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Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)


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There's nothing to worry about...according to the script, Von Strucker will be the one to introduce the brother-sister team of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, but it will be Ultron who will be the major villain...I'm guessing they plan to somehow make the Baron disappear somewhere and make him a more minor character for now...because he could be in another Marvel movie..or two...

I just saw Captain America 2 and the two are introduced in the post credit scene. I hear that the Vision is supposed to have an appearance in Avengers 2 as well.


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Secret Executioner
Well, here it is...


Until 1:50, I figured it would be a VERY STANDARD blockbuster. Hell, the lack of differences between Ultron and the Iron Man armors (or IS Ultron a messed up artificial intelligence created by Stark here ?) make it seem as though Iron Man is the bad guy here. And Hulk vs Hulkbuster - feels like deja vu (Transformers movies).

However, the little glimpse 1:50-1:57 makes the movie interesting to me (though I'd have something to say here concerning one detail).

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I think Ultron is definitely developed by Stark.

I like that this film looks somewhat darker, but I don't like that they're relying heavily on the Hulk vs Hulkbuster Iron Man to give it a wow factor. I'd much prefer that they flesh The Hulk out. Although, it seems the whole "touching hands" scene with Black Widow might be something along those lines.

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Secret Executioner
I think Ultron is definitely developed by Stark.

Considering IM3 had a heavy focus on Stark's armors having a "life" on their own without the guy being inside, I guess it sounds highly possible. Maybe Ultron is a prototype gone rogue ?(now, it definitely IS - the old clichee of the super-powered being that decides that rather than protecting the world and leaving it as is, it should take over and enslave mankind...)

I like that this film looks somewhat darker, but I don't like that they're relying heavily on the Hulk vs Hulkbuster Iron Man to give it a wow factor. I'd much prefer that they flesh The Hulk out. Although, it seems the whole "touching hands" scene with Black Widow might be something along those lines.

The film does indeed seem darker, though I hope it won't have the schizophrenic changes in tone IM3 had (swinging from dark, brooding stuff to stupid joke for instance).

Concerning Hulk, all I saw was him fighting the Hulkbuster armor - blinking makes you miss the scene with Black Widow

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I'd have preferred Hank Pym to have been introduced in this one but since they're not opting for HIS Ant Man, it's understandable.

Rumours are that Andy Serkis' character in the trailer looks very similar to a certain Black Panther villain (Claw?) so we'll have to see if that's true.

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Secret Executioner
I'd have preferred Hank Pym to have been introduced in this one but since they're not opting for HIS Ant Man, it's understandable.

Too bad they don't go with the classic Ant Man first. Would have been nice to have him in this - or even having him introduced in the first Avengers instead of the pretty useless, cheap Green Arrow rip-off they call Hawkeye.

Rumours are that Andy Serkis' character in the trailer looks very similar to a certain Black Panther villain (Claw?) so we'll have to see if that's true.

Isn't Claw a good guy in the Marvel universe ? From what I know, he was trained by Stick and fights The Hand (much like Daredevil does). Haven't spotted anything looking like a Ninja in the trailer though.

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Noelle Shadow Kick

Woo! Loving the strong Cap game on this poster! It just goes to show how popular Winter Soldier was that he's as prominent as Iron Man on the poster. If you look at the poster for the first Avengers movie, he's even smaller than Hawkeye on it. Movin' on up!

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Noelle Shadow Kick

The new trailer looks great! I need the movie nowwwww. Tickets went on sale today as well, but I'm not totally sure how I want to get tickets for it.

I don't love going at midnight, but the screenings that are at 8 or 9 pm the night before are ones that I really like. Normally I don't feel the need to see movies ASAP and deal with all the craziness, but for the Marvel movies there are just so many spoilers that really take away from the experience that I find I like to see them immediately.

This time around, they're doing a double feature during which they're playing Avengers and then Avengers 2 back to back, which seems pretty fun.

They're also doing a MASSIVE marathon of all 10 MCU movies, starting April 29th with the following schedule:

6:00pm IRON MAN


10:35pm IRON MAN 2

1:00am THOR



8:48am IRON MAN 3





So basically, it's impossible to watch every movie. I did the Marvel Movie Marathon leading into the first Avengers, and I had a blast. I got a bunch of fun exclusives (character themed 3D glasses, posters, etc) and the crowd was really fun. BUT, that one started at 11:30 am and then premiered Avengers at midnight. So, yes, it's a lot of sitting in a movie theater but I still got to go home and sleep haha.

For the marathon leading into Avengers 2, I'd think the way to do it is to go in for the Phase 2 films, but I'd probably show up at Thor 2 and go from there. Also, I'd probably show up to see the first Iron Man the night before. I love that movie, and that way you could get all the freebies and bring them home before showing up whenever you wanted the next day.

Oh dear, I see I've ranted.

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Final extended TV spot....love the 360-degree kick Cap does on top of the truck to deflect the shield on Ultron at 1:05!!!


I need to see this....right NOW!

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Noelle Shadow Kick
Final extended TV spot....love the 360-degree kick Cap does on top of the truck to deflect the shield on Ultron at 1:05!!!


I need to see this....right NOW!

Thor using his hammer to bat Cap's shield is my personal fav.:nerd:

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Too bad they don't go with the classic Ant Man first. Would have been nice to have him in this - or even having him introduced in the first Avengers instead of the pretty useless, cheap Green Arrow rip-off they call Hawkeye.

Hawkeye could be a better character if there was more character development. However, he was never a major character that could carry his own series for more than a few issues so he will continue to used as a background character or plot device for the movies.

Some would claim Green Arrow is quasi Robinson Crusoe rip off.

