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[2012] The Expendables 2


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It's finally here, I'm watching this as soon as I get out the house!!!!! I think I might need a new pair of pants once I see Chuck Norris on screen.. It's been like what??? 20 something yrs ago since I last saw Chuck on screen???

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I thought that the films was coming out the 18th. Then again, it could be the 18th where you're at.

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This is a good film everyone. (maybe spoilers below)

While the first movie didn't do a whole lot for me (it was fun, but empty IMO), this one felt like a complete movie with heart and soul. Simple story, but good characters and good villains too...Van Damme and Adkins are very good baddies.

The R rating: The opening action scene alone is full of heads that pop like balloons. The rest of the movie isn't quite as hardcore, but there's plenty of blood. I don't know how this could have been PG-13...oddly enough, I don't remember any swearing. No F-bombs, which is weird cause I thought that was part of the rating controversy. Whatever, in the end it works fine the way it is.

Action: There are two one-on-ones at the end; Statham vs. Adkins and Stallone vs. Van Damme. Statham/Adkins shows off Adkins signature kicking, but it's short and shot too close. Stallone/Van Damme the camera is pulled back more and you see Van Damme's kicks. But again, it felt short to me. Lots of power punches too. Also Jet gets a brief moment in the opening action scene where he takes down a bunch of baddies with some pans. It is a long one shot, but kinda dark. Not sure if I could clearly see Li's face. Despite some shortcomings with the hand to hand combat, we get to see EVERYONE mow down people with huge weapons. And that is kinda cool.

So yeah, in the end I enjoyed this movie very much. Bloody and violent, which again makes sense...I mean this a movie full of action legends whose best films are R-rated action pics from the 80s. Speaking of which, the film references they throw in (i.e. "I'm back!") is fun, but they take it one too far I thought. Still, the comedy hits the right notes most of the time.

Also: Norris is awesome.

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Sigh. Well, at least they didn't kill Jet like I heard they were going to! Only a small moment, but an impressive one with the pans. I'd SWEAR that's Corey Yuen Kwai's choreography, but he's not listed anywhere in the credits. Thought Stahelski would do the fights again, by maybe with him as the second unit, they needed someone else. The members of the fight teammate apparently Florentine DTV veterans. I was mightly impressed with Don Thai's fight choreography, really interesting stuff. Always wish for something better or different and still don't think it captures the full potential of such a terrifically talented group of martial artists, bu at least West uses a goddamn tripod and shoots things clearly. I'm impressed with his work, apparently he has a few more projects in the pipeline, maybe he'll shape up to be really impressive. The Statham-Adkins battle was cool. Still wish it'd been Yuen or someone, but impressive all the same. They didn't waste Adkins quite as much as Gary Daniels anyway.

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The movie was amazing. I enjoyed every second of it. I was happy to find out Adkins was represented well and Jet went out in style. Stallone was fighting like he was 25 again. Color me impressed.

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Surpassed the original in every way... Wish Jet Li was in it a lot more, Van Damme was oozing screen presence all across the screen...

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This is a good film everyone. (maybe spoilers below)

While the first movie didn't do a whole lot for me (it was fun, but empty IMO), this one felt like a complete movie with heart and soul. Simple story, but good characters and good villains too...Van Damme and Adkins are very good baddies.

The R rating: The opening action scene alone is full of heads that pop like balloons. The rest of the movie isn't quite as hardcore, but there's plenty of blood. I don't know how this could have been PG-13...oddly enough, I don't remember any swearing. No F-bombs, which is weird cause I thought that was part of the rating controversy. Whatever, in the end it works fine the way it is.

Action: There are two one-on-ones at the end; Statham vs. Adkins and Stallone vs. Van Damme. Statham/Adkins shows off Adkins signature kicking, but it's short and shot too close. Stallone/Van Damme the camera is pulled back more and you see Van Damme's kicks. But again, it felt short to me. Lots of power punches too. Also Jet gets a brief moment in the opening action scene where he takes down a bunch of baddies with some pans. It is a long one shot, but kinda dark. Not sure if I could clearly see Li's face.

