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Gordon Liu update...

Drunken Monk

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This whole thing is just beyond sad. Is he still close with Kar Leung and Kar Wing? Is seems like no one is really looking out for his best interests.

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Guest Markgway

When it comes to money TRUST NO ONE.

There's never any mention of his 'brothers', like TWC said.

Shouldn't they be involved in some way?

Can't his rich friends assist with legal advice?

There must be SOMETHING that can be done to get his money back.

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Maybe he doesn't want to ask Kar Leung or Kar Wing for their help. His pride may not allow it, but I don't know. Isn't LKL's wife a lawyer? Surely if he asked, she could try to help get his money back.

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He shouldn't have to ask, but maybe they're not close anymore. Who was it that went to visit him in hospital... Beardy and some other guys? I forgot. It's funny, I always imagine the old school guys as some kind of tight fraternity, when reality is that they probably rarely see each other.

Either way, some one should step up and aid this icon in this difficult time.

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in situations like this you really know who your freinds are, looks like gordon doesnt have many.

I really hope this is not the truth, Im guessing his pride will not allow him to accept the help he needs. Another thing I wonder about is the possibility of Gordon losing some mental capacity after his stroke, some of these stories smell like mental illness issues to me, but Im no doctor.

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He shouldn't have to ask, but maybe they're not close anymore. Who was it that went to visit him in hospital... Beardy and some other guys? I forgot.

Ti Lung was the other guy that visited him: http://www.kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18615&highlight=gordon+liu&page=4 5th post down. Thanks to Teako for that post.

It's funny, I always imagine the old school guys as some kind of tight fraternity, when reality is that they probably rarely see each other.

I always figured that too.

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Oh right, it was Ti Lung. That guy always struck me as a genuinly good and kind man.

Good to see that im not the only with with illusions of a tight knit old school brotherhood. Maybe cuz the HK movie talent pool is relatively small, and we kept seeing the same actors acting opposite each other from the 70's and on. And places like SB and GH seemed like extended families. To some extent I like that illusion, and would like to hold on to it. Though sad cases like this certainly challenge such idyllic ideas.

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Oh right, it was Ti Lung. That guy always struck me as a genuinly good and kind man.

Good to see that im not the only with with illusions of a tight knit old school brotherhood. Maybe cuz the HK movie talent pool is relatively small, and we kept seeing the same actors acting opposite each other from the 70's and on. And places like SB and GH seemed like extended families. To some extent I like that illusion, and would like to hold on to it. Though sad cases like this certainly challenge such idyllic ideas.

I've always thought all of that stuff too. And you can add to your reasoning- they were mostly all actually martial artists to a degree, and training with people (as you and I have both experienced ourselves) can bring you together like a family. Martial brothers and sisters, and patriarch. And we saw them acting parts of great kung fu brotherhood as well, over and over. I feel that their performances of these kinds of virtuous relationships partially informed my idea of "how good men (and women) interact in a manner of high moral codes" as I grew up. So it certainly seemed (and still seems) reasonable to think that this is indeed the case at least some of the time. I was told that Ku Feng hangs out with a group of "the old guys" from his Shaw Brothers days, at least several days a week.

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I've always thought all of that stuff too. And you can add to your reasoning- they were mostly all actually martial artists to a degree, and training with people (as you and I have both experienced ourselves) can bring you together like a family. Martial brothers and sisters, and patriarch.

Matriarch in some cases. I can certainly attest to this, the people I train with have become family. I may not always be at every training class, but the atmosphere's always positive.

Getting back to the point, I'm sure that a closeness exists among a lot of these guys, maybe they're just shy about public acknowledgement. Wasn't there something about LKL not wanting to be seen in public (or was it just on camera) a few years ago, for example?

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I think LKL had lymfoma or something at some point, and sort of retired and retreated as a result.

Bob, I like the idea of Ku Feng hanging out with the old dudes, trading war stories. I hope more of them does that.

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How SAD and how DEPRESSING is this story.

