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Miami Connection (1987)


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'We will stop this senseless killing, we will end this evil war, we will stop this senseless killing and even up the score, AGAINST THE NINJA!!!'

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Last year, I paid $6.00 for the digital download and the soundtrack from the official website of the movie. I recently checked it as I had to redo my laptop and I am still able to download it all :)http://www.miamiconnection.org

"My father....I found my father....OH MY GODDD!!!"

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sifu iron perm
Haahha, guys I got the gif from a torrentz site/ not sure who the creator is but it's pretty hypnotic huh? I'm watching this movie again tonight because I'm a 'Tough Guy'!

dope!!! looks like one of those obscure Pinoy flicks..maybe a relative of weng weng!

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Let's make this really fun now....some animated gifs I found in relation to MIAMI CONNECTION




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I can't tell if this is a trolling thread.. Or if this is slightly serious.. I can't tell the "sarcasm" or serious delight

To honestly answer you- no kidding around... This film was originally created with every intention of being a serious action film with believable drama. But the cast and crew (who are all earnest, very nice people) failed miserably to make such a film. However, the whole thing turned out so ridiculous, that it became unintentionally hilarious. :bigsmile: I've watched a lot of poorly made movies in my life, and you usually get a few "it's so bad it's funny" laughs from the experience. But this film... man, I laughed almost as much at this as I do an outstanding comedy! That's the MIAMI CONNECTION experience in a nutshell.

So take that as a hearty recommendation, or a warning... however your tastes in entertainment may lean.

"My father....I found my father....OH MY GODDD!!!"

I laughed just reading this! I can totally hear his squeaky voice reading this line. :xd:

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I can't tell if this is a trolling thread.. Or if this is slightly serious.. I can't tell the "sarcasm" or serious delight

I'm completely the opposite of people liking this sorely on irony. Which to me I never understood, if you like or love a certain film, show your passion for it, don't do it out of irony or laugh at it at their expense. I don't believe in false or fraud admiration for a film. I for one am being honest that this is one of the greatest films that I have ever seen. This movie has everything I want in a film and that is:

1. Ninjas

2. rock band

3. kung fu

4. 80s

5. fun


7. cocaine

8. passion

9. bi racial cast

10. bikers

11. beach bunnies

12. training montage

13. funny

14. good practical F/X

15. ?????

I mean what more do you want? You didn't like the film dude?

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Here's how I look at it, some films you love dearly by heart while others will pick apart on the films you have deep admiration for. Why can't those same values apply to films like Miami Connection? Why does it have to fall under the "Oh it's so bad it's good" Film??? What does that mean that a film is so bad it's good? That doesn't really make any sense at all?? If a film is bad, it's bad. It's pretty simple and I will continue to defend Miami Connection, I will challenge all of you if you don't like it!!!

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I'm completely the opposite of people liking this sorely on irony. Which to me I never understood, if you like or love a certain film, show your passion for it, don't do it out of irony or laugh at it at their expense. I don't believe in false or fraud admiration for a film. I for one am being honest that this is one of the greatest films that I have ever seen.

I get what you're saying. When I've watched certain films in the cinema I found it annoying that others were laughing at them when I was taking them seriously. For instance, when I saw DRAGONS FOREVER, during the scene where Sammo is trying to show his would-be girlfriend that he is sincere, he allows her to strike him in the head with a wrench instead of blocking it. I find this to be a dramatic and moving scene. But a bunch of guys sitting behind me burst out laughing and one yelled "Idiot!" At the screening for ONE-ARMED SWORDSMAN a bunch of people laughed when he was deceived and his arm was cut off! It's a powerful moment in the film- for me. But not everyone feels that way apparently.

BTW- I enjoyed your list. :wink:

I mean what more do you want? You didn't like the film dude?

I did like the film. Just not for the reasons that you did. Having all those elements that you listed was definitely a factor in my enjoyment of MIAMI CONNECTION. I just enjoyed it differently.

Here's how I look at it, some films you love dearly by heart while others will pick apart on the films you have deep admiration for. Why can't those same values apply to films like Miami Connection? Why does it have to fall under the "Oh it's so bad it's good" Film??? What does that mean that a film is so bad it's good? That doesn't really make any sense at all?? If a film is bad, it's bad.

