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SPL II: A Time For Consequences (aka Killzone 2) (2015) - Wu Jing, Tony Jaa


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Watched this last night and, uhhhh, I didn't think it was very good.  For every cool thing they did in a fight, there would be three bad things.  Heavy editing (which sucks in a Jaa fight) and some ridiculous wire work (the kind were guys will magically float up in a fight).  I'm sure it will get raves, but I found it disappointing.  

Edited by udar55
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Oh shit, the wire work continues. You know I sometimes don't get all worked up if wired for instance, Romeo Must die, lol. It works cause it's a goofy movie and an American production but a hong kong movie and not wuxia where there's no need of gravity defying flying technique, ugghhh!!! I'm still going to see it though. 

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Romeo Must Die :laugh Don't get me started... I've already watched SPL 2 too. I didn't think that the wire work was that obvious or that bad to be honest. I actually enjoyed the movie. Also, I was positively surprised by the acting of Tony Jaa as a "daddy"!

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Sorry guys but I have to say that the action here was boring. Not even close of matching Donnie Yen's fresh and captivating fight choreography of the first movie.

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One Armed Boxer

I was lucky enough to watch this on the cinema here in Sydney.  Definitely a return to form for Soi Cheang after the abysmal 'The Monkey King'....and Wu Jing and Tony Jaa visibly benefit from being under a director who knows what he's doing.  People may complain about the wire work, but it's been a long time since the fights have been so integral to the story in a modern HK actioner.  Great stuff, I wrote a full review which you can check out here - 



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Can't wait to see this, here in the UK the wait times are ridiculous


I'll have to console myself with the "Art Of Fighting Without Fighting"

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I thought the movie works better as a medical thriller, rather than an action drama. The plot was more interesting than the majority of typical HK action movies and worked better on a social level than the last Jaa/Lundgren opus. While human trafficking subplot in Skin Trade looked ridiculous, the organ trafficking theme in SPL2 actually worked

As far as action goes, it's not as bad as I thought. We have a couple of Jaa/Jing fights which are decent (especially the first one), one shootout scene that I thought was a bit sub par, one scene with a super killer wiping out a whole bunch of people, mostly done with quick editing and camera tricks, One decent fight between the said killer and Wu jing, kind of a homage to the first SPL film.

 After that decent action stops and the last big finale fight is marred by lots of flying wire work and quick cuts. Most of the wire work is used by the Warden guy, sometimes completely unnecessary.

While fights are plentiful, they lack the brutality and emotional impact of the first movie. Use of CGI blood  doesn't help either

Overall, I thought as a plot-driven movie it was better than the first, had more action scenes, but lacking the mood of first movie which was darker, grittier, with fights being more furious and desperate.

Actors were fine, I liked Louis Koo and it was nice to see Ken Lo, speaking Thai, as I understand.

Definitely better than laughable cheapos Skin Trade and Wolf Warrior

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Saw it yesterday - well an illegal organ traffic organization to put as a center piece is not as good as the plot of the first SPL and it was relying on drama elements to gain extra points, while trying to compensate with martial arts scenes which were good in their own league, but sadly depending on wires to make the moves cool, but instead making it laughable. It had some moments to shine in fighting department and it is good to see Tony Jaa/Wu Jing as a team (which I find more good than the one in Skin Trade with chunky Dolf) against Max Zhang (which was the weak spot with all the wires). I was expecting a bit more form the overall tone of the movie and although it did touched some dark topics it was far from the suspense build up in the first SPL. It was more drama than police/crime thriller with some decent fight scenes thrown here and there. Nicky Li did not create something with a "wow" factor, he simply done some decent fights with wire flavor all over it - it did not bothered me much, but I think it could be a lot better. Still I have to agrre that it is better than Skin Trade and Wolf Warrior.

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Got around to it yesterday. In terms of acting and emotional punch the highlight was Tony Jaa and his relationship with the kid actress. Jaa has improved alot and shows that he can get much better when being directed by expertise directors like Soi Cheang. Wu Jing and Simon Yam were fine but it's not until later in the story that I actually cared about their characters. That being said, Louis Koo and Max Zhang were underwhelming and looked like they didn't have the right spirit to stand out in a plot that were relevant for them.

Before seeing the whole movie, I saw it compilation clip of the action being shown partially and wasn't impressed. The same sentiment still stands for me. Apart from Tony Jaa moments (the only highlight here action-wise) when he's not on wires, the action was a bore to watch. A bunch of movements that just goes without any emphasis on logic and hints of details in correlation to the acting, unnecessary wirework, ugly-looking CGI and cinematography. I think the original choice of Dion Lam (why did he get kicked out from the production?) would've fared much better than what it is now. Shame.

Overall, a decent movie with a surprisingly good acting performance from Jaa but far from great like the first movie.

Rating: 6.5/10

Edited by DiP
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10491221_1513938508822212_38113666985515not bad, a bit slow in places, but it built to a (largely) satisfying finale. the 2 on 1 fight was very good. Not as good as the original SPL film though overall, nothing was as good as those last 2 fights in the og. SPOILER alert, what happened to the shot of Tony Jaa fighting in the prison office with the antlers on the wall and stuff? Must be like the Donnie Yen triple kick to three henchmen from the og. and just not in the film (it's not in the deleted scenes either)

Edited by mark187
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I watched this yesterday and I didn't think it was too bad at all. Sure, it was a little slow and meandering in places and it could have done with one or two more fight scenes but, overall, I enjoyed it.
I actually found the fight scenes to be pretty exciting with Max Zhang easily stealing the show. He's quickly becoming one to watch as he always looks so damn good on screen.

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Didn't like it as much as I hoped I would. The action is mostly good, sometimes even great, but the story is boring, meandering, never gets focus and drive, and the characters are bland despite the filmmaker's efforts to give them depth. So all in all SPL2 is not nearly as good as first one. In fact, I even liked similar Dennis Law-movies like FATAL CONTACT or BAD BLOOD better.

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Recently seen this and not too impressed,way to much wire work even to perform simple basic kicks and when you have two skilled performers like Wu Jing and Tony Jaa there's just no need.Very disappointed and what a waste of martial arts talent

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I watched this yesterday and I didn't think it was too bad at all. Sure, it was a little slow and meandering in places and it could have done with one or two more fight scenes but, overall, I enjoyed it.
I actually found the fight scenes to be pretty exciting with Max Zhang easily stealing the show. He's quickly becoming one to watch as he always looks so damn good on screen.

  We pretty much have the same taste in movies I believe. I will definitely give this a watch. Tony Jaa and Wu Jing, how can I pass this one up?

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My half assed review of SPL 2:


It's a step above special ID I can tell you that much,hahahahha. Jaa and jing were surprisingly good in the acting dept. And the end fight scene at the hospital??? Come on that was brutal up until the hanging from the top floor and somehow jaa has super human strength to pull them up from safety? Oh and the dude who played the main villain who was also in grandmaster? He is a badass. What is his name?

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Another thing about wu jing. This was the role I wanted to see him in since the very beginning of his career. A drug addict who's on the verge of loss hope only to redeem himself for the greater good and kick ass. I'd also like to see him in more villainous roles like in the first spl. Also if you're going into this movie looking for prime wu jing? Not this film, he's not as fast but more under control with locks and judo throw.

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Is this a good movie? I know the first one is really popular, but I havent seen any of them myself, yet. 

Is the HK version a decent version? Its way cheaper than the US release and I am gonna put in an order from DDD anyway. I noticed that the US version had BTS footage and I youtubed that. And I saw they used wires for everything, I cant imagine this will look any good with Tony Jaa?

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