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The Walking Dead Season #3


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Alright, I'm weighing in, dadgummit!:tongue:


4 eps into the season and 2 group members down in 1 ep! Geez, Louise!

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. That's part of what made the ep so good.

T-Dog.....seems like he didn't even appear in half the eps during the 2nd season, you know? I liked his character and he wasn't afraid to put in some work. I don't know that I agree it was poorly written but I do agree that it seemed he was finally being fleshed out (pun) as a character and now.....oh, well. I think it's cool he went out like a hero bum-rushing 2 walkers like that.

Lori....gotta say I'm glad she's gone. Just never did like her, not 'cause she seemed to play headgames at times with Shane, but she just acted stupid sometimes. I thought her death in labor was poignant but not heart-wrenching. Initially I thought the baby was stillborn, actually hoped that it was. I am not going to like them having to schelp around a newborn. In all honesty, I sort of knew she was going to die this season, but I thought that event would be held off for a mid-season cliffhanger. Boy, was I wrong.

Carl....wow! That was harsh, having to man up and put his mom down to ensure she didn't come back all zombified. That kid is going to have some serious mental scar tissue.

Michonne....she needs to go all 3 Stooges and smack some sense into Andrea's head. I'm not all that impressed with her at the moment either. If Andrea wants to stay, she should take her sword and go.

Andrea....who will she not flirt with? Merle? Seriously?

Rick....this was who brought tears to my eyes. He's lost the woman he's done everything for even though, at the moment, he's lost as to just how he feels about her. Still, he needed her to help raise Carl and the baby. Now....a major thread in his psyche is beginning to unravel. When he collapsed to the ground wailing and started going into the fetal position...wow, talk about irony!

I'll definitely be rewatching this ep before next Sunday's airs.

My wife and I couldn't even talk about the ep when it was over. We started watching The Talking Dead and the mood of host Chris Hardwicke....needless to say he wasn't his usual funny, snarky self. And having IronE Singleton (T-Dog) as a guest was supercool. It was great to get his insight into the ep and he had moments where even he was tearing up.

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Yeah, that was very gut-wrenching. You could really feel his pain.

Rick....this was who brought tears to my eyes. When he collapsed to the ground wailing and started going into the fetal position...wow, talk about irony!
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@ShaOW!linDude: I think you said it all right there! But from what I read online from the books Lori & The Baby died when the Governor tried to take the Jail, I think they throw a grenade and Lori fell onto of the baby and that's how they died.I'm almost positive that's what happened and I know they said Rick starts to lose it. But agreed Lori how to go. But the fact that Inmate survived was freaking wild! And Andrea is just a total Dumb-ass she needs to go! But Michonne is too smart for her own good, she's not stupid and the Governor knows it she's her own worst enemy right now she needs to Shut the Fuck Up!

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Great mid-season finale!

Don't want to much other than that for fear I ruin the ep before others have seen it.

More good news: The Talking Dead will be extended to run an hour now and directly follow the ep when it picks back up on Feb.10th.:nerd::bigsmile::tongue:

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Great mid-season finale!

Yes, quite good. As a parent, the gov daughter scene was a bit unsettling. Still don't get Michonne. Wish they would show some brief flashback scenes for the various characters before society fell apart or, even better, right as the sh*t hit the fan. They have for Rick, Lori, Shane and it would help give us unique insights into the other characters. For example -- instead of Glenn "telling" us about how T-Dog drove to people's homes to save them why not do a lil f/b scene?

On another note.... shame Comic Book Men is on so late.

The show is rather a bore but Stan Lee was on last night.

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As a parent, the gov daughter scene was a bit unsettling.


I probably found that unsettling not because Michonne killed his daughter in front of him, but because he kept his little girl around after she'd turned. Though he tries to interact with her, she only wants to eat him. I think the merciful thing to do was put the child out of her misery. Michonne did that after glaring at him with both disbelief and revulsion. What I don't get is why she tried to choke the Guv out with her scabbard instead of putting him down the same way.

