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The Walking Dead Season #3


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Yeah, baby!!! Man, I love this show! What better place to encounter a zombie horde than a prison, a facility full of narrow and enclosed spaces. That's just freaky footage of them being chased with the flashlights sweeping over the zombies coming after them. Tripping me out already!

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I hope this is the season they kill off Lori; she's just not adding anything to show. I like the new girl with the sword too - this next season should be fun.....


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OK I need a spoiler here does Lori die in the comics? Because what she did to Rick at the end of last season pissed me & everybody off!

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Wikipedia gives a breakdown of the plot lines for each volume of the series....along with a death count of who dies when and where. Read at your own risk. (Can we keep this spoiler free, please?)

The series isn't strictly adhering to the graphics though. My understanding is that Shane was supposed to have died a lot sooner in the comics than he did on the show.

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Okay, I definitely watched the premiere Sunday night and it was freakin' killer!!! I was sitting on the couch in a crouch and my wife had her comforter pulled up over the lower half of her face. Can't wait for next Sunday!

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It was certainly a good one. The whole body armor thing was pretty funny.

Not sure though (spoilers) -- why they aren't more careful walking by these damn things!

Ya think they'd know better by now :tongue::crossedlips:

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why they aren't more careful walking by these damn things!

Ya think they'd know better by now

@teako170: I was saying the same thing to my 10yr old Son just because they look Dead don't mean there are Dead! But I knew he was going to get bitten! But it was still an awesome episode! My only problem is why not get as many close to the opposite side of the fence and just head whack-em it worked pretty good?! Then go inside and get the rest...

Rules of Zombie-land: Double Check to make sure there not Walkers no more!

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Agreed. I told the wife after they cleared the yard, they should've gone through there and spiked every zombie head with a pickaxe to be sure before heading into the prison itself. Once inside, same thing. Every corpse, spike the head. And never ever step over one of them things!!!!

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Damn, that episode was action packed... I wish it had a little more interaction in character dialogue but that was one of the complaints of last season...

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I just hope they stay true to the comic books, I have read a few spoilers in the comics, yes this series is graphic and its not suppose to have a happy ending.

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I just hope they stay true to the comic books, I have read a few spoilers in the comics, yes this series is graphic and its not suppose to have a happy ending.

Bummer! I was hoping they'd find a cure for this and move forward to resume normal lives.


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Bummer! I was hoping they'd find a cure for this and move forward to resume normal lives.

@CatNap: I was just speaking in general, I have no idea how this series ends. That wasn't what I meant when I said it doesn't have a happy ending sorry about that! I just figured after seeing so many Zombie movies that there is never a cure.

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Tonight's episode is going to be "Walk with Me." Andrea and the swordgirl....it reminds me of the title to Twin Peaks.


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Sunday night's ep was pretty good. Not a whole lot of zombie killing but an introduction to Woodbury and the Governor ('ello, guv'nah!). That man has an odd sense of interior decor, as we see at the end.:tongue: Looking forward to next week and life in the prison with Rick and the group.

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Guessing episodes will now alternate between prison and town? And what is with the gov? No point in doing what he did. You know that will come back to haunt him and his town. Bring on the herds. See how them "big tire walls" will save ya....

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Yeah, I think the eps will alternate for a while. But you just know the guv will eventually make a run at the prison. Can't wait for that.:nerd:

Andrea appears to be taken with the place and I do believe she was starting to get a little flirty with the guv. Michonne may need to backhand some reality across her face.:tongue:

I can't imagine being locked in prison full of zombies. I don't care if it was in a secure cell block. Freaks me out, man.

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I can't imagine being locked in prison full of zombies. I don't care if it was in a secure cell block. Freaks me out, man.

I'm betting that after a year(?) dealing with this, the prison seems like the safest place they've been. At this point they're probably desensitized like a soldier in battle, even going on the offensive, so having the Z's around isn't as much a worry as it might have been at the onset of this event. Granted, I wouldn't be going into those darkened corridors flushing them out. Open the doors and let them come to you.

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Now everyone is on the bandwagon now, lol.. Before Season 3 started most of the general public was talking so much shit about how the show sucks and now after 4 or 5 episodes, people are saying it's the greatest thing ever... I hate that, if you're going to be on the bandwagon hop on it from the very beginning like everyone else...

Season 3 is on fire right now and Merle is so awesome!!!!!

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Season 3 is on fire! I'm afraid to say anything about last night's ep for fear some haven't seen it yet. I don't want to ruin anything. All I'll say for now is that it was literally the proverbial one-two punch. Holy cow!!!!! I was bummed and buzzing at the same time. Loved it!!!!!

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Major Spoiler so don't read unless you have seen last episode.

I knew T was done for when they let him talk as much as he did. But, they still meeting there one brother quota, lol. There is more i'd like to say, but i dont want to post too much, particularly about Lori.

But, this has been a great season, so far. They keep on this path and it might replace Justified as the best show on TV, in my opinion.

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Major spoilers below (plz don't read if you haven't seen the last episode yet)
































T-Dog: Felt this was poorly written. Granted his actions saved Carol but he was already screwed so he did an honorable thing. He has been mainly filler for the last season but finally started to get some more airtime. He showed sympathy for the two prisoners and I thought his character was going to get some more depth. RIP Dog...

Lori: Holy smokes! What an intense scene!! But what in the world are they going to do with a newborn? Its hard enough as it is to raise a baby but... in the middle of Z-apocalypse? I hope the writers don't take the easy path and the baby just happens to die in a later episode. That would totally destroy Lori's sacifice. And wow, what Carl had to do? Crazy.

Michonne: Sorry, I know she had a big impact in the comic book (which I haven't read) but so far, she is rather boring. Very shallow character. If she got bite tomorrow, I wouldn't miss her at all.

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