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Trailer for my short zombie film, The Crossing


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All right, I'm putting myself out there... here's the trailer for my first fully independent (not backed by a grade for a college class or for a work project) film project, The Crossing:


IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2342226/combined

Synopsis: A young woman wakes up in the forest, not remembering who she is or how she got there. All she knows is that she has an engagement ring on her left hand and a knife held in her right. Before she can get her thoughts straight, the sounds of inhuman beings echo throughout, causing her to desperately search for an escape from her wooded prison. As she encounters creature after creature along her dark journey, she will realize that not everything is what it seems...

Yeah, I know... "why horror and not martial arts?" :tongue: Well, trying to find "zombies" is easier than finding skilled screen fighters, but give it time, I hope to broach action soon.

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Drunken Monk

The trailer is a little ominous but I enjoyed the score, the FX and that first zombie growl put a big smile on my face!

Good luck with it.

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I'd watch it also, I like anything with Zombies in it. I'm working a on an independent film with one of my partners he's been writing, staring ,and directing a few indie short films the past few years,there pretty good his company is called SWAT Films. And the film I'm working on also is a Zombie flick as well.

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Thanks for the comments :smile: Considering the short is 15 minutes, making a two and a half minute long trailer would've been overkill :tongue: Anyway, those who've seen the full short seem to really enjoy it, especially the ending... don't want to give anything away, but it's an ending that'll make you have to watch the film a second time to grasp the gravity of the protagonist's situation.

Here's hoping I can use this as a stepping stone to a feature length film, just as Sam Raimi used his short, Within the Woods, to make The Evil Dead.

And like I said, I would *love* to broach martial arts films as well, but finding the right people is very difficult.

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All right, I'm putting myself out there...

That's what it's all about. No matter what, you should be proud of yourself for making the film at all. As it takes real guts to take on a big project like that and see it through.

Good luck with it, and I'd definately be interested in watching it!

And like I said, I would *love* to broach martial arts films as well, but finding the right people is very difficult.

When you say "finding the right people", do you mean the martial arts actors you would need?

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Guest Markgway

Horror is most sensible genre to start a career with. It's widely accesible and doesn't require a hefty budget. There are also numerous festivals and competitions you can enter to raise your profile and financing for subsequent projects.

I like the make-up F/X shown in the trailer. The face-ripped-off effect was pretty cool.

Curious... what did you use to achieve the scope ratio?

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That's what it's all about. No matter what, you should be proud of yourself for making the film at all. As it takes real guts to take on a big project like that and see it through. Good luck with it, and I'd definately be interested in watching it!

Thanks for the comments! Even for a 15 minute short, it was quite an endeavor... but perhaps taking up over half of the behind the scenes work on my own had something to do with that... I need a full crew so I don't look like a control freak :tongue:

When you say "finding the right people", do you mean the martial arts actors you would need?

Exactly... it's tough! Someone who can act AND fight for the screen! Haven't had much luck yet with a few previous attempts. Some were downright horrible :sad: I actually want to do a fake Grindhouse-style horror/MA crossover trailer, but once again, finding people who can pull it off is VERY tricky.

Horror is most sensible genre to start a career with. It's widely accesible and doesn't require a hefty budget. There are also numerous festivals and competitions you can enter to raise your profile and financing for subsequent projects.

You read my mind, as I'm definitely hoping to show it at more festivals, and the first one will be this Friday. At least I'll be present for this one, and here's hoping at least a few others will too! Then again, most will probably be at the other end of the convention getting Malcolm McDowell's autograph :tongue:

I like the make-up F/X shown in the trailer. The face-ripped-off effect was pretty cool.

I was originally going to do zombie make-up from scratch, but I wanted to one-up my prior attempts at make-up by ordering prosthetics... they turned out all right :smile: However, the next time I do zombies, I hope to do even better. More "Walking Dead-esque".

Curious... what did you use to achieve the scope ratio?

Sony Vegas :wink: The short was actually shot in 16x9, and I simply used a piece of black tape to cover the bottom of the LCD frame so I could shoot knowing what the 2.35 scope frame would look like after matting in post. Since I only matted the lower part of the frame, I could go back to the raw footage and open it up without having epic headroom plague the screen. However, there were a few shots that still needed to be lower than what was intended, so some "open matte" shots may still indeed have too much headroom :tongue:

In fact, I'm hoping to cobble together a special edition DVD which will have an alternate "workprint cut" with the open matte footage, as well as no color/effect filters and only on-set sound. Needless to say, it's a VERY different experience! Here's a comparison:

Finished film:


Raw frame:


Colors actually play an important role in the film, but I don't want to give anything away :wink: I also may post some examples of "NGs" when leaving the short in an un-matted state (visible equipment, crew members, etc).

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Well done, I alway`s wanted to do this (make a movie) but never had the ball`s to invest in it.

Much respect to you.

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Well done, I alway`s wanted to do this (make a movie) but never had the ball`s to invest in it.

Much respect to you.

Hey, you still can, you just need a lot of patience! :smile:

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Guest Markgway

Thanks for the info.

I figured it would be some kind of matting.

How did you know how much to mask off on the viewfinder?

Also the finished wide cap looks much better.

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Basically what I did was I took the camera and snapped a picture of a 2.35:1 image, with it being at the very top of the LCD frame. I then took the empty space on the bottom and covered it with the tape.

Also, the camera I used was the Canon T2i, which I'm fairly certain you can grab for $700 on Amazon.com, and it shoots in full 1080p and 24 frames per second. I believe it was one of the first cameras you could snag from your local electronics store that could shoot in native 1080p and not "phony 24 fps" in 1080i format. Since it's basically a photo camera that just happens to have great video capabilities, you can use professional lenses for a more "filmic" look.

And yeah, big difference in the two frames, eh? Even if you watch raw footage from big budget 35mm films, you'll see just how much filtering and color correction can enhance a film!

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All right guys, tonight's the big night, as my film premieres at the Horrorfind Film Festival in Gettysburg! While it's just a 15 minute short, seeing a film that I created from the ground up play on the big screen has been a dream of mine for nearly 20 years... so yeah, it's kind of a big deal to me :xd: Now, here's hoping more than just my girlfriend and I will be in the theater :tongue:

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