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Shinobi no Mono DVD Set 2 RIP?


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I knew this was gonna to happen! But I'm very surprised that there releasing the final volume of The Sleepy Eyes of Death series! It just like the Lone Wolf & Cub TV Series they ruined it! They should've released it as a complete series 1,2,3, instead of only a few episodes on each disc.

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I wish they would release at least the 5th film as it ends the story started in the 4th film.

Still, the market really is crap right now. For DVD/Blu overall, and especially towards the asian film market. AnimEigo and Criterion are really the only ones releasing the classic Japanese films at this point. Hoping someone releases more Fukasaku yakuza films as those had a pretty big fan base at one time.

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Man, I was bummed when he messaged me this. But I'm not surprised. I would really like to see the 2nd set of Shinobi films. I really enjoyed the first one.

Was there another Lone Wolf and Cub film?!

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Was there another Lone Wolf and Cub film?!

I think he was referring to the 2nd and 3rd seasons of the LWaC TV series. There were 52 additional episodes (26 per season) that Tokyo Shock never got done.

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@waywardsage: Actaully there was another LW&C movie made but it was a TV movie Merlin over @SamuraiDVD has it. I watched it but I cannot remember how it was I would have to watch it again or go back and look for my thread on it.

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@waywardsage: Actaully there was another LW&C movie made but it was a TV movie Merlin over @SamuraiDVD has it. I watched it but I cannot remember how it was I would have to watch it again or go back and look for my thread on it.

Is that the "Handful of Sand" one? I haven't seen that yet but have a copy somewhere. Worth digging out?

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Its funny I don't know how they can say the market is dead right now for Samurai/Ninja movies! There is still die hard fans out there! I really hope they finish the 2nd set of Shinobi No Mono it really is a great series. I have them all from Merlin.

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Secret Executioner
Its funny I don't know how they can say the market is dead right now for Samurai/Ninja movies!

Maybe because their release are (apparently) bad and people aren't too keen on buying bad releases ? J/K. :tongue:

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Its funny I don't know how they can say the market is dead right now for Samurai/Ninja movies! There is still die hard fans out there! I really hope they finish the 2nd set of Shinobi No Mono it really is a great series. I have them all from Merlin.

Of course there's a handful of fans that would buy the new releases, but it doesn't help when these fans bring you revenues of $3000, while issuing a release costs $10 000.

Fans always forget that companies like Animeigo are run by normal people with families. I wouldn't release a Shinobi no mono box set either if it meant I'll be bankrupt in 6 months and I can't afford to buy food for my kids. And I don't even have kids!

Merlin doesn't have to worry about these things because he doesn't pay the ridiculously high licensing fees or acquire prints, he just purhases or downloads the official Japanese or French dvds and adds subs and releases them under his own bootleg label.

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I emailed Robert Woodhead the CEO of AnimEigo last night and he wrote back to me today below is the email and his reply:

I read on my fan page that you guys have little interest in finishing the Shinobi No Mono series. You claim that the market isn't good for Samurai/Ninja movies. Maybe you really need to check out the site Kung-Fu Cinema.com and you'll see how many fans there are of these great classic movies. Believe me we're very happy that your putting out the rest of the Sleepy Eyes of Death series to bad it wasn't on Blu-Ray. But we would love for you to finish the Shinobi series as well.

Thanks Marc

I would love to finish the series too. But I have to go with what the sales numbers tell me, which is that it wouldn't be a good business decision.

I would love to release a lot of stuff on BR. But BR costs much more than DVD to produce, and it isn't profitable except on the best-selling titles.



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I don't think the KFC forums are necessarily representative of whatever the market is actually like for distributors like Animeigo. We're kind of an echo-chamber.

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I don't think the KFC forums are necessarily representative of whatever the market is actually like for distributors like Animeigo. We're kind of an echo-chamber.

@John: See now I have to disagree with you on this, I think we the consumers are the Market! I had said this many times before I get tired of seeing the same movies released on DVD/BR by The Criterion Collection, Media Blasters etc. they should find out from the consumers what is the best to release and we are representatives of the market. Just look they released half of a great series, and left out the remaining 4 episodes. If they would just released it in a complete series I can guarantee it would have done a 100% better mark up. People get tired of only buying a single episode when its better to buy the complete series. Then they do the stupid shit and not release the complete series like with LW&C TV Series and Shinobi No Mono. I think our site is a great reference for them to base popular movies & TV series etc. on.