My God I sure pray this will be resolved in a GOOD way.

At least their is this fraternal brotherhood and sisterhood on this forum who are aligned with hope and love for 'our' beloved Gordon Liu.

Can you imaging the world without the kung fu movie craze of the 70's that let us get on for the ride of our life. And here we are STILL resonating our love for the genre and the beloved actors and actresses whom guided our way into new dimensions of thought.

I too always felt Ti Lung had a great nobility about him, obviously in his performances but I also felt that trait was in his character make up as well.

David Chiang is another great one whom I feel the same sense of nobility.


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I think LKL had lymfoma or something at some point, and sort of retired and retreated as a result.

Bob, I like the idea of Ku Feng hanging out with the old dudes, trading war stories. I hope more of them does that.

That sounds about right. I'm sure he knew that his fans would wish him well, but I can understand him wanting to be remembered for when he was at his best (kind of like Dean Shek after his car accident).

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Yeah, it's kinda funny, we wish our "heroes" a long life, but we don't really wanna see them grow old. I have respect for the ones who stay in the game and keeps delivering, but equal respect for the ones who know when to call it quits.

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Matriarch in some cases. I can certainly attest to this, the people I train with have become family. I may not always be at every training class, but the atmosphere's always positive.

Oops! My bad. Sorry kung fu sisters... I didn't mean to forget my manners and equality of the sexes. :squigglemouth: I do indeed have some martial "sisters" that are very special to me.

Getting back to the point, I'm sure that a closeness exists among a lot of these guys, maybe they're just shy about public acknowledgement. Wasn't there something about LKL not wanting to be seen in public (or was it just on camera) a few years ago, for example?

From what I understand, he didn't want to talk about his past accomplishments- sort of out of modesty. But he was very friendly and full of exciting stories "off camera". He'll always have my utmost respect. But... Oh how I wish he'd tell his stories on camera so we could all enjoy them. :nerd:

I think LKL had lymfoma or something at some point, and sort of retired and retreated as a result.

I think I heard that he battled and beat cancer on at least two different occasions. Can anyone confirm this?

Bob, I like the idea of Ku Feng hanging out with the old dudes, trading war stories. I hope more of them does that.

Me too! Just sitting on a park bench with some friends, shooting the breeze, feeding the pigeons... a little group of kung fu cinema legends! :smile:

I've shared this before, but I think it's worth mentioning again... a friend of mine that has met and knows a lot of the HK stars told me that the interesting thing about Ku Feng is that he has an amazing memory. He told me that Ku is extremely friendly, and that he can still recall details about even the earliest films that he ever worked on. How cool would it be to read an autobiography by him???? :nerd:

I too always felt Ti Lung had a great nobility about him, obviously in his performances but I also felt that trait was in his character make up as well.


Well, many of the big Shaw Brothers stars have stated that Chang Cheh would basically have them play versions of themselves in the films. That way they could concentrate more on the action, and the acting wouldn't be as much of a stretch for them. So it would make sense that Ti Lung is at least somewhat like the many noble characters he played. The nerd/optimist in me chooses to believe it anyway. :wink:

That sounds about right. I'm sure he knew that his fans would wish him well, but I can understand him wanting to be remembered for when he was at his best (kind of like Dean Shek after his car accident).

When was that? I don't think I heard about Dean's accident. I was never a big fan of his appearances in 90% of the roles I saw him in. But now I feel kind of bad for all the times I cursed him for being the only down-side to a film (WARRIORS TWO for example). Was he hurt bad?

Yeah, it's kinda funny, we wish our "heroes" a long life, but we don't really wanna see them grow old. I have respect for the ones who stay in the game and keeps delivering, but equal respect for the ones who know when to call it quits.

Interesting. I don't mind seeing them grow old, but I do appreciate them playing age-appropriate roles. I was thrilled when I started seeing Yuen Biao turning up in roles as the wise sifu (in the WING CHUN TV series for instance). Same with Sammo, Beardy...

