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Gordon Liu update...

Drunken Monk

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Omni Dragon

Thing seem to be getting worst & worst. I wonder if his stroke was linked to stress over his so called family & that assistant? Probably not helping his recovery either.

Hope thing's get better for Gordon.

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So sad and so maddending at the same time. Really hope against hope that he pulls through and things take a turn for the better. This type of thing (both his health and financial state) should never happen to a legend like him.

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I spoke to a friend of mine that was just with Gordon a couple days ago. He says that Gordon is in a good place, and being well looked after by Amy Fan. He's working towards a recovery and will issue a statement on his official facebook page soon.

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I was thinking the same, BaronK..... i've seen it in my own family, and you don't really come back from that. He sure isn't gonna make any more movies, or do kung fu or any of the stuff he was known for before. I just wish for him that he can retire with some money, and some people who can care for him, instead of ripping him off.

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OMG. When I first saw this I got misty eyed. I grew up watching this guy and this is just sad that this happened to him. Karma will get his greedy assistant who absconded with his money one day. He looks so old in the jpegs. I wish him the best...

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Well, for those following the news, Gordon's former manager Eva Fung is no longer his caretaker and Amy Fan is now his legal guardian. Amy has been trying to spread the word about websites and FB pages associated with Gordon and those that are faux sites. Not endorsing any sites here but just trying to make sense of it all.


Brand new site created by Manlung Tang and approved by Amy.

This is suppose to be the official website for Gordon now.


Facebook page created by Manlung Tang and approved by Amy


Mastergordon.com is a site which Gordon promoted in 2011 but, after he suffered his stroke, has been hosted by former manager Eva Fung & others. Supposedly this site has nothing to do with Gordon Liu anymore.


Created by Travis Torabisu in March 2008. He said the following about this FB page: "I created this page and Gordon Liu use to help manage it when he was in good health. Unfortunately it has fallen into the hands of someone else and I am trying to sort it out."

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Brand new site created by Manlung Tang and approved by Amy.

This is suppose to be the official website for Gordon now.

Cool, they've got my tribute video on there :smile:

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Interview title: Sudden Weekly

Gordon right side paralyzed - Amy Fan his legal guardian: He needs to sell his house/property to cover all of his medical costs

Amy: "Gordon... Then everyone will say, what about his money, what to do about it?"

Text: Gordon - Suffered from a stroke in 2011 - which made him half paralyzed on his right side

Amy: "Gordon has arranged everything and made up his will with the help of his lawyer. All I can say, is that I was one of the witnesses. When you’re familiair with legal matters, you know that if you want to be a witness during the making of a willl, you must not have any beneficial profits from it. So I succeeded all the requirements to be a witness. At that moment people were guessing: maybe Gordon gave her money. Well, I can tell everyone: NO, he did not.

Text: After his stroke - Suffering a lot of pressure from family matters

A Movie Star from a Generation

Because of these events, which made him lost more weight

Amy to Gordon: "They now finalize your second divorce, did you understand and agree with their demands at that moment. Gordon replied, it's not like that, I didn't agree those divorce terms. So, if this is not what you want, don't force it. Think more clearly about it first” Then he put the second divorce on hold."

Text: In all those negative circumstances

his former assistant took HKD$ 2 million from his movie earnings

He is forced to sell his house for his recovery costs.

Reporter: "How is his financial status?"

Amy: "Actually his financial situation is still okay, acceptable for now but it can’t hold on for long. He said he tries to cover all the costs by himself. He still has properties etc. But if there is no way, we have to think about a solution. And if Gordon can get back his few millions for his own use, because his children still live in his house, if he really has no way out, he still might need to sell, or at least use, his house as a collateral. And someone shouted out that she is waiting untill he's recovered before she’ll return his money. So, I still have to say, Gordon's children hope you'll understand this, maybe under all these circumstances his dad really needs to put his house for sale or for other use. We still don't know, at this point, what will happen..."

Text: Action Movie Star - Gordon Liu

Don't worry about the past, just need to work hard this moment.

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just heard Lau Kar Leung just passed also :cry:


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Guest Markgway

"According to Gordon, he had entrusted 1.387 million RMB to his former assistant Eva Fung (馮英華) after he had a stroke. After they had a fallout, Eva refused to return the money to Gordon. In a court hearing earlier this week, 252,000 RMB is confirmed to be returned to Gordon, while Eva claims that the majority of the savings belongs to her."

What a cunt!

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Here, from Jayne Stars

Gordon Liu (劉家輝) reportedly moved out of his current nursing home to a less-expensive residential establishment. Gordon, who suffered a stroke in July 2012, has been living under the care of several nurses, doctors, a personal physical therapist, and his assistant and guardian, Amy Fan (樊奕敏). Gordon’s hospitalization was widely publicized, as the former martial arts star is currently in an ongoing legal battle with his ex-assistant, Eva Fung (馮映華), who refused to return his film remunerations worth $2 million HKD.

Gordon is also in an estranged relationship with his wife and two children, who has not been financially supportive. Faced with expensive hospitalization bills and other everyday expenditures, it was reported that Gordon has considered cashing out his $8 million HKD flat, but his wife and children refused to move out. Gordon’s apartment building does not have a built-in elevator system, making it inconvenient for Gordon to stay. Having to fork out over $10,000 HKD a month for nursing bills, Gordon is allegedly prepared to move out of his current nursing home to a cheaper establishment.

Fortunately, Gordon’s health has improved immensely since his hospitalization in July 2012. Gordon’s weight increased from 110 pounds to a reported 120 pounds by April 2013. In the last few months, Gordon was even spotted spending time outside, having tea with a few friends at nearby dim sum restaurants.

On October 6, Gordon was seen eating with a few friends at a restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui. Originally paralyzed on the left side of his body, Gordon could now move his limbs around and pick up his own food. His speech also improved, as he was seen comfortably conversing with his nurse and his friends. One of his friends, Master Tang, who suffered a much more serious stroke years ago, shared his experiences and gave Gordon plenty of encouragement.

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