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Er, what? There have got to be maybe 20-ish people posting regularly on the Japanese sub-forum. We're a sample of the market, and a vocal one at that, but nowhere nearly numerous enough to be that statistically relevant, surely?

That notwithstanding, I agree that it's pretty weak to release portions of something and then put it on hiatus indefinitely; ostensibly, this is to focus on what's most profitable, but even that gets handled with remarkable inconsistency. I get that it's tough doing business and all, but where's the impetus for us to buy these things if we're gun-shy?

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In order to make money with these releases you have to sell thousands of copies. First you have to pay the licensing fees, then you have to hire a translator, pay your employees their salary, pay your emplyees' insurance and other mandatory stuff required by the law, pay the rent for your company office premises, pay to get your dvds distributed in stores around the country, pay to advertise your releases, let stores take their share of the sales price, and much more...

With all these costs, it's extemely difficult to make a profit. Many companies releasing cult movies (including companies specializing in Japanese movies) have already gone bankrupt because their releases only sell in hundreds and lose money.

I'm sure Animeigo has already lost money with some of their releases. This is simple business logic. If Shinobi no mono box set 1 would have made profit, they would certainly release the rest. The fact that they are not releasing it is a clear indication that Shinobi no mono box set 1 didn't sell enough to even make its production cost back. Same with Shadow Warriors. Ronin Entertainment released the first season, but the sales were terrible. The whole company had to close down after that release.

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Ronin Entertainment actually had a few good releases on the way when they shut down. They shot a lot of special features that will never be seen.

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Listen I understand everyone point of view. And true maybe only a few People post on this thread but that doesn't mean they won't buy the movies when they come out. I still think if they would've just released it as a whole box set it would have done better. Its just a Damn shame another great series that won't get to see a legit release. And we the fans suffer.

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Killer Meteor
That's Great News, Merlin does an excellent good with the subtitles and the remastered prints.

Aren't they bootleggers?

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Its amazing we always come back to the same topic over & over again!

I will just say this nobody is telling you Guys to buy from Merlin or CK or any other fansubber out there. But I don't use the work Bootlegger when it comes to these Guys. And the main reason is that all of these Great Classic Samurai/Ninja films we would never see if it wasn't for them! Point in fact this series here Shinobi No Mono ,AnimEigo isn't going to finish the rest of this great series. So Merlin has gotten remastered copies of these films and subtitled them himself. Now I know we get a few Guys on here saying that anybody can subtitle a movie, then if that's the case why aren't there a whole shit load of rare movies being done then! And I'll tell you this there are scab's who bootleg off of Merlin & CK 's hard work. Yes you might pay a little more for these movies but at least you have them in your collection. Sorry I just get tired of People bashing these Guys because they are making a small profit putting out Great classic movies that we love, and otherwise would never see.

There is a difference between a bootlegger and a fansubber. At least in the early days, fansubbing of Japanese cartoons was very much in the spirit of 'getting the stuff out there'. Fansubbing played a critical role in demonstrating to rights holders that there was in fact a market for their properties, which lead to legitimate business that had a hand in putting bread on the table of the men and women responsible for these productions.

Although nowadays fansubbing has its fair share of egotistical twats ripping legit, free streams and groups competing for the best subtitle font on whatever Shonen hit happens to be enthralling the masses for whatever pathetic reasons they may have, there still exist enthusiastic individuals who want to bring obscure creations from decades yore to your screen so that they can be appreciated. I sympathise with these people.

Bootleggers, on the other hand, do not earn my sympathy. There is a difference between ripping a DVD and adding subs so that people can appreciate something languishing in obscurity at one's own expense, and profiteering off of the act. Its benefitting parties completely unrelated to the production of the content.

As much as I might bitch about Animeigo's shenanigans and reel in horror at the tales of Media Blasters, they're in the difficult business of actually being in business. They have to license properties and manage to release them; it's a lot of work. Work that people do for a living. You're tired of people bashing bootleggers? Cry me a river. I'm tired of hearing about people being laid off because the economy is in the dumps and thrashing the miniscule, sensitive industry these films have here, no thanks to shady operations like Merlin's. People like that are the reason the FBI blows a few moments of my time when I want to watch a movie. It's shameful that you would condone such utterly unlawful and unethical enterprise.

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