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Angels (2012) / Zero Tolerance (2014)


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One Armed Boxer

That was a ridiculously over-long trailer, and did nothing to sell the movie whatsoever....bland setting (a strip club in Bangkok, never seen that before), bland acting, and what appears to be a bland plot. It would take a lot to convince me to check this out, and the martial arts action seems minimal at best.

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I get your beefs. Myself, I'll be willing to check it out at some point. It can't possibly be worse than White Elephant. The novelty of a fight scene between DN and GD is enough to secure my interest.

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I've got to agree with the majority that this movie doesn't look like it's going to be much good, particularly if you're looking for an action film. I would probably watch it if it appears on TV but other than that I think I'll pass. I do however look forward to reading SD's future review...

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I'll be checking this out because 1) Dustin Nguyen and Gary Daniels don't get enough work.. 2) Would you rather have to sit through another bullshit Kristen Stewart Snow White up the asshole movie again??? There needs to be more action flix coming to mainstream, haven't been to a theater since The Raid????

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I'll be checking this out because 1) Dustin Nguyen and Gary Daniels don't get enough work.. 2) Would you rather have to sit through another bullshit Kristen Stewart Snow White up the asshole movie again??? There needs to be more action flix coming to mainstream, haven't been to a theater since The Raid????

Okay I lied, haven't been to a theater since Avengers but that doesn't count because everyone seen that movie...

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I'll be checking this out because 1) Dustin Nguyen and Gary Daniels don't get enough work.. ?

My sentiments exactly. Daniels is one of my favorite B-action star screen fighters and I'm glad to see Dustin finally getting some starring roles. I thought he should've been doing these films in the 90's actually and he proved he's got both the acting and the MA chops in his turn as the villain in The Rebel. I'm not thinking this movie will necessarily be a gem, but compared to some of the stuff that's turned out the last couple of years or so, I'm willing to chance it. Of course, it's not like I've never been burned before.:crossedlips:

I do however look forward to reading SD's future review...

You are too kind, sir.

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Okay I lied, haven't been to a theater since Avengers but that doesn't count because everyone seen that movie...

well I haven't been to the cinema since "Star Wars attack of the clones":tongue:

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The trailer that started this thread was an early assembly intended for sales purposes, hence the overlong running time. Below are two official trailers. First the Vietnamese theatrical trailer, the second the official international trailer.

So far the film has only been released in Vietnamese cinemas (due in part to Dustin's superstar status there), but a Thai release is on the cards and hopefully wider international distribution not long after that.



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New Bangkok set thriller starring Dustin Nguyen, Scott Adkins, Gary Daniels and Kane Kosugi. Directed by Thai director Wych Kaosayananda (Fah, Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever). It will be released sometime later this year.

The film is a re-working of an earlier movie called Angels starring Dustin Nguyen and Gary Daniels (2012). http://www.kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18094

Angels was only released in Vietnam (due to Dustin's superstar status there) in November 2012. Re-shoots (adding Scott and Kane) and a re-edit have created Zero Tolerance for the world wide market.

From Wych himself on the Angels facebook page. ttps://www.facebook.com/angelsmovie?fref=nf

"So after a long and at times, difficult journey, some news to announce. Angels has undergone some pretty radical changes since the start of 2014, we've done some additional shooting and added Scott Adkins to the cast and it should be released sometime this year under the new name, Zero Tolerance. Will keep you posted as things move forward. Thank you for your continued support."


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<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/96531418" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="

">Zero Tolerance Trailer</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user11779027">Contraption-Media.com</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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The movie is now called ZERO TOLERANCE and has a couple of added cast members... (and also gets the Jackie Chan Protector treatment) ;)

Angels filmmaker Wych Kaosayananda (Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever) had this to say about the Angels/Zero Tolerance makeover: “Angels has undergone some pretty radical changes since the start of 2014, we’ve done some additional shooting and added Scott Adkins to the cast and it should be released sometime this year under the new name, Zero Tolerance."

In addition to Scott Adkins being added to the cast, Kane Kosugi (Choy Lee Fut, Ninja 2: Shadow of a Tear) will also be appearing in Zero Tolerance. We haven’t seen a splice job like this since Jackie Chan’s The Protector. Regardless, having Nguyen, Adkins, Daniels and Kosugi in one movie makes up for any questionable production tactics.

More details and trailer.

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New Bangkok set thriller starring Dustin Nguyen, Scott Adkins, Gary Daniels and Kane Kosugi. Directed by Thai director Wych Kaosayananda (Fah, Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever). It will be released sometime later this year.

The film is a re-working of an earlier movie called Angels starring Dustin Nguyen and Gary Daniels (2012). http://www.kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18094

Angels was only released in Vietnam (due to Dustin's superstar status there) in November 2012. Re-shoots (adding Scott and Kane) and a re-edit have created Zero Tolerance for the world wide market.

Oof! Almost all interest went away when I read that name. I hate Ballistic with a passion.

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Oof! Almost all interest went away when I read that name. I hate Ballistic with a passion.

I hate Ballistic too. But you know what? Wych agrees with both of us! He was happy with the film he shot, but it was completely taken away from him in editing. To this day he hasn't seen the finished film all the way through. At the premiere he had to leave because what he was seeing on screen gave him a minor panic attack.

The whole experience and him solely being blamed for the film resulted in him quitting Hollywood. Shame because his debut Thai action film 'Fah' showed a lot of promise (which brought him to the attention of Hollywood initially). Unfortunately 'Fah' is almost impossible to track down these days. After it's theatrical release it was only released on Thai VHS and VCD. Never released on DVD and no sign of it at all online. Not even a trailer on youtube :(

I've yet to see Zero Tolerance. Fingers crossed. It's had a troubled production too, although nowhere near as bad as Ballistic.

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One Armed Boxer
I've yet to see Zero Tolerance. Fingers crossed. It's had a troubled production too, although nowhere near as bad as Ballistic.

I've never bothered to watch 'Ballistic', precisely because I never saw one good review of it. But surely a 2 year old movie having completely new cast members brought in to film additional scenes, that are somehow going to be spliced into what was already a finished & released product, has to rank up there as being pretty troubled.

However as mpm74 mentioned, having Nguyen, Daniels, Atkins, & Kosugi all in the one movie...even if presumably they won't all be onscreen together...at least makes me curious to check it out.

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I've never bothered to watch 'Ballistic', precisely because I never saw one good review of it. But surely a 2 year old movie having completely new cast members brought in to film additional scenes, that are somehow going to be spliced into what was already a finished & released product, has to rank up there as being pretty troubled.


Certainly not ideal, but time will tell!


Here's the trailer


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Certainly not ideal, but time will tell!

Here's the trailer


AS far as the production splice job, it's Jackie Chan's PROTECTOR all over again. ;)

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AS far as the production splice job, it's Jackie Chan's PROTECTOR all over again. ;)

Good call. And Jackie's 'splice job' with Sally Yeh is considered the better film. There's hope for Zero Tolerance yet! LOL

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Good call. And Jackie's 'splice job' with Sally Yeh is considered the better film. There's hope for Zero Tolerance yet! LOL

I keep on mentioning it. =D As you can see, i'm proud of my analogy.

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So any news on this lately? Or how I can obtain a copy and see it? Is this movie even in the markets yet? Haven't heard a single thing until I youtubed Kane Kosugi looking for the fight with him and the sexy lady from Revenge of the Ninja and this trailer popped up? Where is this movie is what I'm asking.

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