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What I mean by that is like seeing Fat Elvis sweating like a pig, trying to remember the lyrics or Rod Stewart being wheeled out to perform "Do you think im sexy"..... that type of stuff. We wanna remember them at their peak, which is of course unfair to them, but I think that's how most people feel.

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What I mean by that is like seeing Fat Elvis sweating like a pig, trying to remember the lyrics or Rod Stewart being wheeled out to perform "Do you think im sexy"..... that type of stuff. We wanna remember them at their peak, which is of course unfair to them, but I think that's how most people feel.

I hear you. Sometimes a performer ages like fine wine though. Have you seen Yasuaki Kurata in JU-JITU (2010, aka. Ju-jitu vs. Karate) yet? He's absolutely amazing! And my parents just went to see Tony Bennett, and they said he was better than when he was young- put on a jaw-dropping performance. My sister saw him too, and she said it was absolutely the best concert she's ever seen (including the likes of Prince at his best).

Yeah, it's a shame that some people keep going when they should throw in the towel. :squigglemouth: But I'm going to put on my blinders and focus on the positive side of this coin. :nerd: I'm talking to you Kurata! :bigsmile:

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Kurata has looked more or less the same since the 70's, it's amazing. I also say if you still got it, then by all means.... rock on. Im also amazed that Sammo with his ever expanding waist line and past health problems can still move as well as he can. Before Gordon's stroke, he was also quite vivacious, it really killed me to see this icon turned into a frail shadow of his former self. Hope he at least gets to retire and enjoy his golden years with some dignity and his hard earned money out of reach of those money grabbing leeches who seem to circle him like buzzards.

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Kurata has looked more or less the same since the 70's, it's amazing. I also say if you still got it, then by all means.... rock on.

But- curious- have you seen JU-JITU?

Im also amazed that Sammo with his ever expanding waist line and past health problems can still move as well as he can.

That is amazing. Donnie Yen mentioned on the special features for SPL that Sammo's one hip is so bad that he can't even do some of the more simple kicks with that leg. And that was many, many action sequences ago!

Before Gordon's stroke, he was also quite vivacious, it really killed me to see this icon turned into a frail shadow of his former self.

Only physically. His spirit can still soar. And I hope it does.

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what is this i hear? Kurata saan in Jiu Jitsu (aka vs karate)? I can't find a lick of this anywhere. Now THAT I gotta see

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To answer your question, Bob, no I haven't seen Jiu Jitsu, and like JJ77 I can find zero info on this flick.

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what is this i hear? Kurata saan in Jiu Jitsu (aka vs karate)? I can't find a lick of this anywhere. Now THAT I gotta see

To answer your question, Bob, no I haven't seen Jiu Jitsu, and like JJ77 I can find zero info on this flick.

Okay, listen up you old gray-haired noobs... :xd: LOL

Kidding of course... I can't even remember how I heard about it- though I'm fairly certain it was from someone here. Anyway, I love Kurata and of the various martial arts that I've studied, Jujutsu was the one that I really fell in love with and trained in for the longest. So... I had to have this film.

A friend in Japan picked up the official Japanese DVD for me (no English subs or dubbing), and I've watched it a whole bunch of times. The movie hasn't had any other DVD releases that I know of, and I check frequently to see if it's been optioned for an English friendly release. But no such luck yet.

The good news is that a fan-made custom of JU-JITU is in the works and should be available soon. If the guy doing it doesn't announce it here, then I'll be sure to let you guys know when it's available.

And to all the Gordon Liu fans that clicked on this thread to read more about him... sorry to have helped derail this thread! :crossedlips: Also, I really wish I had been able to get that "Get Well Gordon" project off the ground before he disappeared to a new hush hush location. But my past year or so has been... um... filled with... lets call them interesting incidents, and I just wasn't able to get to it sooner. If I get reliable info on where he is, and think I could get it to him, I will revive the project. In the meantime let's all put some good energy and prayers out into the world for him. Buddha bless you Gordon! :bigsmile:

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