Well, I can only speak for myself, but here's why to me it's "bad"...

- Despite the cast sincerely trying, the acting is absolutely terrible.

- The editing is extremely amateurish.

- When the band plays it is painfully obvious that only one of them can actually play their instrument.

- The plot is ludicrous.

- Nearly every scene is far from believable.

- The camera-work is shoddy.

- It's poorly lit.

- The script and dialogue are pitiful.

- The sound editing and recording are bad.

- And on and on...

After being introduced to the cast, I definitely did not want to be disrespectful and laugh at the film. But I simply had no choice. This is how it affected me. Some people would just hate it and think it is garbage because of all of it's technical deficiencies. But for me it became extremely entertaining. Oh, and I did like the action. Though low budget, it still packs a wallop and looked good.

It's pretty simple and I will continue to defend Miami Connection, I will challenge all of you if you don't like it!!!

I accept your challenge. :bigsmile:

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Well, I saw an interview with Joseph Diamond (who plays Dragon Sound drummer Jack and served as co-director and screenwriter). He admitted that the cast had no acting experience whatsoever and that he learned to write a script from books prior to tackling the script for this film....I'd say that's a definite A for effort :)

The even more important thing....Y.K. Kim is taking all of this in stride now :) He doesn't mind that people see it as funny and "so bad it's good"...he is reveling in it :)

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I remember this movie when it came out on vhs back in the late 80s..I remember i was disappointed after LA streetfighters which was way better..back then I didnt think about the so bad its good effect but now after reading all the stuuf you guys wrote I had to buy it from the homepage...

but now...where can we find LA streetfighters ?

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Well, I saw an interview with Joseph Diamond (who plays Dragon Sound drummer Jack and served as co-director and screenwriter). He admitted that the cast had no acting experience whatsoever and that he learned to write a script from books prior to tackling the script for this film....I'd say that's a definite A for effort :)

Yeah, I watched all the extras too. They spoke about this stuff when I met them too. Like I said- they were all very nice guys. But I guess I'd make for a less lenient teacher than you Albert. I give this screenplay, even as a first effort, a C- at best. :crossedlips:

The even more important thing....Y.K. Kim is taking all of this in stride now :) He doesn't mind that people see it as funny and "so bad it's good"...he is reveling in it :)

Well what else can he do? Get mad and stomp his feet and yell about how "it's not a comedy"? He would come across as an asshole if he did. His only real option is to look on the bright side and say "Well at least people are enjoying it, and has risen from obscurity after all these years." Still... knowing the cast was in the audience, I did feel bad laughing at first. I didn't want them to feel insulted. But I literally couldn't help it.

A fellow festival goer took a photo of me with the cast, and promised to e-mail it to me. He never did. :sad: Wish I had that picture. :squigglemouth:

I remember this movie when it came out on vhs back in the late 80s..I remember i was disappointed after LA streetfighters which was way better..back then I didnt think about the so bad its good effect but now after reading all the stuuf you guys wrote I had to buy it from the homepage...

but now...where can we find LA streetfighters ?

I recommend looking on Amazon and eBay for it on VHS under it's alternate title NINJA TURF. For those that haven't seen it, it's a much more serious movie, and benefits from having Phillip Rhee, James "I've been kicked by everyone in the business" Lew, and Bill "Superfoot Wallace in the cast. It's ultra-low-budget, and the VHS is dark as hell (most likely the original location footage was under-lit), but I really liked it. Though, I haven't seen it in over 20 years now! :tongue:

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I recommend looking on Amazon and eBay for it on VHS under it's alternate title NINJA TURF. For those that haven't seen it, it's a much more serious movie, and benefits from having Phillip Rhee, James "I've been kicked by everyone in the business" Lew, and Bill "Superfoot Wallace in the cast. It's ultra-low-budget, and the VHS is dark as hell (most likely the original location footage was under-lit), but I really liked it. Though, I haven't seen it in over 20 years now! :tongue:

Actually I saw this on DVD a few years ago under the original title. Platinum Home Entertainment released it under L.A. Street Fighters. As KFB says, there are loads of names in this...

