes in the comics were pretty tacky, but the artwork was impressive.

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I'm actually a fan of the original series. The first 3 were the best but also quite liked Born to be King. Andrew Lau is a decent cinematographer and I liked the way he captured the Hong Kong streets with the shaky cam effect. It's a shame they can't just make another with the original cast.

The new 'Triad' film looks interesting but basically a modern Y&D copy. I had a HK friend who blamed young hong kongers bad attitudes on these films but taken as escapism I don't see a problem with them. Chan Ho Nam in the 4th film lectures a college classroom on the perils of the trial lifestyle if I remember correctly haha.

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I'm actually a fan of the original series. The first 3 were the best but also quite liked Born to be King. Andrew Lau is a decent cinematographer and I liked the way he captured the Hong Kong streets with the shaky cam effect. It's a shame they can't just make another with the original cast.

The new 'Triad' film looks interesting but basically a modern Y&D copy. I had a HK friend who blamed young hong kongers bad attitudes on these films but taken as escapism I don't see a problem with them. Chan Ho Nam in the 4th film lectures a college classroom on the perils of the trial lifestyle if I remember correctly haha.

That was what happened in Y&D 4 and Chan Ho-Nam even used the English name "Peter" to introduce himself to the class. When Samuel Leung's rascal confronts him during the lecture, he is shocked to see the dragon tattoo on Ho-Nam's chest.

The reboot will definitely be quite interesting to see.

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A bit of good news. Manfred Wong, who had written all of the original Y&D films, has written the remake as well.

Shooting has already begun.

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Okay...I finally caught the film last night...sadly, it was a major disappointment!!!

The new cast didn't have the charm or chemistry like Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan, Jerry Lamb, and Michael Tse had...and there is no Chou-Pan in this one. Big Head, who was introduced in Y&D 5 played by Chin Ka-Lok (Daniel Wu in the prequel), is in this one, played by Philp Ng (who also was the film's action director...which were more what you would expect in these gangster films).

Him Law looked too robotic in his performance of Chan Ho-Nam. He didn't have that charm Ekin Cheng brought to the role. Oscar Leung's Chicken was not too bad though...but it was more akin to Sam Lee's Chicken in the prequel rather than Jordan Chan's cool Chicken. Jazz Lam was not too bad as Pou-Pan, but he has done his share of Triad-like roles (Shaolin Soccer and The Legendary Tai Fei (he plays Tai Fei's son)). Dominic Ho's Dai Tin-Yee was not given ample screen time and when he did get it, he kinda overacted too much. Individually, the support was good, but together, the chemistry was lacking.

Sammy Sum really hammed it up...in a bad way...as Kwan. He definitely wasn't close to Francis Ng's performance and even attempted to look like a poor man's version of the Joker with his hair and eye make up...he was just annoying IMO.

The romance between Ho-Nam and rich girl Lorraine (Michelle Hu) seemed more forced because it just didn't have that spark that we saw with Ho-Nam and Smartie in the original series. I was just waiting for his romance to fail, especially because again, Law just acted more like a robot and not natural like Ekin had done.

Manfred Wong was someone I always respected when he wrote the original film series, and I was a little excited that he wrote this one. I understood he wanted to up the ante with more sex and violence (a soft-core scene between Winnie Leung and Sum; lots of blood and even a disembowelment), but I can't blame Wong on this one. This is one where we have to blame the new cast...except for Philip Ng, who I thought was great as Big Head, who is a kickboxer and gets some nice stylized fighting in a couple of scenes.

So, stick with the original film series, because this is one film that proves that reboots don't always have to be the answer!

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I am no fan of the original series, which helped turn gangster movies from John Woo-style bullet ballets to boring machete hack'n slay, but the reboot is even worse, at least storywise and regarding the acting which is atrocious. On the pro side: the guts and gore level is much higher, so is the sex level (it's still rather tame), and the rare action scenes have more speed and impact. Nevertheless this movie sucks, even more than TRIAD by the same director. Both films seem really cheap.

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I am no fan of the original series, which helped turn gangster movies from John Woo-style bullet ballets to boring machete hack'n slay, but the reboot is even worse, at least storywise and regarding the acting which is atrocious. On the pro side: the guts and gore level is much higher, so is the sex level (it's still rather tame), and the rare action scenes have more speed and impact. Nevertheless this movie sucks, even more than TRIAD by the same director. Both films seem really cheap.

Well, the story I thought was interesting, but it was the cast (except Philip Ng and the veterans) that made this film really bad IMO. My friend Sean (who lives in Hong Kong) and I both agree that we couldn't wait for Sammy Sum's Kwan to get kicked in the nuts and he did..not once, but TWICE, by the priest!!! I actually cheered in that scene.

Was it just me or did Him Law seem forced to do the head scratching thing where Ekin Cheng did it as he seemed fit to do it. It was like right in the middle of a conversation, Law probably thought...oh I gotta do the head scratch LOL The only other exception was Jazz Lam as Pou-Pan, only because I've seen him in other Triad films or play Triad roles, including the Y&D spinoff The Legendary Tai Fei, where I felt he was good as Tai-Fei's long lost son.

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