Weird, when I saw it that scene wasn't that dark, and it was very clearly Jet's face. Loved that his action was shot in one long, uninterrupted take. This bit made me grin like a goon. :nerd:

Despite some shortcomings with the hand to hand combat, we get to see EVERYONE mow down people with huge weapons. And that is kinda cool.

So yeah, in the end I enjoyed this movie very much. Bloody and violent, which again makes sense...I mean this a movie full of action legends whose best films are R-rated action pics from the 80s. Speaking of which, the film references they throw in (i.e. "I'm back!") is fun, but they take it one too far I thought. Still, the comedy hits the right notes most of the time.

Also: Norris is awesome.

Massa_yoda, you nailed it!!! :smile: You really said everything I was going to say and more. Even down to the "one too far" with the jokes. :bigsmile:

My son and I both loved this movie. :bigsmile: He said I was grinning ear to ear the whole time. LOL

I was so relieved that the film wasn't marred by Sly's "Special Sauce" shaky cam. As our buddy Karlos said to me "There's only one bit of shaky cam, and it belongs there". Couldn't agree more.

Though the original was fun, it was missing a lot of things- coherent fights, soul (other than any scenes featuring Mickey Rourke), and reasonable editing. It still packed a wallop though. And if you've only seen the theatrical cut, I definitely recommend seeing the Extended Director's Cut. For me, it added a lot to the film, and my friends all seem to agree.

Strangely, Mickey Rourke does not show up in the new film (I missed his character), but this film isn't so remote. West did a great job directing.

If I were to complain, my quibbles are minor. I would have liked the three main hand-to-hand sequences be just a little bit longer. And I wanted to see these experienced, highly trained experts use a more tactical approach to their combat. Less just "punch and receive" and more blocks, counters, ala the fighting in THE HUNTED (the Tommy Lee Jones/ Benicio Del Torro film). Like professional military combatants and less like really strong, dangerous bar patrons. But the fights were definitely still exciting and drew me to the edge of my seat. Same complaint about tactics with a few other general "plans of attack" that seemed silly. But I was having so much fun I didn't care too much about these little flaws. The soundtrack of older classic rock songs works perfectly, Stallone looked more natural this time- less plastic faced than in the first film (too much Botox, or fresh plastic surgery), More Dolph, Bruce, Arnie, and Hail Ceasar's GUN), Chuck's Norris' presence, mad action (the quantity and quality), simple but decent plot, and Van Damme!!!!!!!!! He nails it here. Great performance. I'm so glad he did this film.

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that first action sequence to me was brilliant.. I love the way the director introduces The Expendables team, and you gotta remember the opening credits didn't come up yet...

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Weird, when I saw it that scene wasn't that dark, and it was very clearly Jet's face. Loved that his action was shot in one long, uninterrupted take. This bit made me grin like a goon. :nerd:

Strangely, Mickey Rourke does not show up in the new film (I missed his character)

You're probably right about the fight scene. In fact, I do think I recall now seeing his face at the end when he pushed that last guy over. :nerd:

And yeah, I missed Rourke as well

On a side note, imdb.com has tennis player Novak Djokovic in this movie, but I didn't see him....where was he?? Was it during/after the end credits or something?

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On a side note, imdb.com has tennis player Novak Djokovic in this movie, but I didn't see him....where was he?? Was it during/after the end credits or something?

I'm not familiar with him/her. No idea.

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Weird, when I saw it that scene wasn't that dark, and it was very clearly Jet's face. Loved that his action was shot in one long, uninterrupted take. This bit made me grin like a goon. :nerd:

Did that look like Corey Yuen Kwai's work, or was it me? I'd swear it was totally different from the rest of the fights, plus they filmed that scene in China. Could just be because Li has a different martial arts skill set than the other actors, but I'd have SWORN that was him, and unless I missed him, he wasn't in the credits or on IMDb.