Love the tweet Chris Hardwicke read on the Talking Dead: combine Hershel (missing leg), Merle (missing hand), and the Governor (missing eye), and you've got a pirate. That owned me.:tongue:

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Noelle Shadow Kick

Good stuff last night. Though they probably SPOILERS killed Merle just to get Michael Rooker off the set /SPOILERS. He cracks me up but god what a psycho.

Rooker on Talking Dead last night was pretty much the highlight of the entire season lol

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Good stuff last night. Though they probably SPOILERS killed Merle just to get Michael Rooker off the set /SPOILERS. He cracks me up but god what a psycho.

Rooker on Talking Dead last night was pretty much the highlight of the entire season lol

Hah! Yeah, he seems to be digging himself. He's a good actor though. Can't deny that.

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Wtf was that? Half the season finale was laden with commercials for video games and AMC previews?

Have to give a thumbs down for the finale. Last week's episode was great but the season finale was not. Gov dusts off all those folks without anyone firing back? Andrea rather chat with a soon-to-be zombie instead of getting herself free? And finally, let's all move into a prison (that has just been shot to hell which means even more walkers will be stopping by) while a perfectly good fortified town nearby sits now deserted.

I thought Merle's death was done beautifully. But Andrea...? Didn't really care.

Oh, and lets get us a bus but leave the heavily armored military vehicles behind?? :ooh:

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I couldn't stand Andrea! And yeah I wish she would have gotten a better death sentence! I don't understand a lot of the decisions that were made, I would've taken over Woodbury and also maintained the prison!

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Wtf was that? Half the season finale was laden with commercials for video games and AMC previews?

Have to give a thumbs down for the finale. Last week's episode was great but the season finale was not. Gov dusts off all those folks without anyone firing back? Andrea rather chat with a soon-to-be zombie instead of getting herself free? And finally, let's all move into a prison (that has just been shot to hell which means even more walkers will be stopping by) while a perfectly good fortified town nearby sits now deserted.

I thought Merle's death was done beautifully. But Andrea...? Didn't really care.

Oh, and lets get us a bus but leave the heavily armored military vehicles behind?? :ooh:

Dude, you are so spot on with everything you posted. Can't really add to anything you've stated.

Now, I've not read the graphics but I Wiki'ed the stories a yr or so ago and I thought Andrea was one of the characters that was around for a while.

I agree that the finale was a bit anti-climatic. I was expecting a major skirmish with the added threat of zombies being drawn to the noise of the fray. (The use of the 50 Cal. was awesome!!!!)

My wife has complained all season about the overabundant advertisements that have cropped up. I guess that's why this ep was 5 mins. longer than usually, so all those could be fitted in rather than have more zombie killing.:tinysmile_angry2_t:

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I'm reading the comics now. So very different its unreal. I'm at the part what Michonne did to the Governor.

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Noelle Shadow Kick

The finale was just so boring. Unless I hear it gets significantly better (read: Tyreese gets a hammer) then I think I'm done with the show. SPOILERS At least I got to see stupid fucking Andrea die. /END SPOILERS

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Yeah I think I'm done too.. The 1st half of season 3 was nice after the break WTF happen? It's like all the episodes are the same, none of the characters outside of Rick's group I have no interest at all, none!!! Every freaking time they switch to the woodbury scene with the Governor, I was bored...

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The ending would have been better if they all moved into Woodbury (I feel) as the town is much harder to defend with minimal people. They need to get out of the prison. Its starting to drag like the farm did. And you know that busload of older folks and children are going to be fodder for the Z-boys. Only a few will survive and become regulars.

The only interesting subplot of last night was Carl's slow turn to the "dark side." Governor Jr. in the works?

And hey Rick - go get them damn army vehicles and aurtomatic weapons just lying around. And why didn't the Gov take any of that? Hmmmmm... just a pickup and the two dummies (though I think Martinez might turn on him eventually).

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Well, while I wasn't real keen on the finale, I'm certainly not writing the show off completely. It's better than just about anything else that's on and all the great moments so far only bolster my belief that more of such is store. While the 2nd half of the season did drag more that the 1st half, it still had some good moments. Just got to wait until October to see what's going to happen next. In the mean time, I may start rounding up the graphics to tie me over until then.

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