Isn't Claw a good guy in the Marvel universe ? From what I know, he was trained by Stick and fights The Hand (much like Daredevil does). Haven't spotted anything looking like a Ninja in the trailer though.

Hawkeye could be a better character if there was more character development. However, he was never a major character that could carry his own series for more than a few issues so he will continue to used as a background character or plot device for the movies.

Some would claim Green Arrow is quasi Robinson Crusoe rip off.

The Claw as pointed out is more of a Fantastic Four villain. He always stuck out in mind as a kid since he had such a bad costume and a radar dish for a hand.

The only claw that comes to mind with Daredevil was the villain called The Claw from when Daredevil was a non-marvel character. The original Daredevil was an acrobat in a blue and read costume. This version was recently brought back to the comics world by Erik Larsen and Alex Ross. The Marvel Daredevil took the name after the rights expired. Much like the Captain Marvel name.

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Went to the midnight screening last night. I won't spoil anything, but it is awesome. Really good. Joss Whedon proves why he's one of the best writers working today, there are so many scenes that made me laugh out loud, not to mention the action is great. If I had one criticism, it's the with such a huge ensemble, certain characters don't get as much screentime as others.

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Secret Executioner

Saw this one tonight. Really good stuff, probably and by far the best Marvel film - I went "Huh, typical" when there was the "divided team" subplot, but it quickly draws from there and heads towards a new and better plotline. Great action, some nice comedy and the interaction between the heroes is really nice. Ultron is a very solid villain and I liked the new characters showcased here (a speedster, his sister and a really cool cyborg - guess who they are).

I also really liked that final shot with Cap' assembling a new rooster of Avengers - make a movie with those and take my money (or something like that). :xd:

If I had one criticism, it's the with such a huge ensemble, certain characters don't get as much screentime as others.

Yeah, I had a feeling Iron Man had way more screentime than the rest. But I won't complain, I dig Shellhead. :tongue:

Since we're on characters, I have a feeling an evolution of The Hulk was hinted at too, especially in his final moments. I have a feeling a spin-off film showcasing a change in his character could be in the work (which would be nice, cause there's more to Hulk than just a powerhouse).

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I saw it a while back - at a private screening.

.............I also really liked that final shot with Cap' assembling a new rooster of Avengers - make a movie with those and take my money (or something like that). :xd:
Captain America: Civil War


Since we're on characters, I have a feeling an evolution of The Hulk was hinted at too, especially in his final moments. I have a feeling a spin-off film showcasing a change in his character could be in the work (which would be nice, cause there's more to Hulk than just a powerhouse).
I also like the hulk final moment - it reminds me of the end of the old Hulk TV series.
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My mini-est review ever: VISUAL ORGASM!!!!

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Secret Executioner
Did you see Tony Stark's shirt?

Can't remember which scene it was, but I sure noticed. :tongue:

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There are good arguments to be made against superhero films (and any film in general.) This article is not one of them and it annoyed me. This attacks many of the films and was written recently because of this film's thread. I bloviate below as well.

It is bad enough to create your own straw man (a sham argument set up to be defeated) but to quote someone else's is pretty lame.

The Marvel-Industrial Complex

While many people would demur by arguing that Captain America 2 possesses what passes for deeper political meaning in the Marvel movies, allow Grantland‘s Alex Pappademas to puncture that puffery with a slim needle of fact: “Captain America: The Winter Soldier books Robert Redford as the heavy and makes a few halfhearted allusions to our own imperiled civil liberties, and everyone calls it a ‘’70s political thriller’ with a straight face, forgetting that actual ’70s political thrillers seldom excused government malfeasance by blaming it on defrosted Nazi agents.”

That quote is such as straw man because it is so specific (also technically not nazi's but hydra :D too.) If he just stated one of the other he would have been wrong: The Parallax View for government malfeasance or The Marathon Man for defrosted Nazi agent. I also think he does not know the meaning of allusion. A movie that is heavy-handed and obvious with its messages is not dealing with allusion (an allusion is a casual or indirect mention, kind of interesting that he quotes Bertolt Brecht who was heavy handed in some of his works.)

I also wonder when he mentions China it appears ignorant at best (does he want to China to not manufacture things?) and xenophobic at worst (only deal with countries with labor unions?). Or maybe he just thinks he is writing is sagacious.

It is, at the same time, incredibly depressing to contemplate how toys celebrating Captain America—the defender of liberty, Jimmy Stewart with a shield—aren’t being made in a democracy, never mind actually in America. Instead, foreign labor without freedom works to build the bricks of our self-image as freedom’s protector. Imagine someone who worked in that Chinese toy factory—not able to vote, without environmental protections, without the ability to collectively organize—snapping Captain America together so he could be put on a container ship and sold off the racks at Target, and you begin to wonder what kind of political and pop-cultural land mines we’re burying for ourselves with the contradictions between fictional American heroics and real international capitalism.

One of the most interesting things about the Marvel movies is how avidly loved they are—to the degree where disliking one of them is made to feel less like dissent and more like treason.

Nowhere near as bad or as lonely as disliking Boyhood or say you might like Rand Paul among film critics. In fact disliking Marvel (or any comic book) movies might get you brownie points among certain critical illuminati.

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Secret Executioner

That guy you're bringing up is worthy of a special award for moron of the year.

There could be arguments against the Marvel movies (the fact seeing one forces you to see the previous ones to keep track of the events, the heavy distribution - a couple of those come out each year, more if we count comic books in general -, the over-publicity ...).

On the toys being made in China - is he as careful and ethical with everything he owns ? Like his clothes, his furniture, the food he eats (fair trade) ? Or is he simply being an asshat ?

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