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Did that look like Corey Yuen Kwai's work, or was it me? I'd swear it was totally different from the rest of the fights, plus they filmed that scene in China. Could just be because Li has a different martial arts skill set than the other actors, but I'd have SWORN that was him, and unless I missed him, he wasn't in the credits or on IMDb.

It did look like his work. Doesn't Jet work exclusively with Yuen Kwai on all US films? It wouldn't surprise me if:

A) Yuen Kwai did that one bit with Jet uncredited. Or...

B) The EXP2 action choreographer deferred to Jet for this bit of action, and his AC just now looks very similar to Yuen's after all of these years of them working together. Maybe when the BD comes out we'll spot him in the "making of" footage.

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OK I just go back from seeing this movie,and I kinda of have mixed feelings about it.

1st. off I cannot understand how Jet Li is in the movie for only the 1st. 10min. and then you replace him with a Female lead! That to me was strike #1! And did anyone notice she looked like Jet Li also, lol.

2nd. The fight scenes between Statham vs. Adkins & Stallone vs. Van Damme were too quick I mean I wanted them to be longer but they weren't, they could have been so much better. Now I agree with everyone Chuck Norris Kicked Ass! But I think the 1st. movie IMO was better in fight scenes and at least a little more believable. I did like that Sly brought back Arnie and everyone but I think this movie was missing Mickey Rouke. I honestly cannot say if I thought this movie was better than the 1st. one, in some aspects yes in others no. I also thought JCVD was a total bad-ass and he fit right in the movie.

One thing I will say I did enjoy this movie and the brutal action scenes. But The Raid is still the best action movie of 2012'

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But The Raid is still the best action movie of 2012'

Amen to that brother!!!!:bigsmile: Also, we still got Dredd 3D coming in Sept, we will see if The Raid still stands on the 30th floor by then!!!

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@OKFC: I have no desire to see Dredd in the movies! I'll wait for it on Cable! And It looks like a total rip off of The Raid!

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I saw Expendables 2 last night and I loved every freaking minute of it. Of course there are questions and complaints. Why replace Jet Li after 10 minutes of some of the best Jet Li action a US movie has ever seen???? Oh well the change made for some good Dolph humor!!

The action was fantastic.....of course I agree that i wanted Adkins/Staham and Stallone/Van Damme to be longer but I enjoyed the hell out of it and it was great to see what we already knew that Scott Adkins can hold his own with the heavyweights of action cinema and steal the show!!

The humor......it was filled with inside jokes, and great guy humor. Making fun of each other and just being guys but then when it came down to it they had each other's back.

Van Damme was a great villian......he was fantastic. Really played his part well and made you want him dead after his first 5 minutes on screen.

Lastly CHUCK F'N NORRIS was awesome. I'm so tempted to write down all his lines and stuff but that would spoil it for others.

All in all I have a great time which is what I wanted out of the movie. The Raid this is not...but it's nice to have a macho action movie that doesn't try to be anything else but.

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Jet Li and Dolph should star in their own vehicle, The Odd couple Action movie... They play a couple of misfit detectives who bitch and moan at one another all while chasing after a serial killer who likes to murder people in the nude....

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Jet Li and Dolph should star in their own vehicle, The Odd couple Action movie...

@OKFC: I paid to see that! :tongue:

As far as humor goes yes the movie did have a lot of one liners and it was great to see Action Heroes for the 80's/90's make a great comeback. I know its not fair to compare this movie to The Raid, its a totally different movie. I don't want anyone to think I didn't like this movie I was just disappointed with certain elements about it.