Loren Avedon is seen as a member of James Lew's gang, Peter Malota played a syndicate member and before he became known as Biff Tannen in Back to the Future, Tom Wilson appears as a Spikes gang member who gets his ass handed to him by Phillip Rhee. Scream queen Brinke Stevens plays the girlfriend of the syndicate boss.

And like Miami Connection, Kwon Young Moon was the film's martial arts choreographer.

Amazon has the DVD


Oh and speaking of MIAMI CONNECTION, playing Uncle Song is director Richard Park himself :D

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Great,thx for the heads up...

I watched the tape over and over again with my brother back then...

we even bought those wooden katana swords (I still have mine lol) ...

but like Bob I havent seen it in 20 plus years...

ps.just bought the dvd on ebay for 5 british pounds including shipping...

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I had this one on VHS...Jeff Rector should have gotten an award lol

"Where's my bitch?!"

"Can Julie come out and play?"


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Hey guys- can any of you tell me if the DVD release of L.A. STREET FIGHTER / NINJA TURF is any good? Is it letterboxed? Is the print really dark like the VHS?

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That reminds me of another Jun Chong film...


NICE one ! I also watched that like 20 years ago..fits totally to LA streetfighter and miami connection...just found it on youtube..

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Actually STREET SOLDIERS was Jun Chong's final film until he appeared in the 2006 film MAXIMUM CAGE FIGHTING.

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I was flipping around channels late last night around 3 AM EST when I discovered MIAMI CONNECTION (1987) on Turner Classic Movies (TCM). I know TCM plays the occasional "odd" movie from time to time, usually on a late Saturday night/early Sunday morning,(I recall back in 2012 TCM played GOODBYE BRUCE LEE: HIS LAST GAME OF DEATH.) but this one was certainly a welcome surprise. I only caught the last hour of Miami Conection but it wasn't a bad way to waste an hour.

Afterwards, they played Chuck Norris' FORCED VENGEANCE, which after about 15 minutes I trailed off to sleep...

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I watched this again the other day myself and I still laugh at how Y.K. Kim looks when he plays the guitar. The only two real musicians in the band were Angelo Janotti and Kathy Collier. They actually co-wrote Dragon Sound's two big songs of the film, "Against the Ninja" and "Friends" and it was recorded in Lake Mary, which is not far from where I work.

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Secret Executioner

The Cinema Snob reviewed this one recently:


Film itself looks pretty bad, though there are a few scenes that seem rather funny.

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I know it's years later but I found this 2016 documentary for VICE where Zack Carlson, who bought the original 35mm print of Miami Connection in 2009 for only $40.00, flew to Orlando and spent the weekend with Y.K. Kim and talked about the film. Angelo Jannotti and Maurice Smith also are in this as they reminisce about their experiences on the film.


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On 7/3/2014 at 3:10 PM, KUNG FU BOB said:

Hey guys- can any of you tell me if the DVD release of L.A. STREET FIGHTER / NINJA TURF is any good? Is it letterboxed? Is the print really dark like the VHS?

Still curious about this guys... 7 years later. :tongue: Can any of you guys that own the L.A. STREET FIGHTER DVD give me an idea of the quality? @AlbertV @QueMuchita???


On 7/3/2014 at 4:44 PM, Karlos said:

I really dug Jun Chong's final film, the Sam Jones/Linda Blair flick, SILENT ASSASSINS:



Geez, I've owned this on VHS since it came out, but I never watched it. Good, huh? Thanks for posting this @Karlos as it's letterboxed and uncut, which I'm sure the VHS isn't. I'll have to give it a look.


On 7/3/2014 at 8:14 PM, AlbertV said:

Actually STREET SOLDIERS was Jun Chong's final film until he appeared in the 2006 film MAXIMUM CAGE FIGHTING.

That's another two I haven't seen.


18 hours ago, AlbertV said:

I know it's years later but I found this 2016 documentary for VICE where Zack Carlson, who bought the original 35mm print of Miami Connection in 2009 for only $40.00, flew to Orlando and spent the weekend with Y.K. Kim and talked about the film. Angelo Jannotti and Maurice Smith also are in this as they reminisce about their experiences on the film.


Thanks for posting. I'll have to make this my "lunchtime viewing".

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