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Guest Markgway

Cartoonish blockbuster sequel improves on the original and is hardcore action fun that invites you to ignore the plot and concentrate on all manner of explosions, stabbings, shootings and fist fights. A great film? Nah. But a must for fans of 80s muscle-bound heroics. Van Damme, Norris, and Schwarzenegger are standouts.

Additional points:

1. I have a feeling that this will be Norris' swansong. He was already retired and I view this as his 'thanks to the fans' which made the experience bittersweet.

2. My guess is that Jet would only commit to a cameo appearence. It's unlikely Stallone would have written him out otherwise. My opinion.

3. I enjoyed this more than the Raid. It had personality.

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It did look like his work. Doesn't Jet work exclusively with Yuen Kwai on all US films? It wouldn't surprise me if:

A) Yuen Kwai did that one bit with Jet uncredited. Or...

B) The EXP2 action choreographer deferred to Jet for this bit of action, and his AC just now looks very similar to Yuen's after all of these years of them working together. Maybe when the BD comes out we'll spot him in the "making of" footage.

I guess we'll see. As far as I know, he worked with him on all of English language films ("Jet Li's fight team") except for the film he did with Jackie Chan The Forbidden Kingdom and that Luc Besson picture Danny the Dog, or Unleashed, as it's known here.. Apparently they shot that scene in HK too, so it wouldn't surprise me. I've never heard of Jet contributing to his choreography, but of course he'd presumably have some input.

Really? Yuen Wo-Ping's former cohort? That'd make sense, I just knew It looked very Hong Kong flavored. With all of these talented martial artists, it is a shame they don't get to show off more. I didn't see him in the credits.

Yeah, I think West is the first American director I've seen who's actually shot one of his scenes properly.

It's like an action movie version of Freddy vs. Jason, just pure fan service.

I had that his wife has just had a baby and he didn't want to leave China, and since they filmed the rest of the movie in Bulgaria like the rest of the Nu Image productions, so Jet elected to film a cameo.

I've come around to The Raid on second viewing. This had personality, however stupid though, you're right.

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Just saw it tonight with a friend. I grew up watching all of action films with these action stars and I really geeked out with my friend watching them. We went back to his house and started reading up on EXP 3!

That being said, did anyone else notice how TERRIBLE the picture quality looked? We saw it at a Cinemark XD theatre and the image was blurry and terrible looking. I don't remember the first film looking like that.

Did anyone else have that issue?

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Just saw it tonight with a friend. I grew up watching all of action films with these action stars and I really geeked out with my friend watching them. We went back to his house and started reading up on EXP 3!

That being said, did anyone else notice how TERRIBLE the picture quality looked? We saw it at a Cinemark XD theatre and the image was blurry and terrible looking. I don't remember the first film looking like that.

Did anyone else have that issue?

picture was shite blur fuzzy maybe it was intentional to make it look like a copied VHS or something (Showcase Cinema,Walsall) and stank of Urine.

the sound was tinny in places (in the aircraft) too very poor..

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Just saw it tonight with a friend. I grew up watching all of action films with these action stars and I really geeked out with my friend watching them. We went back to his house and started reading up on EXP 3!

That being said, did anyone else notice how TERRIBLE the picture quality looked? We saw it at a Cinemark XD theatre and the image was blurry and terrible looking. I don't remember the first film looking like that.

Did anyone else have that issue?

That's odd... while I didn't see in on an XD screen (ALMOST did), I did see it at a Cinemark on Friday and it was fine. The only "soft" looking scene was when Barney and Billy were talking outside the bar, which I noticed on the second viewing as well. Otherwise, it looked good to me.

Plus, overall, this was indeed better than the first! I enjoyed the first, but it didn't meet my expectations. This one did :wink: Also, the big difference was that they had a head villain who did his own fighting and didn't just rely on henchmen like Monroe and Garza did in the first one.

I'm sad that it didn't have a bigger weekend though, but some people still blame that nut from Colorado from scaring people away from theaters. I just hope we get at least one more Expendables to round out a trilogy.

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